Monday 22 January 2024



A lady said she wants to take nåkēd pictures of herself as her birthday photoshoot in our studio one Friday morning
Initially, I thought she was just trying to pull my legs or maybe I misheard that statement untill she started undressing herself in front of me.
"Heyyyy, sister wait, what are you trying to do?" I asked the lady with my eyes a bit wide and my mouth agåpë in surprise but I caught my eyes trying to find their way to her bōôbs
"I don't understand, I came here for photoshoot, what do you mean about what I am trying to do? Are you not hērē for buisness?" She said and she took off her clothes completely revealing her bōōbs finally
At the sight of her half nåkēd body, I became short of words, I wasn't sure of what I wanted to say, my brain rebooted and I couldn't retrieve
I was actually the only one in the studio that day, my boss was off to his hometown according to him and my other colleagues are off too
I tried to control myself, but my brain had began to imagine some scenes with her already
"Could this be set up? or opportunity for me to have cōitūs with her because it's been a while I did it?, Is she serious about what she said? But wait, my boss don't tãke nūde pictures at all, how come she just came in without even making enquiry if we do nūdë pictures or not before pulling off her clothes and no one comes with her, this is temptation" the thought swifly pondered my mind.
"Are you taking the pictures or not?" Her statement brought me back to my consciousness. I looked at her, she was completely nåked
"Humm, you have a nice a body, I must confess" I said, trying not to look dūmb to her. I was obviously lust completely and craving to have a touch of her sūccūlent bōdy
"Thank you, so how much will you be charging me, I want you to take 5 full pictures and 3 half pictures?" She said, staring at her own body, and touching her breast
"Sister can you come over, I beg you in the name of God, don't worry I'm taking the pictures for free, Even if you want to take thousands of it, I'm ready"
"Really? You want to have me right?" She said. I heard that voice and I was turned on already
"Yes" I said romantically and she started coming closer to me
I lifted her up and sat her down on my boss table so the I could have a direct entry of my rod into her red sea
I was trying to adjust her for better penetration and all of a sūddēn, my boss's camera worth 350k fell and broke
"Jesus Christ" I exclaimed shockingly
"I think it's high time, so, you guys should come in" The lady said snapping her fingers towards the door, and immediately I couldn't believe what i saw...
Story continued...
Stay glued for part 2

Friday 19 January 2024


world aids day with Estys clothing

Several factors contribute to individuals not loving themselves:

 Several factors contribute to individuals not loving themselves:

1. **Comparing Journeys:** Engaging in constant comparisons with others can diminish self-love.

2. **Lack of Contentment:** Not being satisfied with what one has can hinder self-appreciation.

3. **Accepting Lies:** Believing negative narratives about oneself from others can erode self-love.

4. **Dwelling on Failures:** Prolonged focus on failures, challenges, and low moments can impact self-perception.

5. **Toxic Relationships:** Surrounding oneself with toxic circles can negatively influence self-worth.

6. **Unrealistic Desires:** Wanting more than one can afford may lead to dissatisfaction.

7. **Negative Conditioning:** Believing nothing good can come from oneself is detrimental to self-love.

8. **Verbal Abuse:** Enduring verbal abuse at home or from relationships can damage self-esteem.

9. **Role Model Disappointments:** Disappointments from admired figures may affect self-perception.

To foster self-love:

1. **Positive Mindset:** Believe in personal growth, happiness, and success, starting from the mind.

2. **Healthy Relationships:** Seek out positive friendships, distancing oneself from toxic influences.

3. **Contentment:** Embrace contentment, working on areas that require improvement.

4. **Overcoming Failure:** View failure as a stepping stone, not the end, and strive for positive change.

5. **Realistic Expectations:** Acknowledge imperfections, understanding that perfection is unattainable.

6. **Spiritual Belief:** Recognize one's uniqueness and inherent value, grounded in spiritual faith.

Tuesday 16 January 2024

Here are the romantic facts

1. 🤷 **Place your trust in the person who demonstrates their love, not just the one who claims it.**


2. 💁 **Feelings for someone tend to linger. You may not feel the same way, but a sense of care often remains.**


3. 🚶 **Choose not to forsake someone who genuinely loves you for someone who doesn't.**


4. 🚶 **Moving on is never easy, but it's a reminder from life that you deserve better than what you have now.**


5. 🎬 **Life is a lengthy journey, and love is the enduring promise you may find challenging to keep.**


6. 💞 **Sometimes, the person you love and the one who loves you back are not identical.**


7. 💞 **There's nothing more beautiful than having someone as both your lover and your best friend.**

Saturday 13 January 2024

sex addiction



1. Love the person you married, not the person you hoped you married. Accept your spouse totally. You cannot love a man/woman you do not accept. Stop comparing your spouse with anyone, he or she can never be somebody else. Until you accept your spouse, you can't get the best out of your marriage
2. Understand each other. No marriage succeeds without understanding. Learn to know one another as best as you can. Understand you are not the same and may never be. Respect that you are both individuals. Get to know each other strengths and weaknesses. Strengthen each other's weaknesses.
3. Be quick to forgive and quicker to apologize. Love forgives. Learn to accept apology. Freely forgive your spouse’s past, present and future offenses. Never refer to his/her past mistakes. Never go to bed with anger or unsettled quarrel. Marriage is two forgivers living together.
4. Ask your spouse, "What can I do for you today?" every single day.
5. Never talk bad about your spouse to other people. Protect him or her and always keep his or her name safe. Fight for each other, not with each other.
6. Have lots of sex. Enjoy Sex with your spouse. Never withhold sex as a punishment.
7. Keep the word "divorce" out of your vocabulary. Remember your vows. Review them on a regular basis.
8. Provide for the needs of your spouse and children. Never be stingy to your spouse. Care for his/her needs. Be generous to him/her. Pay your children’s school fees promptly and regularly. Marriage is not 50/50. It's 100/100. Give yourself entirely, and don't hold back. Men, Be sensitive to your wife’s needs. Spend money to beautify her.
9. Be faithful to your spouse. Being unfaithful is the easiest way to completely ruin your marriage. Adultery kills.
10. Understand and learn each other's love language. Either it can be words, gifts, touch, actions, etc. If it is words, then frequently tell your spouse you love and appreciate him/ her.
Let's share to educate others


Once upon a time in a vibrant village nestled in the heart of a lush valley, there lived a young dreamer named Aria. Aria had a burning passion for painting, and she spent countless hours in her little studio, lost in the world of colors and canvases.
One day, an opportunity arose for Aria to showcase her artwork in the upcoming annual art exhibition in the neighboring city. Excited about the possibility of sharing her passion with a wider audience, she poured her heart and soul into creating a masterpiece that she believed would be her ticket to success.
As the days turned into weeks, Aria anxiously awaited for the response from the exhibition committee. But as the deadline approached, she received a letter of regret, informing her that her artwork had not been selected for the event.
Devastated and disheartened, Aria felt like all her hard work had been in vain. Doubt crept into her mind, and she began to question her talent and her dreams. However, in the midst of her despair, an old lady from the village approached Aria with a knowing smile.
"Delay is not denial, my dear," the old lady said with a glint in her eyes. "Your time will come. Keep painting and never lose faith in your art."
Inspired by the old lady's words, Aria decided to channel her disappointment into motivation. She continued to paint with even more determination, using her setbacks as fuel to ignite her passion further. Days turned into months, and months turned into years, but Aria never lost sight of her dream.
One sunny morning, a renowned art curator stumbled upon Aria's paintings in a local art festival. Mesmerized by the vibrancy and depth of her work, the curator approached Aria with an offer to feature her paintings in a prestigious gallery in the heart of the city.
Overwhelmed with joy and disbelief, Aria realized that the old lady's wisdom had come true. The delay in her success was not a denial of her talent but merely a detour on her journey to achieving greatness.
As Aria's paintings adorned the walls of the gallery, people from near and far marveled at the beauty and emotion captured in her art. Aria's story spread like wildfire, inspiring countless aspiring artists to persevere in the face of rejection and to hold onto their belief that delay is not denial.
In the end, Aria's journey became a testament to the power of resilience and unwavering faith in one's dreams. She proved that setbacks and disappointments are just temporary roadblocks, and they can never extinguish the flame of determination that burns within a true artist's heart.
From that day on, Aria's paintings became a symbol of hope and perseverance, reminding everyone who viewed them that delay is not denial. It is merely a gentle nudge from destiny, urging us to keep forging ahead on the path to greatness.
In many aspects of life, delays are common. Whether it's waiting for an opportunity, a decision, or a desired outcome, the waiting process can be challenging. During these times, it's easy to feel discouraged and question whether the delay is a sign of something that will never come to pass. "Delay is not denial" reminds us that setbacks and waiting periods do not equate to permanent rejection.

UK 🇬🇧 🆚 Canada 🇨🇦. Must Watch Before Choosing Your Country.



1. Every male( including a little boy) has the instinct of detecting disrespect and dishonour from your words and actions towards them .
2. Men feed on honour and respect. They value it over food. Do all you like to a man but don't touch his respect and honour.
3. Men hate it when they're talking to you and you are talking back at him. He hates it when he is talking and you are walking away.
4. Men hate to be challenged by their wife. Challenging him is stirring up the beast in him. That is unprofitable for you, woman
5. Men can do anything for their peace of mind, even it makes them look like a coward. When a man looses his peace at home, his life is about to relocate to another place to seek it with anyone who can give it him.
6. When a man is complaining about a particular thing, he has reached his breaking points of endurance. Do your best to pay attention to that thing and find a way to help him.
7. When a man is talking to you, he needs you to be silent and pay attention to him by focusing on him. Your calmness can make him reduce the tone of his voice if he was shouting at you.
8. The silence of a woman scares a man naturally, he can do anything just to make sure he finds out what went wrong.
9. A man is never never too busy for the woman he loves.
10. What a man wants from his woman after every day activities is peace of mind. Keep the issues away from him till he has been refreshed with food and warm/cool bath.
11. Whenever a man gets a gift for his woman, it means he has thought about her deeply before doing so.
12. A man is not always far from his investment. He either carries it in his mind or he go with it anywhere he goes.
13. Men love sex . Women love lovemaking.
14. Men shade the most honest tears after children since they rarely show emotions.
15. Every man you see has a baby side of them that yearn for deep pampering and petting. That's why we call them baby

Wednesday 10 January 2024


⏰Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time Year 2 (10 January 2023)

📖1 Sam 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2 and 5, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10 (R.v.8a, 9a); Mark 1:29-39


Prov 22:6 says, "Teach the child the way he should go, and he will not stray from it even when he is old." The truth is that many of us are what we are today because our parents started on time to show us the way that leads to life.

Hannah took the boy Samuel and placed him in the Temple so that he would grow and serve the Lord as she had promised (cf. 1 Sam 1:11). In that process, the priest taught him how to listen to the voice of God.

How many of our parents and guardians still take their children and wards with them when going to the Church or for some spiritual programs? When you leave your house early in the morning for Morning Mass, do you take them with you or hide under the excuse that they are preparing for school?

There will always be something to prepare for; now, it is school, and tomorrow, it will be work. Hence, they may grow without the same value you have for God.

Teach your child to have a space for God no matter the busy schedule, and you will be sure it will be a harvest of divine interventions whenever life becomes difficult (see Mark 1:30-34).

May God intervene in all your difficulties, touch his healing hands upon the sick once more, and grant you peace in your home. Amen.

It is well with you.

People are in our lives for a reason,

 People are in our lives for a reason, a season, and most are not here to the end.

But that beautiful face looking back at you in the mirror everyday is your companion for life, so make sure you love, respect, and accept yourself completely.
Be kind, loving, and good to yourself. 🥰
(We talk a lot about cutting people off, but nobody talks about the grief that comes with having to stand firm on that decision knowing it’s not what you wanted but what was necessary for your well-being.-@positivethoughtsvibe)
~Barb Schmidt

New update from Samzyplash

You can't force someone to respect you,

 You can't force someone to respect you, but you CAN refuse to be disrespected.

So when you're with someone and they are disrespecting you, in a calm, powerful way, speak up, if that's not possible or is not in your best interest, simply walk away.
Remember this is not retreating and being a coward, it's actually being brave, loving, respecting yourself completely, and taking really good care of yourself. Calm is your superpower. It is not being a door mat.

Think of how much energy it takes to lie

 Think of how much energy it takes to lie, and then keep track of what you said, so you don't get caught.

Most people learn after a few big lies that it's so much easier and better to just tell the truth.
But how many people tell, what they consider, small "white lies" that don't really hurt anyone?
Don't be fooled thinking that small lies are harmless.
They are just as powerful as the big ones. They actually erode your self worth, take your vital energy, and cause a ripple effect in your life that causes you suffering without you understanding where it's coming from.
Your life will thrive if you are honest, and living unapologetically who you are. This is where the magic happens.
(Stop expecting honesty from people who lie to themselves.-Anthony Carter II)

How does gratitude help us feel enough in life?

 How does gratitude help us feel enough in life?

Showing gratitude means that we are appreciative and grateful for what we have. The more we notice what we have, the more we feel adequate.
Most people feel inadequate because they are not content with what they have; they look at what others have and what they don't, and they want to accumulate more and more. In doing so, they overlook what they already have and remain unhappy even though they have a lot.
Appreciate everything you have in life. If your survival needs are met, your body is healthy, your mind is at peace, and your relationships are going well, you already have a lot in life. You can aim to make more progress, but until you learn to be grateful, you'll never feel like you have enough.
Dr Bhawna Gautam

Thursday 4 January 2024



Yes, you should make love anytime you both want to but here are strategic times you don't want to miss and means the whole world to your spouse. Make your spouse feel super special during this period, enjoy love making like never before and help them overcome sexual temptation out there and stick to you -their honey pot, sweet sugar pie and paradise zone forever *winks*.
1. Before they travel.
2. After they return from travelling.
3. Second to fourth days before and after menstruation for those with regular period and wants love making without the drama of pregnancy, condom, pills or injection.
4. Ovulation period for those seeking babies.
5. All through 9 months pregnancy day in, day out as your power can carry. (Don't vomit on uncle during the first trimester sha).
6. When they are not happy.
7. When they feel so lonely or depressed.
8. On a cold rainy night.
9. Early harmattan morning.
10. During celebration e.g new job, business breakthrough, promotion, award of contract, etc.
11. When you are looking super sexy and he can't take his eyes off you.
12. When you are super charming and she is prowling all over you.
13. After settling your "quarrel".
Alright, there you go baby, go rock your lover's bed. Here you go uncle, start doing some press up and weight lifts, you need some energy to do your job during this period, laughs.
Seriously, there is no time limit or barrier to anytime you want to make love to your spouse.
Follow your schedule, rhythm passion, time table or whatever.
Don't neglect those special moments either, love making during those periods are more meaningful, deep and affectionate but each family differs. Just do what works for you.
I want you to experience uninterrupted bliss, joy and peace in every way you can in your marriage.
Keep the ball rolling!
Singles, this is STRICTLY FOR THE MARRIED, don't practice!

Samzy splash Road clear no police explicit Feat. Shalipopi