Relationship, health(physical and spiritual), religion, education and relevant items
Tuesday, 31 October 2023
Sunday, 29 October 2023
Thursday, 26 October 2023
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Welcome October!
🖊 All those things that hurt you in the past...thoughts you have of what happened, the ones that haunt you like a ghost; pick just one of those today, but think of a few positive things that came from that event in your life instead of all the negative. Now re-write your story; but this time, make it magical! ~Amy~
Reflection of Love
Remember that the love that people have for your children, your partner, your friends and your family doesn't take away from you, it is a reflection of the love they have for you.
Words by Tahlia Hunter
"Always assume that what people are saying to you is coming from a place of love,
"Always assume that what people are saying to you is coming from a place of love,
It’s the illusion of perfection that we fall in love with
When we are young, it’s the illusion of perfection that we fall in love with. As we age, it’s the humanness that we fall in love with- the poignant stories of overcoming, the depthful vulnerability of aging, the struggles that grew us in karmic stature, the way a soul shaped itself to accommodate its circumstances. With less energy to hold up our armor, we are revealed and, in the revealing, we call out to each other’s hearts. Where before wounds turned us off, they are now revealed as proof that God exists. Where we once saw imperfect scars, we now see evidence of a life fully lived. ~Jeff Brown
There is an island that exists
There is an island that exists,
Value of private space
The older I get the more I realize the value of my private space, maintaining a qualitative circle and letting only certain people that deserves to be in there, people that radiate positivity and optimism.
I am a decisive element
I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration, I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized.
You cannot knock out a woman off a pedestral she built herself
All the guys come around thinking that they have to put me on a pedestal..
Some days I'm getting better
"When I say goodbye,
"When I say goodbye,
Feeling completely alone
"If you ever find yourself feeling completely alone in the world and afraid, my child, look up at the stars. Know that throughout history, many human beings once gazed up at the same night sky, stood where you now stand, thought what you now think, and felt what you now feel, wrestling with the same fears, doubts, and insecurities, but just as they made it through and kept on going, so too will you. Let the many stars in the night sky serve as a reminder of the millions of souls that found their way through the darkness and now may illuminate the path forward for you."
How did you know that you were on the right path?"
"How did you know that you were on the right path?"
How can we remain optimistic when circumstances are unfavourable to us?
Love that makes you a softer person
I hope you find the kind of love that makes you a softer person. The kind of love that makes you want to be a better man or woman, the kind of love that believes in you and supports you, that stands by your side. I hope you find someone who quickly becomes your favourite thing someone who makes the fall less fearful, someone you can't help but choose every single day. Hope you find someone who shows you just how deeply you can feel, just how deeply you can love. I hope you find something real, because nothing is more beautiful than loving someone who loves you back. Nothing is more beautiful than loving someone who builds you a home in their heart.
Yes, I’m different
Yes, I’m different …

Wednesday of the Twenty-Seventh Week of Ordinary Time 1 (11 October 2023)
📖Jonah 4:1-11; Ps 86:3-4, 5-6, 9-10 (R.v.15); Luke 11:1-4
Prayer is the raising up of the mind and heart to God. We pray to adore God, praise and thank him, and for more blessings and graces from him. Prayer also disposes of us to accept the will of God.
In Luke 11:1, Jesus was found by his disciples praying, and they asked him to teach them how to pray. This does not mean that they were not used to praying before. As Jews, they have a system and times for prayer, but Jesus pattern appears different, and they want to learn.
Sometimes, we assume that we pray very well in our own way when we have not learnt to pray at all. Not praying well may push us to move against the will of God. Jonah, for instance, obviously did not understand the will of God for Nineveh, and that is why he was angry that God did not destroy them (cf. Jon 3:1-10).
Are you not going to join the disciples of Jesus in asking him to teach you how to pray?
By the way, I asked myself this important question as a priest, "Does my flock find me a man of prayer and want to pray as much as I do? As parents and leaders in different categories, you need to evaluate yourself. But that reminds us that those who are placed under us look upon us for an example. We must lead them to God.
Lord, teach us to pray well always so that we may overcome all temptations that try to push us into hopelessness, and may our prayers also win favour in your presence. Amen.
Have a grace-filled day ahead. Peace be with you.
Sunday, 1 October 2023
Happy birthday, to you my dearer, today is a special day because it’s the day you were born. I can’t wait to celebrate with you, Its time to party like it’s your birthday!
You bring so much joy into my life most especially when I think I am deserted. You are the only person that can handle my mischievous mood swing, I dont really know how you achieve this. You’re one of the best thing to ever happen to me. Wishing you the best birthday yet! I’m overjoyed to celebrate your special day with you.
this journey of relationship with you
has been a joyride. You’re so special. Every day should be your birthday.
I cannot write my success story in 2023 without including you on my first five list. I guess I developed expanded abdomen because of your care on me when it comes to feeding. Meanwhile, this is not hyping but I will testify to your selfless nature, always ready to give out. May God bless you for me. Moreover, as I wish you well and also write the goods about you, I would also like to encourage you to increase your social life. I didn’t say that you don’t have it but it needs update! Hahahahaha. Thumb up dear. Keep celebrating.
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