Showing posts with label Doctor's report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctor's report. Show all posts

Sunday 29 November 2020




It all started on the 16th day of November, 2020 when I started noticing blood in my urine, at first I didn't know what to make of it, until the whole urine turned to blood. The night was a very long night, as I kept urinating bloody urine until morning. The pain was out of this world, it was pepperish and hot at the same time.
By morning, I noticed that a Stone-like object has blocked the tip of penis, making it difficult for me to pass urine. Infact, it took me two hours or more, just for some drops of urine to find it's way out.
The burning pain when the urine could not find it's way out, was another round of torture. So I visited the hospital, went for scan and the stone was detected just at the tip of my penis. After administering lots of antibiotics for a week, the stone was still there. Infact, once I feel the urge to urinate, my mind skips because it's a whole lot of different exercise that demands lots of patience.
On one of such days when I was returning home from taking my injections, I saw a man rush to the gutters and within 5 seconds, he was done urinating, I shook my head and in my mind I said “this man doesn't know what God has done for him”. From that moment, I started appreciating the luxury in urinating freely and peacefully, with all the urine fully discharged. Mine took hours and yet the whole urine won't be out, kept dripping, as I padded up to soaked it up.
After about one week of medication, the only noticeable change was the pain that reduced, but passing urine was still difficult, so the doctor referred me to a urologist.
I came back and I was perplexed, one mind said I should go see the urologist, but the other mind said No. Reason being that the doctor said that since the stone refused to dissolve and move out through urine, the next alternative was to be operated upon. Mehn! I wasn't ready for anyone to touch my “Mr happy” with those blades, not when I have not fully utilized it.
Also consulting with my friends, they advised against it, stating that the penile area is very sensitive and any complication will lead to numerous other complications. So I stucked to my guns, then checked the internet for possible herbal medications.
I started drinking lots of water and forcing out urine once I feel the urge to urinate, as well as lime water, pine apple water and watermelon with the seeds well eaten. I noticed some changes with the way I urinate just yesterday, as the urine was becoming frequent, you need to see my happiness with the development.
I intensified my prayer life, telling God to heal me in his time. It was just like magic as I tried urinating last night, I noticed a very strong sharp pain on my “PIM PIM”, I still pushed through the pain and in a twinkle of an eye, the stone fell off, followed by the hot urine.
Dear Facebook friends, 2020 has been a tough one for everybody, if you still do not see a reason to thank God everyday, just thank him because you can urinate freely (like you fit piss anyhow you like, without restrictions). As I type this experience, I can't count how many times I have urinated, the feeling is unbelievably awesome.
It's the last Sunday of November, The First Sunday of Advent, it's my testimony Sunday, you all should please join me in thanking God for delivering and seeing me through this tough experience. Let's all be thankful, we are seeing the end of 2020, next year hopefully will be better.

Sunday 22 December 2019

Traditional Herbs

ls there any effect to Take traditional herbs whilst u are on medication 
Traditional herbs may contain several substances whose nature and concentration are unknown, unlike allopathic drugs whose chemical compositions and actions are known exactly. There could be unexpected interactions with the allopathic medication you are taking if you consume any other form of medication simultaneously. There could be increase or decrease in action of the allopathic medication, there could be prolonged action, either of the medicines may be removed too quickly from the body, or there could be other unknown interactions. It is preferable _to not_ take any medication without consulting your doctor. You _should always_ inform the doctor about any medication that you are taking so that interactions with any new drugs can be evaluated before prescription.

Cure for the worms that comes out of kids buttocks

Intestinal worms is a very common problem in some regions. These worms can cause malnutrition and slow the development of the child. Most worm infestations have simple cures. However, the type of drug given differs according to the kind of worm that is prevalent in your region. Age of the child is also important in deciding the type of drug prescribed. Many regions have national deworming programs where these drugs are available easily. I would advise you to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

Pregnancy Sickness

I have to feel like l want to vommit every minute in early pregnancy
Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy is the result of rapidly increasing levels of a hormone called HCG. These symptoms usually settle once the level of HCG settles. Some women are more susceptible to the effects of this hormone than others. Twin or multiple pregnancy can also cause greater severity of these symptoms. These symptoms are triggered by certain smells or taste in some women. Avoiding these triggers may help. There are drugs that can be prescribed by your doctor in case your symptoms are severe.

dangers of taking expired ARV

All medicines contain a certain quantity of the active ingredient. The expiry date usually signifies that until that date, the drug concentration will be as per the label. In some drugs however, passage of time can cause the formation of toxic products due to degradation. In the case of most drugs, the date of expiry should be considered as a “best before date”. It is not as if immediately after the date of expiry, the drug’s action will be drastically reduced or that it will be dangerous to take it. However, as the type of degradation is not uniform for all types of medication, it is advised that one should not take _any medication_ that is past its expiry date.

The same logic also holds for ARVs. If the drug activity is reduced, the effect on the virus is likely to be reduced. If this reduction in activity is significant, the virus may develop resistance to the drug causing an increase in viral load and over time a reduction in CD4 counts.

Height Issues

I'm 19 and I'm very short and my height is 5 feet 5 inches. How can I grow to 5 or 6 inches more.
Height is a feature that is mostly determined by genetics. Nutrition also plays a part, but if you do not have the genes for height it is unlikely that you will grow tall.

By the age of 19, you would have almost achieved your maximum height. The pubertal growth spurts will have completed and the growth centres in the bones will have fused. If you are male, it is possible that you may add another inch or so to your present height but it is unlikely that you will be able to grow another 5-6 inches as you want. Females usually have completed their growth by the age of 19.

Deviated Nasal Septum

I have right nostril closed but left nostril too opened that my small finger up to half went inside it tell me solution tablets and exercise?
It is possible that you have a deviated nasal septum. The nasal septum is a structure that separates the right and left nasal passages. This septum is not perfectly straight and may be curved to the right or left. In most individuals, this curvature is slight and does not cause any problems. In some people however, the deviation may be to a high degree and can cause blockage of that nostril. This can cause discomfort and a feeling of stuffiness. You must consult an ENT surgeon to find out if you have this condition and if so how severe it is. The treatment for this condition is surgery to correct the curvature.

Adult Malnutrition

Please I'd like to know if male adults can experience malnutrition.
Anybody can suffer from malnutrition. Under-nutrition can occur due to several causes. You may be eating less food than you need, you may not be eating the right type of food, nutrients may not be absorbed in your intestine due to various reasons, you may have an intestinal worm infestation, or you may have a disorder that prevents your body from utilising the nutrients. Adults as well as children can suffer from any of these causes. I must also emphasise that obesity is also a form of malnutrition.

Oily Skin

My skin is always oily and looks older whilst I am young so what should I do 
Oily skin occurs due to secretion of sebum by certain glands in the skin. Some individuals secrete more of sebum than others. Sebum has a protective function on the skin. However, hyper secretion of sebum can cause problems other than cosmetic issues. The simplest thing for you to do is to wash your face several times with a mild soap. This will remove the oil that is troubling you. If that does not help you, you should consult a dermatologist. There are several treatment modalities for this problem and an appropriate treatment can be prescribed for you.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Infant HIV

Does HIV detect the first week a child is born
The usual tests for HIV detect antibodies to the virus. These antibodies are produced by the immune system to fight the virus. Newborn babies do not have any antibodies of their own. They depend on antibodies that have crossed over from the mother across the placenta when the baby was in the womb. So, if the mother was HIV positive, the baby’s blood will also show a positive result to HIV. However, this is due to the presence of maternal antibodies in the baby’s blood. These antibodies may be present in the baby’s blood for upto 3-4 months after birth. There are other tests that can detect HIV RNA and other viral antigens. These tests are more expensive and are done only when there is a strong suspicion that the baby may have contracted infection before or during birth. You must consult with your doctor for more information.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?
The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive tract. It is located at the outlet of the urinary bladder. It secretes certain substances that are important in maintaining the viability of sperm in semen. Non cancerous enlargement of this gland is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The cause for this is unknown though there are several theories. High protein diet, metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes mellitus, and abnormality in hormonal balance have all been suggested as possible causes but none have been definitively proven. BPH causes increase in size of the prostate which in turn presses upon the urethra. This can cause symptoms like urgency of urination, frequent urination, delay in passing of urine, weak urinary stream, incomplete passage of urine, urinary incontinence etc. BPH will have to be differentiated from a lot of other conditions by a thorough evaluation. Treatment will depend on the severity of symptoms. There are drugs that can relieve the symptoms in most individuals. If drugs fail, surgery is an option.

After tooth extraction

What to eat after taking out your tooth
Upon extraction of a tooth, there is an open wound with a defect in the gum left behind where the tooth was. In case it was a difficult extraction, there might be some bone damage. You should take care not to injure the area further. For the first hour or so after extraction, you should bite hard on the cotton plug that the dentist would have placed on the wound. This will prevent excessive bleeding from the wound and cause a blood clot to form. For the next few hours you must take only cold liquids and preferably on the other side of the mouth. After this, for a couple of days it is best to take a soft diet and not to chew on the side of the extracted tooth. By this time, the wound would have healed and you can gradually get back to your normal diet. If any sutures have been placed, you should remember to go back to your dentist to have them removed. Take any medication as prescribed by the dentist. _Do not self medicate_.

Friday 15 November 2019

My fate with genital herpes

What is the fate of a person with genital herpes?
Genital herpes is caused by the Herpes simplex virus. Upon infection, this virus establishes itself in the nerves supplying the region that it has affected. Though the body mounts an immune response to the virus, the virus is never completely removed from the body. As a result, sporadic recurrences of symptoms occur. The frequency of these recurrences are uncertain and the triggers are unknown. Stress, decreased immunity, and trauma are known to be triggers. Over time, the frequency and severity of these recurrences decrease; however, the affected individuals continue to shed the virus and remain infective. Use of condoms greatly reduces the chances of transmission of the virus. Use of antiviral drugs can also reduce the infectivity of the affected persons.

What to eat after taking out your tooth

Upon extraction of a tooth, there is an open wound with a defect in the gum left behind where the tooth was. In case it was a difficult extraction, there might be some bone damage. You should take care not to injure the area further. For the first hour or so after extraction, you should bite hard on the cotton plug that the dentist would have placed on the wound. This will prevent excessive bleeding from the wound and cause a blood clot to form. For the next few hours you must take only cold liquids and preferably on the other side of the mouth. After this, for a couple of days it is best to take a soft diet and not to chew on the side of the extracted tooth. By this time, the wound would have healed and you can gradually get back to your normal diet. If any sutures have been placed, you should remember to go back to your dentist to have them removed. Take any medication as prescribed by the dentist. _Do not self medicate_.

Diabetes with bladder infection

I have diabetes and why do i get bladder information so often
I am guessing you mean "bladder infections". Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus causes impairment of immunity. These patients are prone to develop repeated infections. Further, the infections that they contract are difficult to treat. Diabetes mellitus causes increased glucose levels in the urine. This increased urine glucose provides an excellent source of nutrition for bacteria. The increased production of urine in diabetes mellitus also causes a reduction in the acidity of the urine. These are the reasons why urine infections are common in diabetics. You must take care to control your diet, get adequate exercise and take appropriate medication to keep your diabetes mellitus under control.

Left with single testicle

Can right testicle in a superficial position produce mature sperm. Left testicle was removed, it was undescended
I don’t know what you mean by your description of your testis. A single testis is sufficient to produce enough sufficient sperm to achieve fertility. However, whether your remaining testis is producing sufficient normal sperms can only be determined by doing a semen analysis. This test will be able to confirm that for you. An undescended testis on one side is usually associated with incomplete descent on the other side. Incompletely or undescended testes do not achieve the cooler temperatures required for normal production of sperms. I would advise you to consult a qualified doctor and undergo this test.

Kedu ihe bu benign prostatic hyperplasia

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive tract. It is located at the outlet of the urinary bladder. It secretes certain substances that are important in maintaining the viability of sperm in semen. Non cancerous enlargement of this gland is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The cause for this is unknown though there are several theories. High protein diet, metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes mellitus, and abnormality in hormonal balance have all been suggested as possible causes but none have been definitively proven. BPH causes increase in size of the prostate which in turn presses upon the urethra. This can cause symptoms like urgency of urination, frequent urination, delay in passing of urine, weak urinary stream, incomplete passage of urine, urinary incontinence etc. BPH will have to be differentiated from a lot of other conditions by a thorough evaluation. Treatment will depend on the severity of symptoms. There are drugs that can relieve the symptoms in most individuals. If drugs fail, surgery is an option.

Three balls in my scrotum

I have 3 balls in my scrotum what should I do I'm afraid I might die!

If you really do have three balls, it's called Polyorchidism and it's extremely rare - scientists have only discovered 100 to 200 people who have more than two balls. The condition is benign - the third ball doesn't cause any problems. If what you have is some sort of lump rather than a third ball, you need to get checked by a real doctor. Most lumps are harmless, but some may turn out to be cancer, so it's better to be safe than sorry!

Causes of HIV

Nothing _causes_ HIV. HIV is the abbreviated form of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a virus which infects a particular type of immune cell called the CD4 lymphocyte. This virus is spread through exchange of body fluids like semen, vaginal fluids, and blood from an infected person to another person. These infected body fluids need to come in contact with mucous membranes or injured skin for possible infection to occur. No other body fluids including sweat, tears, saliva etc can spread HIV infection unless they are contaminated with blood or genital fluids.

HIV infection by itself causes no symptoms. Symptoms are seen later due to super infection by other organisms causing symptoms of the disease that they produce. HIV infection is confirmed by a blood test that looks for antibodies produced by the body against the virus. HIV infection cannot be cured. However, multiplication of the virus can be controlled by giving medication (ART). This keeps the viral load at very low to undetectable levels and can help the individual lead a healthy and active life. ART also reduces the transmission of the virus to negligible levels.

Taking methylated spirit as a drink

What happens if you drink methylated spirit
Drinking alcohol contains Ethanol. Methylated spirit is ethanol mixed with variable quantities of Methanol. Both these substances are chemically alcohols and are metabolised in the body. However, the end products are different and have different effects on the body. Methanol is metabolised to Formic acid which has devastating effects on the cellular systems. As little as 10 mL of methanol can produce enough formic acid to cause permanent blindness. 
Initial effects of methanol toxicity are the same as consuming large quantities of ethanol. It causes central nervous system depression, which manifests as dizziness, confusion, nausea and loss of muscular coordination. In large amounts, it can cause unconsciousness and death. If this phase is survived, the second phase of toxicity starts about 10-30 hours later and includes blurring of vision, blindness, and respiratory distress which can lead to death.