Relationship, health(physical and spiritual), religion, education and relevant items
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
THINGS YOU MISS FOR NOT HAVING SEX....Lots of people might advised
you that you simply miss quite a bit for not having “s*x”, the answer is
capital “yes” you miss a lot and would continue missing them:
1.You miss contracting HIV/AIDS
2.You miss unwanted pregnancy.
3.You miss being unwanted husband/wife.
4.You miss having sexually transmitted disease.
5.You miss having unwanted child.
6.You miss being a school dropout.
7.You miss having a broken home.
8.You miss making God and your
parents sad.
9.You miss barrenness due to abortions.
10.You miss having a destroyed career prospects
and lastly,
11.You miss going to hell.
Have you seen that you really miss a lot by not having s*x? My fellow brethren, your life worth more than five minutes enjoyment that can destroy your life forever. Preserve your body not just for your future husband or wife but for mighty God. So we shall continue to miss every negativity in our lives in Jesus mighty name.
1.You miss contracting HIV/AIDS
2.You miss unwanted pregnancy.
3.You miss being unwanted husband/wife.
4.You miss having sexually transmitted disease.
5.You miss having unwanted child.
6.You miss being a school dropout.
7.You miss having a broken home.
8.You miss making God and your
parents sad.
9.You miss barrenness due to abortions.
10.You miss having a destroyed career prospects
and lastly,
11.You miss going to hell.
Have you seen that you really miss a lot by not having s*x? My fellow brethren, your life worth more than five minutes enjoyment that can destroy your life forever. Preserve your body not just for your future husband or wife but for mighty God. So we shall continue to miss every negativity in our lives in Jesus mighty name.
- kk
THE LEGION OF MARY1. Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array? written in what chapter of the bible? (Song 6:10)2. “The Virgin’s name was Mary.” was written in what chapter of the bible? (Lk I:27)3. “The Legion of Mary! What a perfectly chosen name!” was said by who?(Pope Pius XI)4. Define Legion of Mary according to the Legion Handbook.5. Complete the following sentence.... “The whole life of men, both individual and social, shows itself to be a struggle, and a dramatic one, between ...... and......., between ....... and .........”6. The legionaries hope to render themselves worthy of their great heavenly Queen by their ........., ........... ,and ..........7. The Legion of Mary is organised on the model of ...........8. The terminology of which Legionary is adopted, what is the terminology??9. This army, now so considerable, had .............. of beginnings???10. There was no premeditation in regard to rules and practices of the first Legion meeting. TRUE or FALSE?11. ........ crystallised everything for which the Legion of Mary stands?12. Describe the first simple alter of the Legion13. Legionaries adopted Blessed Virgin Mary,She did not adopt them. TRUE or FALSE?14. The first corporate act of those legionaries was ............15. . When the final ejaculations died away, they set themselves to the consideration of ........16. From that discussion came forth the .........17. Who among them could think that they were inaugurating a system which was to be a new world-force, Which system are they taking about?18. That first enrolment of legionaries of Mary took place at where,time,on which date and on which feast day?19. What was the title of the Legion parent branch?20. The organisation was for a time known as........21. What has been the first and constant aim of this organisation?22. And it is in her alone that man can be properly and in a life-like way formed into God, so far as human nature is capable of this by the grace of Jesus Christ.” Who made this statement23. “The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the Catholic Church” Who made the statementCHAPTER TWO OBJECT24. What is the object of the Legion of Mary?25. The Legion of Mary is at the disposal of who?26. Legionaries will never engage in any of these services whatsoever in a parish without the sanction of Who?27. By the Ordinary in the Legion handbook is meant the.........LEGION OF MARY QUIZ1. The Legionaries hope to render themselves worthy of their great heavenly Queen by their ........, ...... , and .......ans,(their loyalty, their virtues and their courage.)2. How was the first alter set?ans-Table bore simple alter of which centre was a statue of immaculate conception of miraculous medal,on white cloth,flanked by two vases with flowers, and two candle sticks with lighted candles
3. According to chapter 1 of legion handbook, Legion of Mary is
ans- an army4.The first corporate act of those Legionaries was ---------ans-To go on their knees,the ernest head bend low,invocation of the Holy Spirit,5.They set themselves to the consideration of --------- ans-how they could please God and make loved in his world.6.That first enrolment of Legionaries of Mary took place at-----by what time??? on what day???ans-Myra house,francis street, dublin, ireland, at 8p.m on 7th Sept.1921(feast of Our Lady's nativity)7.The organisation was for a time known as------- ans THE ASSOCIATION OF OUR LADY OF MERCY8. The first and constant aim of the Legionary------ ans To reproduce in itself the likeness of Mary, thus best to magnify the Lord and bring him to men.9.Mary is the Mother of all the members of the saviour, because............. ans By her charity she has co-operated in birth of the faithful in the church(by St. Augustine)10.What do you mean when you say that Mary is the living mould of God??? ans It is in her alone that the God Man was naturally formed without losing a feature.11.The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the Catholic Church by (Pope John XXIII)CHAPTER TWO1.State the object of the legion.ans-The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation, under ecclesiastical guidance, in Mary's and the church's work of crushing the head of the serpent and advancing the reign of Christ.2.Legion of Mary is at the disposal of the......... ans the bishop of the diocese and the parish priest3.Legionaries will never engage in any of these services whatsoever in a parish without the sanction of the ......... ans parish priest or of the Ordinary.4.Ordinary in hand book, means..... ans local ordinary(the bishop of the diocese or other competent ecclesiastical authority.)5. The immediate end of organisations of this class is the..... ans apostolic end of the church6.The evangelization and sanctification of men and the Christian formation of their conscience is to...... ans enable them to imbue with the Gospel spirit the various social groups and environments.7.The laity acts under....... ans the superior direction of the hierarchy(which can authorise the cooperation, besides, with an explicit mandate.CHAPTER THREE1.THE SPIRT of the Legion of Mary is that ....... ans of MARY HERSELF2.MENTION all the virtues of MARY as stated in the handbook.ans i)her profound humility, ii)her perfect obedience,iii)her angelical sweetness, iv)her continual prayer,v)her universal mortification, vi)her altogether spotless purity,vii)her heroic patience, viii)her heavenly wisdom,ix)her self- sacrificing courageous love of God, x)above all her faith(acrnomy-HOSPMPPWLF but u can still use yours)3.Her legion essays any and every work being inspired by the two virtues.......... and ........ans-love and faith of Mary.4.complete the sentence " Inspired by this love and faith of Mary, her legion essays any and every work and ............ ans complains not of impossibility5. " Inspired by this love and faith of Mary, her legion essays any and every work and complains not of impossibility, WHY? ans BECAUSE IT CONCEIVES THAT IT MAY AND CAN DO ALL THINGS.(imitation of Christ, book 3:5)6.WHO is the Perfect model of this apostolic spiritual life ans..Blessed Virgin Mary,Queen of Apostles7.While on earth,Mary's life was like that of any other, filled with..........&..........ans labours and cares of the home.CHAPTER FOUR1.The Roman LEGION, from which the legion takes its name has come down through the centuries illustrious for ....., ......., ......, ......,&....... ans loyalty,courage, discipline, endurance, and success.2.ST.Clement who was converted by ..........,was a fellow-worker of ........ ans St.Peter , St.Paul respectively.3.Who proposes the Roman army as a model to be imitated by the church??? ans ST.CLEMENT4.According to the Legion hand book, WHO ARE THE ENEMY???ans They are the wicked who resist the will of God5. Let us throw ourselves determinedly into the warfare of Christ and submit ourselves to his.........ans glorious commands6.complete the statement."let us scrutinise those who serve in the Roman Legion under the military authorities and note their......, ......, ....., in executing orders. ans discipline,readiness and obedience .7.A certain organic unity binds all parts, so that each helps and is helped by all.All parts work together in an interdependence and yield a common obedience for the benefit ofthe whole body.8.The analogy of our body like the head is nothing without the feet...... in the handbook was given by WHO??? ans ST.CLEMENT,-POPE AND MARTY.Epistle to the Corinthians(96 AD) chapters 36 and 37NB-from number 4 to 8 were said by St.Clement.and were under-"must put on the whole armour of GOD.9.mention all the legionary service.i)must put on the whole armour of God(Eph 6:11)ii)must be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,not conformed to this world.(Rom 12:1-2)iii)must not turn from toil and hardship(2 cor 11:27)iv)must live in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us(Eph 5:2)v) must finish the race(2 Tim 4:7)NB:u mustn't force all the chapters and verses to ur head, but try know where they come from if ucan10."TO RECEIVE SO MUCH AND TO REPAY SO LITTLE: O! THAT IS A MARTYRDOM TO WHICH I SECCUMB." This is a sentiment that is echoed by a noble generosity. Whose sentiment is this.ans ST TERESA OF AVILA11.What more was there to do for my vineyard that I have not done in it??? ans book of Isaiah 5:412. Generally, legionary devotedness will have ................, ANS- a humbler stage13. Generally, legionary devotedness will have a humbler stage, but still one giving ample opportunity for practise of a quiet but...... ANS- True heroism14.These(toil and hardship) may all be won over, but without ....... ANS- the exercise of a patient and brave spirit.15.The secret of all success with others lies in........ ANS- the establishment of personal contact, the contact of love and sympathy.16.The love in the fourth legionary services, must be more than.......... ANS- Appearance17.This love must be able to stand up to the tests that real friendships can bear, and this will frequently involve........ANS- little mortification.18.At the bottom of all really fruitful work must be ........ ANS- the readiness to give oneself entirely19.Without readiness to give oneself entirely , one's service has ........ ANS- no substance20.The call of the Legion is for a service without .......or........ ANS- limit or reservation.21.This is not counsel of perfection, but of necessity as well, for if excellence is not aimed at, .........will not be achieved?ANS- persevering membership22. If excellence is not aimed at, .........ANS- persevering membership will not be achieved.23.Must the note of performance be attached to individual membership alone???? ANS- NO!!!24.Apprehensive of this spirit of change, the Legion appeals unceasingly for ....... ANS- sterner temper25.Legion sends its members to their tasks with the unchanging watchword.what is the unchanging watchword?ANS- HOLD FIRM26.Each and every item of the legion's round of duty must be stamped with this selfsame seal of........ANS- persevering effort27.Real achievement is dependent upon.......... ANS-sustained effort28.Sustained effort in turn is the outcome of........ ANS- unconquerable will to win29.There was a vexillum on the first alter set at Myra house for legion prayer.TRUE OR FALSE???30.Legion enjoins on its branches and its members a universal attitude of refusal to accept defeat, or to court it by a tendency to grade items of work in terms of the "promising" the "unpromising", "the hopeless," etc.Chapter 291,The whole idea of organization is …….. ANS –The unification of the many2,From the member up through the ascending grades of authority in the Legion ……must exist? ANS- principle of connection3,According to the handbook, in a voluntary organization, the cement of connection is…..ANS- Loyalty4,……will inspire legionary and praesidium and council with a dread of independent aaction. ANS-True LoyaltyLEGION OF MARY QUIZ1. The Legionaries hope to render themselves worthy of their great heavenly Queen by their , and
ans,(their loyalty, their virtues and their courage.)2. How was the first alter set?ans-Table bore simple alter of which centre was a statue of immaculate conception of miraculous medal,on white cloth,flanked by two vases with flowers, and two candle sticks with lighted candles3. According to chapter 1 of legion handbook, Legion of Mary is
ans- an army4.The first corporate act of those Legionaries was ---------ans-To go on their knees,the ernest head bend low,invocation of the Holy Spirit,5.They set themselves to the consideration of --------- ans-how they could please God and make loved in his world.6.That first enrolment of Legionaries of Mary took place at-----by what time??? on what day???ans-Myra house,francis street, dublin, ireland, at 8p.m on 7th Sept.1921(feast of Our Lady's nativity)7.The organisation was for a time known as------- ans THE ASSOCIATION OF OUR LADY OF MERCY8. The first and constant aim of the Legionary------ ans To reproduce in itself the likeness of Mary, thus best to magnify the Lord and bring him to men.9.Mary is the Mother of all the members of the saviour, because............. ans By her charity she has co-operated in birth of the faithful in the church(by St. Augustine)10.What do you mean when you say that Mary is the living mould of God??? ans It is in her alone that the God Man was naturally formed without losing a feature.11.The Legion of Mary presents the true face of the Catholic Church by (Pope John XXIII)CHAPTER TWO1.State the object of the legion.
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
I entered the bus that early morning for my lecture, as we headed to our destination, one guy started proclamation of the word of God, he preached and preached till we landed for our area .Immediately the d guy stepped out of the bus, the driver mentioned that the preacher should not mind paying for the transport fare, Omor i come de jealous oooooooo.
The next day, another guy was granted free T fare because he preached inside the bus. Then it happened on d day i no get any transport fare, I come humbled myself to preach in the bus,I carried my jotter where i summarized what i go preach oooo, i did what others has been doing but LUCK never run out of me but it disappeared totally,Immediately the bus stopped,
DRIVER:"pay ur money"
I: sir na me preached today".........thats what I can remember from that day to today
just recovering from my sick bed two days after the incident,
The next day, another guy was granted free T fare because he preached inside the bus. Then it happened on d day i no get any transport fare, I come humbled myself to preach in the bus,I carried my jotter where i summarized what i go preach oooo, i did what others has been doing but LUCK never run out of me but it disappeared totally,Immediately the bus stopped,
DRIVER:"pay ur money"
I: sir na me preached today".........thats what I can remember from that day to today
just recovering from my sick bed two days after the incident,
A guy went to Alaba international market to buy something, and they
were all trying to drag him into their respective shops, asking him to
buy from them.
CUSTOMER: “I’d like to buy from someone that has integrity”
APPRENTICE: “My oga get integrity”.
He took him to his boss,and the guy said to his boss, he wants to buy from a shop that has integrity.
OGA: “I get integrity, which colour do you want because i have different colors”
Turning to his apprentice, he said “what’s integrity,”
APPRENTICE: “I don’t know oo”
OGA: (Turning to the customer) “I’m sorry we have sold the last one, maybe you should buy something else from us and use with the integrity”
The customer left angrily

CUSTOMER: “I’d like to buy from someone that has integrity”
APPRENTICE: “My oga get integrity”.
He took him to his boss,and the guy said to his boss, he wants to buy from a shop that has integrity.
OGA: “I get integrity, which colour do you want because i have different colors”
Turning to his apprentice, he said “what’s integrity,”
APPRENTICE: “I don’t know oo”
OGA: (Turning to the customer) “I’m sorry we have sold the last one, maybe you should buy something else from us and use with the integrity”
The customer left angrily
Sunday, 6 December 2015
BIAFRA: Uwazuruike renames MASSOB
By Chidi Nkwopara, OWERRI.
The leader of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, has in a surprise move, announced a new name, Biafra Independent Movement, BIM, for the group.
Chief Uwazuruike, made the announcement Sunday while addressing the press in Owerri, also said that he was irked by the bad corporate image some dissidents of MASSOB, was attracting to the group.
“The change in name became absolutely necessary because of the sad introduction of violence by the disgruntled dissidents and this is at variance with the non-violence stance of MASSOB over the years”, Uwazuruike said.
He said that real loyalists of MASSOB feel ashamed to be associated with violence, promising that they will restructure MASSOB to make it the youth wing of the Biafra Independent Movement.
While saying that there is vicarious liability in civil law, Chief Uwazuruike equally recalled how he recruited Nnamdi Kanu in 1989, to head Radio Biafra.
“I recruited Nnamdi Kanu in 1989, when I established Radio Biafra and appointed him the director of the establishment. He started preaching hatred and brainwashing the youths. MASSOB sacked him”, Uwazuruike recalled.
The leader of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, has in a surprise move, announced a new name, Biafra Independent Movement, BIM, for the group.
Chief Uwazuruike, made the announcement Sunday while addressing the press in Owerri, also said that he was irked by the bad corporate image some dissidents of MASSOB, was attracting to the group.
“The change in name became absolutely necessary because of the sad introduction of violence by the disgruntled dissidents and this is at variance with the non-violence stance of MASSOB over the years”, Uwazuruike said.
He said that real loyalists of MASSOB feel ashamed to be associated with violence, promising that they will restructure MASSOB to make it the youth wing of the Biafra Independent Movement.
While saying that there is vicarious liability in civil law, Chief Uwazuruike equally recalled how he recruited Nnamdi Kanu in 1989, to head Radio Biafra.
“I recruited Nnamdi Kanu in 1989, when I established Radio Biafra and appointed him the director of the establishment. He started preaching hatred and brainwashing the youths. MASSOB sacked him”, Uwazuruike recalled.
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