Saturday, 24 June 2023

Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

On the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, Kaitlin Simone Davis said "yes" to serve Christ, her bridegroom and his Church as a consecrated virgin! Bishop Deshotel celebrated the Rite of Consecration of Virgins at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. 

Kaitlin graduated from Mandeville High School and obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Athletic Training from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and is in the process of earning her Master's in Theology from the Augustine Institute. Kaitlin is the daughter of John and Faye Davis. She currently works as the Coordinator of Formation & Evangelization Outreach at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Breaux Bridge.

Three consecrated virgins are now serving in the diocese; Kaitlin Daivs, Alicia Pousson and Emily Byers.

In the Catholic Church, a consecrated virgin is a woman who has been consecrated by the church to a life of perpetual virginity in the service of God. Consecrated virgins spend their time in works of penance and mercy, apostolic activity, and prayer according  to their state of life and spiritual gifts. If you would like more information on vocations in the Diocese of Lafayette, please visit Lafayette Vocations

Congratulations Kaitlin!


1. Get the right woman - Forget the slay queens and women with looks but zero brains. Get a woman who will not only support your vision but will also push you to achieve more. A woman who will inspire you to work hard and not a woman who just makes you hard. He who finds a real woman finds a good thing and obtains favour and power to create wealth.

2. Stop Taking Cheap Drinks - I have no problem with having drinks during social interaction and networking. However, when you drink cheap drinks or drink in cheap places, you hang out with cheap people who have cheap ideas and a cheap future. Big business opportunities are found in places where the drinks are expensive. In fact, in places where they sell cheap drinks, the only people you will find there are people who will be asking you for money. They even clap when you come knowing 'big buyer' has come.

3. Stop being Lazy - "Man ooh Man, why art thou Lazy?" You are too lazy for your own good. You sleep the whole day and blame the government for your poverty. "A Little Sleep, a Little Slumber, poverty shall overtake you like a political cadre in overalls". A lot of men are just lazy when it comes to making money. They have enough energy to give a woman five orgasms, but have no energy to start one organization, that's why it is so easy for men to manufacture children than it is to make even pegs for putting children's clothes on the line..

4. Know Productive Things - If you keep too much junk in your head, you get a junk life. I know a lot of men who are so sharp when you are talking about girls, about soccer and about street politics, Who is Rich who is not,Who has a good house but you can't bring a topic about investment, innovation and business, they start looking at their phone, yawning or saying bye.. Useless things, videos and memes go viral fast than constructive things.. A man must know how to do at least one productive thing (have one skill) even without having gone to college.

5. Get Connected to Big Men Who are better than you - A lot of men are failing because they are not mentored. They don't have anyone to whom they can sit down and listen, with obedience. In the old days, old men would sit young men down and show them how to hunt and kill animals... and no man was considered a man enough until he has personally killed an animal... now these men of nowadays are not mentored and can't even kill a bird. There are men out there who have made it in life, find a way to get mentored by big men who are making waves and impacting people in our community.

6. Work - Stop Spending your whole day just praying and fasting yet you know that both Quran and Bible tells you that God will bless the work of your hands. Yes yes The blessing finds you on your way doing something,Stop using Prayer as an excuse not to work. Work hard.
It’s an error for your pockets to be empty and your brain to be empty too.

Sunday, 18 June 2023


The benefits of Fasting are (but not limited to);

1. Fasting helps one to see the root (origin/cause) of things before and after they happen 

2. Fasting reveals your success key to you

3. Fasting shows you the dangers and traps of the enemies

4. Fasting humbles a person and makes him/her hungry for God instead of gold (material things like food, money and any other thing of value)

5. Fasting is painful but gainful in the end

6. Fasting is spiritually enriching

7. Fasting makes God come close to you (because it is a spiritually cleansing exercise)

8. Fasting is submission to God and acknowledging Him as the source and sustainer of life.  

Please, try to create time to do Fasting, as regular as possible, for your own good and you will be blessed aside getting the benefits aforementioned. 

My warm greeting goes to you all and your respective Families 


Monday, 5 June 2023


⏰Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time 1 (05 June 2023 - Memorial of St. Boniface)

📖Tob 1:3, 2:1-8; Ps 112:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6 (R.v.1b); Mark 12:1-12


My dear friend in Christ, I welcome you to this new day in a new work week. Listen to the prayers of the psalmist for you today:
👉🏼Your descendants would be powerful on earth and your generation blest (Ps 112:2), Amen!

👉🏼Again, riches and wealth shall be in your house and a light would rise to enlighten the darkness before you (Ps 112:3-4), amen.

👉🏼And it shall be well with you; nothing can ever move you (Ps 112:5-6), amen.

To be a beneficiary of those blessings, you must live uprightly before God because they are only for those who fear the Lord and keep his commandments (Ps 112:1).

Faith and upright life are great concerns for the Book of Tobit, which we shall be reflecting on in the next few days. It is one of the seven books which were added to the original contents of the Hebrew Bible after the translation of the Bible into Greek.

The major character in that Book, Tobit, presents himself as an upright man (Tob 1:3-4) unlike the wicked tenants of Mark 12:1-12. That was the reason he was not afraid to do what he thinks to be right even in the face of great persecution (see Ps 112:6).

St. Boniface, a learned man and an eloquent preacher, whose memorial we celebrate today was equally an upright man. He had to endure failures in his quest to bring the good news to idolaters. After the initial failure, he returned to his monastery where he was elected the Abbot. But that is not what he wanted, and so he resigned within a short time. Eventually, with the permission of the Pope, he went to evangelize in Germany where he opened many dioceses and made many converts. In the process, he also won the crown of martyrdom.

You too can bear witness to Christ through your upright life.

May God grant us the fortitude to withstand all temptations and endure all persecutions that try to push us down, so that remaining steadfast in righteousness, we may gain the blessings which God has promised us. Amen.

May you have a stress free work week. Peace be with you.


1. It is very dangerous to marry someone you are not sexually attracted to

2. You might be attractive to people to get them curious to engage you, but your character will determine whether they stay interested in you

3. Both someone coming to use you and someone coming to love you will tell you sweet words and desire you sexually, it is for you to discern

4. The myth of "You attract who you are" is not fully true. As a good person, you will attract both the good and the bad. Good is attractive to all

5. Your ability to hold amazing and interesting conversations is what will make you a keeper. No one wants to marry someone boring or whose talk is flat. Companionship is the central goal of marriage 

6. You can know you two have sexual chemistry and tension without having sex

7. Be careful of people who are quickly generous with affectionate names and words, they might be doing it to multiple people. Mature people hold their special words dear and don't give them to just anyone 

8. Be careful of someone who claims to be prayerful or wants a Godly family but is hesitant to pray

9. Dates don't have to be expensive, they don't even have to cost any money. But they must be memorable 

10. Not every good looking person is meant to be your suitor, some are just meant to be a good looking friend 

11. There is a difference between someone who is good for you, and someone who is right for you

Saturday, 3 June 2023

11 things i think you can do, to avoid the stings of Subsidy Removal.

1. Cut unnecessary expenses. Reduce or even stop Partying, clubing, excessive drinking & eating. As much as you can, prepare your own meal or eat from home. Home made food is healthier & cheaper. 

2. Proactively & Creatively increase your earning potentials. 

3. Detach yourself from associations/groups that seek to put you under unnecessary financial pressure. 

4. Devote yourself to income generating activities. 

5. Unless it's very necessary, minimise travelling to the village every now and then, most village and family people are not smiling at the moment. If you can, send them money, than going in person.

6. Priotise your daily activities. Take on only what is necessary & beneficial. 

7. Invest in income generating assets. 

8. Stop buying what you don't need. 

9. Sell of idle assets that's not generating income and look for ways to invest the money. 

10. Try your best to avoid fornication and adultery. That thing is costly and expensive. 

11. This is not a time to be driving a V12 or V18 engine  all over the places. Get yourself a Picanto or a Yaris, if that will help you save more money. Lol. 

The Caterpillar of Subsidy will not Jam you in Jesus name, Insha Allah..