Wednesday, 13 November 2019

My young sister is pregnant, and is having a breastfeeding child who is 8 months old.what advice shall she obtain?

Pregnancy and breastfeeding imposes a great load on the body. The woman will have to cater to the nutrition of herself, the breastfeeding child as well as the baby in the womb. An eight month old child can be weaned off breastfeed. Breast milk is not sufficient to take care of the nutrition of an eight month old baby and the child should be weaned off to other solid foods. This should be done gradually using soft foods initially and then progressing to normal diet. Different regions and cultures have their own variants of weaning foods. Your sister should ensure that she gets good nutrition and adequate rest. In addition, she should visit the Ante Natal Clinic for regular checkup. These visits can check whether her haemoglobin content in blood is normal, whether the baby is growing normally inside the womb, prescribe appropriate vitamins and minerals and also give her the required vaccinations. It is also advisable to get the eight month old baby vaccinated as per the immunisation schedule prevalent in your region.

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