Appropriately qualified, well supported
and remunerated , highly motivated
teaching personnel working
in a stimulated
teaching and learning
environment are the
most important element
of any education
The status
of teachers and
public esteem for
the teaching professionals crucial
to high quality
education delivery.
As international
standards adopted already
in the ( 1960s) emphasize ,
teaching is a
profession requiring expert
knowledge and specialized
skills , acquired and maintain
through rigorous , ongoing
education and training
and a sense
of personal and
collective responsibility for
the education and
welfare of learner.
Teachers who benefit from equitable, enlightened
human resources management
and policy deliver
better education and
stay in profession
longer , reducing staff turn
over and the
associated costs and
problems for education
managers .
Unfortunately the
idea that any
one can be
a good teacher
is a myth
that still haunts national
education system across
the globe , too often
teachers works and
employment conditions ,
the importance of
a coherent frame
work 0f career
and professional developments
and the idea
that teachers voices
individually and collectively , need to
be clearly heard
in education decision
making and neglected
or underestimated by
education planners and
policy maker.
Some of
the necessary areas , where
it becomes absolutely
requisite that human
resource in the
academic citadel gets
managed are as
1.Health and
Teachers as
any other workers
have the right
to work in a healthy
and safe work
environments and students
to learn in
them .the provision of
the same condition
for teacher and
student in the
school environment ensure
the 0ptimal teaching
and learning condition
exist to the benefit of all
. education employer both
public and private
have the responsibility to
ensure these condition
(both for student
and teachers )in
cooperation with teachers
and their representative organization .
This responsibility extend
to improve safety
and health in
school and other
learning site , so as
to reduce occupational
hazards that are
often quite distinct
from other sectors , service or
industries , particularly
for women.
The way teachers
are rewarded for
their works sends
a vital message
to teachers , students ,
parents and the rest of
the society about
the value of
that work and
the status and
esteem in which
they are held .
Rewarding teachers adequately
is a key
to recruiting and
retaining a skilled , motivated and
committed teaching force
able to concentrate
fully on their
role as educator
and there by
to improving education
quality .
The international organization
state that teacher
salaries and benefits
should meet a
certain number of
systematic objectives and
individual expectations
expectation includes
These reflect the
importance to society
of teaching and
its responsibility
favourably with salaries
paid in other
occupation requiring similar
or equivalent qualification , skills and
Provide a
reasonable living standard
for teachers and
their families.
Provide teachers with
the means to
enhance their professional
qualification by investing
in further education
and the pursuit
of cultural activities
take account of
the higher level
qualification and experience
required by a
certain post within
teaching or education .
Avoid injustices or
abnomalities that creates
tensions between groups
of teachers.
These principles
integrates both the
general interest of
society to attract
and retain the
best individual in
teaching and key
motivational factors influencing
individuals to decide
on teaching as
a career , to remain
in the profession
and to come
to work on a daily
basis dedicated on
their principal task
to advance learning.
The salary
structure should also
be convinced and
applied without discrimination on
the basis of sex
, race , ethnic , origin or other
distinctions not strictly
related to professional
experience and competence
so as to
avoid injustices or
anomalies between different
groups of teachers.
3. initials
and further teaching
education and training.
Well qualified
and support staff are
essential to functioning
education system . effective
teacher training is
considered increasingly important
to meeting international
goals relating to
educational enrolment ,
quality and expansion
of all areas
of the educational
sector particularly pre and post
primary education . in addition
to initial education
and training , the evidence
argues strongly to
teaching professional development
as a critical
factor in education
For human
resource to be of high
status and quality , adaptable to
the needs of
all learner ,teacher
education and training
respect the need
Extensive and expert
knowledge of one or more
subject matters or
field of learning
depending on responsibility.
skills and competence
as educators to
maximize learning and
Sense of personal
and corporate
responsibility for the
learning and welfare
of students
Commitment to individuals
reflections on teaching
practice , professional
development and learning
through out a
career supported by
an appropriate educational
Further more
teacher has three
interrelated stages the
first is initial
training geared towards
those who have
chosen teaching as
a career.
The second
and perharbs most
neglected aspect of
professional development is
the induction period.
when the newly
qualified teacher begins
to teach and
in many countries , undergoes a period
of supervised mentoring
and support , prior
to been licensed
as a teacher
The third
stage is continuing
professional development ,
often provided via in
service education and
training that should
be available throughout
a teaching
4. Employment and
a case like
this discrimination can
be direct or
indirect whilst national
legislation may out law direct discrimination failure
to recruit a
candidate because the
belong to a
particular group those
responsible for recruitment
should be aware
of the need
to avoid direct
discrimination where the
same criteria are
applied to all
candidate but some
group or members
are disadvantaged by
their use for
example where recruitment
criteria are based
entirely on academic
qualification in a
context where the
educational system has traditionally favoured
male pupils, female teachers
are less likely
to be recruited
In some
cases unequal access
to the profession
for certain group
in the past
has led to
a lack of
diversity in term
of gender or
ethnic origin for
instance in order
to ensure quality
opportunity promotes diversity
and recruit the
people best suited
to particular roles , positives or affirmative action
may be necessary.
Decision regarding
professional qualification recruitment
and employment of
teacher should be
made on the
basis of professional
competence . where decision exclusions
or preference in
respect of a
particular job are
based on genuine
occupational requirement ,
this is
not deemed to
be discrimination
.recruiting teachers on the basis
of professional competence
is a key
to both providing
good quality education
and to maintaining
a teaching profession
which is held
in high esteem . this
should not be
used as an excuse of
failing to recruit
from certain group.
How ever it
does means that
policy maker and
recruiter to teacher
training programme may need
to offer particular
support to candidate
who are considered to
have potential to
develop a high
level of professional
competence but whose
background has been
a barrier to developing some
of the requisite
It has been
recommended by international
labour organization that
a probationary period
on entry to
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