Friday 14 December 2018

British Lawmakers Due to 🗳Vote on👉 Brexit Bill in January*

British lawmakers will vote on Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal in January, according to a schedule published on Thursday (Dec 13) by the leader of the Lower House of Parliament Andrea Leadsom. The coming week has been filled by other draft legislation, with Parliament then breaking for the holidays until Jan 7.

Mrs May has promised to hold the vote by Jan 21. The British leader will brief lawmakers next Monday about her latest visit to Brussels, where she is meeting the other 27 European Union leaders in a bid to wrest more concessions on the deal.

EU leaders refuse to renegotiate the actual draft but seem willing to offer Mrs May non-binding assurances on the main dispute involving measures to prevent the return of a hard border with Ireland. Mrs May pulled a vote on the draft scheduled for Tuesday because of its certain defeat.

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