Saturday, 30 March 2024


A lot of times, couples get pissed off with each other by the way they respond to each other. We can do better if we learn responses in the affirmative and not in the combative. 

Let's  read the following:

1. Statement: Are you okay; is anything the matter?

Wrong response: Can't you see yourself; what kind of question is that?

Right response: I'm not feeling fine; I think I need some attention.

2. Statement: I got wounded in kitchen.

Wrong response: I've told you to always be careful with knife.

Right response: Oh sorry, let me have a look. Please be more careful with knife.

3. Statement: I'll like to eat corn flakes.

Wrong response: No way! It's for the children; and that's for one month! Take garri if you are hungry.

Right response: Okay, you can eat a little. I trust you'll give us money to buy another.

4. Statement: I'm really hungry.

Wrong response: Even I myself have not eaten since morning.

Right response: Oh sorry, let's see if there's something you can manage for now.

 5. Statement: Why don't you do it this way?

Wrong response: Why is it that you always find fault with what I do?

Right response: Well, I've tried this before and I think it will work. If not, I'll try that.

6. Statement: I want more food.

Wrong response: Ha-ha, it has finished. You want to finish all the food in the house?

Right response: Sorry, please manage that for now. We are down on food stuff.

7. Statement: Handle that thing carefully please.

Wrong response: Am I that daft? You will just be talking to me as if I don't have any sense.

Right response: Yes dear, I will.

8. Statement: Haven't you finished what you are doing?

Wrong response: You are seated there doing nothing and you are asking if I've not finished!

Right response: It will still take a while; can you please lend me a hand?

9. Statement: I bought this on my way; I thought it will be useful.

Wrong response: How much did you buy it? What! That's too expensive - wọ́n ti gbá ẹ!

Right response: Thank you; it will indeed be useful. Thanks for the surprise.

10. Statement : I'm feeling horny today, I will like us to have sex.

Wrong Response : Ha ha, is it food. I'm tired ooo.

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Right Response: Whaooo. Dear, for it to be mutual enjoyment, can you please wait till early in the morning. I'm so tired right now.

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Please send to your spouse and other couples, not for the purpose of condemnation, but for continuous improvement of your or their love relationship.



In Ubulu, UMUNNA translates literally as 'KINDRED' group of people that descended from the lineage of same father, but not of same mother. When you hear someone says 'my father's side' the person is referring to his Umunna.
Umunna's have bond, they do so many things together as kindred.
Umunna helps in various ways such as marriage, organization of funeral rites and settlement of disputes.
In marriage, Umunna support their male bachelors with gifts.
During burial, Umunna equally facilitate the burial of male members of the clan. It is the duty of Umunna to dig the grave if they lose anyone to death.
Discipline: Umunna ensures strict adherence to law and order.
In situation where someone violates any laid down rules and regulations, Umunna usually visits the person with fines and other forms of punishment. Also, if there's any land dispute between members of a family, it's the Umunna who settles it by intervening, demarcating the boundaries to avoid further encroachment from the parties involved in the dispute ... So, in Ubulu tradition, if anything happens, Umunna should be your first point of call before going outside.

The Catholic Priesthood

This is a long post (but I am sure you will learn something) 

The teaching of the Catholic Church on the priesthood is something I would like every Catholic, as well as non-Catholics, to understand.

You may have heard of this Latin phrase "IN PERSONA CHRISTI CAPITALIS"... that is exactly the summary of the church's teaching on the priesthood.

In Persona Christi Capitalis simply means 'in the person of Christ the Head."

To break it down, every ordained priest, as he celebrates the sacraments, is not acting or celebrating them on his own, but he is standing in the place of Christ. 

What it implies is that the priest is never the one celebrating any of the sacraments even though he is the one that is physically present, but rather it is Christ himself who celebrates them. 

When the priest hears confessions, it is not his hand that offers absolution, but Christ's. At Mass, when the priest says “This is my Body,” it is not the priest that should be understood as talking, for the priest has no power to give us his body, rather it is Christ who speaks the words through him. 

If you read the book of Hebrews, you will understand the depth of this teaching. We all know that the Eucharist is Christ offering himself for us. In that sacrifice, Christ is both the High Priest and the Victim—both the one offering a sacrifice (the role of a priest) for sins as well as the one sacrifice being offered (since He offered up Himself). 

Below is a little background to the teaching. . .

During the fourth century, a group led by Bishop Donatus Magnus started teaching that only men who are without sin can administer the sacrament validly.

To them, if an immoral priest baptizes you, your baptism is no good. Likewise, if a less-than-perfect bishop was the one that ordained your parish priest, all the Masses he celebrates are just a waste of time. This heresy is known as Donatism.

St Augustine tackled this heresy. He argued that the real celebrant of each Sacrament is Christ Himself, so the priest’s moral state cannot affect the validity of the Sacrament. 

As the Catechism rightly puts it, "The sacrament is not wrought by the righteousness of either the celebrant or the recipient, but by the power of God.” ~CCC 1128

The moment a sacrament is celebrated in accordance with the intention of the Church (ex opere operato), the power of Christ and his Spirit acts in and through it, independently of the personal holiness of the minister. Nevertheless, the fruits of the sacraments also depend on the disposition of the one who receives them.

It is this teaching that makes all the priests equal. Truth is, every priest is unique and gifted differently, but you see, at the altar and in the confessional every priest is the same. It is Christ that uses the priest and not the other way round. The priests' words and actions are prescribed. He is a vessel for Christ, not a platform for his own grand ideas. 

Recently, there have been arguments on how some priests are not called and how it was their mum who takes them to the seminary simply because she wants to bear the name "Mama Fada." 

I think there is a disconnection here. In the Catholic Church, for one to say a priest is not called is to question the seminary training, the discernment process, the Holy Spirit, and even the validity of the person's ordination. You can express dissatisfaction with the priest's conduct, or you may hate the fact that he is on social media, but once he is validly ordained, he is called. God uses him, and the sacraments he celebrates are no less valid because it is Christ who celebrates them through him.

And talking about mothers taking their boys to the seminary, it is not a bad thing. It was Hannah who took her son Samuel to the priest Eli. Samuel did not become less of a prophet because it was his mum who took him there. The seminary process is such a rigorous process that if you do not want to be there on your own even if your mum took you there, you can't survive a day. Canonically, no priest is ordained below the age of 25. Anyone ordained was ordained because he chose to cooperate with God, not because the mum wants to be called "Mama Fada."



I am a woman. I want to help you guys know what makes a lady ticks, get her say yes to you and put an end to years of frustration in getting a quality woman to marry. The first place to start is know what turns ladies off and avoid them like plague. Know what turns them on and do them with pleasure. Now let's go:

1. NEVER APPROACH A LADY WITH PET NAMES: It's a huge turn off. For crying out loud, you don't know her, you just saw her from afar or on Facebook and you are saying "Hi honey." Honey? Honey for where? Who dash monkey banana?

2. DON'T BE DESPERATE: Desperate guys are a huge turn off! You look like someone who doesn't have a job and he's desperate to get a lady solve all of his life's problems. We take to our heels fast!

3. GET BUSY: No lady likes an indolent guy who spends all his life on facebook. If you are a clean online business person, carry go but if all you do is post your pictures while waiting for comments morning, noon and night then you are not qualified for marriage.

4. BE CLEAN: Drooling mouth, stinking breath and stained shirt doesn't get any lady's attention unless you want a dirty woman as a wife because you attract who you are. Learn to be clean from head to toe. Never approach a serious lady with bad breathe.

5. BAD GROOMING: Avoid it. Tangled hair, colour riot, bad body posture is a hiss. You can't wear a brown shirt on lemon trousers matched with white shoes and black tie, and you want to approach an intelligent lady, what? Are you a clown?

6. STUDY HER FIRST: This is where some bros land into trouble. You don't know a lady from Adam. You just see her waka pass and gbam! The Holy Ghost has spoken! The next thing is "Sis, God says you are my wife!" Well, desperate, frustrated and cheap ladies may give you a "Yes" right away, not the virtuous ones.

7. START AS FRIENDS not with "I love you." What do you  love about her? Have you seen her at her worst? Please keep that to yourself and give her a break.

8. START WITH GENUINE COMPLIMENTS not flattery and not something stupid : Don't say
"What sexy hips you've got!" on the first meeting. Well, a whore may blush at that, not a virtuous woman.

9. PAUSE, DON'T RUSH HER: Don't bombard her with all manner of questions on the first date. Puh-leeeeeeeeze! Give her time. You don't need to know how many boyfriends she's had or if she finds you sexy, urrrgh!!!

Gentle guys are a huge turn on. Learn to be a gentleman around ladies.

11. SHOW COURTESY: It speaks volumes. Open the door for her, let her go in first, hold her chair while she sits and open the car door for her.

12. KNOW WHEN TO CALL HER: Definitely not during her busy schedule at work. When she's at home and fully relaxed is better.

13. BE A GOOD LISTENER: Women talk and they love a man who listens genuinely and take note of everything they say.

14. FIND OUT ABOUT HER vision, dreams, goals and hobbies: It shows you are interested in her as a person not just a woman to warm your bed and slave in the kitchen.

15. DON'T PROPOSE until she shows interest in you and that takes time: she needs to find out if she can really spend the rest of her life with you.

16. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? Her bust, hips and behind? Come on, take your eyes off and look at her tenderly in the face, you are not gonna lay her, are you?

17. PRACTICE SELF CONTROL: That is where some men completely lose their senses and wander why they can't find a good woman to marry. Let me ask, will a GOOD woman have sex with you on a FIRST date? Will a GOOD woman sleep with you when you have not put the wedding ring on her finger? Why do you order for sex and complain the women in your life lack character? That is who your lust has attracted man. A principled, virtuous and godly woman won't sleep with you in courtship. She RESPECTS herself and won't give herself cheaply to any man. She's not in your life on trial. She's not there to waste her time and check you out. She really wants to marry you and contribute to your life. She has seen a great future ahead of you and wants to contribute her quota to bring it to pass so she's not someone you can use and dump! The moment you ask a godly woman for sex in courtship, you lose your respect by 50%.

18. DON'T ASK FOR SEX: Same thing as above. If you want a woman to find you sexually attractive, do not pile sexual pressure on her head.

One of the reasons I said yes to my husband is, he treated me with respect and for the five years we courted, he NEVER asked for sex once. I told him at the beginning that that was a no go area until we get married and he agreed. He was a principled man himself so that was not a problem. It made him VERY sexually appealing to me. A man who controls himself around a woman is always sexy and very much respected. He didn't need to try me out to see if I am good in bed. Sexual compatibility is determined by the degree of chemistry between us and his attitude determines the level of chemistry. The more he showed me love and respect, the higher the chemistry and that foundation has helped us a great deal in marriage. I still find him very hot and our sex life is excellent.

Stop checking all the ladies on the street out. Look for the one you love and keep your eyes focused.

Never be rude to a lady. Treat her with care. Control yourself and do not use abusive words -it is degrading. If you can do all these with prayer, you will locate your future spouse faster, get her fall in love with you and go on to have a blissful courtship and stress-free marriage. 

God bless you. Cheers!

© Seun Oladele.


1. Respect him, honour him, submit to his leadership.

2. Praise him, celebrate him, adore him.

3. Listen to him when he talks, look into his eye ball, give him 100% attention when together.

3. Support his vision, business, ministry, career.

4. Be his number one fan and cheer leader.

5. Cover his nakedness, don't expose his weaknesses to friends, families and foes.

6. Listen meekly to him when he corrects.

7. Always correct in love, don't shout at him, ridicule, disgrace and abuse him both in private and public.

8. Serve him quality food when due.


a. Be eager to make love to him whenever he needs you unless you are seriously sick, tired and worn out.

b. Learn to be hot, wild and passionate or gentle, slow and rhythmic depending on how he wants it.

c. Shamelessly flirt as occasion demands.

d. Keep body in shape after childbirth, don't allow your v*g fall apart.

e. Always go to bed sparkling clean and smelling fresh.

f. Be eager and sometimes initiate love making.


a. No sex is allowed before marriage.

b. No kissing, romancing, necking and pecking. When a man gets milk for free, he won't buy the cow.

c. Let him pay your bride price first and marry you properly.

11. Pray for your man daily.

12. Be gentle, loving, sweet and tender.

When all these qualities are backed up by prayer, your man will find it difficult resisting you, leaving you, abusing you or divorcing you.

He becomes a lamb whom you handle with ease. Allowing him be the head makes it easy for you -the neck to rotate and direct the head anywhere you like.

He will totally adore you, honour you and literally bow before you. 

Men honour women who honour them. It is the law of sowing and reaping. You reap what you sow in relationships. If you treat him like a king, he will undoubtedly treat you like his queen. Thanks for reading. . God bless you. Cheers!
I want to see how many woman Wey go comment... 🏃🏃🏃.

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Friday, 29 March 2024


You block the door way, then dare him to beat you up and see what will happen. A Lot of women have done this and end up regretting.

You will be making a major mistake if you dare your husband to sleep with another woman. You may live to regret it.

“I am married i can relax, after all who is looking at me.?” He married you Slim, sexy and trendy. Next thing you become obsessed, dirty and shabbily dressed.
It is the mistake of most careless married women.

You are a career woman; You are an overly religious woman… Hmmm! You feel sex in marriage is secondary, you deny your husband your body regularly, so he is sexually starved and intimacy famished. His Secretary, colleagues and girls in church are seducing and begging him to come to them but you have padlocked your Jerusalem and expect him not to lust after others. His mind will drift from you towards them.

“My dear friend, please be my eye as I travel for this one week, help cater for my husband and my little kids”. By the time you are back, your dear friend has so really helped you by sleeping with your husband and expecting a new baby as continuation from where you stopped.
If at all she has not eloped with your man, leaving your children all alone.
It is very stupid to commit your husband into the hands of your beautiful and very active friend.

Your maid is the one that cooks,cleans the house, cares for the children and your husband. You suddenly become a lazy bone since the arrival of the maid. All you do is shout and place orders. Not bad! But if your husband feels more love and care from the maid, sister that maid won’t struggle to snatch your husband. You are the one graciously giving him to her and those that need him.

She is fully grown up and well endowed back and front very tantalizing. She dresses skimpily and sexily like an actress, cat walks like a model and that is your own house maid?
What a mistake!

Employing a house girl more beautiful than you is a major technical mistake most women make. This means you are using your money to employ a rival for yourself. Don’t be foolish when getting a maid. They act dumb like maids to you for the time being but when your husband starts sleeping with them, you will be shocked they are more agile than you when they start fighting you.

Your husband is growing with ideas and all; you contribute nothing than sitting down at home to eat. He is dressing like a guy with jeans and face cap; you are celebrating the fact that you are a married woman to a Yuppy cute man. Your husband is on *Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp, Skype etc;* the only thing you know about mobile phone is receiving and making calls. Your husband is talking about stock market; you only talk about tomato market. He’s talking about Forex; you are talking about fruit and vegetables only. He will see you so backwards, local and dumb. Upgrade please!

A wife won’t do well if she fails to commit her family into the hands of God regularly. Don’t make such mistakes of thinking you are in charge of your husband and marriage and you can handle things. Be prayerful, hand over your family to God daily. May you never labour in vain and another reaps where you have sown!

You may fight your Mother in-law dirty and think you have won especially if she’s innocent, you will end up losing. Her son and herself have been friends and lovers for years before you came; may be before you were born. She was the first ‘wife’ of your husband and also the first ‘girlfriend’. Her son cannot divorce her and she is more experienced than you in matrimonial battles, in fact she is a veteran of many conflicts. Yes i know that a wife becomes a priority and number one and some men try to place their mums above their wives . That is stupid and sickening! Apply wisdom and talk to God and your husband about it. But don’t come in with the intention to separate mother and son. Respect a worthy mother in-law. Not all of them are wicked. Not all are witches. You meet a wicked one, apply wisdom and avoid her ways.

When you tell your friends about your sex life and how your husband rocks you, you are indirectly telling them to go have a feel of him. They can size you up and know whether your husband is hot or not, whether he is sexually fulfilled or not. They may even know your Husband’s “turn on” and use it against him then grab your husband. Most women have carelessly lost their husbands as they boast to their friends “my husband is too sexually demanding, he is an expert when it comes to sex, he is a horse, he almost kills me in bed, he has a horse size” etc… Your friends will pick information like this and cover things up where you have been failing.

It looks beautiful to report your husband to his Mum, but the end result will hurt you. Most mothers will support their sons any day; children are always right before their Mothers. Seek counsel in the right quarters, never report your husband to his Mum unless his mum is so god fearing, honest and impartial.

Many wives abandon their husbands, denying them of love, care and attention as soon as babies begin to arrive they transfer all affection to their kids. To sleep in bed, they put the Baby in between themselves making the man feel lost and the bond divided. No warm hugs, caress etc.

Sex is supposed to bind you both together, it is supposed to create intimacy and love but in many homes it is the bone of contention. Some women do turn sex to a tool of manipulation;
Some use it for trade by barter. *Some wives will suddenly become commanders at home when their husbands touch them for sex, ordering the man around, “go and off the Fan” “go and lock the gate” “go and check whether our children are sleeping” “How about that money I asked you to give me?” Etc…*
This is just too bad.

Remember: Some wives sleep like log of wood in bed while some even wear Jean, knickers to bed.
Nothing sexy
Nothing erotic
Nothing romantic
Nothing Inviting!
If you continue like this you will hurt your marriage deeply and you may destroy your future also. He will start lusting and chasing sexy daughters of Jezebel out there who may fetish him out of home to themselves
A smart wife builds her home, the stupid ones are careless. I know you will be like.
We are all humans and things push us to do things we never planned. Be wise. God bless us all.


We sometimes complain that the men don't want to talk or listen. Here's some things that could help..

When upset or frustrated, your tone could easily become sharp, harsh, condescending and full of coldness. A man doesn't like engaging anyone with such a tone. Approach him with peace and the issue will be resolved in peace

Straight after work is not the time for a deep talk. One is mentally and physically tired. Let him relax first, put his feet up and approach the subject at a good time

Men get repelled by condescending and mean eyes. I'm sure you would too 

If your man is they type that gets intoxicated, don't bother yourself to talk serious issues. Wait till he is sober to have a meaningful talk

Infront of the kids be cordial, smile, show unity and when it's just you and him, then talk about the issue

Some women do this. However, this is the easiest way to make him feel attacked and to break the delicate fabric of trust between you two. Before you jump into conclusions, ask him questions politely. Talk with facts. Don't interrogate, politely ask.

A man loses respect for a woman who causes a scene in public or in front of family or friends

If you want to introduce a topic that has been bothering you, hold on to it. Prepare him his favourite meal, do things that make him feel good. While he is in a good mood, lovingly introduce the issue for discussion

If the issue is heavy, be prepared for a conversation that will be heavy on your heart but remain calm and collected. Being frantic and delirious will not aid your cause.

Watch your tongue. Keep calm. Insulting him or parading his weaknesses and past mistakes will complicate things. You need him to know you are on the same team


1. If you want to be hugged; keep foul smells off, take showers, wear nice perfumes or colognes

2. If you want to be trusted; keep secrets shared with you, don't judge

3. If you want to be sexed by your spouse; stay sexy and faithful

4. If you want to be listened to; talk

5. If you want to be talked to; listen

6. If you want to be easily and quickly forgiven; apologize

7. If you want to be thought of; be memorable

8. If you want to be known; open up

9. If you want to be kissed; maintain good dental hygiene, moistured lips.

10. If you want to be fought for; be valuable, be someone worth fighting for

11. If you want your phone to be called; give out your phone number

12. If you want to be taken out for dates; make time, be available

13. If you want a love blessed by God; do it God's way, choose someone Godly

14. If you want freedom; be responsible

15. If you want to be believed; don't tell lies

16. If you want to be admired; be of great character

17. If you want to be chosen and made special; stand out

18. If you want someone to be strong for you; show your weakness

19. If you want to be helped; share your issues and problems

20. If you want to be supported; disclose your dreams and ambitions

21. If you want someone to walk with you; make room for them in your life

22. If you don't want to be lonely; be social, learn to relate

23. If you want a good spouse; have the qualities you desire in a spouse

24. If you want real love; be real, be yourself

25. If you want to grow; be willing to learn and be open to correction

26. If you want to be married to; act like someone ready for marriage and a serious commitment

27. If you want to experience the depth of love; give it your all

28. If you want love; take risks, trust someone with your heart

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1. Avoid talking tough to him. Don't make him feel you are out to compete with him

2. Don't speak harsh at him and justify you do so because you are angry. In your anger, do not damage

3. Give him room and time to talk. Don't dominate the conversations. Dialogue, not monologue

4. Be consistent. Don't be the woman who speaks great things to him and the same who insults him. Your insults will cancel all the good you have spoken to him in the past

5. Check your tone. You might be saying the right thing but with the wrong tone. Sometimes your message is not well received because of your delivery

6. Don't give silent treatment, it pushes him away 

7. Don't make demands or give instructions as if you are his boss, he will switch off. 

8. Maintain warmth in your conversations, it makes him stay in the talk

9. Talk with him things that stimulate his mind, that makes him learn; it makes him excited to talk to you. Mature talk, not drama

10. Never make a conversation be about praising another man whilst demeaning him; be it your ex, your father, your pastor, a celebrity or friend

©️ Akello Oliech and Dayan Masinde


Never fail to understand that your na*kedness is your husband's crown. Once another man sees your nakedness, that means your husband's crown has been taken off 
As a married woman, some men won't stop admiring you even when they fully know you're a married woman. 
When a man starts calling you unnecessarily or say outrageous words to you try and stop him. 

As a married woman, be wise not to be carried away, when a lot of men toast you, calls you a beautiful bride, they do all that because of your husband's crown  on your head. Once you take it off or they succeed to take it off, you will come to understand it was all an illusion. 
Set boundaries and stop entertaining pet names from another man. 
Stop unnecessary conversation from opposite s*x in your inbox and warn them seriously. 
Stop begging people to give you data/airtime, it is the simplest way you can avoid disrespect from young guys who are looking for people's wife to sleep with.

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Hello sir, I want to tell you things you must not believe about your wife. Read it sir 👇👇👇.   

1. Don't believe that your wife is a mistake in your life  

2. Don't believe that you can go far in life by neglecting your wife  

3. Don't believe that you can cheat on your wife & go scot-free. 

4. Don't believe that you did your wife a favour by marrying her.  

5. Don't believe that s*x with your wife will destroy your anointing.  

6. Dont believe that s*x with another woman is better than s*x with your wife.  

7. Don't believe that your wife is your slave.  

8. Don't believe that your wife's opinion does not count in your life and your family success.  

9. Don't believe that your wife knows nothing. 
10.Don't believe that there is something in the body of another woman that is not in the body of your wife except you are looking for your early grave.  

11. Don't believe your wife has all it takes to raise your children alone.  

13. Don't believe that the best way to correct your wife is to beat her.  

14. Don't believe that your wife is so strong that she does not need your help, attention and affection.   

15. Don't believe that God is not aware of how you are treating your wife.   

True love is a beautiful thing 💕💞💓♥️

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Years ago,  when I lived in *Lugbe,* a suburb in *Abuja,* a number of girls lived in a building adjacent to me. They strictly lived to be picked up by men.  

The girls will *go out at night* and return the following *morning.*  I, and other neighbors were *angry.*  The girls were very noisy.  They never cared who their noise disturbed.

One day, the landlord had enough. *He evicted all of them.* Their properties were thrown out. All the girls found somewhere else to relocate, *except one.* She had no place to go.

She kept her belongings in our building corridor, and on nights that she was home, she'd sleep there... *and that was on most nights.*

The tenants in the building, *including my husband and I,* met to plan how to put her and her belongings out. *Surprisingly,* one tenant, *a woman* was against the idea. She asked, "What would you all do if this girl was *your daughter, sister or relative?"* She told us that this girl and her friends have, no doubt made *wrong choices.* But she reminded us that we too, *at some point* in our past also made wrong  choices. But God still held us close to His heart and saved us.  She cautioned us as Christians to *consider what Christ Jesus would do.*

Everyone was quiet. But none suggested any way to help the *now homeless* lady. 

Later on, the same woman who defended her at the tenant meeting had a talk with her husband. They agreed to house the girl *in their moderate apartment.*

They invited the girl into their home and told her she could stay with them. The homeless girl was shocked when the woman said to her, *"We know what you do for a living.* And you are free to go out at night and come back the next day if that's what you choose to do. Feel free to eat our food. Use the other bedroom. It is yours *as long as you live here.* Live like one of us. We did not bring you in to judge you. _But we will continue to pray for you._ Hopefully, the spirit will talk to you..., *at your own time."* 

_The girl was dumbfounded._ And she cried. At nights, *she stayed home.* Going out to look for men gradually became a thing of her past. 

She would join the family for morning devotion *and go to church with them on Sundays.*

One day, the woman, *now her landlord of sorts* told her of her husband's decision to pay for her to register in a university. The lady gained admission into a university. *She graduated on top of her class* and got a good job.  But even before she graduated, with a university grant for outstanding students, *she had started a business* of her own. 

Today, when you enter her office, she has this woman and her husband's photo on the wall behind her desk. The photo has the inscription, _*" 'My parents,' the only Christians I know''.*_

*Folks, what is true love?*
Many Christians cannot answer to this question.
*We resist the true essence of love but gossip around the house.*

The truth is, "Christ Jesus died for us.'' Why would a righteous man die for sinners?
That's what love is.

What can you do for someone even against your intrinsic instincts?

Every one we have chosen not to forgive, deserve forgiveness. That is the sacrifice that a Christian, who shows true love makes. 

*Love is not the practice of loving beautiful people. True love is shown by being willing to truly love those that many look down upon.*

_*How many less fortunate people have you taken home from church after service to feed?*_
_*Why do we feed the rich, and don't feed the needy?*_

Why do we scorn people who look like prostitutes? We look at children who look unkept and we shake our heads in disapproval, warning our children to avoid such people.

But what kind of people do we think that heaven is waiting up there for? 

Let's not lose the purpose of life because of what we have almost achieved.

Can someone say of you, *"I met a true believer in you?"* 
Think about it.

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Several factors causes libido to peak or take a downward plunge.

 1.  As your wife enters forty and is more confident about her body especially what easily turns her on and excites her, her s*x desire peaks while yours plunges at forty.

 2.  The stress of raising children can k*ill a woman (in her thirties)'s libido while her husband's desire peaks because pregnancy, breast feeding and child raising makes her body more beautiful and desirable leaving her husband in regular s*xual arousal.

 3.  As the man reaches forty and financial responsibility increases, the demand to work more to generate income may deflate a man's libido while the wife peaks because his ability to provide turns her on.

 4.  Huge age gap can cause a sharp disparity in libido. I.e. A forty years old woman in marriage with a sixty years old man.

 5.  Highly outgoing men/spouses (e.g) most times have a higher s*x drive than their quiet, introverts partners.



 1. Talk about your desire and how often or regularly you want to have s*x.
 2.  Have a s*x timetable so the one with low libido can come up while the one with a high libido can control themselves till the next date for s*x. S*X timetable helps you plan and think ahead for s*x.
 3. Assist your man financially to reduce financial stress which may deflate his erection.
 4. Assist your wife with chores to reduce stress which may make her get too tired to have s*x
 5. If you have a low libido and use time table, fantasize about your partner all day, wear seductive clothes and prepare your mind and body for the fun ahead.

 6.  If you are too tired to have s*x to avoid being drained after ejaculation, you can bring her to orgasm through heavy foreplay targeting her most erogenous zones! Once you put out the s*xual fire, both of you will have rest and sound sleep!😂

Here is my little s*x tip for today.

Be blessed!.

Follow #bigglesworth


1- When a woman is angry, over half of what she says-she doesn't mean...

2- The most difficult time for a woman is when she is away from the man she truly loves.

3- A woman is not like 'detol advert', if you don't take care of her... Others will.

4- It takes time for a woman to trust a man, its hard to change when she does, but if you mess-up, you might just forget it.

5- A woman is such a school you will never graduate from.

6- Your wedding certificate with her is not a "driving licence", its just a "Learners permit"

7- She can be very bitter now, and a very sweet angel later on, it all lies in your approach.

8- A woman hardly forget things, she remembers hurts more, avoid making her hurt.

9- A woman can be highly secretive... Most times when they prove hard to men, they go to their closet and friends to cry.

10- All women Love to be begged. men often miss out on this........

11- All women have a unique character like salt, their presence might not be noticed but their absence makes all things tasteless.

12-if she loves you she can do everything you ask of her as far as it makes you happy,so never force her to love you.

13-if a woman truely loves you,even to ask money from you she will be shy and most especially if she loves you she can never leave you to spend"""unnecessarily!...that's what makes them special....☺

If you find a woman who loves and fears God, cherish her for life and never let her go.. She will do you good for the rest of your life. 



Follow #bigglesworth


by Pastor Bisi Adewale

There are many things a Man should know how to do before he gets married, let me mention some of them here:

You expect your wife to become pregnant after the wedding? But how much do you know about pregnancy and pregnant women apart from the fact that their tummy is usually big and protruding. Every man going to the altar should learn how to care for pregnant women and have better Knowledge of pregnancy.

A good Man should know how to cook basic food at home. Don't always wait for your wife if you are at home before her, learn to do something in the kitchen.

Playing with a newborn baby will require you singing and dancing for the newborn, have you learnt this?

4) LOVE A WOMAN THE WAY SHE WANTS TO BE LOVED: Marriage needs more than romantic love, it needs authentic love. You need to learn how to be an authentic lover and love your wife the way she wants to be loved.

Your wife will hurt you; you will hurt her too no matter how much you love each other. So, learn the attitude of forgiveness before you go into marriage.

A Good Man should know how to operate “home machines” like microwave oven, dishwashers, gas cookers, stoves, electric cookers, Laundry machines etc.

7) FIX HOME APPLIANCES: Every man should know how to fix simple home appliances such as toilet problems, electrical sockets, electronic issues, light bulbs, make generator work, change generator plug, solve gas cooker issues etc.

Every man should learn how to drive, not having a car is not an excuse, do not wait until you have your own car, learn how to drive both manual and automatic transmission cars. It will help your family greatly; make you look more responsible, help you avoid accidents when you buy yours.

Encourage your wife to learn how to drive too and this can be very useful to your family in the event of an emergency.

Performing basic first aid can save life and you don’t have to be a doctor, nurse or health care providers to know how to do this for yourself and people around you.

Every man dream to become a father one day, if you are one of them, then you should learn how to carry a baby. You can help your spouse with the baby. It is not just a woman’s business, the Child is yours.


Many Ladies are known to base their marital decisions on things that will not endure a life-time. These have led many of them into wrong marriages and life time bondage. We need to identify and deal with them:

1) HEIGHT: Every girl's dream is to marry a tall, dark guy with a baritone voice, I wonder where they got the idea that tall guys are better in marriage. Hey Girls, tall guy can give you tall problems; it is not the height that matters but the depth of the guy in God and in character.

2) MUSCLE: Muscular and heavy looking guys are also lucky, they are seen to be good suitors, and girls do say they look manly. they look like real men. Sorry Girls, muscles do not make a real man, character and ability to shoulder responsibility do. A guy with muscle without character will use his muscles to deal with you and batter your beautiful face.

3) A WELL SET HOUSE: A guy with a well set house is the dream of any girl any day. Many girls will throw caution into the wind to grab a man who have a house with King size; beautiful Italian Settee, micro wave oven, well stock freezer, home theater, refrigerator, gas cooker, Plasma TV,6 by 6 bed, well stuff Kitchen, Dining table, washing machine, dish washers, split unit air conditioner etc is a dream catch for girls any day. Sorry girl, a well set house is good but it may be a well set trouble if the guy is not a man of character, manners or discretion, he will make the house look like a prison yard for you.

4) FAT BANK ACCOUNT: Girls are fond of trying to know how rich a guy is by checking the guy's phones for bank alerts. They joyfully decide to marry a guy when they discover the guy is very rich with fat Bank balance. What a mistake? They don't want to know where the money is coming from; they dont even want to know what the guy does for a living. What concerns them is the money that is available to be spent. Many girls ended up finding themselves entangled for life in this kind of situation, don't base your marriage on GREED, it won't turn to GREEN.

5) PLACE OF WORK: Some of our girls are in the habit of making marital decision base on the place a guy works. You dare not talk of marriage to them if you are a Teacher or civil servant. You dare not propose them if you are working with a small firm, or one man business. What an error? Girls note that, that a guy works in ACCESS BANK does not mean he will give you ACCESS to his heart or peace of mind. A guy that works in SHELL may put your life in a SHELL forever, you may not be the FIRST in the  life of a guy that works in FIRST BANK, a guy that work in GUARANTEE TRUST BANK may not GUARANTEE your future. He may be working in NESTLE but not SETTLE you at home, So it is not about where he is working but about who is working in Him, God or devil.

6) ROMANCE: A young lady said, The guy is romantic, hot and sexy, i will marry him. Stop girl!!!!, Romance is not enough for marriage. The truth is, most so called romantic guys don't remain like that after wedding. Marry a guy base on qualities that will endure, romance dont last forever, go and ask married women.

7) TYPE OF CAR: A whole lots of girls will be enticed by a guy driving a big and expensive car. Some will not even go out with a guy that does not have a car. If you want to mess yourself as a guy, ride on a bike to go and propose to a lady, you will hear the story of your life. Ladies, a guy that has a CAR may not CARE for you, life is not about CAR, it is about marrying somebody that will CARE for your future.

8. US or UK passports
Most girls will readily marry anybody with US or UK passports, Lots of girls have destroyed their lives in the process of looking for somebody with a foreign passport to marry.

9) HIS PERFORMANCE IN THE CHOIR: It is funny that some ladies are ready to get marry to some guys because they are very good in the choir, they can play Sax, keyboard, drums, trumpet and sing tenor and Bass very well, I wonder whether they want to start a choir band in their houses.

10) RICH PARENT: Children of Rich parents are easy target for many young girls not because they are in love with them, but they know they will have access to money and connection. Many of these guys who come from rich background are pompous, cocky, proud and will be terrible and irresponsible husbands and fathers tomorrow but girls will not care about that, Most of these girls do live to regret their wrong decision.

Don't marry anybody just because the parents are rich, marry the person for who he is and the love you share together.

11) FELLOWSHIP LEADERSHIP: Many Christian ladies are ready to die to marry brothers that are in the executives of their Campus fellowship. They fight tooth and nail to get the attention of these brothers, some even go to the extent of offering their bodies. Many of these ladies do think that the best of all men are in the executives of the Campus fellowship, they have forgotten that A PRESIDENT OF THE FELLOWSHIP MAY NOT BE A RESIDENT OF HEAVEN.

12) BEDROOM EXPERTISE: One of the most stupid way to make a decision of whom to marry as a lady is to base it on how good, s*xy or terrific a Guy is, in the bedroom. If you base your marital decision on a man's sexual prowess; you may end up with a play boy instead of a Husband. You may end up getting marry to a s*x hunter, instead of a real lover. You will end up getting married to a universal sperm donor who will sleep with your sister, house maid, friends, girls in the neighborhood, his secretary and anything in skirt that cross his paths. DON'T GO FOR S*X GO FOR SENSE.

Follow #bigglesworth

Wednesday, 27 March 2024


A woman's butt is special. When the wrong man touches it, it is sexual harassment, when her man touches it she feels good.  Here are moments when to touch your woman's butt

When your wife wears a dress, tights, a pair of shorts or a leso and asks you how she looks. Look at her from top to bottom with focussed eyes and hold her butt and curves and say "You look beautiful and sexy". She will feel desired

When in bed as you prepare to sleep, whether she is facing you or giving you her back, rub your hands on her butt as you tell her how beautiful she is. This will make her feel close to you and give her a good night sleep 

In the kitchen, as she stands cooking, grab and rub her butt as you kiss her neck and cheek telling her warm words. It makes her feel connected

Offer to massage her, ask her to lie down naked as your wife and oil her body then massage her,  play close attention to her butt. Whether her butt is big or small, with stretch marks or without, speak wonderfully of it as you play with it and make it jiggle. This makes her feel comfortably naked with you

Chores don't have to be boring. When she is doing chores, creep from behind and hold her butt as she bends, mops or cleans and appreciate what she is doing with you saying, "The house looks really clean". Help out with the chores too. She will look at you and smile, shaking her head as she says "I have such a great husband"

When you two are lazing around on the bed or the sofa, as you pillow talk, caress her butt. This makes her feel like you have dedicated quality time just for her and accompanied it with a touch. Women love to be touched. It hurts her to have a husband who rarely touches her

Whether doggy or she is on top, grab a hold of her butt with passion as you make love. This makes her feel sexy

When she is giving you pleasure as she touches you up, kissing your chest, rubbing her fingers all over you, rub her butt as you tell her how good it feels. This makes her get excited. Any wife loves it when she has a strong sexual effect on her husband 

As you kiss, whether a "have a good day" kiss, a long kiss or a just because kiss, hold her on the butt with your masculine hands. This heightens your level of intimacy 

Once in a while take showers together. Wash her back and camp on her butt a little bit longer. These are the scenes she remembers and smiles all by herself 

Don't be too rigid, sometimes play around with your wife. "Bully" her in a nice way.  Chase after her.  Tickle her. Play around under the blankets as you play around with her butt.  Games like this makes her enjoy growing old with you and making silly memories 

© Akello Oliech and Dayan Masinde

Friday, 22 March 2024


1:A woman said to me, 'It took me years to really know that men cry too.I took my husband for a super human.I see him leave the house everyday and come back providing for us. One day as I have left the house and he was at home,I remembered that I needed to take something along, I turned back and headed home. As I got home, I tried going through the back door which was closer to the window of our room. I heard my husband crying like a baby asking God to help me get a job so I can help him feed for the family.He has never complained to me before but that day, I broke down in tears realizing that my husband has held much of his pains alone"
2"A young married lady went to her mother and complained that her husband has not always bought things she wanted from him.The mother asked her, 'How many of those things have you bought for yourself".She stayed quiet and said, 'But he is my husband".The mother replied to her, 'Have you ever found out the things your husband wants you to buy for him".
3:Men always try to hide their pains.
4:Men can be financially broke and pretend to have everything.
5:Most men are married but they have lonely life. Sometimes, ask your husband out. Men are not always busy as women think.
6:You have to understand that your husband has pains and needs too. Don't judge him by things you want from him. Sometimes, your husband doesn't have things you want.
7:Men also have emotional needs and problems.
Men still cry for love.😎
I rest my case Class Dismissed.Please lets Share To Educate Each Other Women. All is Well Respect Due 🙌
God bless all Men

Marriage Vows


It is your right to know the content of the marriage vows before the day of your wedding. You must understand the words used, their meanings and implications and be sure it is something you agree to. It is highly recommended that you even memorize them.
This is far more important than booking for make-up artists ahead of the wedding day or a hall or cake or distributing aseobi materials upandan.
But as always, we will always major in the minors, and like a friend will add, "and minor in the majors."
Let me make this emphasis. . .the most important part of a church wedding is the exchange of vows. The words of the vows are the heart, the soul, the kpim, if you like. . .the essential element of the sacrament of marriage; they form the covenant that establishes the couple’s marriage.
The Church calls the exchange of vows consent, which is to say, it is the act of the will by which a man and a woman give themselves FREELY to each other and accept the gift of the other. Marriage CAN'T happen without the declaration of consent.
There is also this growing trend among couples to brag about the number of priests or
Bishops that attended their wedding. Even church members will be like, 30 priests came for his wedding. Three Arch Popes laid hands on them. And like in this picture of Moses Bliss and his wife, you could already see what I mean.
While it is good that ministers attend your wedding and pray for you, it is not their prayers that made you man and woman (husband and wife), rather, it is your vow or consent before God and his people. It is not also the hands laid on you that make you both stay together but your convictions every day to keep to the vows you made to each other.
For Catholics preparing for marriage, this is what you will see. . .
Before the Marriage vows, there are three questions that the priest will ask. . . These questions will ascertain if you are ready to enter into marriage.
They are:
1. "(Name of the Man) and (name of the woman), have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?"
2. "Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?"
3. "Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?"
The bride and groom respond "I have" or "I am"
After this, the priest will then invite the bride and groom to make their vows. There are about four options of the vows, but below is the standard version. Note: The man and the woman will say the same thing bearing in mind their names.
"I, (name), take you, (name), to be my wife/husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life."
If you do a careful word-to-word analysis of the above, you will understand the depth and weight of the vows.
Now, assuming everyone making this vow keeps them, most of the problems we are having today in marriages will cease to exist.
@fada Ugwu

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Is Divorce a Sin?

I think the right question should be, did Jesus Permit divorce? Did God permit divorce? In other words, are you even allowed to divorce before you start talking about whether it is a sin or not?
The straight answer is that Jesus never permitted divorce. Once marriage is validly contracted, even adultery as some of you wrongly allege is not a ground for divorce.
I know this whole misunderstanding is coming from Jesus' statement in Matthew 19:9. I will clarify it. But before then, I am not writing this to give people a license to cheat on their spouses. As a matter of fact, you owe your spouse fidelity and faithfulness. It is their right. You are not doing them a favor by being faithful.
Back to Matthew 19:9 where it seemed Jesus gave an exception for divorce:
"Whoever divorces his wife except for unchastity and marries another commits adultery."
The exceptive clause, "EXCEPT FOR UNCHASTITY" is the major issue here. Simply put, unchastity is a good reason to divorce one's spouse.
You may want to ask, what constitutes 'unchastity?' We shall get to know soon.
We all remember that the New Testament was originally written in Greek bah?
The Greek word for unchastity is "PORNEIA." The Protestants argue that this Greek word "porneia" means adultery. This is why if you read the Protestant New International Version of the Bible, Matthew 19:9 is translated thus:
"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, EXCEPT FOR MARITAL UNFAITHFULNESS, and marries another woman commits adultery."
For most Protestants, though marriage is meant to last a lifetime, but adultery justifies divorce and remarriage. This is because they interpreted the Greek word "porneia" or "unchastity" as adultery.
This is not true. And this is not Catholic teaching.
Catholic biblical scholars believe that it is wrong to translate the Greek word "porneia" as adultery. In the Catholic New American Bible, Matthew 19:9 is translated thus:
"I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) and marries another commits adultery."
Here, the exceptive clause is: "UNLAWFUL MARRIAGE."
If you read the King James Version of the Bible, the translation for PORNEIA is even more interesting. It translates Matthew 19:9 thus:
"And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for FORNICATION, and shall marry another committeth adultery."
Here, the exceptive clause is Fornication. And fornication is the sin of two unmarried people having sexual intercourse. If either person is married or both are married to other people, the sin is called adultery. Following this translation, the only way that a couple could commit fornication is if they were never really in a Christian marriage to begin with.
Many recent translations of porneia in Matt 19:9 used "sexual immoralities." That still begs the question of what sexual immoralities could mean.
In all these, what really is the correct translation for the word PORNEIA? Is it the Protestants' "adultery", the King James' "fornication", or the Catholics' "Unlawful marriage"? Even if porneia is to be seen as unchastity or sexual immoralities, what constitutes unchastity?
The answer to the above questions can be better clarified using the bible. I will give you two examples: Matthew 15:19 and Mark 7:21-22.
Matthew 15:19 "For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, ADULTERY, UNCHASTITY, theft, false witness, blasphemy."
Mark 7:21-22, "From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts, UNCHASTITY, theft, murder, ADULTERY, greed, malice, deceit, licentiousness, envy, blasphemy, arrogance, folly."
Pay attention to this: Adultery and unchastity are both prohibited in the texts above. If you read the Greek text, it is "porneia" that is translated as unchastity, in some bible it is translated as sexual immorality. While the Greek word "moicheia" is translated as adultery. Therefore, from these passages, we can see that porneia does not mean adultery as that would be an unnecessary repetition.
The word for adultery in Greek is 'moicheia.' If the author of Matthew 19:9 felt that Christ was talking about adultery, he wouldn't have used 'porneia' which means unchastity.
This is Matthew 19:9 in its original Greek
λέγω δὲ ὑμῖν ὅτι ὃς ἂν ἀπολύσῃ τὴν γυναῖκα αὐτοῦ μὴ ἐπὶ ΠΟΡΝΕΊΑΙ καὶ γαμήσῃ ἄλλην, ΜΟΙΧΑ͂ΤΑΙ.
I have put into capital letters two words:
πορνείᾳ (porneia) and μοιχᾶται (moichatai — verb form)
If the Bible intended that adultery is a ground for divorce, the two words would have been moicheia. And it will read thus: "I tell you that whoever divorces his wife, except for ADULTERY, and marries another woman commits ADULTERY."
But fortunately or unfortunately, that is not how it was written in the Bible.
If you read Act 15:28-29, the Apostles addressed the Gentiles prohibiting four things:
"For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things: that you abstain (1) from what has been sacrificed to idols, and (2) from blood and (3) from what is strangled and (4) from unchastity. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell." RSV (inserted numbers, mine)
Take note of the number (4), still talking about Porneia or Unchastity. These four prohibitions above came from a deep-rooted Jewish tradition found in Leviticus 17 and 18.
If you read Leviticus through, you will discover that in chapter 18, what the Jews mean by unchastity or Porneia was explicitly explained. It was simply an incestuous marriage. Having sexual intercourse with a close relative was greatly forbidden, not to talk of marriage. For the Jews, marriage of this nature is unlawful. This was what Christ was referring to in Matthew 19:9. It is a reference to an unlawful and thus invalid marriage. It is not a reference, as Protestants view it, to a specific act committed during a legitimate "life-long marriage.
Jesus' teaching on divorce was revolutionary. Remember that it was to answer the Jews who thought that one could divorce his wife for some reasons that made Jesus to give the answer he gave. If Jesus permitted divorce, what then makes his teaching different from the one Moses taught the Jews in the OT?
If Christ's teaching on divorce was that simple, how can one explain the surprise that surrounded the disciples when they responded in the next verse?
Matthew 19: 10, "(His) disciples said to him, 'If that is the case of a man with his wife, it is better not to marry.'"
©Fr Kelvin Ugwu

Tuesday, 19 March 2024


1. Kiss her when she least expects it. She'll feel wanted
2. Tell her "I love you" in the middle of her talking to you. She'll end up smiling
3. Text her in the middle of the day just to tell her "I miss you". She'll feel thought of
4. Insist you will not start eating until she comes to sit down and you eat together. She'll feel special
5. Occasionally leave little notes of warm words under her pillow, on the fridge, in her hand bag or on her car seat. She'll feel cared for
6. Help her with house chores even without her asking. She'll feel part of a team
7. Touch/grab or rub her bum when she is cooking. She'll feel like a woman
8. Pretend you've forgotten her birthday then surprise her in the middle of the day with a gift. She'll feel excited
9. Occasionally give her mother a phonecall just to wish her a good day as her son-in-love. She'll feel surrounded by love
Remember: Many couples of today's generation got divorce due to lack of knowledge and guides on how to handle the needs of their partner....So these tips will help us and we master it for a better and happy relationship..God bless us all

10 Deep Psychology And Philosophy Quotes From "Carl Jung"

1. "The world will ask you who you are, and if you don't know, the world will tell you."
2. "If a man knows more than others, he becomes lonely."
3. "Everything that irritates us about others can lead to an understanding of ourselves."
4. "Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research."
5. "You are what you do, not what you say you'll do."
6. "Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness of other people."
7. "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
8. "Be grateful for your difficulties and challenges, for they hold blessings.
In fact... Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for healthy personal growth, individuation, and self-actualization."
9. "Everyone you meet knows something you don't know but need to know. Learn from them."
10. “I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”