Saturday, 25 June 2016


Ekwughi ekwu mere onu, anughi anu mee nti. Agwa nti onughi, ebupu isi, nti esoro  dapu, Ekweghi ekwe n'ute ekwere. Njiji na-adighi anu ihe na-eso ozu ala n'ime ili. Umunne m, ala abughi otu ma ncha!!!
Ala bara nnukwu uru, ósÒ n'otu ihe a na-akwanyere nnukwu ugwu n'ala igbo. Ala nwere onye ma o bu ndi nwe ya, nkea na-aputakaricha ihe n'oge a na-eke ekpe. Mmmadu enweghi ikike i ga n'ala onye ozo mee ihe obula beeluso ma onye nwe ya bu ala onyere ya ikike ime nke ahu. Mana ewepu ya, nsogbu izo ala ga-ada. Anyi ga-amata nke oma na ebe obula nsogbu izo ala di,otutu ugboro, isi mmadu ga-adariri.
Ihe mgbanwoju anya di ugbua bu okwu a ma o bu asusu a -"ALA BU OTU!!!"
Na nkowa nke m, Ala Bu Otu putara na onye obula nwere ikike iga n'ala onye ozo mee ihe obula, ka a ga-asi na o bu ya nwe ala ahu. Mana ekweghi m na nkea. Ala mmadu bu ala ya, oburugodi na-egoro ya ego, mmuo onye nwe ala ahu ka di na ya. Ekwere na asusu Ala Bu Otu bu okwu nkasi obi ma o bu okwu eji ekpuchi otutu ihe achoghi ikpo aha.
Ejikoro otutu obodo onu kpoo ya Naijiri n'afo 1914, mana a na-asi na Naijiria bu otu. Ebumnuche m n'ederede a gbasakariri ndi Igbo nke ukwuu. Ndi Igbo bu ndi eji oke ime njem were mara, n'ime obodo niile di n'uwa, okpekata mpe, otu onye Igbo ga anoriri ebe ahu. Ndi Igbo ejirigo n'ihi ego kpoo ekwo nku na Ala Naijiria niile bu otu.
Ndi igbo ga-ahapa ala ha gaba ala ndi awusa na ala ndi yoruba gaa wube nnukwu ulo oru, si otu a na-ewebata mmepe n'ala ndi ahu. Otutu igbo echefugo na oburu na oso chuba ha na ha enwekwaghi ebe mgbaba. Otutu ndi bi na ugwu awusa tukwasara obi ha n'ebe enyi ha ndi awusa no n'ihi na omaara asu awusa ofuma. Mana achoro m iji ohere a chetara anyi maka nwaada Imo steeti ebepuru isi na Kano n'ihi nkwughe onu umu nwanyi n'ebe ya na onye awusa enyi ya no. (
I gaa na Leegosu, oge a na-acho iru uzo gara n'elu (bridge), akwatusiri otutu ulo ndi mmadu nke imirikiti n'ime ha bu nke ndi Igbo. Mmmadu ole n'ime ha ka enyere ego nkasiobi?
Otu ihe a mere n'oge nke Rufai na Abuja, imirikiti ndi akwaturu ulo ha bu ndi Igbo, ebe otutu ndi igbo a arubeghi ihe obula n'ala ha di n'ala igbo.
Otutu oge, anyi na-eche na o bu ka anyi siri wee ndi awusa ka ha si ewe anyi. Ebe o bu na obughi otu okpupere  CHI, onweghi mechaa ka eburu otu ihe n'obi. Ka anyi saa anya anyi mmiri nke oma maara oge ekele gafere ihu aka.
Abia n'ihe gbasara oru nche nke obodo, anyi ga-amata ihe mere n'ubochi 30th May, ka esiri gbuo otutu ndi Igbo n'ala ha, ndi na-eme njeghari udo. Ajuju m were buru na o bu na ndi uwe ojii anoghi oge ebepuru nwada igbo isi na Kano, ka ha o na-eche ka goomenti nye ha iwu? O buru na o bu nke a kpatara ya, ogosiri na goomenti nyere ndi nche iwu ka ha gbagbuo otutu ndi igbo na-eme ngaghari udo. Umunne Ala abughi otu!!!!
Ihe ka si ewute m bu na oke nchumpta ego na oke nkpoch nti anaghi ekwe ndi igbo anu ihe. Amaghi m ka nsiri ga-ekwu nkea ka ha nu ma ghota ihe m na-ekwu. oturu m n'anya oge m nuru na onwere otutu ndi igbo ka bi na Borno kemgbe nsogbu ndi Boko Haram bidoro ma ruo ugbua.Tufiakwa!!!.
Lezie ihe na-eme n'oge ugbu a n'ebe ndi Naija Delta no. O ga-asi na ndi kporo onwe ha ndi Biafra bidoro ruba ulo oru niile a ha rugasiri n'ala ndi ozo,n'ala Biafra, mmepe gaara idigo n'ala igbo niile, nsogbu a gaara ebelata. Ozo dika ibe ya were buru na ndi goomenti amaghi na e nwere ewu ojii ekwesiri icho acho ma ya foduzie icho ya bu ewu ojii n'oge chi di. Ufodu n'ime ha ghara ego karia odimma obodo ya, ekwube okwu ulo ha di na Abuja.
Lekene ka uzo siri Enugu gaa Onisha, ihe mberede okporo uzo na-eme oge niile n'ebe ahu mana gakene n'ugwu awusa ka ihu ka onye igbo siri ruo uzo chara chara bara n'ulo oru ya.
Otutu ugboro, a na-anu na uka di n'ala igbo na-akanye oke utu ego n'ebe ndi uka no, mana ngaghi echefu okwu otu ukochukwu bi na Leegosu kwuru nke gbara m anya mmiri. "ejiri ihe kariri nde nari naira ano were wube ulo uka a mana ahinze ndi igbo no na ya, n'ihi na o bu ha mekasiri ihe niile di n'ulo uka a" Okwu fada a kwuru gbawara m obi nke ukwuu. Umunne onwegodi ka oso siri gbaba ma o bu iraa mmuo, ichetekwere na o bu n'ulo uka mmiri na-ama, nke di n'obodo gi, ka a ga-eji kaara gi uka ? Onwekwara oge i ga-ano bido tobe onu na ulo uka eji eme onu di n'obodo gi? O bu ihe a mere otutu ji ahapu mmemme ha kwesiri ime n'obodo ha, were ga obodo ozo, n'ihi ihere obodo ya na-eme ya. Ngaghi ahapu ibunye ukpa ekele m bugara ndi niile na-aka uka n'ulo uka di na St. Patrick catholic church, Isuofia. N'agbanyeghi ndi ogaranya ha niile ha nwere, o bu umu agadi na umuaka tukotara ego were ruharia ulo uka ha, ugbua oso n'ulo uka eji ama atu n'anambra ma burukwazie ulo uka izizi emeghariri odido nso ya. O bu nwayoo nwayoo ka eji aracha ofe di oku.
Bikonu umunne ka anyi chebaa echiche ime mata na o nwere ebe anyi siri malite, ebe anyi siri puta. Ala igbo na nke awusa abughi otu ma o bu nke ndi yoruba, ka anyi bidonu ugbua dozibe obodo anyi, ositata diba mma,o dibara gbooo. O buru na anyi ruru ihe ndi ahu anyi rugasiri n'ala ndi ozo n'ala anyi,nsogbu a di ugbua agaraghi idi. Ozokwa, ndi igbo ka anyi hu o di mma anyi n'anya nke ukwuu karia ego.
N'ikpeazu, ndi igbo nwere ndi awusa dika ndi nche ulo ha, ka anyi chetakwa na ndu onye nwe ulo di onye nche n'aka. Oge ihe na-apasu ha ga-abia, o bukwa gi ka a ga-eji bido. Ihe a niile na-eme ugbua kwesiri i di na-echetara anyi na ALA ABUGHI OTU, dika ogbugbu ochu nke ndi ochu efi mere n'Enugu, igbupu isi nwaada Igbo na Kano, ogu ndi Boko haram na ihe ndi ozoga. Ka anyi raruo ulo mata ka oke anyi siri diri.
Ka Chineke nyere anyi aka ka anyi na-eme nke site na Kristi  Dinwenu anyi. AMEN

Friday, 17 June 2016


Meaning of the Ceremonies at Mass
Suggestions: Picture in your mind Christ in His suffering as set forth below.
1. PRIEST: Goes to the Altar.
--CHRIST: Goes to the Garden of Olives
2. PRIEST: Begins Mass
--CHRIST: Begins to Pray
3. PRIEST: Says Confiteor, or I confess
--CHRIST: Prostrate in Agony and Sweating Blood
4. PRIEST: Kisses the Altar
--CHRIST: Betrayed by Judas with a kiss
5. PRIEST: Goes to Epistle side
--CHRIST: Bound and taken to Annas the high priest and struck and spit on
6. PRIEST: Goes to middle & says Kyrie Eleison, or Lord have Mercy
--CHRIST: Brought to Caiphas the high priest & denied 3 times by Peter
7. PRIEST: Says Dominus vobiscum, or the Lord be with you
--CHRIST: Bound & brought to Pilate
8. PRIEST: Reads Orations & epistle at side
--CHRIST: Accused by fabe witnesses
9. PRIEST: Prays at middle of altar
--CHRIST: Mocked, spit upon & some of His beard plucked out
10 .PRIEST: Reads Gospel
--CHRIST: Struck in Head & Face
11. PRIEST: Uncovers chalice
--CHRIST: Stripped of His Garments and pieces of flesh come with them
12 . PRIEST: Offers bread & wine
--CHRIST: Scourged at the Pillar
13.PRIEST: Covers chalice
--CHRIST: Crowned with Thorns & clothed in a purple cloak
14. PRIEST: Washes his hands
--CHRIST: Declared innocent by Pilate
15. PRIEST: Says Orate Fratres or pray brethren
--CHRIST: Shown by Pilate "ecce homo" or behold the man
16. PRIEST: Says Preface & Sanctus or Holy, Holy, Holy
--CHRIST: Judged & Condemned to death
17. PRIEST: Prays for clergy & all believers
--CHRIST: Carries the Cross which cuts into His Shoulder & meets His Sorrowful Mother
18.PRIEST: Commemoration of the living & saints
--CHRIST: Falls with heavy Cross, weighed by my Sins.
19. PRIEST: Blesses Bread & Wine
--CHRIST: Nailed to the Cross
20. PRIEST: Elevates the Sacred Host people look at Host & silently say: "My Lord & My God"
--CHRIST: Raised on the Cross
21. PRIEST: Elevates the Chalice, people look at Chalice & say "My Lord & My God"
--CHRIST: Sheds His Blood from His
22. PRIEST: Prays for Poor Souls
--CHRIST: Dying in Anguish on the Cross
23. PRIEST: Says aloud Nobis Quo- que peccatoribus or to us sinners
--CHRIST: Prays for all
24. PRIEST: Says Pater Noster or Our Father
--CHRIST: Gives His Mother to St. John, utters 7 last words
25. PRIEST: Breaks the Host
--CHRIST: Gives up His Spirit & Dies
26. PRIEST: Drops small particle of Host in Chalice
--CHRIST: Reunion of His Soul with His Body & descends into Limbo
27. PRIEST: Says Agnus Dei or Lamb of God
--CHRIST: Acknowledged to be Son of God by bystanders & pierced with a lance
28. PRIEST: Receives Holy Communion, People Receive Holy Communion—is Our Lord's Holy Face, hidden in the Holy Eucharist?
--CHRIST: Laid in Sepulchre
29. PRIEST: Cleans Chalice
--CHRIST: Stone rolled away & He is Risen
30. PRIEST: Says Communion prayer
--CHRIST: Appears to St. Mary Magdalene, His Mother Mary, & Disciples
31. PRIEST: Says Dominns vobiscum, or the Lord be with you
--CHRIST: Teaches for 40 days after Resurrection
32. PRIEST: Says final prayers
--CHRIST: Ascends into Heaven
33. PRIEST: Gives the Blessing
--CHRIST: Sends down Holy Ghost
Go to the Church as if you were going to Calvary and behave yourself before the Altar as before the throne of GOD, in company with holy Angels, who are present at every Mass. Our Lord stands beside the Priest at Mass. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is identical with that which was offered on the Cross of Calvary. Say an Act of Contrition before Mass and put yourself in the Presence of Christ. "Even if Catholics reduced to a handful, are faithful to Tradition, they are the True Church of Jesus Christ." (St. Anthanasius, 4th Century)


                              Appropriately  qualified, well  supported  and  remunerated , highly  motivated  teaching  personnel  working  in  a  stimulated  teaching  and  learning  environment  are  the  most  important  element  of  any  education  system.

                           The  status  of  teachers  and  public  esteem  for  the  teaching  professionals  crucial  to  high  quality  education  delivery.

                        As   international  standards  adopted  already  in  the ( 1960s)   emphasize , teaching  is  a  profession  requiring  expert  knowledge  and  specialized  skills , acquired  and  maintain  through  rigorous  , ongoing  education  and  training  and  a  sense  of  personal  and  collective  responsibility  for  the  education  and  welfare  of  learner.

                  Teachers   who   benefit   from   equitable,  enlightened  human  resources  management   and  policy  deliver  better  education  and  stay  in  profession  longer , reducing  staff  turn   over  and  the  associated   costs  and  problems  for  education  managers .

                     Unfortunately  the  idea  that  any  one  can  be  a  good  teacher  is  a  myth  that  still haunts  national  education  system  across  the  globe , too  often  teachers  works  and  employment  conditions  ,  the  importance  of  a  coherent  frame  work  0f  career  and  professional  developments  and  the  idea  that  teachers  voices  individually  and  collectively , need  to  be  clearly  heard  in  education  decision  making  and  neglected  or  underestimated  by  education  planners  and  policy  maker.

             Some  of  the  necessary  areas , where  it  becomes  absolutely  requisite  that  human  resource  in  the  academic  citadel  gets  managed  are  as  follow…..
                         1.Health  and  safety
              Teachers  as  any  other  workers  have  the  right  to  work  in  a  healthy  and  safe  work  environments  and  students  to  learn  in  them .the  provision  of  the  same  condition  for  teacher  and  student  in  the  school  environment  ensure  the    0ptimal  teaching  and  learning  condition  exist  to  the  benefit  of  all . education  employer  both  public  and  private  have  the  responsibility  to  ensure  these  condition  (both  for  student  and  teachers  )in  cooperation  with  teachers  and  their  representative  organization .                                                                                                                                  This   responsibility  extend  to  improve  safety  and  health  in   school  and  other  learning  site , so  as  to  reduce  occupational  hazards  that  are  often  quite  distinct  from  other  sectors , service  or  industries , particularly  for  women.   

2.         Salaries 
         The  way  teachers  are  rewarded  for  their  works  sends  a  vital  message  to  teachers , students , parents  and  the  rest  of  the  society  about  the  value  of  that  work  and  the  status  and  esteem  in  which  they  are  held .
            Rewarding  teachers  adequately  is  a  key  to  recruiting  and  retaining  a  skilled , motivated  and  committed  teaching  force  able  to  concentrate  fully  on  their  role  as  educator  and  there  by  to  improving  education  quality .
         The  international  organization  state  that  teacher  salaries  and  benefits  should  meet  a  certain  number  of  systematic  objectives  and  individual  expectations
This   expectation   includes
       I.            These  reflect  the  importance  to  society  of  teaching  and  its responsibility 
     II.            Compare  favourably  with  salaries  paid  in  other  occupation  requiring  similar  or  equivalent  qualification , skills  and  responsibilities.
  III.            Provide   a  reasonable  living  standard   for  teachers  and  their  families.
  IV.            Provide  teachers  with  the  means  to  enhance  their  professional  qualification  by  investing  in  further  education  and  the  pursuit  of  cultural  activities  take  account  of  the  higher  level  qualification  and  experience  required  by  a  certain  post  within  teaching  or  education .
    V.            Avoid   injustices   or   abnomalities   that   creates   tensions   between   groups   of   teachers.
These  principles  integrates  both  the  general  interest  of  society  to  attract  and  retain  the  best  individual  in  teaching  and  key  motivational  factors  influencing  individuals  to  decide  on  teaching  as  a  career , to  remain  in  the  profession  and  to  come  to  work  on  a  daily  basis  dedicated  on  their  principal  task  to  advance  learning.
The  salary  structure  should  also  be  convinced  and  applied  without  discrimination  on  the  basis  of  sex , race , ethnic , origin  or  other  distinctions   not  strictly  related  to  professional  experience  and  competence  so  as  to  avoid  injustices  or  anomalies  between  different  groups  of  teachers.

3.     initials   and  further  teaching  education  and  training.
Well  qualified  and  support  staff are  essential  to  functioning  education  system .  effective  teacher  training  is  considered  increasingly  important  to  meeting  international  goals  relating  to  educational    enrolment , quality  and  expansion  of  all  areas  of  the  educational  sector  particularly  pre  and  post  primary  education . in  addition  to  initial  education  and  training , the  evidence  argues  strongly  to  teaching  professional  development  as  a  critical  factor  in  education  reform.
For  human  resource   to  be  of  high  status  and  quality , adaptable  to  the  needs  of  all  learner  ,teacher  education  and  training  respect  the  need  for 
                    i.            Extensive  and  expert  knowledge  of  one  or  more  subject  matters  or  field  of  learning  depending  on  responsibility.
                  ii.            Specialized  skills  and  competence  as  educators  to  maximize  learning  and  capacity
                iii.            Sense  of  personal     and  corporate  responsibility  for  the  learning  and  welfare  of  students
               iv.            Commitment  to  individuals  reflections  on  teaching  practice , professional  development  and  learning  through  out  a  career  supported  by  an  appropriate  educational  authorities 
        Further  more  teacher  has  three  interrelated  stages  the  first  is  initial  training  geared  towards  those  who  have  chosen  teaching  as  a  career.
    The  second  and  perharbs  most  neglected  aspect  of  professional  development  is  the  induction  period.   when   the   newly  qualified  teacher  begins  to  teach  and  in  many  countries , undergoes  a  period  of  supervised  mentoring  and  support ,  prior  to  been  licensed  as  a  teacher  .
           The   third  stage  is  continuing  professional  development , often  provided  via  in service  education  and  training  that  should  be  available  throughout  a    teaching  career.
4.    Employment   and   recruitment
              In  a  case  like  this  discrimination  can  be  direct  or  indirect  whilst  national  legislation  may  out   law  direct  discrimination    failure  to  recruit  a  candidate  because  the  belong  to  a  particular  group  those  responsible  for  recruitment  should  be  aware  of  the  need  to  avoid  direct  discrimination  where  the  same  criteria  are  applied  to  all  candidate  but   some  group  or  members  are  disadvantaged  by  their  use  for  example  where  recruitment  criteria   are  based  entirely  on  academic  qualification  in  a  context  where  the  educational  system  has  traditionally  favoured   male  pupils, female  teachers  are  less  likely  to  be  recruited
              In  some  cases  unequal  access  to  the  profession  for  certain  group  in  the  past  has  led  to  a  lack  of  diversity  in  term  of  gender  or  ethnic  origin  for  instance  in  order  to  ensure  quality  opportunity  promotes  diversity  and  recruit  the  people  best  suited  to  particular  roles , positives  or  affirmative  action  may  be  necessary.


        Decision  regarding  professional  qualification  recruitment  and  employment  of  teacher  should  be  made  on  the  basis  of  professional   competence . where  decision  exclusions  or  preference  in  respect  of  a  particular  job  are  based  on  genuine  occupational  requirement , this  is  not  deemed  to  be  discrimination .recruiting  teachers  on  the  basis  of  professional  competence  is  a  key  to  both  providing  good  quality  education  and  to  maintaining  a  teaching  profession  which  is  held  in  high  esteem . this  should  not  be  used  as  an  excuse  of  failing  to  recruit   from  certain  group.
          How  ever  it  does  means  that  policy  maker  and  recruiter  to  teacher  training  programme may  need  to  offer  particular  support  to  candidate  who  are  considered to  have  potential  to  develop  a  high  level  of  professional  competence  but  whose  background  has  been  a  barrier  to  developing  some  of  the  requisite 

5.          probation
            It  has  been  recommended  by  international  labour  organization   that  a  probationary  period  on  entry  to  teaching