1. Your brain is your certificate
`Education is a private matter between the world of knowledge and experience and has nothing to do with school or college`. By Lillian Smith.
` A child educated only at school is an uneducated child.`By George Santayana.
Education has nothing to do with certificate. It has everything to do with your brain, your mind. It is bad that government having
Alarming statistics of unemployment, yet allow children to continue learning how to get job. The world is littered with people who have no certificate yet, they become the best worldwide.
Did Dangote become the richest African because he is a professor? Is Johann Rupert a PhD holder to become the richest man in South Africa, is Robert a PhD holder also to become the richest man in Malaysia Did Bill Gates and mark zuckerberg have PHD’S to become who they are today? 10 Things School Will Never Teach You About How To Be Rich.
Dear, it is not about first class certificate it is about first class creativity. Everybody is aiming for first class certificate, second class and all that but your class in the society is determined by your productivity. I had one of the best result as an A student but am not using it today. We have forgotten that it is not gross domestic certificate (GDC) but gross domestic product (GDP) it is not all about what you graduate with? It is about the solution that graduates from your mind. If your Certificate cannot empower you to create solution to your world, then, it is a useless ticket.
It is high time we redefined how we view education. Education is not about filling your head; it is about inspiring your mind to be productive and creative. Am not saying that going to school is bad but we have so much focus on it that we now ignore education.
2.School is obsolete:

School is good but the system is outdated and need to be updated. Can you imagine your father teaching you to fight with spear and arrow in this modern world, you will probably say that your father is insane? Schools continue to teach you the ideas of industrial age. “Go to school, get good grade, get job and stick to job security”. And every day there are new technologies replacing employees. Recently, in Spain the employment of two robots replaced 8000 workers. We are in the heart of information age and Silicon Valley prophecies are taking feat. One of The problems of this age is unemployment and the worst is coming, the atomic age, the problem of that age will be end of employment. If you are not creative and only want to work as an employee then get ready for the worst age coming. One of the disadvantages of technologies is that they are here to kill livelihood. They are taking away a lot of the life`s. I enjoin every student to get creative because every organization is cutting cost, embracing technologies and retrenching staffs is the new rule of increasing profit for the organization.
3. Job security is a lie.
“Life is either a daring adventures or nothing. Security does not exist in nature…. Avoiding risk is no safer in the long run than exposure”. No one will become rich by keeping his head safe as an employee. School trains you to belief in job security. What they are saying is this, get job, get salary for 35 years and retire, then after retirement ( that is if you are not sacked) your employer continues to feed you with what they call pension until you die. They are indirectly saying help someone else to be rich, he will feed you till you die. This is a life in the rat race, go for freedom. Freedom is what entrepreneurship promises. There is no security in real life.
4. You can’t be rich as an employee:

Check the list of the Five million richest people in the world and show me who among them that is an employee. Yes! Most employees are receiving very huge amount of money as salary, but you know something? Becoming thoroughly rich goes beyond much money.Most times when I get to bank I usually pity the bankers. Can you imagine yourself leaving as early as 6 am, getting back home by 6 pm , in the job I probably don’t like almost non- stop and then you will call me “rich” any amount of money you have and lack freedom is not riches. To be truly rich you must do something that will not only give you money but
5. You don’t need government or employer:

God created you to create your own world. You are strong enough to create your life. What if you belong to the kingdom of animals? They don’t have government. They don’t have employer yet they cater for themselves. If animals as weak as they are could be independent, why are we humans not? It is the idea of our fore fathers who want us to be dependent and now they created an institution that is responsible to train people who will not have sense of in dependency. So many people here look up to government or employer for livelihood
7. You can be an entrepreneur:

Whether you think you can or you think you cannot you are right – Henry ford.
In the Jewish community as a child you are trained to be an entrepreneur. As a child they are trained to counter and be on the top of the society. But here all our parents’ advice us, are to get good grades and get a job. Most of the jobs are created by people who don’t even go to school. You can be an entrepreneur by joining school of money wares. In my state, most people are employees and agents of government but in some states, individuals can stand separate from the government and question the actions of the government. No wonder the Jews are ruling the world economically today, why an average Jew is trained to create his own world himself. They are focused on being creative and creating opportunities. I belief that school makes complete fools of our young men-Petronius said. It is foolish to tell you that it is better you work for the rich than to be rich. You are taught how to make people`s business succeed
2. School hates you
` School failed me and I failed the school. It bored me the teachers behaved like sergeants. I wanted to learn what I wanted to know, but they wanted me to learn for the exam. What I hate most was the competitive system there and especially sport because of this I was not worth anything and several times they suggested I leave. This was a catholic school in Munich, I felt that my thirst for knowledge was being strangled by my teachers, grade were their only measurement. How can a teacher understand youth with such a system? From the age of twelve I began to suspect authority and distrust teachers. `By Albert Einstein.
`Colleges Hates Geniuses. By Waldo Emerson.

Schools only love those who do what she wanted them to do. If you deviate from the rules, you become a failure. You have to get it right that school hates failures. But it is through the process of failures that you get the real education.
That’s why education has nothing to do with schooling. School retain only first class graduates who follow the rules, cram and pass exams, who does not fail and despises the rest and put them at the mercy of employers. Those that rebel and become wealthy has to figure it out themselves. School has no clue about how to create wealth or riches.
The reason why school hates you is that you are trying to be different. Waldo Emerson said to be different in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Every richest man in the world has been an entrepreneur
8. You can’t see money with your two eyes:

You need an eye inside your head. To be a successful entrepreneur you need a third eye inside your head. This third eye is to see what is invisible to your two eyes.
Starting business is about creating what was never available or presenting what is available in a better or cheaper form, which is called innovation. Entrepreneurs are nothing but smart innovators. To work as an entrepreneur is to bring to an existence what was not or to renew the existing products/services in a more fascinating way. Money is invisible, only an entrepreneur sees it, that’s why they are the richest.As children we were creative and adventurous. We tried things, created things and were virtually fearless. But after a lot of beating from our teachers at school, we began to be adopting general beliefs
That is why Alexander Dumas said, How is it that little children are so intelligent and men so stupid?” it must be school that does it. Bertrand Russell also said “men are made stupid by school”. No one discovers business ideas by following the crowd. It is actually stupid to do things the way everybody does it. In school you must follow the tradition or rules and just do like everyone else. Trying to be yourself or creative is rebellious and the punishment is failing an exam. This is stupid and not education.
9. You can’t be rich with your two hand

One man is too small to a number to achieve greatness.
John C. Maxwell.
Learn how to use other people`s hand in the pursuit of your dreams. Employees are using only two hands to work for money. School focuses on your memory and hands for you to become rich. Unfortunately, two hands and memory are too small to do anything worthwhile. Even God worked with teams. He does things and created things with heavenly beings and angels. Come! Let us make man in our own image and after our likeness. They are many people today who want to achieve greatness but have no team. The school never taught you the importance of a team. Rather they want you to be professional.
Ambeth R. ocampos said, it is you can see that there are quite a number of things taught in school that one has to delete, unlearn or at least correct. School trains you to work in an organization, i.e. Team of your boss. You were never taught to have your own team and be independent. School taught you to be rich by working with your two hands and brains but in real life, if you want to be rich you must go with others. Make friends with meaningful people. Business is a war. Nobody goes to the war front alone.
10. You can’t be rich working for me:

Money is either at work for you or you are at work for money. It is ”money at work” or `man at work`. You cannot be rich by working for money. You must learn how to manufacture money. Bill Gates could sit down and write single software. This software could be so powerful and valuable that he could sell it for $250 or N 90000 in Africa. What is in the software? Nothing on except for what it does. This could sell thousand of and millions of copies and Bill Gates don’t need to work to produce the next copy. Some years ago one of the richest people in Africa had problem with his country’s president and had to fly away from Nigeria for about 18 months. When he came back he was richer than when he left, why? Because he was not working for money. He was a money manufacturer. He has businesses where he needed not to be there for them to run and be profitable