Sunday 26 July 2020


If you have sex with a man, his DNA lives in you forever.
A research by university of Seattle USA has proven that.
There is now a greater understanding of why God asks us not to have sex before we get married.
This research proves that any man, that a woman has sex with leaves a part of his DNA in the woman.
The man who has had more sex with her, leaves more of his DNA in the woman. So when a woman ovulates, the eggs that she produces contain more of other DNAs.
So we need to educate the girlchild to remain a virgin till marriage.
Anytime you have sex with another man you become one with that man (spiritually too) and carry the man's DNA.
At some point when you have too many of the male DNA in you; you change, because your cells are changing.
That also proves why when married couples live together for a long time they end up looking alike. The woman's DNA changes when she has sex with men. This is very serious.
The world should know this and stop silly sex promotions.
It is bad than good.
Unfortunately women are the victims.
This was found out in many other research articles mostly released this year. So it is new and we all have to know.
The fact is, women retain DNA from every man they have slept with.
Cells transferred from a man to a woman during intercourse become integrated into the woman's body after sex, every single time they have sex.
This study found the presence of genetically distinct male cells in the brain of women. This also means these other male cells will be found in a foetus when the woman gets pregnant.
(This is called microchimerism.)
Every male you absorb sperm from becomes a living part of your life. Sperm is a living substance. Living cells. It enters your bloodstream and collects in your brain and spine.
Stop experimenting with sex.
When the sperm enters a woman it swims until it hits a wall and then seeps into your flesh.
If it's in your mouth, (abomination) it can get into your nasal areas, behind your eyes and even your inner ear. It then enters your bloodstream and collects in your brain and spine. You can never get rid of it.
It becomes a part of you forever. These are the true consequences of sexual intercourse.
Original research is from University of Seattle and Fred Hutchinson cancer research center.
They accidentally found this when they were researching to find out why pregnant women carrying boys get men neurological diseases.
This is real and not a joke.!!!
Stop having sex if you are not married.
And stop having sex with other than your husband, for the married.
The consequences of doing this is devastating.(Ba
No wonder the world is the way it is!
Say no to sex when not married.
Say no to EXTRA-MARITAL affairs also.


Erection is a state of arousal of sexual desire in a man in preparation for sexual exploit.
Having an erection is natural but obeying the dictates of your erection is a choice.
For every erection, there's a responsibility. Wise men have control over their erection but foolish men obey their erections.
Any erection not properly controlled is capable of leading one to an early grave.
Unsolicited erection is no respecter of persons.
Anointing, Mantles, Righteousness, Godliness, Strength, Age, etc has no power over erection, only self-control and self discipline can curb an erection.
Many became useless fathers because they didn't control their erections.
Some are in prison because they followed the dictates of their stupid erection.
Others have lost great opportunities in life because their erection pushed them.
Most men are bed-ridden at the altar of uncontrollable erection.
The stupidity of erection is that most times it isn't selective.
Unchecked erection has led great kings to be at the bed of their slaves and house maids.
Stupid erection has led most men to having sex with their blood sisters, their own mothers, house maids, in laws, strangers, etc.
Erection has not left the clergy out of the drama as many have been found messing up with those they ought to be Shepherd over. What a stupid erection!
A strong man is not measured by the level of his physical muscle or by the number of nations he has conquered but by his ability to control his erection.
No man in history could be said to be more powerful than Samson yet his erection made him the weakest in history, his erection made him fall at the lap of a woman.
David killed Goliath and conquered many great nations but he couldn't conquer his erection, he became weak at the sight of Bathsheba, the wife of his servant.
Reuben ruined his future and generation after him because of his uncontrollable erection.
Don't let your erection destroy your destiny!
Your erection is a sign you are a real man but following it to everywhere it leads you is a sign of weakness.
Any man who cannot control his erection can't control his life.
The only time your erection cannot mislead you is when you use it within the confines of your marriage.
Stop following your erection, you are not a goat, but human.
Unto Him who is able to keep you from falling I commit each and everyone
of you to Him, we shall all finish well and finish strong.

.Men Have Pains Too

A woman said to me, 'It took me years to really know that men cry too. I took my husband for a super human. I see him leave the house everyday and come back providing for us. One day as I have left the house and he was at home, I remembered that I needed to take something along, I turned back and headed home. As I got home, I tried going through the back door which was closer to the window of our room. I heard my husband crying like a baby asking God to help me get a job so I can help him fend for the family. He has never complained to me before but that day, I broke down in tears realizing that my husband has held much of his pains alone"
A young married lady went to her mother and complained that her husband has not always bought things she wanted from him. The mother asked her, 'How many of those things have you bought for yourself?". She stayed quiet and said, 'But he is my husband?". The mother replied her, 'Have you ever found out the things your husband wants you to buy for him?".
Men always try to hide their pains.
A woman was invited to preach at women conference and as she was preaching, she asked all the working class women to stand out. They humbly did. And she asked them, 'When you get your salary, how much do you give to your husband as a seed?". Before your money gets to anywhere else, the priest in your life which is your husband should get something from you. Even if he is a rich man, sow seed in his life. Sometimes, we women don't know that our husbands need something from us".
Men can be financially broke and pretend to have everything.
Most men are married but they have lonely life. Sometimes, ask your husband out. Men are not always busy as women think.
You have to understand that your husband has pains and needs too. Don't judge him by things you want from him.
Men also have emotional needs and problems. Men still cry for love.