Sunday, 27 August 2023


1. If you speak too much, you will lie
2. If you think too much,you will be depressed 
3. If you cry too much, you will lose your sight 
4. If you love too much, you will be lost
5. If you care too much,you will be taken for granted 
6.If you play too much, You will not be taken serious often
7.If you trust too much, you will be betrayed 
8.If you work too much, You will die of stress 
9.If you eat too much,  You will be obsessed 
10.If you sleep too much, You will be idle
11. If you spend too much, You will have no future
12.If you wear make up too much, You will lose your beauty 
13.If you look too much, You will lose your focus
14.If you pursue life too much, you will lose everything. 
* When you pray too much, You will have everything 
*When you have too much patience, you will have the whole world
*When you invest too much, You will have your future guaranteed 
*When you let go too much, you will have peace of mind 
*When you are careful too much, you will be saved of many evils.
*When you serve God too much, you will receive unlimited and unspeakable reward and testimony.


Loving the wrong person.

 So many people are suffering in relationships today because they refuse to let go of the person they are currently in a relationship with.

 They know the relationship isn't working, but they refuse to leave because they feel they might be able to change the person.

 They believe they are willing to go to any length to ensure that the person continues to "love them".

 The hardest aspect is that they are doing everything in the hopes that the person would change, even when the person has no intention of changing in the first place. 

 If you're in a relationship right now where the person is causing you more grief than happiness, then it's time to let them go. 

 Accepting that things aren't working is the best approach to avoid getting hurt more in this type of relationship. 

 It's crucial to admit to yourself that the relationship is in disrepair.

 I see so many people that are suffering in their current relationships because they refuse to face the reality of its true nature.

 If your current relationship isn't working, do me a favor and don't force it, the more you force it, the more you will end up hurting yourself in the long run. 

 Nobody can take your happiness away if you don't want it taken away. Your happiness is in your hands; your happiness is dependent on you.

 If you don't want others to continue to mistreat have the power to stop them. 

Take my advice and have the courage to leave the table when respect is no longer being served.

~ Cody Bret


My Dear lady, pay attention to what I'm about to share with you.

When a woman doesn't know her purpose, a man becomes her only priority. You become depressed when he tells you he's no longer interested and instead of facing your front, you become an excellent monitoring spirit waiting patiently for him to text and beg you so that you can be well used and discarded like a waste product this second time. 

What nobody told you about being a woman is that you will never be valued by a man if you lack knowledge of your purpose and identity. You may be educated academically but if you don't know your assignment here on earth, you will shamefully glean for the acceptance of a man who has no respect for you. 

If you desire honour from a man, then you should be completely focused on your assignment as a lady. Discover who you are and you won't even have time for time wasters and body killers. 

Premium ladies know their advantage and they don't compete with other ladies for a man. A lady who fears the lord will always dine with kings and not ordinary men. 

Photo credit: Ai Realistic picture of me. I can teach you how to generate amazing AI realistic pictures for just N1,500, Click on this link to get started.
Super Woman inspired by the holy ghost.✍️

Saturday, 26 August 2023


1. RECONCILIATION SEX:- Sex is a most potent weapon for diluting and difusing misunderstanding in Marriage. If you don't use SEX to settle some stubborn crisis, then you are missing out and not maximising it. In addition when you both settle a misunderstanding, the person at fault could initiate sex as a way to make up to the other who was on the receiving side of the conflict.
2. HEALING SEX:- There are some sicknesses and diseases that are cured by good Sex I mean very good Sex.  Healing sex is gentle, it is full of grace and elegance. You don't rush it. Mbanu. You do it softly and it hits the bull's eye. Please Husbands, don't throw your weight on her if it's for healing, let the bed carry your weight 100%.
3. PUNISHMENT SEX:- When I counsel couples, are times I hear spouses say "Since he did that, I decided to punish him by depriving him of sex", or "since she refused me, I decided not to touch her again". That is as senseless as saying "since my child failed a Test, I punished him by withdrew him from school". It's foolishness. The wise thing to do is to give your spouse more sex as punishment rather than depriving him or her. When your husband or wife misbehaves, correct them using sex. That is the best punishment. Not slapping or fighting or public disgrace. Punishment sex is very hot. 😷
4. MEMORABLE SEX:- This is a very special kind of sex that you organise and plan for. Every couple must be doing this once in a while. Honeymoons should be organised at least once is a quarter  (once in 3 months). If you have means, do it once a month. You book a hotel for say 3-7 days and retreat to help build your marriage. A kind of Intimacy Retreat. You mustn't go to hotel if you can't afford it. Just send the kids somewhere and make it memorable. Light Candles around and..