⏰Tuesday of the Thirty-Second Week of Ordinary Time 2 (12 Nov. 2024 – Memorial of St. Josaphat)
📖Titus 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18 and 23, 27 and 29 (R.v.39a); Luke 17:7-10
When we were in the major seminary, one quotation from the scriptures that every one of us expected to hear from our Bishop is Luke 17:10. He used that to remind us of the importance of humility even when we feel that we have performed excellently in our pastoral duty because, the work is not ours but the God's work (cf. John 10:32; 17:4); so, it is a privilege for us to partake in it.
As God's work, we should always desire to do it as Jesus desired to do it (John 4:34) because he made us his friends and so, full-time partners in the vineyard (cf. John 15:15-16). If we are full-time partners, you can then begin to see why it is our duty to work in that vineyard.
One way of being an active servant in that vineyard of God is by teaching the truth to all and then, living as people with integrity as St Paul encouraged us in Titus 2:1-15. Again, let every action of yours be motivated by love.
St. Josaphat, whose Memorial we celebrate today is a model of good leadership and what it means to be humble and have the fear of God in us. He was a leader of the Orthodox Catholics but saw the division in the Church as being against the will of God. He returned to the Church and worked for the unity of the Church until he laid down his life for it
What will Jesus recommend me with as what I did to progress the work of his Father?
May God give us the grace of humility and faithfulness in our different vocations in life. May we not be found to have been dancing against the beats in the end. Amen.
Have a grace-filled day. Peace be with you.