Showing posts with label Caution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caution. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Pregnant ice chewing

She is pregnant but she is addicted to chewing ice is that healthy for the baby?

Chewing ice is bad for your teeth, but it won't affect the baby. On the other hand, being addicted to chewing ice is occasionally a sign of anemia. Make sure you are eating plenty of foods rich in iron like spinach, beans, and red meat.

Friday 15 November 2019

Against my new job

Everyone is against me leaving my job but am now making more than I was paid a month in less than a week ...should I tell them?

Assuming your new job isn't physically dangerous, you probably deserve congratulations on your new job rather than criticism! You can simply tell your friends and family that your new job pays much better than your old one without going into details.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Natural made mortician

A mortician but people are saying you will be made if you work for a long time, is that true⚰?

Well, it's certainly true that while many things come and go, people always die, in both good times and bad. So unless things get so bad that bodies are being abandoned rather than being buried, you'll always have a steady job, and you'll earn more with experience. While morticians may not become incredibly wealthy, with a steady job and income, as long as you spend your money wisely, you should certainly be able to save up enough money to live a comfortable life.

Why my teacher searched my bag

Do school authorities have the right to search learners school bags?

Yes, in many countries, school authorities have the right to search any student. In other countries, only if there is "reasonable suspicion." As you can imagine, "reasonable suspicion" is vague, and it's rare that a student takes the school to court over a search. So unfortunately, you're probably stuck with school authorities checking your school bags - hopefully you have nothing to hide.

Friday 8 November 2019

Electrocuted alife

I keep on getting electrocuted, switching off the light zaps me, and I will be wearing shoes, but it doesn't happen to anyone else in the house⚡!

Certain types of fabrics and materials cause more build up of static electricity than others. So, it may be your favorite pair of shoes, clothing, or chair that's causing you to generate more static electricity than others.Try wearing cotton instead of wool or synthetic fibers (nylon, polyester, etc), shoes that don't have a rubber bottom, or try changing the chair you sit in before you turn off the light to go to bed. Rubbing against something also causes build up of static electricity, so if you constantly shuffle your feet or obsessively comb your hair, that could be the cause of the zaps as well!

Saturday 2 November 2019

Soccer for dog

What do I do when my dog bites me every time I play soccer?

It depends on why he(she) is biting. Does he simply want to play with you and get overly excited? If so you need to slowly train your dog not to bite. Yelp when he bites you (don't jerk back, the dog will interpret that as play), go limp, then walk away for a while. Consistency and patience is the key to training. Give your dog plenty of things he can chew. If your dog is aggressively biting you because he thinks the soccer ball is his, give him some other toy/treat every time he goes for the ball. Of course, you can quarantine him in a house or fenced area or leash him just while you are playing soccer. Make sure give him lots of attention later!

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Pure Truant!

I have a problem. Am a student - during my first semester and my second semester I barely attended classes and my final exam is in a month time. Am scared of failure! What should I do to help myself?

Go talk to the teacher. Most teachers do not enjoy failing their students, and they may be able to give you advice.Talk to classmates who have attended the class. Ask them if you can borrow their notes. Talk to people who have taken the class in the past, and figure out what is most likely to be on the final exam. Consider getting a tutor if you can afford it. Of course, attend all the rest of the classes, and study like you've never studied before. It may not be enough, but you may be able to scrape through.

Must a teacher always laugh?

The job of a teacher is to teach, not to make students laugh, and it's okay not to have a sense of humor. A sense of humor may indeed help in keeping children more engaged in class, but a genuine interest in the students and the subjects being taught, often do just as well. Of course, a teacher may need a sense of humor, not for effective teaching, but just to get through the day - teaching is tough work and often thankless, and a sense of humor may be the only thing that helps maintain sanity on rough days!

Saturday 26 October 2019

Why is eye contact important when you're doing a presentation?

In many cultures, eye contact signifies truthfulness as well as sincerity and confidence. Eye contact also makes the presentation seem more personal, thus more likely to keep the attention of the audience.

Saturday 19 October 2019

Why is it that girls are intelligent than boys at school but boys end up being successful and rich when they are older? (Patriarchy strike)

Boys often do well in schools as they grow older - girls tend to be more mature than boys at a younger age, but boys catch up. Of course, that doesn't explain why boys tend to be more successful in the long run! Unfortunately, much of the world is still stacked against girls - boys often get paid more than girls for the same job, and get promoted more quickly just for being male. Men are pressured by society to succeed in the workplace, while women are pressured to get married or have children. While many women will fight the double standards, many women will get disillusioned and give in. Women bear the blunt of childbirth and childcare as well - they end up sacrificing more of their career for the sake of their family and children.

Wednesday 16 October 2019

I love reading, and I also write at times but now that I want to get serious with writing every time I get a pen I end up writing nothing though I have ideas!

If you want to be a writer, you need to start writing every day, even if it's just one sentence. Different writers write in different ways - you can come up with a detailed story line before beginning to write, or you can just start writing, and see where your writing takes you. You can even start writing out of order from the middle or the end of the story! Don't worry about writing badly - you can always go back and fix things later.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Sleep Walking

I fell asleep on my bed but I woke up the next morning in another room

It sounds like you've been sleepwalking! Sleepwalking is often associated with sleep deprivation (not getting enough sleep), alcohol, or medications. Maintain a healthy sleep schedule, get exercise, review your medications, avoid alcohol, and you will be fine! Sleep-walking is usually not dangerous unless you trip and fall while asleep.

Monday 7 October 2019

Can one become an entrepreneur with a marketing degree?

You can become an entrepreneur with any degree as long as you have a great business idea or product, and you're good at building the business. Some famous entrepreneurs do not have any degrees at all. If you have a great business idea and know how to market it, you should team up with someone who can actually implement the idea or build a product.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Is it normal not be afraid of death at a young age?

Actually, plenty of people are unafraid of death regardless of age. In a recent American survey, about a quarter of people reported being unafraid of death, and another quarter reported only being a little afraid of death. Fear of death is natural even at an early age - many children start fearing death around 6 to 7 years of age, and some adolescents obsess about death. After all, without a healthy fear of death, the human race would probably be extinct by now! However, the opposite is also true - given that death is an inevitability for every one of us, fearing it excessively will paralyze us entirely. So the ability to live day to day without thinking about death is also important for our mental health.

How long can cooked chicken last in the fridge?

Cooked meats usually last in the fridge for 3 to 4 days. Five days is generally safe as well. If you have a very cold fridge, the chicken may last even longer, but it's up to you to decide whether eating it is truly worth the risk! Needless to say, if it smells funky or feels slimy, throw it out!

Sunday 29 September 2019

Kidnapping Phobia?

I'm scared to go to concerts because I'm scared of being kidnapped! What should I do?

It's easy to become paranoid when the news focuses on the sensational, but kidnappings by strangers, human traffickers, etc, are actually pretty rare - most children and young adults are kidnapped by someone they know. Unless you actually know someone out to get you, you're probably safe. If worried, always go to concerts with a group of friends, and don't leave their side!

Also, tell potential kidnappers Liam Neeson is your dad. Nobody messes with his kids any more!

Friday 27 September 2019

Is it normal to have suicidal thoughts as a teen?

While the teenage years are tumultuous for many, suicidal thoughts are never normal at any age - teenage, or otherwise. If you are feeling depressed and/or have suicidal thoughts, get help! Talk to a friend or an adult you can trust.

You can call a suicide prevention hotline. They are available in all countries. In South Africa, you call: 08 000 55 555.

Monday 23 September 2019

Does social media cause depression

Yes, current studies do show that social media causes depression - not in all but in some. In particular, people who compare themselves to others on social media, passively consume social media, and are addicted to social media are more likely to experience negative effects. On the other hand, users with lots of followers who post actively on social media (especially pictures of themselves with friends) tend to be less depressed. Always keep in mind that people post the highlights of their lives on social media, so their lives are probably not as exciting as they seem. If you find yourself endlessly browsing social media instead of actively participating in life, look away from that screen, and do something else!

Saturday 21 September 2019

Dating a Married Person

will I be wrong to date a married person when I am not married myself😓?

While adultery isn't a crime in most countries, if you are in an adulterous relationship, your actions are morally questionable (assuming that the cheating is in secret, and not approved by the spouse). You are complicit in potentially breaking apart a family and hurting someone. You're also helping your partner to do something that is wrong - if you love someone, you should try to steer them away from doing wrong. Don't take something that's not yours!