Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Pope Francis' Message on Christian Unity to Pentecostal Conference

lion killed by hippo a bloody war

Lions Attack Car Full Of People


THINGS YOU MISS FOR NOT HAVING SEX....Lots of people might advised you that you simply miss quite a bit for not having “s*x”, the answer is capital “yes” you miss a lot and would continue missing them:
1.You miss contracting HIV/AIDS
2.You miss unwanted pregnancy.
3.You miss being unwanted husband/wife.
4.You miss having sexually transmitted disease.
5.You miss having unwanted child.
6.You miss being a school dropout.
7.You miss having a broken home.
8.You miss making God and your
parents sad.
9.You miss barrenness due to abortions.
10.You miss having a destroyed career prospects
and lastly,
11.You miss going to hell.
Have you seen that you really miss a lot by not having s*x? My fellow brethren, your life worth more than five minutes enjoyment that can destroy your life forever. Preserve your body not just for your future husband or wife but for mighty God. So we shall continue to miss every negativity in our lives in Jesus mighty name.


  1. kk
    1.       Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array? written in what chapter of the bible?  (Song 6:10)
    2.       “The Virgin’s name was Mary.” was written in what chapter of the bible? (Lk I:27)
    3.       “The Legion of Mary! What a perfectly chosen name!” was said by who?(Pope Pius XI)
    4.       Define Legion of Mary according to the Legion Handbook.
    5.       Complete the following sentence.... “The whole life of men, both individual and social, shows itself to be a struggle, and a dramatic one, between ...... and......., between ....... and .........”
    6.       The legionaries hope to render themselves worthy of their great heavenly Queen by their .........,  ........... ,and ..........
    7.       The Legion of Mary is organised on the model of ...........
    8.       The terminology of which Legionary is adopted, what is the terminology??
    9.       This army, now so considerable, had .............. of beginnings???
    10.     There was no premeditation in regard to rules and practices of the first Legion meeting.  TRUE or FALSE?
    11.    ........ crystallised everything for which the Legion of Mary stands?
    12.    Describe the first simple alter of the Legion
    13.    Legionaries adopted Blessed Virgin Mary,She did not adopt them. TRUE or FALSE?
    14.    The first corporate act of those legionaries was ............
    15.    . When the final ejaculations died away, they set themselves to the consideration of ........
    16.    From that discussion came forth the .........
    17.    Who among them could think that they were inaugurating a system which was to be a new world-force, Which system are they taking about?
    18.    That first enrolment of legionaries of Mary took place at where,time,on which date and on which feast day?
    19.    What was the title of the Legion parent branch?
    20.    The organisation was for a time known as........
    21.    What has been the first and constant aim of this organisation?
    22.    And it is in her alone that man can be properly and in a life-like way formed into God, so far as human nature is capable of this by the grace of Jesus Christ.” Who made this statement
    23.    “The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the Catholic Church”  Who made the statement
    24.    What is the object of the Legion of Mary?
    25.    The Legion of Mary is at the disposal of who?
    26.    Legionaries will never engage in any of these services whatsoever in a parish without the sanction of Who?
    27.    By the Ordinary in the Legion handbook  is meant the.........

                                LEGION  OF  MARY  QUIZ
    1. The Legionaries hope to render themselves worthy of their great heavenly Queen by their ........, ...... ,   and .......                     
    ans,(their loyalty, their virtues and their courage.)
    2. How was the first alter set?
    ans-Table bore simple alter of which centre was a statue of immaculate conception of miraculous medal,on white cloth,flanked by two vases with flowers, and two candle sticks with lighted candles

    3. According to chapter 1 of legion handbook, Legion of Mary is
    ans- an army

    4.The first corporate act of those Legionaries was ---------ans-To go on their knees,the ernest head bend low,invocation of the Holy Spirit,

    5.They set themselves to the consideration of --------- ans-how they could please God and make loved in his world.

    6.That first enrolment of Legionaries of Mary took place at-----by what time??? on what day???
    ans-Myra house,francis street, dublin, ireland, at 8p.m on 7th Sept.1921(feast of Our Lady's nativity)

    7.The organisation was for a time known as------- ans THE ASSOCIATION OF OUR LADY OF MERCY
    8. The first and constant aim of the Legionary------ ans To reproduce in itself the likeness of Mary, thus best to magnify the Lord and bring him to men.
    9.Mary is the Mother of all the members of the saviour, because............. ans By her charity she has co-operated in birth of the faithful in the church(by St. Augustine)

    10.What do you mean when you say that Mary is the living mould of God??? ans It is in her alone that the God Man was naturally formed without losing a feature.

    11.The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the Catholic Church by (Pope John XXIII)

                      CHAPTER TWO
    1.State the object of the legion.  
    ans-The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation, under ecclesiastical guidance, in Mary's and the church's work of crushing the head of the serpent and advancing the reign of Christ.

    2.Legion of Mary is at the disposal of the......... ans the bishop of the diocese and the parish priest

    3.Legionaries will never engage in any of these services whatsoever in a parish without the sanction of the ......... ans parish priest or of the Ordinary.

    4.Ordinary in hand book, means..... ans local ordinary(the bishop of the diocese or other competent ecclesiastical authority.)

    5. The immediate end of organisations of this class is the..... ans  apostolic end of the church
    6.The evangelization and sanctification of men and the Christian formation of their conscience is     to...... ans enable them to imbue with the Gospel spirit the various social groups and environments.
    7.The laity acts under....... ans the superior direction of the hierarchy(which can authorise the cooperation, besides, with an explicit mandate.

                                        CHAPTER   THREE
    1.THE SPIRT of the Legion of Mary is that ....... ans of MARY HERSELF
    2.MENTION all the virtues of MARY as stated in the handbook.
     ans i)her profound humility, ii)her perfect obedience,
     iii)her angelical sweetness, iv)her continual prayer,
     v)her universal mortification, vi)her altogether spotless purity,
    vii)her heroic patience, viii)her heavenly wisdom,
     ix)her self- sacrificing courageous love of God, x)above all her faith
    (acrnomy-HOSPMPPWLF but u can still use yours)

    3.Her legion essays any and every work being inspired by the two virtues.......... and ........
    ans-love and faith of Mary.

    4.complete the sentence " Inspired by this love and faith of Mary, her legion essays any and every work and ............ ans complains not of impossibility
    5. " Inspired by this love and faith of Mary, her legion essays any and every work and complains not of impossibility,  WHY?  ans BECAUSE IT CONCEIVES THAT IT MAY  AND CAN DO ALL THINGS.(imitation of Christ, book 3:5)

    6.WHO is the Perfect model of this apostolic spiritual life ans..Blessed Virgin Mary,Queen of Apostles
    7.While on earth,Mary's life was like that of any other, filled with..........&..........
    ans labours and cares of the home.

                 CHAPTER FOUR
    1.The Roman LEGION, from which the legion takes its name has come down through the centuries illustrious  for ....., ......., ......, ......,&....... ans loyalty,courage, discipline, endurance, and success.

    2.ST.Clement who was converted by ..........,was a fellow-worker of ........ ans St.Peter , St.Paul respectively.

    3.Who proposes the Roman army as a model to be imitated by the church???    ans ST.CLEMENT

    4.According to the Legion hand book, WHO ARE THE ENEMY???
      ans They are the wicked who resist the will of God
    5. Let us throw ourselves determinedly into the warfare of Christ and submit ourselves to his.........
    ans glorious commands
    6.complete the statement."let us scrutinise those who serve in the Roman Legion under the military authorities and note their......, ......, ....., in executing orders. ans discipline,readiness and obedience .
    7.A certain organic unity binds all parts, so that each helps and is helped by all.
        All parts work together in an interdependence and yield a common obedience for the benefit of
        the whole body.

    8.The analogy of our body like the head is nothing without the feet...... in the handbook was given by WHO??? ans    ST.CLEMENT,-POPE AND MARTY.Epistle to the Corinthians(96 AD) chapters 36 and 37
    NB-from  number 4 to 8 were said by St.Clement.and were under-"must put on the whole armour of GOD.

    9.mention all the legionary service.
       i)must put on the whole armour of God(Eph 6:11)
       ii)must be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,not conformed to this world.(Rom 12:1-2)
       iii)must not turn from toil and hardship(2 cor 11:27)
       iv)must live in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us(Eph 5:2)
        v) must finish the race(2 Tim 4:7)
    NB:u mustn't force all the chapters and verses to ur head, but try know where they come from if u
    10."TO RECEIVE SO MUCH AND TO REPAY SO LITTLE: O! THAT IS A MARTYRDOM TO WHICH I SECCUMB." This is a sentiment that is echoed by a noble generosity. Whose sentiment is this.

    11.What more was there to do for my vineyard that I have not done in it??? ans book of Isaiah 5:4

    12. Generally, legionary devotedness will have ................, ANS- a humbler stage
    13. Generally, legionary devotedness will have a humbler stage, but still one giving ample opportunity for practise of a quiet  but
          ...... ANS- True heroism
    14.These(toil and hardship) may all be won over, but without ....... ANS- the exercise of a patient and brave spirit.
    15.The secret of all success with others lies in........ ANS- the establishment of personal contact, the contact of love and sympathy.
    16.The love in the fourth legionary services, must be more than.......... ANS- Appearance
    17.This love must be able to stand up to the tests that real friendships can bear, and this will frequently involve........
         ANS- little mortification.
    18.At the bottom of all really fruitful work must be ........ ANS- the readiness to give oneself entirely
    19.Without readiness to give oneself entirely , one's service has ........ ANS- no substance
    20.The call of the Legion is for a service without .......or........ ANS- limit or reservation.
    21.This is not counsel of perfection, but of necessity as well, for if excellence is not aimed at, .........will not be achieved?
         ANS- persevering membership
    22. If excellence is not aimed at, .........
         ANS- persevering membership will not be achieved.
    23.Must the note of performance be attached to individual membership alone???? ANS- NO!!!
    24.Apprehensive of this spirit of change, the Legion appeals unceasingly for  ....... ANS- sterner temper
    25.Legion sends its members to their tasks with the unchanging watchword.what is the unchanging watchword?
          ANS- HOLD FIRM
    26.Each and every item of the legion's round of duty must be stamped with this selfsame seal of........
         ANS- persevering effort
    27.Real achievement  is dependent upon.......... ANS-sustained effort
    28.Sustained effort in turn is the outcome of........ ANS- unconquerable will to win
    29.There was a vexillum on the first alter set at Myra house for legion prayer.TRUE OR FALSE???
    30.Legion enjoins  on its branches and its members a universal attitude of refusal to accept defeat, or to court it by a tendency to grade items of work in terms of the "promising" the "unpromising", "the hopeless," etc.
     Chapter 29
    1,The whole idea of organization is …….. ANS –The unification of the many
    2,From the member up through the ascending grades of authority in the Legion ……must exist? ANS- principle of connection
    3,According to the handbook, in a voluntary organization, the cement of connection is…..ANS- Loyalty
    4,……will inspire legionary and praesidium  and council with a dread of independent aaction. ANS-True Loyalty

                                LEGION  OF  MARY  QUIZ
    1. The Legionaries hope to render themselves worthy of their great heavenly Queen by their                ,               and                       
    ans,(their loyalty, their virtues and their courage.)
    2. How was the first alter set?
    ans-Table bore simple alter of which centre was a statue of immaculate conception of miraculous medal,on white cloth,flanked by two vases with flowers, and two candle sticks with lighted candles

    3. According to chapter 1 of legion handbook, Legion of Mary is
    ans- an army

    4.The first corporate act of those Legionaries was ---------ans-To go on their knees,the ernest head bend low,invocation of the Holy Spirit,

    5.They set themselves to the consideration of --------- ans-how they could please God and make loved in his world.

    6.That first enrolment of Legionaries of Mary took place at-----by what time??? on what day???
    ans-Myra house,francis street, dublin, ireland, at 8p.m on 7th Sept.1921(feast of Our Lady's nativity)

    7.The organisation was for a time known as------- ans THE ASSOCIATION OF OUR LADY OF MERCY
    8. The first and constant aim of the Legionary------ ans To reproduce in itself the likeness of Mary, thus best to magnify the Lord and bring him to men.
    9.Mary is the Mother of all the members of the saviour, because............. ans By her charity she has co-operated in birth of the faithful in the church(by St. Augustine)

    10.What do you mean when you say that Mary is the living mould of God??? ans It is in her alone that the God Man was naturally formed without losing a feature.

    11.The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the Catholic Church by (Pope John XXIII)

                      CHAPTER TWO
    1.State the object of the legion.  

Wednesday, 16 December 2015


I entered the bus that early morning for my lecture, as we headed to our destination, one guy started proclamation of the word of God, he preached and preached till we landed for our area .Immediately the d guy stepped out of the bus, the driver mentioned that the preacher should not mind paying for the transport fare, Omor i come de jealous oooooooo.
The next day, another guy was granted free T fare because he preached inside the bus. Then it happened on d day i no get any transport fare, I come humbled myself to preach in the bus,I carried my jotter where i summarized what i go preach oooo, i did what others has been doing but LUCK never run out of me but it disappeared totally,Immediately the bus stopped,
DRIVER:"pay ur money"
I: sir na me preached today".........thats what I can remember from that day to today
just recovering from my sick bed two days after the incident,


A guy went to Alaba international market to buy something, and they were all trying to drag him into their respective shops, asking him to buy from them.
CUSTOMER: “I’d like to buy from someone that has integrity”
APPRENTICE: “My oga get integrity”.
He took him to his boss,and the guy said to his boss, he wants to buy from a shop that has integrity.

OGA: “I get integrity, which colour do you want because i have different colors”
Turning to his apprentice, he said “what’s integrity,”
APPRENTICE:  “I don’t know oo”
OGA: (Turning to the customer) “I’m sorry we have sold the last one, maybe you should buy something else from us and use with the integrity”
The customer left angrily

Sunday, 6 December 2015

BIAFRA: Uwazuruike renames MASSOB

By Chidi Nkwopara, OWERRI.
The leader of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, has in a surprise move, announced a new name, Biafra Independent Movement, BIM, for the group.
Chief Uwazuruike, made the announcement Sunday while addressing the press in Owerri, also said that he was irked by the bad corporate image some dissidents of MASSOB, was attracting to the group.
“The change in name became absolutely necessary because of the sad introduction of violence by the disgruntled dissidents and this is at variance with the non-violence stance of MASSOB over the years”, Uwazuruike said.
He said that real loyalists of MASSOB feel ashamed to be associated with violence, promising that they will restructure MASSOB to make it the youth wing of the Biafra Independent Movement.
While saying that there is vicarious liability in civil law, Chief Uwazuruike equally recalled how he recruited Nnamdi Kanu in 1989, to head Radio Biafra.
“I recruited Nnamdi Kanu in 1989, when I established Radio Biafra and appointed him the director of the establishment. He started preaching hatred and brainwashing the youths. MASSOB sacked him”, Uwazuruike recalled.

Friday, 27 November 2015


At his first meeting on the second day of his visit to Africa, Francis met with leaders of other Christian denominations and other faiths, driving home the fact that the name of God “must never be used to justify hatred and violence”. Interreligious dialogue “is not a luxury” it is “essential”, he explained

Andrea Tornielli In Nairobi “The God whom we seek to serve is a God of peace. His holy Name must never be used to justify hatred and violence.” Pope Francis said this this morning at his meeting with leaders of Christian Churches and of other religions in the Apostolic Nunciature in Nairobi: Evangelical Christians, Methodists, Pentecostals and members of the African Inland Church sat beside leaders of the traditional religion of Animism and the Muslim faith. It was a chance for the Pope to stress his condemnation of God’s name being used as a pretext for terrorist acts.

“I know that the barbarous attacks on Westgate Mall, Garissa University College and Mandera,” Francis said recalling the three horrific attacks that bloodied the country over the past three years,  “are fresh in your minds. All too often, young people are being radicalized in the name of religion to sow discord and fear, and to tear at the very fabric of our societies. How important it is that we be seen as prophets of peace, peacemakers who invite others to live in peace, harmony and mutual respect! May the Almighty touch the hearts of those who engage in this violence, and grant his peace to our families and communities.”

“It is my hope,” the Pope explained, “that our time together may be a sign of the Church’s esteem for the followers of all religions; may it strengthen the bonds of friendship which we already enjoy. “

“To be honest,” he added, “this relationship is challenging; it makes demands of us. Yet ecumenical and interreligious dialogue is not a luxury. It is not something extra or optional, but essential, something which our world, wounded by conflict and division, increasingly needs. Indeed, religious beliefs and practice condition who we are and how we understand the world around us. They are for us a source of enlightenment, wisdom and solidarity, and thus enrich the societies in which we live. By caring for the spiritual growth of our communities, by forming minds and hearts in the truths and values taught by our religious traditions, we become a blessing to the communities in which our people live. In democratic and pluralistic societies like Kenya, cooperation between religious leaders and communities becomes an important service to the common good.”

In this light, he concluded, “we see ever more clearly the need for interreligious understanding, friendship and collaboration in defending the God-given dignity of individuals and peoples, and their right to live in freedom and happiness. By upholding respect for that dignity and those rights, the religions play an essential role in forming consciences, instilling in the young the profound spiritual values of our respective traditions, and training good citizens, capable of infusing civil society with honesty, integrity and a world view which values the human person over power and material gain.”

Monday, 23 November 2015

1-year-old boy bites poisonous snake to death

A mother was shocked to find her 1-year-old son playing in the backyard of their home with a poisonous snake in his mouth in Brazil.

Jaine Ferreira from Mostardas, has said that her 17-month-old son Lorenzo, was playing in the backyard when she stopped hearing his giggles and decided to go check on him.
She stepped outside and was horrified to find a snake wiggling in her son’s mouth so she quickly carried him to the hospital thinking he must have suffered a snake bite.
Doctors who examined the child, could not find any injury or poisoning symptoms and concluded that the boy was in good health.
Doctors determined that baby Lorenzo bit the poisonous snake and refused to let go till it died.
The child had blood in his mouth and hands, and acted as if the snake was a toy so Doctors had to force open the child’s mouth and hands inodded to remove the snake.
The snake has been identified to be an Amazonian viper.

Nigeria RANKS 3rd World Most Terrorised Country

Nigeria has been ranked third of the 162 countries of the world that have been worst hit by terrorist attacks, according to the 2015 Global Terrorism Index.
The country, Africa’s largest oil producer, was ranked fourth in 2014.
Going by the latest ranking, Nigeria is only better than two Middle Eastern countries – Iraq and Afghanistan – who were ranked first and second respectively.
Another two Middle East countries, Pakistan and Syria are ranked fourth and fifth respectively, after Nigeria.

The only African countries closer in ranking to Nigeria are Somalia and Libya which are in the eighth and ninth positions respectively.
France, which recently experienced deadly terrorist attacks that killed about 160 people in Paris, is ranked 36th, same as the United States of America.

“Terrorist attacks are much more lethal in Nigeria than any other country,” the GTI report said.
The report, released on November 16, 2015 by the Institute for Economics and Peace, said the Islamist terror group in Nigeria, Boko Haram, overtook ISIL in 2014 to become the most deadly terrorist group in the world.
The Institute for Economics and Peace is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit think tank with offices in Sydney, New York and Mexico City.
The 2015 GTI report said Boko Haram, in 2014, was also able to spread outside Nigeria to launch two deadly attacks in neighbouring Cameroon, killing 530 people.
Cameroon, the report said, didn’t record any death from terrorism between 2000 and 2013 until Boko Haram struck in 2014

Man threatens to stab woman because she refused to smell his armpit

A man in Texas has been apprehended for pulling a knife on a woman who refused to sniff his armpit.
The man identified as Robinson Pinilla-Bolivar from midland approached the unidentified woman as she was washing dishes asking her to smell his armpit.
Man threatens to stab woman because she refused to smell his armpitMan threatens to stab woman because she refused to smell his armpit
The woman refused so he hit her at the back of her head and then grabbed a knife to point it at her.
The woman fled the compound and alerted the police.
Pinilla-Bolivar told police he did not threaten her, but he had a knife he took from her dishes which he threw it into the sink.
He has since been charged with assault.

Police Arrest 9 Suspects With N11.1m Fake Dettol Soap In Kano

The police in Kano have arrested nine persons for allegedly selling fake and substandard dettol soap and liquid disinfectants.
The Public Relations Officer of the state’s Police Command, Mr Magaji Majiya, told newsmen in Kano on Monday.
He said the suspects were apprehended at the Sabon Gari Market in Kano following a letter of complaint from some concerned citizen in the state.
“After receiving the letter, the ambush squad swung into action and raided the market where six retailers and three dealers were arrested”, he said.
He said that items recovered from the suspects included 1,301 cartons of the product, four cartons of soap valued at N11.1 million.
Majiya said as soon as investigation was completed, the suspects would be charged to court for prosecution.
He appealed to the public to continue to cooperate with security agencies in order to rid the state of criminals.(NAN).

16 strange laws from around the world

You’d be surprised to know what has been and what is currently against the law in some countries around the globe. Have a look at these rather odd laws:
In Connecticut, it’s illegal to let someone copy your homework. The statutes explicitly prohibit selling essays, dissertations, etc. at any education facility supervised by the state. So, I guess it’s okay at private schools then?
In Florida, bar owners (or anyone who owns a commercial establishment where alcohol is sold, for that matter) could be fined $1 000 (over R11 000) if they permit or participate in dwarf-tossing contests. (We don't think that it's crazy that dwarf-tossing is illegal. It's crazy that it was prevalent enough so that a law had to be made against it. Seriously people. Dwarf tossing? No.)
In Minnesota, any game in which participants attempt to capture a greased-up or oiled-up pig is illegal. We’re not sure why this is a thing.
I’m not going to Mississippi any time soon. Apparently, swearing in front of two or more people in public could get you sent to the chookie for up to a month - or you could pay a fine.
No one is permitted to step on any form of the national currency as all bills and coins display a picture of the king’s face.
Here, it’s illegal to walk around your own home naked, as it’s considered pornographic (yes, porn is also illegal). If you break this law, you could be fined or 3 months in prison. Oh, and if “a person who is clad in such a manner as to offend against public decency or order” is around, they will also be thrown in jail.
The sale of gum is also prohibited in Singapore. While it’s not illegal to chew gum, disposing of it improperly will get you a massive fine.
You can’t use a water gun when celebrating the New Year, as some participants used to fill it with sewage. The funniest part? If you’re found with a water gun, it will be confiscated, but that’s it. No jail time. No fine.
United Kingdom
In England, it’s legal for a male to urinate in public, as long as it’s on the rear wheel of his vehicle and his right hand is placed somewhere on his vehicle.
By law, all cab drivers still need to check with their passengers if they have smallpox or the plague.
A boy under the age of 10 is legally not supposed to ever see a naked mannequin. Oh the horror!
Throughout the whole of England it is illegal to eat mince pies on Christmas Day. At Christmas of all days?!
In Petrolia, Ontario, "yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing is prohibited at all times." Shame.
All business signs in Quebec must be written in French, according to the law. If you want it in English, that’s cool, as long as the English sign is twice as small as the French one.
In Halifax, taxi drivers “absolutely cannot wear a t-shirt” according to this law.
This is my favourite one so far. In the Philippines, an ‘annoying’ person can actually be fined for being annoying. The second paragraph of Article 287 states that “any other coercions or unjust vexations shall be punished by arresto menor (imprisonment for from one day to thirty days) or a fine ranging from 5 pesos to 200 pesos, or both.”

Man goes to cheat abroad, wife sells house before he comes back

A man who travelled to the United States to cheat on his wife was shocked to return home to find strangers living in what used to be their house.
The 44-year-old man, Craig Arnolds from the United Kingdom told his wife he was travelling to the United States for a business trip and accidentally left his iPhone at home.
Moments after he left, his mistress abroad sent a text message describing the “warm welcome” she would give him soon as he arrives the US.
His 42-year-old wife, Laura read the message and decided in that very moment to sell their house.
Laura who is from Warwickshire, told reporters that she was able to sell the house as it was in her parents’ name because they were paying the mortgage since she and her husband encountered financial difficulties.
She successfully sold the house to students from the University of Warwick within 2 weeks and then packed only her belongings out of the house.
Craig returned home to find all the lights on and the television blaring. He knocked and a young man opened the door. He was greeted with the shocking news.
He did not find any of his wife’s belongings. He found only chairs and tables that he had inherited from his late father along with his golf clubs and a vintage radio that his wife, Laura always hated.
A repentant Craig told reporters: “I made a mistake and paid for it dearly.”
He is still struggling to stay on good terms with his estranged wife for the sake of their children.

Sunday, 22 November 2015


Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Mother Teresa of Calcutta

According to news agency AGI, she may be canonised next year, the most likely date being 4 September. But the miracle attributed to her – confirmed by doctors from the medical council of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints – still needs to be approved by the dicastery’s cardinals and bishops

andrea tornielli vatican city Mother Teresa will be proclaimed a saint next September: this is according to Italian news agency AGI, which also mentioned 5 September – the feast day of the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta – as a possible date for the celebration. The date, which will fall on a Monday, marks the 106th anniversary of the birth of Mother Teresa, born Anjëzë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. The nun was born in Skopje, Albania and became a symbol of love for the poor, living among them in the streets of Calcutta. It is far more likely, however, that the canonisation will take place a day earlier, on Sunday 4 December that is.

But some further steps are needed before the canonisation can become official. Vatican insider has learnt that the miracle attributed to Mother Teresa’s intercession, will be examined by cardinals and bishops from the Congregation of the Causes of Saints next month.  Although cardinals do not carry out an examination as such – this is done by the dicastery’s medical council and the outcome in this case was positive –, they could ask for further evidence, which could prolong the whole process. Once the Congregation’s bishops and cardinals have deliberated, the Prefect presents the decision to the Pope, who approves the miracle and announces the date of the canonisation ceremony at the Consistory of cardinals.

The miracle which could lead to Mother Teresa being raised to the altars, is the scientifically inexplicable healing of a Brazilian man who was in the final stages of a malignant brain tumour. The Catholic man from the diocese of Santos, experienced a full recovery after praying intensely to Mother Teresa: the cancer, which had spread extensively in the brain, suddenly and unexpectedly disappeared from the patient’s TACs.

During his trip to Tirana in September 2014, Francis described his encounter with Mother Teresa of Calcutta at the 1994 Synod. The Blessed woman was never fazed by anything, not even the Synod assembly and “always said what she wanted to say”, Francis confided to the priest who had acted as his interpreter during his visit to Albania. This comment was later revealed at the press conference in Tirana, by the director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Lombardi.

Remembering the circumstances of his meeting with the Blessed woman known for her work among the poorest of the poor, Francis said: “She sat right behind me during the sessions. I admired her strength, the determinedness with which she spoke, never letting herself be fazed by the assembly of bishops. She said what she wanted to say…” Francis said before adding with a smile on his face: “If she had been my superior I would have been scared!”