Sunday 22 December 2019

Traditional Herbs

ls there any effect to Take traditional herbs whilst u are on medication 
Traditional herbs may contain several substances whose nature and concentration are unknown, unlike allopathic drugs whose chemical compositions and actions are known exactly. There could be unexpected interactions with the allopathic medication you are taking if you consume any other form of medication simultaneously. There could be increase or decrease in action of the allopathic medication, there could be prolonged action, either of the medicines may be removed too quickly from the body, or there could be other unknown interactions. It is preferable _to not_ take any medication without consulting your doctor. You _should always_ inform the doctor about any medication that you are taking so that interactions with any new drugs can be evaluated before prescription.

Cure for the worms that comes out of kids buttocks

Intestinal worms is a very common problem in some regions. These worms can cause malnutrition and slow the development of the child. Most worm infestations have simple cures. However, the type of drug given differs according to the kind of worm that is prevalent in your region. Age of the child is also important in deciding the type of drug prescribed. Many regions have national deworming programs where these drugs are available easily. I would advise you to consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

Pregnancy Sickness

I have to feel like l want to vommit every minute in early pregnancy
Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy is the result of rapidly increasing levels of a hormone called HCG. These symptoms usually settle once the level of HCG settles. Some women are more susceptible to the effects of this hormone than others. Twin or multiple pregnancy can also cause greater severity of these symptoms. These symptoms are triggered by certain smells or taste in some women. Avoiding these triggers may help. There are drugs that can be prescribed by your doctor in case your symptoms are severe.

dangers of taking expired ARV

All medicines contain a certain quantity of the active ingredient. The expiry date usually signifies that until that date, the drug concentration will be as per the label. In some drugs however, passage of time can cause the formation of toxic products due to degradation. In the case of most drugs, the date of expiry should be considered as a “best before date”. It is not as if immediately after the date of expiry, the drug’s action will be drastically reduced or that it will be dangerous to take it. However, as the type of degradation is not uniform for all types of medication, it is advised that one should not take _any medication_ that is past its expiry date.

The same logic also holds for ARVs. If the drug activity is reduced, the effect on the virus is likely to be reduced. If this reduction in activity is significant, the virus may develop resistance to the drug causing an increase in viral load and over time a reduction in CD4 counts.

Height Issues

I'm 19 and I'm very short and my height is 5 feet 5 inches. How can I grow to 5 or 6 inches more.
Height is a feature that is mostly determined by genetics. Nutrition also plays a part, but if you do not have the genes for height it is unlikely that you will grow tall.

By the age of 19, you would have almost achieved your maximum height. The pubertal growth spurts will have completed and the growth centres in the bones will have fused. If you are male, it is possible that you may add another inch or so to your present height but it is unlikely that you will be able to grow another 5-6 inches as you want. Females usually have completed their growth by the age of 19.

Deviated Nasal Septum

I have right nostril closed but left nostril too opened that my small finger up to half went inside it tell me solution tablets and exercise?
It is possible that you have a deviated nasal septum. The nasal septum is a structure that separates the right and left nasal passages. This septum is not perfectly straight and may be curved to the right or left. In most individuals, this curvature is slight and does not cause any problems. In some people however, the deviation may be to a high degree and can cause blockage of that nostril. This can cause discomfort and a feeling of stuffiness. You must consult an ENT surgeon to find out if you have this condition and if so how severe it is. The treatment for this condition is surgery to correct the curvature.

Adult Malnutrition

Please I'd like to know if male adults can experience malnutrition.
Anybody can suffer from malnutrition. Under-nutrition can occur due to several causes. You may be eating less food than you need, you may not be eating the right type of food, nutrients may not be absorbed in your intestine due to various reasons, you may have an intestinal worm infestation, or you may have a disorder that prevents your body from utilising the nutrients. Adults as well as children can suffer from any of these causes. I must also emphasise that obesity is also a form of malnutrition.

Oily Skin

My skin is always oily and looks older whilst I am young so what should I do 
Oily skin occurs due to secretion of sebum by certain glands in the skin. Some individuals secrete more of sebum than others. Sebum has a protective function on the skin. However, hyper secretion of sebum can cause problems other than cosmetic issues. The simplest thing for you to do is to wash your face several times with a mild soap. This will remove the oil that is troubling you. If that does not help you, you should consult a dermatologist. There are several treatment modalities for this problem and an appropriate treatment can be prescribed for you.

Tuesday 17 December 2019

Infant HIV

Does HIV detect the first week a child is born
The usual tests for HIV detect antibodies to the virus. These antibodies are produced by the immune system to fight the virus. Newborn babies do not have any antibodies of their own. They depend on antibodies that have crossed over from the mother across the placenta when the baby was in the womb. So, if the mother was HIV positive, the baby’s blood will also show a positive result to HIV. However, this is due to the presence of maternal antibodies in the baby’s blood. These antibodies may be present in the baby’s blood for upto 3-4 months after birth. There are other tests that can detect HIV RNA and other viral antigens. These tests are more expensive and are done only when there is a strong suspicion that the baby may have contracted infection before or during birth. You must consult with your doctor for more information.

Twisted Testicle

What causes a twisted testicle
Twisted testicle, or torsion of the testicle, occurs when the testis twists around the spermatic cord. This twisting causes compression of the blood vessels to the testis and can cause tissue death. The testis is normally anchored to the scrotum by a ligamentous structure. In some individuals, there may be an anomaly in this anchor, leaving the testis free to move within the scrotum and thereby also twist around the cord. Hidden testis, large testis, and previous trauma to the testis are all risk factors. Testicular torsion usually occurs in newborns, children and around puberty. The common presentation is pain which may be severe, and scrotal swelling and redness. The testis may appear to be higher than normal. Testicular torsion is a medical emergency and requires immediate surgery to relieve the torsion and prevent testicular damage. There is a condition called intermittent testicular torsion where the symptoms are recurrent and may be less severe. Surgery is still advised to prevent tissue death.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

What is benign prostatic hyperplasia?
The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive tract. It is located at the outlet of the urinary bladder. It secretes certain substances that are important in maintaining the viability of sperm in semen. Non cancerous enlargement of this gland is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The cause for this is unknown though there are several theories. High protein diet, metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes mellitus, and abnormality in hormonal balance have all been suggested as possible causes but none have been definitively proven. BPH causes increase in size of the prostate which in turn presses upon the urethra. This can cause symptoms like urgency of urination, frequent urination, delay in passing of urine, weak urinary stream, incomplete passage of urine, urinary incontinence etc. BPH will have to be differentiated from a lot of other conditions by a thorough evaluation. Treatment will depend on the severity of symptoms. There are drugs that can relieve the symptoms in most individuals. If drugs fail, surgery is an option.

After tooth extraction

What to eat after taking out your tooth
Upon extraction of a tooth, there is an open wound with a defect in the gum left behind where the tooth was. In case it was a difficult extraction, there might be some bone damage. You should take care not to injure the area further. For the first hour or so after extraction, you should bite hard on the cotton plug that the dentist would have placed on the wound. This will prevent excessive bleeding from the wound and cause a blood clot to form. For the next few hours you must take only cold liquids and preferably on the other side of the mouth. After this, for a couple of days it is best to take a soft diet and not to chew on the side of the extracted tooth. By this time, the wound would have healed and you can gradually get back to your normal diet. If any sutures have been placed, you should remember to go back to your dentist to have them removed. Take any medication as prescribed by the dentist. _Do not self medicate_.

Stinky vaginal discharge

Why is my discharge stinking bad️ 
The vagina secretes a fluid almost continuously. This fluid helps to clean the vagina and to maintain the pH balance. This is what is seen as vaginal discharge. This vaginal discharge can have a particular odour normally and this odour changes with the period of menstrual cycle.

There are several reasons why your vaginal discharge may have a bad odour. The commonest cause is a condition called bacterial vaginosis. This is causes due to bacterial overgrowth in the vagina and occurs due to change in the pH. It is also commonly seen in women with multiple sexual partners. Other infections like Trichomoniasis and Candidiasis can also cause smelly discharge. Poor hygiene is an important cause of smelly vaginal discharge. A forgotten tampon in the vagina can produce a smell discharge. In some cases, diet can alter the odour of vaginal discharge and a change in diet can give relief. Cancer of the cervix or uterus can also produce a smelly discharge. You should consult a gynaecologist for examination and appropriate treatment if required.

Pregnant ice chewing

She is pregnant but she is addicted to chewing ice is that healthy for the baby?

Chewing ice is bad for your teeth, but it won't affect the baby. On the other hand, being addicted to chewing ice is occasionally a sign of anemia. Make sure you are eating plenty of foods rich in iron like spinach, beans, and red meat.

Friday 15 November 2019

My fate with genital herpes

What is the fate of a person with genital herpes?
Genital herpes is caused by the Herpes simplex virus. Upon infection, this virus establishes itself in the nerves supplying the region that it has affected. Though the body mounts an immune response to the virus, the virus is never completely removed from the body. As a result, sporadic recurrences of symptoms occur. The frequency of these recurrences are uncertain and the triggers are unknown. Stress, decreased immunity, and trauma are known to be triggers. Over time, the frequency and severity of these recurrences decrease; however, the affected individuals continue to shed the virus and remain infective. Use of condoms greatly reduces the chances of transmission of the virus. Use of antiviral drugs can also reduce the infectivity of the affected persons.

What to eat after taking out your tooth

Upon extraction of a tooth, there is an open wound with a defect in the gum left behind where the tooth was. In case it was a difficult extraction, there might be some bone damage. You should take care not to injure the area further. For the first hour or so after extraction, you should bite hard on the cotton plug that the dentist would have placed on the wound. This will prevent excessive bleeding from the wound and cause a blood clot to form. For the next few hours you must take only cold liquids and preferably on the other side of the mouth. After this, for a couple of days it is best to take a soft diet and not to chew on the side of the extracted tooth. By this time, the wound would have healed and you can gradually get back to your normal diet. If any sutures have been placed, you should remember to go back to your dentist to have them removed. Take any medication as prescribed by the dentist. _Do not self medicate_.

Diabetes with bladder infection

I have diabetes and why do i get bladder information so often
I am guessing you mean "bladder infections". Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus causes impairment of immunity. These patients are prone to develop repeated infections. Further, the infections that they contract are difficult to treat. Diabetes mellitus causes increased glucose levels in the urine. This increased urine glucose provides an excellent source of nutrition for bacteria. The increased production of urine in diabetes mellitus also causes a reduction in the acidity of the urine. These are the reasons why urine infections are common in diabetics. You must take care to control your diet, get adequate exercise and take appropriate medication to keep your diabetes mellitus under control.

Balance diet-best option than ARV to cure HIV?

Can one live healthy with HIV and AIDS on balanced diet only without arvs
In the initial stages of HIV infection, you could probably live a healthy life without taking Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART). However, you would be infective as the viral load would be high. Over time, the virus will destroy the immune system making you prone to contracting various infections and eventually lead to death. A balanced diet alone will not be able to prevent this. ART prevents this from happening. ART controls the multiplication of the virus keeping your viral load at very low to negligible levels. Because of this, the virus cannot destroy the immune system and you remain healthy. The other major effect of ART is that transmissibility of the virus decreases dramatically once your viral load decreases to undetectable levels. It is a good idea to begin ART at the earliest instead of waiting for symptoms to appear.

Infant HIV Detection

Does HIV detect the first week a child is born
The usual tests for HIV detect antibodies to the virus. These antibodies are produced by the immune system to fight the virus. Newborn babies do not have any antibodies of their own. They depend on antibodies that have crossed over from the mother across the placenta when the baby was in the womb. So, if the mother was HIV positive, the baby’s blood will also show a positive result to HIV. However, this is due to the presence of maternal antibodies in the baby’s blood. These antibodies may be present in the baby’s blood for upto 3-4 months after birth. There are other tests that can detect HIV RNA and other viral antigens. These tests are more expensive and are done only when there is a strong suspicion that the baby may have contracted infection before or during birth. You must consult with your doctor for more information.

Fight against my Ex

I just find out that my girlfriend still have her ex's phone number what should I do?

You don't need to do anything. Just because your girlfriend still has her ex's phone number, it doesn't mean that she's still not over him, or that she's cheating. She may be completely over him, but still on talking terms with him, which is normal especially if they have mutual friends. The opposite may even be true - she might have his number so that she knows not to pick up the phone when he calls!

Football Fanatic

My boyfriend always uses football as a answer for being offline!

If your boyfriend likes to play football, then it's completely reasonable for him to be offline while playing. It's pretty much impossible to check the phone while playing any sport seriously, perhaps except golf. In any case, it's unhealthy to spend the whole day glued to the screen - you should try spending some time offline every day as well. You should tell him that Duta gives him all the football coverage he could want. That way he can follow football and stay online!

I have one testicle so wat can I do????

There’s nothing much you can do about the fact that you have only one testicle. The good news though is that one testicle should be sufficient for fertility. This is presuming that there is no other fertility disorder.

What you should be doing is to consult your doctor to look for the missing testicle. Hidden testis can suffer abnormal development, it can be stuck at an abnormal place and there is also a small but significant chance of it developing a malignancy. If the hidden testis cannot be brought down into the scrotum through surgery, it should be removed to prevent complications.

Boy friend gay relationship

I just found out that my best friend is gay, I'm cool with it but it hurts that I had to find out from elsewhere and to make it worse he had come out to the rest of our friends and told them not to tell me, does it mean he doesn't trust me, I'm confused what should I do?

While it may be true that he didn't trust you, it's sometimes the most difficult to come out to those closest to you. Losing the good opinion of strangers and casual acquaintances is much less scary than things becoming awkward with your best friend, or being rejected by family. Instead of being offended that he didn't trust you, think of it as an indication that he was scared to lose what he has with you, and of course, go talk it over with him!

Left with single testicle

Can right testicle in a superficial position produce mature sperm. Left testicle was removed, it was undescended
I don’t know what you mean by your description of your testis. A single testis is sufficient to produce enough sufficient sperm to achieve fertility. However, whether your remaining testis is producing sufficient normal sperms can only be determined by doing a semen analysis. This test will be able to confirm that for you. An undescended testis on one side is usually associated with incomplete descent on the other side. Incompletely or undescended testes do not achieve the cooler temperatures required for normal production of sperms. I would advise you to consult a qualified doctor and undergo this test.

Kedu ihe bu benign prostatic hyperplasia

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive tract. It is located at the outlet of the urinary bladder. It secretes certain substances that are important in maintaining the viability of sperm in semen. Non cancerous enlargement of this gland is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The cause for this is unknown though there are several theories. High protein diet, metabolic disorders like obesity and diabetes mellitus, and abnormality in hormonal balance have all been suggested as possible causes but none have been definitively proven. BPH causes increase in size of the prostate which in turn presses upon the urethra. This can cause symptoms like urgency of urination, frequent urination, delay in passing of urine, weak urinary stream, incomplete passage of urine, urinary incontinence etc. BPH will have to be differentiated from a lot of other conditions by a thorough evaluation. Treatment will depend on the severity of symptoms. There are drugs that can relieve the symptoms in most individuals. If drugs fail, surgery is an option.

Against my new job

Everyone is against me leaving my job but am now making more than I was paid a month in less than a week ...should I tell them?

Assuming your new job isn't physically dangerous, you probably deserve congratulations on your new job rather than criticism! You can simply tell your friends and family that your new job pays much better than your old one without going into details.

Three balls in my scrotum

I have 3 balls in my scrotum what should I do I'm afraid I might die!

If you really do have three balls, it's called Polyorchidism and it's extremely rare - scientists have only discovered 100 to 200 people who have more than two balls. The condition is benign - the third ball doesn't cause any problems. If what you have is some sort of lump rather than a third ball, you need to get checked by a real doctor. Most lumps are harmless, but some may turn out to be cancer, so it's better to be safe than sorry!

Causes of HIV

Nothing _causes_ HIV. HIV is the abbreviated form of Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is a virus which infects a particular type of immune cell called the CD4 lymphocyte. This virus is spread through exchange of body fluids like semen, vaginal fluids, and blood from an infected person to another person. These infected body fluids need to come in contact with mucous membranes or injured skin for possible infection to occur. No other body fluids including sweat, tears, saliva etc can spread HIV infection unless they are contaminated with blood or genital fluids.

HIV infection by itself causes no symptoms. Symptoms are seen later due to super infection by other organisms causing symptoms of the disease that they produce. HIV infection is confirmed by a blood test that looks for antibodies produced by the body against the virus. HIV infection cannot be cured. However, multiplication of the virus can be controlled by giving medication (ART). This keeps the viral load at very low to undetectable levels and can help the individual lead a healthy and active life. ART also reduces the transmission of the virus to negligible levels.

Trans-dating my ex twin

Is it cool to date my ex's twin brother? After he married another woman?
Well, technically you're not doing anything wrong, but the situation does seem fraught with drama. Make sure you're not using the twin brother as a replacement for your ex - you should be in love with the brother, not the ex. Also be aware that if you end up marrying the brother, your ex will be your brother-in-law, and your ex's wife will be your sister-in-law...hopefully no one will feel too awkward at family functions!

Taking methylated spirit as a drink

What happens if you drink methylated spirit
Drinking alcohol contains Ethanol. Methylated spirit is ethanol mixed with variable quantities of Methanol. Both these substances are chemically alcohols and are metabolised in the body. However, the end products are different and have different effects on the body. Methanol is metabolised to Formic acid which has devastating effects on the cellular systems. As little as 10 mL of methanol can produce enough formic acid to cause permanent blindness. 
Initial effects of methanol toxicity are the same as consuming large quantities of ethanol. It causes central nervous system depression, which manifests as dizziness, confusion, nausea and loss of muscular coordination. In large amounts, it can cause unconsciousness and death. If this phase is survived, the second phase of toxicity starts about 10-30 hours later and includes blurring of vision, blindness, and respiratory distress which can lead to death.

Long Distance Relationship

I'm in a long distance relationship but my boyfriend his talking about marriage how can I leave my country, my job, my family and my friends to be with him is it going to work or not?

If you don't know your boyfriend really well, or have any doubts about the relationship, medos doesn't recommend moving to a different country for him - the risk is too high! If you feel that you know him really well and that he is the one for you, then the relationship may be worth the move...but if you think you will end up being unhappy without your job, family, and friends, the relationship may simply not be worth it anyway. If you are going to make the move, you not only need love, but determination and resolve to make the relationship work and be worthwhile!

Leukemic WhatsApp

How dangerous is leukemia?
Leukaemia is cancer of the blood cells. These usually arise in the bone marrow. The cancerous cells multiply in the bone marrow and gradually replace the normal cells there. This affects normal production of the blood cells. In addition, the rapidly multiplying cancer cells utilise a lot of the nutrients available in the body leaving very little for normal functions. Once these cells spill out of the bone marrow and come into the blood, they can also affect the functioning of other organs. Leukaemia will also cause reduced immunity by affecting production of normal white blood cells.

There are different kinds of leukaemia. Each subtype of leukaemia has a different severity and prognosis. Further, the stage of the disease will also affect whether it can be cured or not. The patient will need to undergo several tests to determine the type of leukaemia and the stage of the disease. Only then will the doctor be able to discuss treatment and prognosis.

Frequent Abortion

What are the causes of recurrent abortion
Recurrent pregnancy loss is defined as loss of two or more consecutive pregnancies. There are many causes for this and it is recommended that any couple that has lost three consecutive pregnancies must be fully evaluated. Despite intensive evaluation, no cause may be found in some couples. A major cause of pregnancy loss is decreased maternal immune tolerance to the foetus. During pregnancy, the mother’s immune system is suppressed in order that it does not attack the foetus. In many women it is seen that this suppression may not occur due to many reasons. APLA, and Anti thyroid antibodies are two major reasons for this. In addition chromosomal anomalies in the parents or the foetus can cause loss of pregnancy. Endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus, PCOS, Obesity, Thrombophilic disorders, hormonal factors, infections in the uterus, and structural abnormalities in the uterus can all lead to loss of pregnancy. Lifestyle factors like alcohol intake, smoking etc can also affect pregnancy. A complete evaluation will be required to find out the cause and to offer treatment.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Bloody urine

What does it mean when a person has blood in urine
Blood in urine or haematuria can occur due to several causes. It can occur due to injury to the urinary tract, due to infections in the bladder or kidney, due to stones in the urinary tract, due to a condition called glomerulonephritis, and in some cases due to cancer of the urinary bladder. Treatment is based on the cause. Consultation with a surgeon, preferably a urologist, to find out the cause of haematuria and further treatment is advised.

Thick Vaginal Infection

Thick white fluids from virginal
Thick white curdy discharge from the vagina is usually due to an infection. The commonest infection that causes this complaint is Candidiasis, which is a fungal infection. Another cause of this kind of discharge is bacterial vaginosis. This produces a foul smelling discharge and is caused by bacterial overgrowth in the vagina. You must consult a doctor who can prescribe appropriate treatment after examining you.

Can one live healthy with HIV and AIDS on balanced diet only without arvs

In the initial stages of HIV infection, you could probably live a healthy life without taking Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART). However, you would be infective as the viral load would be high. Over time, the virus will destroy the immune system making you prone to contracting various infections and eventually lead to death. A balanced diet alone will not be able to prevent this. ART prevents this from happening. ART controls the multiplication of the virus keeping your viral load at very low to negligible levels. Because of this, the virus cannot destroy the immune system and you remain healthy. The other major effect of ART is that transmissibility of the virus decreases dramatically once your viral load decreases to undetectable levels. It is a good idea to begin ART at the earliest instead of waiting for symptoms to appear.

My young sister is pregnant, and is having a breastfeeding child who is 8 months old.what advice shall she obtain?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding imposes a great load on the body. The woman will have to cater to the nutrition of herself, the breastfeeding child as well as the baby in the womb. An eight month old child can be weaned off breastfeed. Breast milk is not sufficient to take care of the nutrition of an eight month old baby and the child should be weaned off to other solid foods. This should be done gradually using soft foods initially and then progressing to normal diet. Different regions and cultures have their own variants of weaning foods. Your sister should ensure that she gets good nutrition and adequate rest. In addition, she should visit the Ante Natal Clinic for regular checkup. These visits can check whether her haemoglobin content in blood is normal, whether the baby is growing normally inside the womb, prescribe appropriate vitamins and minerals and also give her the required vaccinations. It is also advisable to get the eight month old baby vaccinated as per the immunisation schedule prevalent in your region.

Bracing good

By braces, I presume you mean dental braces. Dental braces are part of orthodontic treatment. They are used to correct deformities in the position or spacing of your teeth, correct misalignment of teeth, correct bite anomalies etc. Apart from cosmetic reasons of wanting a perfect set of teeth, dental braces can be prescribed for several other reasons. For example, bite abnormalities can cause injury to your jaw and mouth. Malalignment can cause problems with the jaw joint. These are just a few examples. If you have been prescribed dental braces, there is no harm in going ahead with the treatment.

Having one testicle so wat can he do????

There’s nothing much you can do about the fact that you have only one testicle. The good news though is that one testicle should be sufficient for fertility. This is presuming that there is no other fertility disorder.

What you should be doing is to consult your doctor to look for the missing testicle. Hidden testis can suffer abnormal development, it can be stuck at an abnormal place and there is also a small but significant chance of it developing a malignancy. If the hidden testis cannot be brought down into the scrotum through surgery, it should be removed to prevent complications.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Natural made mortician

A mortician but people are saying you will be made if you work for a long time, is that true⚰?

Well, it's certainly true that while many things come and go, people always die, in both good times and bad. So unless things get so bad that bodies are being abandoned rather than being buried, you'll always have a steady job, and you'll earn more with experience. While morticians may not become incredibly wealthy, with a steady job and income, as long as you spend your money wisely, you should certainly be able to save up enough money to live a comfortable life.

Self Medication for pregnant ones

Is a pregnant woman allowed to take medicine when not advised by the doctor and if yes why?
The short answer to your question is _No_. In fact I would not advise anybody to take any medication without consultation with a doctor.

The foetus is a rapidly growing being. Several drugs that may be reasonably safe for adults may be harmful to the developing baby. These drugs may cause reduced growth of the baby or even deformities in some cases. In pregnancy, medication should be taken sparingly and only when advised by the doctor. There are some drugs that are prescribed in pregnancy like Iron and Folic acid along with some vaccinations. These are to protect the mother’s and the baby’s health. One should _always_ go for Ante Natal Checkups early in pregnancy and thereafter regularly as advised by your doctor.

Pregnant with High BP

What can i do when my blood pressure is high while i am pregnant?
High blood pressure in pregnancy or Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) is a cause for concern. The severity of the condition will depend on how high your blood pressure (BP) is. PIH can cause changes in the placenta which provides nutrition to the foetus in the uterus. These changes can decrease the amount of nutrition received by the foetus. In addition, severe PIH can cause premature labour or even a miscarriage. PIH can also cause problems for the mother including seizures in severe cases. PIH should be managed in consultation with a gynaecologist. I would advise you to go to an Ante Natal Clinic and get appropriate treatment.

Playing games with two exes

I have 2 ex boyfriends who still treat me like we are still dating how do I send the message that we broke up without being rude?

If you not only have one but two exes who treat you this way, clearly you are being a little too nice and unintentionally sending mixed messages. Next time one of your exes does says or does something inappropriate, tell them "Sorry, but that makes me uncomfortable, we're not dating anymore." It's okay if you come across as a little rude as long as you're not being mean - it's more important that they get the message.

Female beard or hair?

A female at the age of 15 & have a hair on my chin. Is it a beard ?
Around the age of puberty, both males and females undergo many changes. These are due to changes in hormonal balance in the body. These changes may take a few months, or even a couple of years to settle. Increased oiliness of the skin and acne are a result of these changes. During this time, it is not unusual for some girls to grow facial hair. The amount and thickness of hair varies with different people. At this point of time you should not really worry about it. If it still persists a few month later, or if you have any menstrual abnormalities also, you should consult a doctor. They may get a few tests done to rule out a few conditions. Until then, you could just use some cosmetic techniques to remove the hair.

Best tablet that may cure skin infections

Skin infections are caused by a variety of organisms. There are bacterial infections, viral, fungal, and protozoal infections. In addition, several non infective conditions of the skin can look like infections to the untrained person. Acne is caused by a number of factors of which infection is possibly one. Medication that may cure one skin condition may worsen another. There is _no one_ tablet or syrup or injection or cream that can cure all skin infections. If you have a skin condition it is best to consult a doctor, preferably a skin specialist, and get the correct treatment. _Self medication can be harmful_.

Breast excreting water instead of milk

Is it health for a woman who has never breast feed for her nipples to produce water when the breast is pressed
It is never healthy for any non-lactating woman to have fluid coming out of the nipple on pressing the breast. There could be several reasons for this. The commonest cause is fibrocystic change in the breast. Other causes can be inflammation, a cyst in the breast, papilloma, or infection if the fluid is thick and like pus. In the appropriate age group, cancer of the breast should also be ruled out. You should consult your doctor at the earliest for examination and tests. They will then be able to discuss appropriate treatment with you.

Inverted cancerous nipple

One of my nipple is inverted and its from the left side does that mean I have cancer?⚕️ 
Not necessarily. You have not mentioned your age and how long you have had this issue. There are several causes of inverted nipples. About 10-20% of women have at least one inverted nipple. In some of these women the inversion can be reversed, at least temporarily, by stimulation of the nipple. Other causes of inverted nipple include sagging of the breast from age, infections including tuberculosis, and trauma to the breast. Breast cancer can, in some cases, cause inversion of the nipple. I would advise you to consult a doctor who can examine you and advise you in detail.

Pap smear test

Pap smear is the commonly used term for a cervical cytology test. This is a test done to check the cells of the cervix. Cells from the cervix are taken by a qualified person and then examined under the microscope. The test can tell you if there are any cancerous cells in the cervix. It can also detect any cells that look suspicious for cancer so that further testing can be done. It is a simple and inexpensive test which can detect early cervical cancer with a great degree of accuracy. It is recommended for all women above the age of 35. Your gynaecologist will be able to give you more details about this test.

Unconservative wife

How is this fair that my hubby just bought me a car in Dec and I'm still waiting for my drivers licence to drive the car but today he said he wants to sell the car because we 're having some financial problems. Is that fair, he led me on now he wants to embarrass me!

While the loss of the car is upsetting, your husband didn't lead you on on purpose, and he certainly meant well when he bought you the car. Rather than being angry, you should be very concerned about said financial problems. Ask your husband why you are in financial trouble, how bad it is, and if there's anything you can do alleviate the situation - take more responsibility and interest in your family finances instead of acting like a child who has been deprived of a new toy!

Precocious puberty-hair at region

Is it possible for a 8 year old girl to start growing puberty hair and breast?

Yes. While eight is certainly on the youngest end for puberty, puberty starting at eight for girls and nine for boys is still considered to be in the normal range. Puberty starting younger than eight for girls or nine in boys is called precocious puberty and may be a cause for concern.

Bitten by snake

Snakes may be venomous to humans or non-venomous. Bites from non-venomous snakes like rat snakes will not kill. Such bites can cause pain and maybe inject some bacteria from the snakes mouth into your skin. Venomous snakes like the cobra, viper, mamba or krait inject venom when they bite. The amount of venom may vary form bite to bite; some bites may not inject any venom at all. Snake venom acts mainly by two mechanisms. It acts on blood to prevent clotting and to break down the blood cells. It also acts on the nerves and prevents conduction of impulses to the muscles eventually causing paralysis of vital muscles like the diaphragm. Other actions include destruction of muscle and other tissues. So if you get bitten by a venomous snake you will have pain at the site of bite. Over a period of time you will develop bleeding from the site of bite, bleeding from the mouth and nose, internal bleeding, blurring of vision, difficulty in breathing which may eventually lead to death. All this depends upon the type of snake that has bitten you and how much venom is injected. Effective anti-venom is available for most snakes which can save lives if injected in time. Patients should be taken to hospital immediately. In the meantime, you could tie a tourniquet on the limb that is bitten. It should be tied closer to the body than the bite, preferably over the thigh or the upper arm and released for a minute or so every 15 minutes to maintain blood flow to the limb. You should also keep the patient immobile, relaxed and reassured.

Shared HIV+

HIV infection is spread through exchange of semen, vaginal fluid and blood. Other body fluids like saliva, sweat, tears etc are non infective, unless they are contaminated with blood. Razors can be contaminated with small amounts of blood from the micro-abrasions caused during shaving or even from frank cuts and nicks. These can transmit HIV. Toothbrushes similarly can be contaminated with blood from micro injuries caused during brushing. Syringes and needles that have been used on HIV positive persons can transmit the virus. Blood stained linen and clothing can also potentially transmit HIV if handled by another person with bare skin.There are several other factors which affect transmission of the virus like viral load, amount of blood on the object, etc. So it may be that individuals may not contract the infection despite use of these shared objects. However, it is better to be safe. Sharing utensils, towels, clothes, soap, or any object that is not contaminated with blood, semen or vaginal fluids _will not_ transmit HIV.

Why my teacher searched my bag

Do school authorities have the right to search learners school bags?

Yes, in many countries, school authorities have the right to search any student. In other countries, only if there is "reasonable suspicion." As you can imagine, "reasonable suspicion" is vague, and it's rare that a student takes the school to court over a search. So unfortunately, you're probably stuck with school authorities checking your school bags - hopefully you have nothing to hide.

Causes and cure of uterine polyps

Uterine polyps are elongated overgrowths of tissue within the uterus. They may be endometrial in origin or they may contain a "fibroid" within them. Endometrial polyps may occur due to several reasons including abnormal hormonal balance, abnormal sensitivity of the endometrium to hormones etc. Some endometrial cancers present as polypoidal growths. The treatment of uterine polyps depends upon the cause. You must consult a gynaecologist to find out the cause of the polyp and then get appropriate treatment.

Easy transfer of HIV to STI

Treatment for HIV keeps the multiplication of the virus under control. It has no effect on other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These STIs can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi etc. None of these is affected by the treatment given for HIV. People with HIV are equally susceptible to contracting other STIs, even if they are on treatment for HIV. In fact, some of these individuals may be more susceptible because they may practice high risk sexual behaviour.

Friday 8 November 2019

Electrocuted alife

I keep on getting electrocuted, switching off the light zaps me, and I will be wearing shoes, but it doesn't happen to anyone else in the house⚡!

Certain types of fabrics and materials cause more build up of static electricity than others. So, it may be your favorite pair of shoes, clothing, or chair that's causing you to generate more static electricity than others.Try wearing cotton instead of wool or synthetic fibers (nylon, polyester, etc), shoes that don't have a rubber bottom, or try changing the chair you sit in before you turn off the light to go to bed. Rubbing against something also causes build up of static electricity, so if you constantly shuffle your feet or obsessively comb your hair, that could be the cause of the zaps as well!

Protecting Unborn Child From HIV

HIV can be transmitted from mother to foetus through the placenta or during childbirth, and also through breast milk. The mechanism of this transmission is still not clearly understood. However viral load, which is the amount of virus in the mother’s blood, plays an important role. Anti Retroviral Therapy (ART) can reduce the viral load in the mother to low or undetectable levels. This greatly reduces the chances of transmission of the virus. There are different modalities of giving ART during pregnancy. You must consult your gynaecologist or an HIV clinic for further details. They will also be able to advise you about breast feeding and its alternatives.

HIV through sharp object

l used sharp object in 2007 and start developing some pimples on my legs and losing weight.l have tested for HIV twice this year and the result was negative. is there any disease that can cause me those problems. losing weight is now the big challenge but here and there 
Use of a sharp object _does not_ necessarily mean that you will contract HIV. HIV is transmitted through objects that contain HIV infected blood or body fluids on them. Objects in common use that can have HIV on them are razors or needles and syringes that have been earlier used by an HIV infected person. It may be that the object you used was not contaminated with HIV. Loss of weight can be due to many other causes which will need to be investigated thoroughly. You must consult your doctor for the same.

Monday 4 November 2019

Divorce damaged children

Does divorce damage children?

Yes divorce always damages children, even adult children, especially if they didn't see it coming. However being exposed to constant fighting and abuse also damages children, sometimes a lot more than divorce, so pick the lesser of two evils. Children are resilient - often the damage is only temporary. If possible, try to time your divorce. Babies (0-2 years of age), aren't affected much by divorce at all. Studies show that 4 to 14 year olds are damaged the most by divorce, with the peak damage occurring around 11 years old - right around puberty. Of course, getting a divorce around college entrance exams is also not a good idea!

HIV+ and Unmedicated

l was tested 3years ago and l was HIV positive but l didn't take my medication even once but now am still fit am positive..or it was a mistake

Let us assume that the test result was correct. HIV infects the immune cells of the body and gradually destroys the immune system. This process can take several years. If you are HIV positive, it is still possible to feel healthy and fit even if you are not taking any medication. But over time, the virus _will destroy_ your immunity and you will start to develop symptoms. You are likely to contract infections that can be quite severe in nature. This process takes several years and you can be reasonably fit through this time.

It is also possible that the test result was wrong. Tests occasionally go wrong and the results need to be confirmed. If you are not convinced about the earlier test result, I would advise you to get tested again at an accredited laboratory. In case it is confirmed that you are HIV positive, you should start taking medication immediately. This will prevent damage to your immune system and enable you to lead a healthy life.

Gini bu tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is a condition where there is inflammation of the tonsils. This usually presents as enlarged tonsils, along with other symptoms depending on the cause. The tonsils are organs found at the back of the mouth. These help in developing immunity in childhood and to a lesser extent in fighting infections throughout life. The tonsils can get inflamed due to several reasons. The commonest cause is infection. Repeated infections can cause a condition called chronic tonsillitis. There are several other causes of tonsillar enlargement, which must be ruled out before deciding on treatment. One of the treatment options is tonsillectomy or surgical removal of the tonsils.

Unlovable husband

My husband is not a romantic type what should I do to make him romantic? It is killing me inside?

Does your husband know that you are miserable because of the lack of romantic gestures? Be honest with him (without making him feel like he's being attacked), give some suggestions that would make you happier, and he may try to meet you half way. Keep in mind that you can't change your husband's personality, and although he may make efforts to be more romantic for your sake, he will never be the "romantic type." Ultimately it may be you who needs to change - if you associate romantic gestures too closely with love, the lack of romantic gestures may make you feel unloved even if your husband loves you very much, and that would be a shame!

Care for teeth

How best should I make my teeth gums healthy
Keep them clean. You can achieve this by brushing your teeth twice a day and massaging your gums. Use of a mouthwash is optional. In addition, it is always a good idea to rinse out your mouth after every meal, preferably each time you have snack or even a beverage, if you can. In addition you should visit your dentist every 6-12 months. Your dentist may suggest scaling of the teeth to remove any plaques. In addition, they will also be able to examine your teeth for any cavities or caries which can be treated.

unprotected sex after depot

Depot preparations for contraception are available as injections. These are hormonal injections that cause contraception by altering the conditions within the uterus as well as the ovaries. Once injected, it takes some time for the hormones to take effect in the body. Therefore is is _not safe_ to have unprotected sex immediately after getting the injection. In fact it is better to wait for one or two cycle lengths to make sure that the hormonal injection is effective. As I always say, unless you are sure about your partner, you should always use a condom even if you are using another contraceptive method. Condoms help in preventing transmission of sexually transmitted infections.

Saturday 2 November 2019

Loss of weight-a symptom of H.I.V

Is rapid weight loss a symptom of H.I.V ??
There are _no symptoms_ of HIV infection. In the later stages of untreated HIV infection, weight loss can occur. This occurs due to a combination of factors. The decreased immunity can make the person contract various infections. These infections can cause weight loss. There is also decreased absorption of nutrients from the intestines, leading to weight loss. Rapid weight loss can occur in several other illnesses, even in the absence of HIV infection. An individual with weight loss is tested for HIV along with several other illnesses including tuberculosis for example.

Will I lose weight if I don't eat anything for 1 week?

Your body needs energy to function properly. This energy is provided by the food you eat. Any excess calories are stored in the body as glycogen or as fat. If you do not eat anything or if you eat less than required, your body will start to obtain energy from these stores. Once these stores are exhausted, you could lose even lean muscle as the body attempts to survive. The rate at which these activities occur differ from person to person. So while you _will definitely_ lose weight if you starve for a week, the amount of weight loss cannot be predicted. The body’s starvation mechanisms are not efficient and can give rise to products that can be harmful to your organs. In addition you will also develop nutritional deficiency disorders. Starvation _is not_ a good idea for losing weight. You should adopt a balanced protocol of controlled dieting and exercise.

Sugar-cure for diabetes

Does eating too much sugar cause diabetics️ 
Diabetes mellitus is caused by a deficiency of a hormone called Insulin, or by the lack of effectiveness of insulin (called Insulin resistance). Eating too much sugar will not directly cause diabetes mellitus. However, you must know that any excess calories that you consume gets converted to glycogen and fat deposits in the body for storage. Increased fat deposits in the body is one of the causes of insulin resistance. Also, eating too much sugar can cause malnourishment in different ways. Eating too much sugar also creates a tendency to eat other unhealthy foods. Over a period of time, all of these collectively can give rise to insulin resistance and thereby Diabetes mellitus.

Soccer for dog

What do I do when my dog bites me every time I play soccer?

It depends on why he(she) is biting. Does he simply want to play with you and get overly excited? If so you need to slowly train your dog not to bite. Yelp when he bites you (don't jerk back, the dog will interpret that as play), go limp, then walk away for a while. Consistency and patience is the key to training. Give your dog plenty of things he can chew. If your dog is aggressively biting you because he thinks the soccer ball is his, give him some other toy/treat every time he goes for the ball. Of course, you can quarantine him in a house or fenced area or leash him just while you are playing soccer. Make sure give him lots of attention later!

Loss of vitamin B

Vitamin B actually comprises several vitamins, from B1 to B12 and possibly more that we do not know about yet. Vitamin B complex as they are collectively known are important co-factors in several cellular reactions of the body. Most of the Vitamins B are necessary for proper replication of DNA. Thus deficiency of these vitamins can cause problems in growth and injury repair. Vitamin B12 is important also in nerve conduction and nerve stability. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause wide ranging effects on the nervous system and in severe cases can cause dementia and memory loss. It is impossible to explain all features of deficiency of all Vitamins B. Suffice it to say that this group of vitamins is essential for the body to function properly and deficiency can cause wide ranging effects on the body.

Sharing same mother but different father

I just found out that I do not share the same father with my elder brother, it is really hard to digest, what should I do?

You have been lied to by people closest to you, and you are certainly entitled to feeling betrayed. Unfortunately, family secrets are more common than you think. Keep in mind that your brother is still your (half) brother, and he is certainly not to blame. As for your mother, she made a mistake by not telling you earlier! Talk with her, if she is willing to talk. Be honest with her about your feelings. If she has been a good mother to you otherwise, try to remember that parents make mistakes too. Very few people lie willingly - they do so under pressure. You may never feel exactly the same about your family again, but don't let this ruin your life.

Allergic sore reactions

Does allergic reactions cause sore in the mouth
Allergic reactions can cause ulcers in the mouth. However, there are many other causes of oral ulcers. These can include infections, inflammatory conditions, vitamin deficiencies (particularly B12), aphthous ulcers etc. Trauma can also cause ulcers in the mouth. If you have ulcers in the mouth, you should get examined by a doctor to try and find out the cause of ulceration. In the meantime, you could try taking tablets of Vitamin B12 and folic acid along with use of a mouth ulcer gel while eating if it is painful.

Fight for a girlfriend

My girlfriend does not pick my calls because she feels I wronged her, she never replies to my texts either. I can't reach her because she is far from me yet I wanted to talk to solve the issue. What should I do?

Your (ex) girlfriend has cut you out of her life. Even if the break up stems from a misunderstanding, if you continue to pursue her, you may end up perceived as a stalker. Send her a message, by text or by snail mail (the old-fashioned way) explaining your side. If you have mutual friends, ask them if they can say something in your favor. If she is still unwilling to listen, let it go. If she's the kind of person who is unwilling to give you the benefit of the doubt and talk things out, even if you somehow manage to get back together this time, the same drama is bound to happen again with the next misunderstanding.

Remedies for herpes Zoster

Herpes zoster is caused by reactivation of the chicken pox virus which is lying dormant in the nerves of the body. It is a self limiting disease. This means that it will heal by itself over a period of time, usually 7-10 days. Herpes zoster causes formation of blisters along with intense pain in the affected area. You can take a pain killer tablet for the pain. Do remember _not to overdose_. Also remember to always take pain killer tablets after meals; _never on an empty stomach_. In addition you can apply calamine lotion on the blisters. It will help them dry out. However, one should always consult a doctor and take antiviral medication for herpes zoster. This will reduce the severity of symptoms as well as reduce the occurrence of complications. Herpes zoster can cause some serious complications like loss of vision or hearing if it occurs in the appropriate nerves.

Sex without pregnancy

If i have sex without a condom and i pull out as i am shooting my sperm... Is their a chance a girl will get pregnant️ 
Let me repeat - Withdrawal method is a _highly ineffective_ method of contraception. The failure rate is very high. You can _never be sure_ if you have withdrawn in time. There is always the possibility that some amount of semen has been deposited in the vagina. There is always the possibility of pregnancy occurring from pre-ejaculate. In the scenario that you have described, there is always a chance of pregnancy occurring. Use of condoms, in addition to contraception, provides protection from sexually transmitted infections.

What medicine can reduce period pain?

Go to your local drug store, and find any non-prescription pain killers that contains ibuprofen (some common brand names are Advil or Motrin). Ibuprofen is more effective than acetaminophen (Tylenol) or aspirin in reducing period pain, or any other cramping type of pain.

Does alcohol affect the effectiveness of ART

Most anti retrovirals (ART) have _no interaction_ with alcohol. It is usually safe to consume alcohol even if you are taking ART. Alcohol can however make the side effects of some drugs (Efavirenz for example) worse. For the large part, moderate drinking of alcohol will not affect your ART. It is always best to consult with your doctor about the interactions of alcohol and the specific drugs that you are taking. The larger problem with alcohol is that individuals are prone to miss their dosage of ART. You say that you never miss a dose, but alcohol intake is associated with decreased adherence to ART programs. High alcohol intake is also associated with other high risk behaviour, for example drug abuse and unsafe sexual behaviour.

Causes of diarrhoea to the newborn

Diarrhoea in the newborn can be caused by several reasons. The commonest cause is an infection. Newborn babies should be exclusively breastfed upto the age of 5-6 months. In the normal course they do not need even water to be fed to them. Intestinal infections to newborn babies usually occurs when external foods are given to the baby, or when the baby is fed from an unclean nipple, or when the baby puts an unclean object in the mouth. Most common cause of diarrhoea in infants is a virus called Rotavirus. Bacteria and other organisms can also cause diarrhoea in babies. If your baby has diarrhoea, you must ensure that the baby gets adequate fluids and immediately consult a paediatrician. _Do not medicate the child without medical advice_.

Fasting for food and taking only milk

The human body requires energy to function properly. This is obtained from the food we eat. In addition to energy, the food we eat also provides us with essential substances required by the body for growth, repair of injuries etc. Vitamins and minerals in food are essential for various body functions. All of these are available in a mixed balanced diet. Milk alone does not contain all the nutrients required by the body. It may provide you with the required amount of calories, but not of other nutrients. Another issue that may be faced by adults is that lactose intolerance increases with age. So you may not be able to digest the large quantities of milk that you will need to consume. Milk is good as part of your diet, but a diet consisting of only milk is sure to cause deficiency disorders in any person above the age of 6 months.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

How to know if i can fertilize

If you are male, you could have your semen analysed. It is a simple test that will tell you about how many sperms there are in a sample of your semen, as well as other characteristics of the semen. It will also be able to tell you if the sperms appear normal and move normally.

If you are female, it is far more difficult to determine if you are fertile and far too complex to describe here.

At any rate, these tests can only tell you about some of the factors that affect fertility. Whether a couple can produce a child is dependent upon many factors, some of which cannot be tested. The final test of fertility remains pregnancy and delivery of a baby.

Causes of running stomach

Several conditions can cause diarrhoea or running stomach. The commonest causes are infection or food poisoning. Food poisoning is caused due to pre-existing toxins in the food you have eaten. There is no infection. It will recover without active management and the symptoms can usually be controlled by drinking adequate amounts of fluids. If the vomiting caused by food poisoning is severe, you may need to be given IV fluids. Infective diarrhoea will require further management in addition to fluid replacement, depending upon the type of infection. Some infections may require antibiotics. There are other conditions that can also cause diarrhoea including autoimmune conditions, irritable bowel syndrome, or plain and simple anxiety.

I'm kind of fat and I feel if I ever talked to a girl she'd body shame me or ignore me because of my looks what do you think I should do beside loving yourself and all that crap?

If you are a tween or a young teen, there may be nothing much you can do except wait. Honestly, girls (and boys) in that age range can be shallow and cruel (with some exceptions of course). If you are a little older, late teens or adult, get to know a girl just as friends through shared interests - join a club, an online community, volunteer work, etc. If a girl actually knows you before you ask her out, she's much less likely to body shame or ignore you, and you'll also know whether she's the type of girl who would do such a thing. You will most likely face some rejections but keep in mind that even the most attractive men get rejected sometimes. Don't give up on love because you are afraid of rejection!

How do I know that you are HIV

The _only way_ to know if you are HIV positive is to undergo a blood test. There are _no symptoms_ that HIV infection causes. In the later stages, other infections caused by the low immunity can give rise to symptoms of that infection. So if you suspect that you may have had exposure to HIV, you can take a blood test to be sure of your status. There are self testing kits available which use saliva as a sample. However, these tests have a higher rate of false results than the blood based tests. The good news is that if you do turn out to be HIV positive, there are excellent medication (ART) available these days which can help you live a healthy and active life.

Pure Truant!

I have a problem. Am a student - during my first semester and my second semester I barely attended classes and my final exam is in a month time. Am scared of failure! What should I do to help myself?

Go talk to the teacher. Most teachers do not enjoy failing their students, and they may be able to give you advice.Talk to classmates who have attended the class. Ask them if you can borrow their notes. Talk to people who have taken the class in the past, and figure out what is most likely to be on the final exam. Consider getting a tutor if you can afford it. Of course, attend all the rest of the classes, and study like you've never studied before. It may not be enough, but you may be able to scrape through.

Sensational Urine Burning

What causes burning sensation when urinating
The commonest condition causing burning urination is dehydration. Mild to moderate dehydration can cause the urine to become highly concentrated. This can cause burning sensation while passing urine. Urinary tract infection (UTI) can cause this symptom along with high fever. A stone in the urethra or bladder can also give rise to burning urination. Some sexually transmitted infections, particularly gonorrhoea, can cause this symptom especially in males. You will need to undergo an examination and some tests to find out the cause of your problem before starting treatment, if required.

Taking excess milk

The human body requires energy to function properly. This is obtained from the food we eat. In addition to energy, the food we eat also provides us with essential substances required by the body for growth, repair of injuries etc. Vitamins and minerals in food are essential for various body functions. All of these are available in a mixed balanced diet. Milk alone does not contain all the nutrients required by the body. It may provide you with the required amount of calories, but not of other nutrients. Another issue that may be faced by adults is that lactose intolerance increases with age. So you may not be able to digest the large quantities of milk that you will need to consume. Milk is good as part of your diet, but a diet consisting of only milk is sure to cause deficiency disorders in any person above the age of 6 months.

Effects Newborn Diarrhoea

What causes diarrhoea to the newborn ??  
Diarrhoea in the newborn can be caused by several reasons. The commonest cause is an infection. Newborn babies should be exclusively breastfed upto the age of 5-6 months. In the normal course they do not need even water to be fed to them. Intestinal infections to newborn babies usually occurs when external foods are given to the baby, or when the baby is fed from an unclean nipple, or when the baby puts an unclean object in the mouth. Most common cause of diarrhoea in infants is a virus called Rotavirus. Bacteria and other organisms can also cause diarrhoea in babies. If your baby has diarrhoea, you must ensure that the baby gets adequate fluids and immediately consult a paediatrician. _Do not medicate the child without medical advice_.

Incommunicado (lack of communication between you and your boyfriend

With relationships both new and old, doing new activities together is a great way to either break the ice, or to break the everyday routine. Go somewhere exciting on a date, try cooking together, or anything that requires both of you to put down your phone for a while! Set aside some time each day when you're not staring at a screen - communication through messaging is not the same as talking face to face.

Must a teacher always laugh?

The job of a teacher is to teach, not to make students laugh, and it's okay not to have a sense of humor. A sense of humor may indeed help in keeping children more engaged in class, but a genuine interest in the students and the subjects being taught, often do just as well. Of course, a teacher may need a sense of humor, not for effective teaching, but just to get through the day - teaching is tough work and often thankless, and a sense of humor may be the only thing that helps maintain sanity on rough days!

Saturday 26 October 2019

Lumping breast

If you have a lump in your breast how do you know it's not breast cancer?

Some women have naturally more lumpy breasts than others, and most lumps are not breast cancer. Make a habit of check your breasts regularly (including towards your armpits), so that you know how your breasts normally feel. New lumps are cause for concern, especially if they feel hard, and don't move around very easily. If you are worried, it's best to go to a doctor - it's always better to be safe than sorry!

Is it normal that a new born can have toiletry eevryday or twice a day

Newborn babies usually pass stools and urine soon after every feed. This is a natural reflex in the body. Feeding induces a reflex to pass stools. As the newborn grows, they attain better control over their urinary and anal sphincters. This enables them to control the passing of stools and urine. With increasing age of the baby, the frequency of passing stools and urine decreases.

I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, is there any chance to have child?

PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a group of symptoms, one of which is the formation of multiple cysts in the ovaries due to incomplete rupture of the follicles. Some individuals may not develop cysts at all, while most have multiple cysts in the ovary. Incomplete rupture of follicles causes the egg to not be released. There are multiple aspects to PCOS and it can occur with varying degrees of severity in different individuals. The basic underlying defect is an imbalance in hormonal balance in the body. In addition to the sex hormones, insulin also may have a role to play in PCOS. There are several treatment modalities available for PCOS. Most of these attempt to correct the hormonal balance. It is possible to restore fertility in individuals with PCOS. You must consult a gynaecologist for a complete evaluation and appropriate treatment.

Troubled Nude Pics ?*

My boyfriend took nude pictures of me without me knowing, what may be his motives?

Men/boys are very visual creatures when it comes to sex - he probably wanted nude pictures of you simply because he thinks you look sexy, and wanted to have the pictures to look at even when you're not around. In the worst case, he wanted to share them with others.

In any case, he shouldn't have taken pictures without your permission! Ask him to delete the pics, and tell him he'll face consequences if he does it again without your consent.

In many countries (UK, Canada, Singapore, India, South Africa...), his act might be deemed illegal under anti-voyuerism laws!

But on serious note, why must you snap nude pix and left it in ur phone if not to give it to him

Excess release of wax through the ear

Is it normal for your ears to release alot of wax 
Ear wax or Cerumen is secreted within the ear as a protective mechanism. This along with the hair in the ear canal prevents the entry of foreign objects into the ear. The amount and consistency of ear wax varies from person to person. Some individuals may produce less ear wax, some more. Some may produce wetter ear wax, others dry wax. Ear wax is pushed out of the ear naturally. In some individuals however, ear wax may collect in the ear canal and get impacted. Impaction may occur due to drying of the ear wax inside the ear canal, due to obstruction in the ear canal, shape of the ear canal, or when it is pushed in by the use of ear buds. One should not attempt to remove impacted wax. You could injure the ear drum. You should consult a qualified health professional for the same.

Fidel husband

I married my husband last month but he told me that he doesn't trust me, he says he will trust me as time goes on?

Was this an arranged marriage, not a love marriage? If you and your husband don't know each other well, what he says is reasonable - at least he is willing to trust you as he gets to know you. If this wasn't an arranged marriage, you need to have a good talk with him about why he has trouble trusting you, and why he married you when he doesn't even trust you!

Can she get pregnant if she has sex after 7 days since ovulation?

Seven days post ovulation is close to the outer limit of the fertile period. The problem here is how do you determine the day of ovulation? There is no reliable method to do so that you can practice at home. What if your ovulation was delayed by a few days in that cycle? This is the reason that the rhythm method is not a reliable method of contraception. It relies on estimating the date of ovulation. This estimate can go wrong. If you do not want to get pregnant, there are several inexpensive and highly efficient methods of contraception available. These have been discussed in earlier answers on this channel. Use of any of those methods along with the use of a condom will prevent both pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted infections.

Why is eye contact important when you're doing a presentation?

In many cultures, eye contact signifies truthfulness as well as sincerity and confidence. Eye contact also makes the presentation seem more personal, thus more likely to keep the attention of the audience.

What is the maximum months until a nursing mother starts having her monthly period?

A nursing mother can go a very long time without having a period - while the average is around 14 months for those who breastfeed, some women can go years without having their period if they continue to breastfeed frequently. Don't assume you won't get pregnant though - a minority of women with no periods (around 6%) will get pregnant within 6 months despite breastfeeding.

Does morning after pills more efficient than other methods?

Morning after pills are efficient at preventing pregnancy. However, these pills have to be taken within a certain time after the unprotected sexual intercourse. This time interval can vary from 50-150 hours after sexual intercourse. The later you take the pills, the less efficient they are. Morning after pills usually work by altering the hormonal balance to prevent implantation of the fertilised egg. _Occasionally they can fail_. There are several other methods of achieving contraception which are equally or more effective than morning after pills. I have discussed these methods earlier on this channel. There are several advantages of using regular birth control methods. The greatest advantages are that you _do not_ have to remember to take the morning after pill and that these methods will be cheaper than taking morning after pills repeatedly. Use of condoms has the added advantage of protecting you against sexually transmitted infections.

Can a pregnant girl hev normal periods?

A pregnant woman _will not_ have menstrual periods. Pregnancy suppresses menstruation. Normally, a woman does not have her periods throughout the duration of pregnancy and as long as she is breastfeeding her baby regularly. If you are pregnant and have bleeding through the vagina, you must _immediately consult your doctor_. It is not a normal occurrence.

How long does pregnancy test kit detects hcg?

hCG is secreted into the blood almost immediately after implantation of the fertilised egg occurs. This hCG is excreted in urine and is the basis of the urine test for pregnancy. However, the test can only detect hCG after a certain minimum concentration is achieved in the urine. This happens approximately 6 weeks after the last menstrual period, or 2 weeks after the missed period. This is variable and the test may be positive earlier or later in different women. hCG can also be detected in blood. However, the urine test is simpler,cheaper and can be done at home.

How can muscles and torn ligament be repaired?

There is nothing that you can do to repair muscles and torn ligaments. If the tear or strain is minor, the body will repair it naturally. You can help the process by giving the affected region adequate rest and other such management as taking anti inflammatory drugs for a short period. More severe tears may need to be corrected by surgery if possible. Surgical treatment may not be possible in all cases. Even if it can be done, surgical treatment will not bring the torn ligament or muscle back to original condition. There will always be a defect and you will need to take care while stressing that area.

What is the name of spectacles' that should be worn by a pesorn with photophobia

Photophobia literally means fear of light. Medically, this term is used when a person is highly sensitive to light. In mild cases, it may only be sensitivity to bright light, but the level of sensitivity varies. To answer your question, you need to wear dark glasses. You may use tinted lenses, photochromatic lenses, or polarised lenses. You will have to try out different lenses to see which one you are comfortable with. The more important issue is to determine the cause of your photophobia or photosensitivity. There are many reasons why a person may develop increased sensitivity to light. Some of these are treatable. You must consult an eye specialist for an evaluation.

Desperate mother to daughter

My daughter is 32yrs she is not married yet. I tried to talk to her about planning her marriage but she is not responding should I keep on telling her or should I leave it and wait until she is ready for marriage?

At 32, your daughter is definitely old enough to decide for herself if and when she wants to get married. You can offer her help, but don't be offended if she doesn't take it. Don't pester her so much that she avoids talking to you altogether!

Name of spectacle for photophobia

Photophobia literally means fear of light. Medically, this term is used when a person is highly sensitive to light. In mild cases, it may only be sensitivity to bright light, but the level of sensitivity varies. To answer your question, you need to wear dark glasses. You may use tinted lenses, photochromatic lenses, or polarised lenses. You will have to try out different lenses to see which one you are comfortable with. The more important issue is to determine the cause of your photophobia or photosensitivity. There are many reasons why a person may develop increased sensitivity to light. Some of these are treatable. You must consult an eye specialist for an evaluation.

Risky HIV

HIV is transmitted through exchange of body fluids. The body fluids that transmit HIV are blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. Other body fluids are incapable of transmitting HIV. You can reduce the risk of contracting HIV by not exposing yourself to these body fluids from an HIV infected person. Use condoms at each and every sexual encounter. Do not share razor blades or toothbrushes. Razor blades and toothbrushes can get contaminated with blood. Do not share needles and syringes. You must make it a point to follow this advice all the time. If you do have a suspected exposure to HIV, you must report to a doctor. Depending on the region you are in Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) may be available. HIV positive mothers should take medical advice during pregnancy and before breastfeeding their children to minimise mother to child transmission of HIV.

Cumming multiple times

I heard one doctor say, we should cum 5 times a week in order to prevent prostate cancer. What do u know about that??
The major risk factor for prostate cancer appears to be genetic. If you have a particular sort of gene, you are at higher risk to develop prostate cancer. If you develop a particular mutation of a gene, you are at higher risk of prostate cancer. The point is that even if you have the “high-risk” gene, you may still not develop cancer. The gene only predisposes you to prostate cancer. Many other factors may influence prostate cancer. It is still unknown what all these factors are. Smoking, diet rich in red meat, infection and inflammation of the prostate, and exposure to certain chemicals are some of the factors being researched. While there have been some studies showing a linkage between higher frequency of sex and lower incidence of prostate cancer, there is no direct cause-effect relationship between the two. As I explained earlier, there are _many factors_ that affect prostate cancer.

Does sex prevent prostate cancer?

The major risk factor for prostate cancer appears to be genetic. If you have a particular sort of gene, you are at higher risk to develop prostate cancer. If you develop a particular mutation of a gene, you are at higher risk of prostate cancer. The point is that even if you have the “high-risk” gene, you may still not develop cancer. The gene only predisposes you to prostate cancer. Many other factors may influence prostate cancer. It is still unknown what all these factors are. Smoking, diet rich in red meat, infection and inflammation of the prostate, and exposure to certain chemicals are some of the factors being researched. While there have been some studies showing a linkage between higher frequency of sex and lower incidence of prostate cancer, there is no direct cause-effect relationship between the two. As I explained earlier, there are _many factors_ that affect prostate cancer.

Simple Tetanus

Tetanus can be fatal. Even with the best treatment, tetanus can kill. Fortunately, there is an excellent preventive measure available. Getting immunised with anti tetanus vaccine (Tetanus Toxoid) will give you protection against getting it for about 5 years. All you need to do is to get a booster dose every five years. It is an inexpensive and reliable way of not contracting tetanus. In addition, you must also remember to clean all wounds immediately and get proper medical attention for deep wounds. Wounds can cause other infections other than tetanus.

Can she get pregnant if she has sex after 7 days since ovulation?

Seven days post ovulation is close to the outer limit of the fertile period. The problem here is how do you determine the day of ovulation? There is no reliable method to do so that you can practice at home. What if your ovulation was delayed by a few days in that cycle? This is the reason that the rhythm method is not a reliable method of contraception. It relies on estimating the date of ovulation. This estimate can go wrong. If you do not want to get pregnant, there are several inexpensive and highly efficient methods of contraception available. These have been discussed in earlier answers on this channel. Use of any of those methods along with the use of a condom will prevent both pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted infections.

Name of spectacle for photophobia

Photophobia literally means fear of light. Medically, this term is used when a person is highly sensitive to light. In mild cases, it may only be sensitivity to bright light, but the level of sensitivity varies. To answer your question, you need to wear dark glasses. You may use tinted lenses, photochromatic lenses, or polarised lenses. You will have to try out different lenses to see which one you are comfortable with. The more important issue is to determine the cause of your photophobia or photosensitivity. There are many reasons why a person may develop increased sensitivity to light. Some of these are treatable. You must consult an eye specialist for an evaluation.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

What is the first aid to treat a person who is bitten by a dog?

The greatest fear from a dog bite is of contracting Rabies. The treatment for Rabies is vaccination after a bite from a suspected infected animal or after a bite from an unknown or unobservable animal. Apart from Rabies, dog bites can also cause various other diseases. Saliva of dogs contain bacteria and other organisms that can cause disease in humans. First aid in case of a dog bite is to _immediately_ wash the wound thoroughly with running water and soap. This will cleanse the area of most of the infective organisms, thus decreasing the injected dose of organism. _Do not_ bandage the area unless it is bleeding profusely. Once this is done, you should immediately consult a doctor for further treatment.

In our culture they don't allow dating a guy who is younger than a lady. They allow dating a guy who is older than a lady. So what should I do - should I move on and leave him or what ..?

There's no good reason why a woman shouldn't be able to date a man who is younger (especially if the age difference is small), and if this guy makes you happy then the relationship is probably worth a fight. Keep in mind also, that despite taboos, criticisms will likely fade over time if people see that you are happy and settled. However it's important to choose your battles wisely - if staying with him makes you more miserable than leaving him, then it's also okay to choose not to fight. Choose the path that leaves you with the least regrets.

What is the first aid to treat a person who is bitten by a dog?

The greatest fear from a dog bite is of contracting Rabies. The treatment for Rabies is vaccination after a bite from a suspected infected animal or after a bite from an unknown or unobservable animal. Apart from Rabies, dog bites can also cause various other diseases. Saliva of dogs contain bacteria and other organisms that can cause disease in humans. First aid in case of a dog bite is to _immediately_ wash the wound thoroughly with running water and soap. This will cleanse the area of most of the infective organisms, thus decreasing the injected dose of organism. _Do not_ bandage the area unless it is bleeding profusely. Once this is done, you should immediately consult a doctor for further treatment.

Why do girls get wet when they are not even having sex and even when they are not thinking about of sex?

The vagina is self-cleaning, and naturally produces some discharge to clean itself! Physical stimulation - something as simple as going up and down the stairs can also cause wetness, even if the girl isn't turned on at all. Ovulation also tends to get a girl wet - when a woman is most fertile, her body naturally produces more lubrication even if she's not thinking about sex.

Is using earpiece good for the ear

Ear pieces and ear buds fit snugly into the ear canal. The sound that they produce is directed on the ear drum and does not dissipate. If you listen to anything at high volume through the ear pieces, it is likely to cause damage to your hearing over a period of time. This is why newer phones and music devices have a set upper limit to the volume when you connect the earphone jack. Use of over-the-ear headphones are relatively safer. However, listening to high decibel sounds could cause hearing loss.

How accurate can be a pregnancy scan in terms of delivery dates

Ante natal ultrasound scans can estimate the period of gestation with reliable accuracy. This is done by comparing various parameters measured on the foetus with standard values that are available. From the period of gestation, an Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) is calculated. This date is only an estimate. The baby will be born when it wants to be. This natural process cannot be predicted. There are far too many variable that affect labour and delivery. In the majority of cases, however, the EDD is correct to within 7-10 days of the actual date of delivery.

I am a boy and my hair by the corners of my head in the front is receding. What should I do?

Do you have male relatives - father, grandfathers who are bald? If so, there's nothing much you can do - unfortunately, some men/boys start having receding hairlines, even as youngsters. There are medications you can take to slow down the process, but they can have side effects, and aren't recommended for teens. You could also visit a doctor to discuss the issue - occasionally, there are hormone imbalances that cause balding, and if you want treatment, you need to see a doctor anyways. In the meantime, experiment with different hairstyles (possibly a shaved head) - and don't let your hair affect your self-esteem. Most men will lose hair sooner or later anyways!

How accurate can be a pregnancy scan in terms of delivery dates

Ante natal ultrasound scans can estimate the period of gestation with reliable accuracy. This is done by comparing various parameters measured on the foetus with standard values that are available. From the period of gestation, an Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD) is calculated. This date is only an estimate. The baby will be born when it wants to be. This natural process cannot be predicted. There are far too many variable that affect labour and delivery. In the majority of cases, however, the EDD is correct to within 7-10 days of the actual date of delivery.

Family planning &HIV is it safe to use family planning methods while yu a on art.

Drugs used in ART can interact with hormonal contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptives may be in the form of pills or injectables. The interaction can cause increase or decrease in the concentration of the contraceptive hormone. This interaction is highly variable between different individuals as well as between different drugs. There is a variety of other contraceptive methods that you can choose from. Condoms or other barrier contraceptives can be used safely. Similarly, implantable uterine devices should also be effective. You should consult your doctor to have a detailed discussion on the best method of contraception for you. If you do decide to use a hormonal contraceptive, it would be advisable to combine it with another method such as barrier contraceptive.

Contagion Elephantiasis

Elephantiasis is a condition where parts of the body, commonly the legs or arms, swell up due to collection of fluid in the tissues. There are several conditions that can cause extreme swelling of the limbs. However, this term is usually used to denote swelling in the limbs due blockage of the lymphatic system caused by infection with the filarial parasite. Filariasis is a worm infestation that is spread by mosquitoes. The larvae are injected by the mosquito bit after which they grow and multiply. This can block lymphatic vessels causing swelling in the limbs. Treatment is available for filariasis which will eradicate the infection. Treatment for the swelling, however, is more difficult.

What happens after swallowing bubble gum?

Usually, some, but not all of the bubble gum will get digested and pass through your body in about a week or so (most foods only take 2 to 3 days). So, if you swallow bubblegum by accident once in a while, you don't need to get worried, but you certainly should not make a habit of it. Because gum digests so slowly, swallowing too may end up blocking intestines, especially in small children.

Is coffee allowed to be given to children?

Coffee contains large amounts of caffeine which affects children more than adults. Children will end up jittery, anxious, and unable to sleep from small amounts of coffee, unlike adults who won't have the same symptoms unless they drink a large amount. Caffeine is also addictive, and it's not clear how large amounts of caffeine will affect a developing brain - while small sips of coffee is certainly fine, it's best to stay from daily cups of coffee at least until the child is in their late teens.

Is it wise to do pregnancy test anytime of the day or in the morning?️

The urine pregnancy test can be done at any time of the day. However, early in pregnancy, the concentration of protein detected by the test may be low in the urine. In such cases it is a good idea to use the first morning sample to test for pregnancy. This is because the urine is most concentrated early in the morning, and therefore the concentration of the protein is higher. Samples collected during the day are more dilute as you drink water throughout the day.

What to do if condoms give you rash as a girl???

Some people are sensitive or allergic to latex which is used to make most condoms. Look for condoms made from polyurethane or polyisoprene. If you have a steady partner whom you absolutely trust, you could forego condoms and use other forms of contraceptives such as birth control pills, depo provera, IUDs, etc that protect against pregnancy, but not STIs.

Sunday 20 October 2019

Rebound Books of girlfriend

My girlfriend breakups with me because she wanted time 2 concentrate with her books but to my surprise she is now dating some one what should I do?

What to do when one is burnt by fire

The first thing to do when you are burnt by fire is to put out the flames. The flames may be burning on clothes and they need to be put out by pouring water or smothering it with a thick blanket. Once the flames are out, you should try to cool the burnt area by holding it under cool water. _Do not use ice or cold water for this_. The idea is to cool the burnt area and the surrounding tissues to prevent further damage. As soon as possible, take the person to a hospital for further treatment. _Do not apply any creams, ointments, oils, or herbs on the burnt area_. If there is any clothing stuck on the burnt skin, _do not_ try to peel it off. Only remove bits of clothing that come off easily. Keep the area clean, cover it with a loose bandage and go to a hospital.

I found out that my boyfriend have the tendency of stealing my phone at night and go through my stuff, how do I tell him that I hate what he does?

Instead of telling him that you hate what he does, tell him that you've noticed that he's been going through your phone, and ask if he's feeling insecure about the relationship in any way. Hopefully, you will be able to have an honest conversation about the relationship. You can then put a lock/password on your phone and tell him that your phone is private - not because you have anything to hide from him, but because you have friends and family that may tell you things that is private and not meant for his eyes - there should be some privacy, even in an relationship.

Is it possible for a girl to be pregnant 2 weeks after her menstruation

Ovulation occurs about 2 weeks after the start of the previous menstrual period. If sexual intercourse happens around that time, fertilisation can occur. So, yes, it is possible for a girl to be pregnant 2 weeks after her last menstrual period. However, she may not know it. It will take about another month for urine tests to become positive for pregnancy. It will also take a further 2 weeks or so for the pregnancy to show up clearly on an ultrasound scan.

Does a person with high viral load look healthy?

A high viral load indicates a rapid rate of multiplication of HIV. In the usual course, a high viral load corresponds to a low CD4 count. This is because more number of viruses in the blood means greater destruction of CD4 cells. However, it can happen that the viral load is high but the CD4 count is not very low. A high viral load does not directly affect a person. It is decrease in CD4 cells that causes the individual to fall ill. Decreased immunity makes a person ill in more ways than just contracting infection. A person with a high viral load may appear healthy until their CD4 count falls below a critical level. That is the point at which they start to be unwell.

Saturday 19 October 2019

Is condom 100% sure️

_Nothing in this world is 100% safe_. Condoms are prepared in such a way that microbes and sperms cannot pass through the material. In real life, however, condoms may not be used correctly every time. Condoms may be reused, they may not be worn correctly, they may break during sexual intercourse, they may slip off during sexual intercourse, they may have expired, or they may not have been stored correctly. These are just some of the reasons why condoms can fail. In fact, the practice of carrying a condom in the wallet or in the pocket can weaken the material by exposing it to high ambient temperatures and increase the chances of failure. If used correctly each and every time, condoms have very high efficiency. In real life however, they have been estimated to be about 85% efficient in preventing sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy.

Why some guys are not romantic?

It's not just men - there are plenty of women who are not very "romantic" as well. Some people place less importance in the communication and display of love than others. It's not necessarily the case that unromantic people feel less love - they just don't feel the need to show it or dwell in it as much - in fact, some people might find blatant celebrations of love rather embarrassing!

Why is it that girls are intelligent than boys at school but boys end up being successful and rich when they are older? (Patriarchy strike)

Boys often do well in schools as they grow older - girls tend to be more mature than boys at a younger age, but boys catch up. Of course, that doesn't explain why boys tend to be more successful in the long run! Unfortunately, much of the world is still stacked against girls - boys often get paid more than girls for the same job, and get promoted more quickly just for being male. Men are pressured by society to succeed in the workplace, while women are pressured to get married or have children. While many women will fight the double standards, many women will get disillusioned and give in. Women bear the blunt of childbirth and childcare as well - they end up sacrificing more of their career for the sake of their family and children.

Can you escape hiv after affected with gonorhea

The short answer to your question is _NO_. Gonorrhoea _does not_ provide you with any protection from HIV. On the contrary, gonorrhoea increases the chance that you may get infected by HIV. Gonorrhoea causes inflammation and injury to the genital tract. This injury makes it easier for HIV to enter the blood stream. So if you have gonorrhoea and are sexually exposed to HIV, you are more likely to be infected by HIV. Let me repeat, _Gonorrhoea does not protect you from HIV_.

Should I continue taking ARV when my undetectable viral load

Your viral load is undetectable because the ARV that you are taking is actively suppressing the virus. Once you stop taking your medication, HIV will start to multiply again. Over time your viral load will increase and CD4 count will decrease. Not only that, the virus in your body may also become resistant to the drugs that you are taking, making it more difficult to control. An undetectable viral load _does not_ mean that the virus is removed form your body. It only means that multiplication of the virus is suppressed and it cannot infect new cells in your body. Treatment for HIV is life long. You should not stop it.

Friday 18 October 2019

How does a razor blade used by an HIV infected person transimit the virus if l cut myself with it when it is said hiv virus does not last longer when exposed to oxygen

How long HIV can survive on a razor blade depends on how much fluid is present on the blade. On a relatively dry surface, HIV cannot survive for very long. However, in the presence of blood or body fluids, HIV has been known to survive for upto 7 days at room temperature, and even longer at lower temperatures. The survivability of HIV outside the body depends on many factors which cannot be quantified. The amount of virus in the fluid, the amount of fluid, and the ambient temperature are some of the factors that influence survival of HIV outside the body. HIV does survive in the presence of oxygen. What kills HIV outside the body is exposure to sunlight or heat. It cannot be determined exactly how long HIV can survive on a razor blade. This is the reason why you are advised not to share razor blades or toothbrushes or syringes and needles. Better safe than sorry.

Does itching on the penis forehead after unsafe sex mean lm HIV positive?

I have repeatedly said on this channel that _HIV infection has no symptoms_. HIV gradually destroys the immune system of the body. When this destruction reaches a critical level, the immune system cannot fight any infections. This causes the individual to suffer from other “opportunistic” infections. These are the symptoms that are seen and these occur late in HIV infection. Itching on the penis after sex _is not_ a symptom of HIV infection. A common infection that is contracted after unsafe sex is Candidiasis which can cause itching on the genitalia. If it is troubling you, I would advise you to consult a doctor who can treat you after examination.

Part of a tooth has broken so should the bearer remove the whole tooth?

The treatment of broken tooth would depend on the level of dentistry facilities available in your region. Depending on the severity of injury, broken teeth can also be salvaged. One of the protocols involves doing a Root Canal Treatment (RCT) followed by either filling the tooth or placing a crown on it. It is possible that there is very little of your tooth remaining in which case it may have to be extracted. You must consult a dentist who can advise you after examining you.


Get yourself to a dentist. Broken, even chipped teeth can be weaker and prone to further damage or infection unless treated. Take painkillers if you're in pain. At the dentist, you can discuss various options for making your tooth look whole again - bonding, capping, dental veneers, etc. Depending on the amount of damage and your budget, you can find the right solution to fix your smile!