Monday, 20 April 2020



Generally in life it's no longer easy to find good people by our sides, but as a guy these are few things you should look out for in a woman or lady you are with, because such women are rare...

1. A woman who always pray for you: behind every successful man there is a woman doing a great job in the background..this is one of the great job a good woman will do in your life because life is more spiritual than we think so it needs to be backed up with prayers.

2. A woman who respects you even if you are broke: the thing is staying with a broke guy is never easy because a woman have personal needs that needs to be met...but finding that woman who understand that at the moment you are unable to dispense cash but you will one day be able to take care of those needs,I believe you should Cherish such woman.

3. A woman who truly loves you and cherish you: A woman who loves and cherish you,first she will never disrespect you ,and if she do love you everything about you will bother her and she will always show you love and care and will always be there for you.

4. A house keeper: A woman who is a house keeper should always be cherished in ur life. A woman you that can manage ur resource,manage ur kitchen and be able to make a meal out of nothing much should be kept,I'm talking about a woman that keeps ur house clean and in other, a woman that isn't extravagant.

5. A woman that sees beyond your today: when I talk about a woman that sees beyond your today,I'm referring to a woman that is not myopic.A woman that understand that life is a process and that the fact that you live in a one room apartment,tomorrow you might be a landlord. I'm talking about a woman that is positive about your tomorrow..A woman that speaks life to your tomorrow.

These are women you should always keep close to heart with, if possible(Marry them) live with them forever.



Happy birthday to you ONYINYECHI, you are always in my dreams and in my thoughts even until now. Every second I was with you was pure happiness I can just appreciate now, even though things may have changed between us, but my feelings of affection toward you haven't.
Keep living a life that I know you will be proud of, I still wish you all the best in this life.

Oh!!! How can I forget a birthday I celebrated for few years? Here's a toast to all your lovely birthdays that we've celebrated together. It doesn't matter whether I am still in your life or not, I will always wish you many more splendid birthdays to come.

 I was so lucky to be with a lady like you. Youll always have a place in my heart.
As I close my eyes to bring back all the lovely memories of the times we've shared together, a smile comes to my face. You're an amazing person, never forget that! Ill never forget all the wonderful times we spent together. We always had an amazing time, heres hoping you will continue the tradition. You deserve the best on your birthday, I have seen you turn into a more mature and beautiful person with every passing birthday. May this one also bring you lots of happiness and wisdom. You will always be an amazing woman, regardless of your relationship status. I've seen you grow into a stronger woman every year. This year, may you add one more feather of success in your cap. Im honored to have been your friend for the time that I was 

Nevertheless, life and times move on, but the happy memories of times spent with you will remain permanently etched in my heart. I have no regrets about our past and wish you all the best moving forward. Although we are not together anymore, I have no qualms in accepting that I spent the most beautiful moments of my life with you. Despite the time that has elapsed since we separated, I always remember your birthday. Maybe its because we were happy days or because we never stopped enjoying these anniversaries of yours. Were not together anymore, but I remember you dearly. I wish you the best.

Furthermore, I hope it is a beautiful day for you. 

It was very much that I loved you, and I know it because I had trouble forgetting you. What an important person you became at the time for me. The truth you still are, because I constantly remember your way of being, and that helps me solve some questions that life poses. Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with me. I always remember you. When we were together, we had no chance to celebrate your birthdays. It was a shame, but this important day for you remained on my calendar. That moment has arrived, and I want to tell you, even if we dont share our lives, that I wish you a happy day in the company of those who love you. Enjoy!!! Never stop being happy. I wish you a great and unforgettable birthday. 

The experience of being a couple was truly exceptional for me. Because I learned so many things from you, a strong and valuable woman, and that wisdom, fortunately, remains within me. You were a wonderful time in my life, to which I occasionally return with love because that is the privilege of the mind, return to the past if necessary. 
Once more, Congratulations, may this and all your birthdays be dates of bliss for you. Kisses and hugs. Our love relationship is behind. I want you to have a happy birthday and be happy next to your family and those who love you. Enjoy!!! That life is one and you have to be happy. How nice it is that two people who have loved each other can, after overcoming the relationship, remain friends.
Saddened, Our relationship indeed came to an end, but at your side, I have beautiful memories of all the time we live. As time passes, it is more difficult for me to remember those reasons that led to our separation because everything was so beautiful between the two. I would like to wish you a very happy birthday next to the people you love. I cant complain about the time I spent with you because you gave me your love unconditionally.
You are a great lady, and on your birthday you deserve the best. I remember that at some point we promised to love each other forever, but that promise has remained in the past. I hope you have a pleased birthday and never forget me. 

Maybe we dont finish in the best way but remembering all the moments we spent together it is impossible for me not to feel sympathy for you. Have a happy birthday, and make your dreams come true. When we were together, I didnt have much experience in love, and maybe thats why I made many mistakes, but I want you to know that I still remember you with much appreciation. Today is your birthday, and I cant forget this special date, so I wish you a happy day. There are times when I miss you, so much that I would like to relive those days, but its a shame it cant be All the decisions we make have consequences, and that is why our present is the fruit of the time we spend together and our separation. I wish you could enjoy your birthday.
May you see wonderful and joyous times ahead.
Happy birthday Dear OnyinyeChi


Friday, 17 April 2020

Spirits that delay marriage in guys

By George Ben
1.FEAR OF COMMITMENT : This is one reason why some guys are scared of getting married. They think this way, "how can I give all my love and affection to just one woman for the rest of my life? "
"I can't be eating only egusi soup for the rest of my life." "Variety is the spice of life."

Some say "I can't imagine myself waking up beside the same woman in bed every morning". Let me enjoy life alone some more.. That's how some guys suddenly became "Manchelors". People are now confused whether you should be in the church men's fellowship or youth fellowship.

2. I'M THE FIRST BORN IN THE FAMILY: The position of being a first born in the family certainly comes with responsibilities, no doubt.

Some guys feel they have to be the Lord and Savior of the family by solving all the problems in their family. My brother, you can't solve all your family problems. As you solve one, another problem is already in the queue waiting for you.

3. FREE SERVICES/MINISTRATIONS: Some guys don't think about getting married because they are already enjoying the benefits of marriage. They say "why should I get married now when I have a girl friend that offers me free sex. She comes to my house to cook for me and she does all my laundry work".

"why should I buy the whole Cow when I get steady supply of cow milk?".

I blame the lady that offers such free ministrations in a bid to prove wife material 1000 yards.. May that milk not purge you as you drink it, my brother.

4. BEING OVERLY SELECTIVE: No Lady is ever good enough for some guys. She is not educated enough. She speaks scattered English. She has tribal marks. She has k-legs.

I want a lady that has pointed nose, flat stomach, long legs, massive waist, and golden eyes like that of a bird.

She has an OND, I'm a masters degree holder, she's not my class. Bro, hope you know you are not some other person's class too?

She must be a working class lady when you are jobless.. "OLE" are not working, yet you want a working class lady that will be footing your bills. she will foot you down my brother.

5. MUMMY'S CHOICE: Some guys are not yet married or find it difficult to get married because they want to meet the specifications of their mother.

If his mother doesn't approve of the lady, he calls it a quit with the lady. Such guys have moms that insist they must marry from their village. The girl must be from the same tribe with you.

We were born into Assemblies of God Church, and the lady must come from Assemblies of God, so we remain assembled. Well done, brother. It's your scattered mind you need to assemble, my brother.

6. I MUST BE A MILLONAIRE FIRST: It's not by your power and strength that you become a millionaire, it's by God's favor. If you have waited for the money for long and it's not coming, will you keep waiting? Not everyone is destined to be a millionaire as a bachelor. Some become millionaires after they got married. So choose your choose, my brother.

7. THE LADY'S MAN: You are feeling young and fresh because of your good looks. You feel you are doing any lady that comes your way a favor by dating them. They are the ones chasing you, and your shoulders that have puffed up 50 50 shoulder pads are almost exploding with pride.

All of a sudden, you wake up one morning to realise you are 40 years old and still sagging trousers feeling young. Bro, you need to have a meeting with yourself and by yourself. You will not always be a bobo forever.

8. LORD OF THE RINGS: This spirit tells you to engage ladies with rings here and there, and they hold on to the rings for 10-15 years, yet no marriage. You even know the family of the lady, but you know in your heart of heart that You are not ready, yet you scare away other suitors from her.

You make the ladies feel you have made a commitment through the rings, alas those rings are nothing short of key holders and handcuffs.

You are that spirit husband people are talking about.. 😀😀😀

Stop giving people's daughters handcuffs and key holders in the name of engagement rings.

We loose every chain holding marriages from taking place at the right time in Jesus name.

May you recognize true love when you see her

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Things Men Should Never Do to Please a Woman When in Love

Love is indeed a beautiful thing! The feelings when u are truly in love is next to none. People express love in different ways, some people especially men particularly are over expressive.
 Women become overly expressive when they see their man being expressive too. Though most women find men who are expressive to be very annoying because men who are like that are usually emotional and perceived to be weaklings. 

We have been suffering from poor education about love and I think is time we learn to do things the right way!

As much as one could never fully understand the affairs of the heart and the kind of people it chooses to fall for, some
things would be better if they are rationally reviewed. Love is a very beautiful thing we must say, it could also become a point of pain if things do not go as planned in the relationship.

In this part of the world, men are proclaimed to be the head, this also applies in relationships. No one is asking a man to prove his manliness by beating up the women in his life in order to prove to the world that he is in charge. However, certain things are not expected of the man when it comes to relationships which is what we are about to discuss here. 

Some men have failed because of the role they played in their relationships. This is mostly as a result of the overbearing attitude they put up when it comes to women. They go overboard when expressing their feelings and emotions. They trade their positions for the love they have for the women and end up being ridden in the process.

Later we will still have to discuss some of the things women should never do to please men, because it would be unfair not to help the women know their limitations when it comes to pleasing men too. 

Find below some of the things you should never do to please your woman:

Never steal or commit a crime for a woman: Yes you heard me! No matter how bad things are never think of stealing because you want to please a woman, because you will end up in jail and then before you come out another has taken your place, and u will take all the blame. Of course no woman wants to end up with a thief. You will watch her walk away when you are behind the bar. Be guided in your choice of actions and know that there should be limits to every sacrifice in love. 

Never buy a woman car or house when you don't have one: Over the years some men think buying expensive gifts will make a woman stay for you in a relationship lol truth is that they will only dump you after you are done fooling yourself. Why love people more than you love your self? Or were you forbidden to buying expensive stuffs for yourself? The truth of the matter is that you will end up being seen as a fool and a womanizer as well when you do all this. There are better things to do for the one you love and not being a fool. Is not bad to get her a car or a house but make sure you have one!                            

2 :Fighting another man because of her: What will even make you fight your fellow man for any reason not to talk of a woman that might leave you tomorrow if things gets worst. Two things are involved is either the guy beat you up and she laugh at you or you beat the guy up and end in jail and still lose her. To me I don't think any woman is worth fighting a fellow man for. You can handle it with a maturity by talking things out with him and not by fighting him. 

3:Reject your family because of her: So many women wish for this, some pray all your people are even dead before they meet you but no matter how they wish and drag you never you in your wildest dreams think of rejecting your family because of any woman. There a saying that is better to marry a bad wife than have a bad child! Yes your child is your family, your wife is also your family but then don't forget she has a family she can always go back to when things get tougher. You should be able to state and define the love for your woman and the love for your family. 

4: Give up your dreams: Alot has happened, so many dreams have died all because you think you love her. My brother never give up that dream is either she wait while you pursue your dreams or you let her slide. Truth is you will always see someone who will cherish that dream of yours after a while. Is better to give up on her than to give up on your dream! 

5:Never become suicidal because of her: Emotional depression has lead so many into committing suicid, never in you life harbour this thought just because of the pains that you your love left you or because you are passing through some emotional blah blah blah! No matter the depth of your love, do not ever let it take you to a plain where you lose the desire to live. Do not become a martyr for a woman; do not die for love. In the same line, do not kill for a woman.
There are lots of women in the society; if you get rejected by a woman, work on yourself and you would have lots of women bidding for your attention. Never let your emotions control you, always be open to failure, accept it, learn the lessons and move on with your life! It takes only the living the love again! 

Love is beautiful but never be a fool to love. Love yourself first, Never let anyone deceive you with the word "If you love me, you will do this and that" Don't be deceived my brother. Love with your eyes wild open forget that saying that love is blind this is only true when u see less of your partners wrong and appreciate the good thing in them and not when you start fooling yourself around. Walk majestically into any love as a king with your eyes open! 

What are other things that you think is not worth doing for love?

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Love for courtship

From :Loskangeles southern California blog

The Importance of Courtship in Building a Relationship

When someone mentions the word courtship, people will often misunderstand, judge or jump to conclusions about what it means so we want to clear things up! Courtship is an essential part of building a successful relationship and maintaining it for years to come. Romance and deep commitment are needed for a relationship to survive and courtship provides the building blocks. Courtship also allows couples to build trust and unconditional love, which are two other must-haves in a healthy relationship. Our Los Angeles matchmakers have put together a simple guide to help you understand courtship and why it’s an important way to build a relationship with the person you love.

What is Courtship?

The first step to understanding why courtship is important to your relationship is to understand first what courtship actually means. Courtship isn’t “no sex until marriage,” cheesy cards, love songs, and daily flower delivery, nor is it awkward activities that neither of you enjoy. Modern courtship can look very different, but at the core, it is the act of seeking to charm, impress and secure the love and affection of a potential long-term partner.

What Does a Successful Relationship Look Like?

Now that you know what courtship is, here’s why it’s so important to apply the methodology to build your relationship. For a successful romantic partnership to take root it must first have:

•    Romance

•    Commitment

•    Trust

•    Unconditional Love

Of course, there are varying other elements as well, such as, common interests, sense of humor and similar backgrounds, but without the first four, there is a high probability of relationship failure. Think about the happy and long lasting relationships around you. Ask them if they share those four elements with their partner.

How Does Courtship Relate to Romance and Commitment?

Through courtship you can communicate romantic love and your commitment to each other. The very purpose of courtship is to understand what romance and commitment looks like with another person. It is continually looking for ways to express affection and gain the affection of another, to give your partner attention and gain their attention in return, to attract another and merit attraction. The romantic part of a relationship gets your heart pounding and releases butterflies in the pit of your stomach. Commitment makes you feel secure and breaks the chains of fear so you can enjoy being romantic within your relationship.

When you start to incorporate the habits of courtship into your relationship, you’ll notice that your bond becomes deeper and more fulfilling. Both of you will become happier and enjoy the benefits of a healthy relationship. Finding the person you will truly enjoy being with can be difficult, but with the help of your personal matchmaker the job becomes a little less stressful and a lot more enjoyable. Take the guesswork out of relationships and enjoy the fun part of building a loving and lasting connection

Foolish spending

I meet a guy on Facebook, we dated and we agreed to see our selves face to face though we agreed to get married to each , this guy is living in Lagos and before I accepted as a friend I told him that I don't like distance relationship and he said that will not be a problem, at time we promise to see each other, he said that he is not financially buoyant that I have to support him financially with 20000k which I did he use the money for expenses including buying drugs for his mother. Now I sponsor him with 24000k and he promised to send me back the money , but ever since he went he has not responded positively rather asking me to send more money to him that he is dying of hunger. Am just confused I physically i can really understand this guy. Please I need an advice!!!

She doesn't like sex

Please I seriously need advice on this. I'm in a stage of confusion now. I pasted a post here some time ago, and some of us here advises me to go ahead and marry the woman that she is going to be the best wife. I took to the advice, but now the woes is happening. Posted here that a girl I wanted to marry doest not like sex and we were in a serious relationship, and when I confronted her about it she told me I should marry her first before sex. Recently we have started the marriage process. I have done the formal introduction which causes some good amount of money. And I also pay in some money in cash as been demanded by the family, and we have finished every arrangement on the payment of the remaining things but I have just relies that my wife does not like sex. To the extent that she told me I should go and get it somewhere else. Her complain now is that I stay too long on sex. We hardly have sex ones in a week, but she always one me to stay around her. I can say is always on a serious pressure that we can have sex two to three times in a month. We can be together in a house for one full week none of us goes out but know touching. She is no longer a girl. We are of the same age. I have not been satisfy in bed with her. Now the issue is how long will it continue and I is it true that I will have two wives? Or I should not not continue with the remaining process which is to pay the remaining things including the Britt price? Are this things are what I'm thinking. Pls I need advice.

My compatible partner

Forging a romantic connection with a potential partner can be thrilling and nerve-wracking all at once. After all, how can you truly know whether the spark means genuine compatibility? 
Fortunately, experts in the field of love, dating and relationships have advice for those unsure whether they are experiencing the start of a lasting connection.Forging a romantic connection with a potential partner can be thrilling and nerve-wracking all at once. After all, how can you truly know whether the spark means genuine compatibility? 
Fortunately, experts in the field of love, dating and relationships have advice for those unsure whether they are experiencing the start of a lasting connection.

To find out what those looking for love should know about compatibility, the idea of “the one” and dating in general, we spoke to Nikki Lewis and Greta Tufvesson, the founders of The Bevy, a bespoke matchmaking service in New York City

According to the co-founders, who pair potential partners without using pictures or last names, the most important step in finding love is going into it with an open mind.

If you are relying on dating apps or blind dates, this means refraining from researching a date before meeting for the first time. 

 rule of thumb is to have an open mind before even going on a first date,” Tufvesson told us. “Don’t judge or create preconceived notions of who this person is based on a Google search or gossip

Understanding what you should be looking for in terms of a romantic partner is also integral - as compatibility doesn’t mean finding someone who is the same as you. 
“Compatibility is not about how similar you are, but more about how you complement each other,”
Tufvesson explained. “Do you share fundamental goals and visions? If you’re just looking to date someone who is exactly like you, you put yourself at risk of boredom.” 

In addition to keeping an open mind, Tufvesson suggests being willing to “learn about someone’s differences, and work towards a similar vision of what you want your life to look like”.

When you do find someone with whom you can have a lasting connection, Lewis said the relationship will have certain attributes, such as shared trust, “clear and honest communication,” patience, understanding, and lastly, fun.

“It takes a lot to make a relationship work and last, but if these fundamentals are in place then you’re in a good spot,” she said, adding: “Make sure you have a deeper connection that cultivates long-lasting happiness - like intellectual stimulation, empathy and respect.”

Alternatively, if you feel that you may not be compatible with a partner, there are certain signs you should look out for. 

For example, if you notice that your relationship is sucking energy from you, it is likely because you are not a good fit for one another. 

“Real connections give you energy,” Lewis explained. “If you don’t feel joy, excitement, or inspiration from your significant other, then it’s time to move on.”

It is also important to be wary of relationships that are based on “superficiality,” as these relationships can “feel good in the beginning, but can also be harmful,” according to Lewis. 

If you do realise the person you thought was your soulmate isn’t for you, the good news is, despite what we’re taught in movies, “the one,” or the specific person you are meant to be with, doesn’t actually exist.

“The idea of having one and only one soulmate is an unrealistic notion,” Lewis said. “We live in a huge world. Your perfect soulmate could speak a different language and live on a different continent - but that’s not a realistic working relationship. 

“So no, there isn’t just one right person out there made for you, there could be many or a few wonderful matches.” 

Researchers previously found that having similarities with the person you are dating isn’t as important as most people think. Instead, finding a person who is “nice” is what matters, according to the 2019 study.

“People invest a lot in finding someone who’s compatible, but our research says that may not be the end all be all,” said Bill Chopik, associate professor of psychology and director of Michigan State University’s Close Relationships Lab. “Instead, people may want to ask: ‘Are they a nice person?’ Do they have a lot of anxiety?’ Those things matter way more than the fact that two people are introverts and end up together.”

Overall, researchers said that even among couples who share similar personalities, having a partner who is “conscientious and nice leads to higher levels of relationship satisfaction”.

To find out what those looking for love should know about compatibility, the idea of “the one” and dating in general, we spoke to Nikki Lewis and Greta Tufvesson, the founders of The Bevy, a bespoke matchmaking service in New York City

According to the co-founders, who pair potential partners without using pictures or last names, the most important step in finding love is going into it with an open mind.

If you are relying on dating apps or blind dates, this means refraining from researching a date before meeting for the first time. 

 A good rule of thumb is to have an open mind before even going on a first date,” Tufvesson told us. “Don’t judge or create preconceived notions of who this person is based on a Google search or gossip

Understanding what you should be looking for in terms of a romantic partner is also integral - as compatibility doesn’t mean finding someone who is the same as you. 
“Compatibility is not about how similar you are, but more about how you complement each other,”
Tufvesson explained. “Do you share fundamental goals and visions? If you’re just looking to date someone who is exactly like you, you put yourself at risk of boredom.” 

In addition to keeping an open mind, Tufvesson suggests being willing to “learn about someone’s differences, and work towards a similar vision of what you want your life to look like”.

When you do find someone with whom you can have a lasting connection, Lewis said the relationship will have certain attributes, such as shared trust, “clear and honest communication,” patience, understanding, and lastly, fun.

“It takes a lot to make a relationship work and last, but if these fundamentals are in place then you’re in a good spot,” she said, adding: “Make sure you have a deeper connection that cultivates long-lasting happiness - like intellectual stimulation, empathy and respect.”

Alternatively, if you feel that you may not be compatible with a partner, there are certain signs you should look out for. 

For example, if you notice that your relationship is sucking energy from you, it is likely because you are not a good fit for one another. 

“Real connections give you energy,” Lewis explained. “If you don’t feel joy, excitement, or inspiration from your significant other, then it’s time to move on.”

It is also important to be wary of relationships that are based on “superficiality,” as these relationships can “feel good in the beginning, but can also be harmful,” according to Lewis. 

If you do realise the person you thought was your soulmate isn’t for you, the good news is, despite what we’re taught in movies, “the one,” or the specific person you are meant to be with, doesn’t actually exist.

“The idea of having one and only one soulmate is an unrealistic notion,” Lewis said. “We live in a huge world. Your perfect soulmate could speak a different language and live on a different continent - but that’s not a realistic working relationship. 

“So no, there isn’t just one right person out there made for you, there could be many or a few wonderful matches.” 

Researchers previously found that having similarities with the person you are dating isn’t as important as most people think. Instead, finding a person who is “nice” is what matters, according to the 2019 study.

“People invest a lot in finding someone who’s compatible, but our research says that may not be the end all be all,” said Bill Chopik, associate professor of psychology and director of Michigan State University’s Close Relationships Lab. “Instead, people may want to ask: ‘Are they a nice person?’ Do they have a lot of anxiety?’ Those things matter way more than the fact that two people are introverts and end up together.”

Overall, researchers said that even among couples who share similar personalities, having a partner who is “conscientious and nice leads to higher levels of relationship satisfaction”.

Saturday, 4 April 2020

Why men ????

Am at the point of committing murder because I have never been this angry. In this locked down my husband brought his girlfriend into our home without my knowledge. The babe came prepared. We have a two bedroom flat in our basement. Is a kind of guest chalet that my husband always use when he is doing research,writing books and reading for professional exams. Sometimes when we have visitors that comes in from outside the country they stay there, the place is like a guest house well furnished to taste with all the kitchen utensils. 

So this babe and my husband planned to come and stay in the basement . She bought food stuffs, brought her clothing and she came in when no one could see her and checked into the guest chalet. I noticed my husband spent so much time in the basement all in the name of writing his book that he needs quiet time away from the kids. I didn't suspect anything until now. I just finished cooking and I decided to take the food to surprised him there. As I gained access to the flat, I started perceiving smell of food. Lo and behold I met my husband and his babe naked and asleep having eaten food cooked by her in the living room. I went round the house and saw her clothings, shoes, toiletries in the bedroom. I screamed and the both rushed into the bedroom and met me. I bounced on him and started beating him. They were both naked. I feel so hurt and betrayed. Bringing her into my home is a huge slap on my womanhood. Now the problem is she can't leave as Abuja is locked down. How can I handle this? Will she stay here for 14 days. I feel like killing the both of them now. My husband said the babe is pregnant and insisted she can't stay alone during the lock down so they both decided she come and stay in the guess chalet. Someone should tell me what to do before I kill the two of them. 😭😭😭😭.

NK talk

I am 30yrs old. My story is a very long one  butI will just cut everything short. I met this man in 2010 and we started dating and I got pregnant for him few months after. He decided to go to my place and pay my bride price but my people refuse to collect the bride price because I was pregnant. So they told us to go back to lagos and come back after I have given birth so that was how we started living together and after 2years, I gave birth to another baby and we started having issues that led to break up in just cut long stories short, when we were still apart he called me one day and proudly told me dat for my information, he is HIV positive and for that, I should stop doing shakara. Initially I thought he was just trying to say that to make me feel bad because I have done so many HIV test even when I was with him and after I left him. Infact this story is too long. All this while he has collected the kids from me since 2016 so I normally go to the east to visit them. Last year I visited my kids and spent two months with them. During that process I don't sleep in his room so he stated complaining and doing everything to get me back even went as far as trying to convince me to go down with him. But I reduced to do so. I told him we should go the hospital and I will do all the inquiries b4 I will accept. To my greatest surprise th secret cam up. After all long stories, he confess to me that he had HIV in 2004 and he met me in 2010 and his motive was to infect me with it and wen I get to know, I won't be able to liv him again. But God almighty has proven himself in my life and my kids. I am negative and my kids are negative too. But this man still don want leave  ealone. He is beginning me to come back to him and let him go and pay my bride price. I don't want him again he is a wicked man. I have moved on with my life but his father and mum keep begging me to come back to him.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Cheated wife

Nigerian Nigerian woman (Name withheld) narrates how she sleeps with her husband’s girl friend, because her husband stopped having time for her.


“I have been married to John, my husband for about two years now but I find myself sleeping with his best friend.

“My husband and I started dating when we were in the university. John has a best friend from his school days called Dave.

“John, Dave and I were all friends in those days until I later got married to John.

“To be honest, I had a crush on Dave back then in school but due to some circumstances, I had to bottle up the feelings. However, I never stopped admiring him from afar.

“John was an outspoken guy. He came from a wealthy family. He virtually did not lack anything while in school.

“John was very supportive financially when we were in school. He helped out with my school fees and other expenses. I owe him a lot for the assistance he rendered throughout my education.
I guess I accepted his proposal for a relationship with me because I felt I was indebted to him.

“After our graduation, we got married. I thought my feelings for his best friend would die down and I will learn to love John but I was wrong. The feelings never left.

“Barely a year after our marriage, my husband completely changed towards me. He started keeping late nights. He barely had time for me, his wife.

“I confronted him several times but he gave me sarcastic and insulting responses that he was out there making money for the both of us since that was what attracted me to him in the first place.

“I was beginning to lose interest in the marriage. I decided to contact his best friend, Dave to help me talk to him but all his friend’s effort were unsuccessful.

“Dave was very sympathetic and caring. He call to check up on me almost every day.
He could tell I wasn’t enjoying my marriage which was just two years old.

“Dave kindness towards me reignited the feelings I have tried so hard to bury. Whenever, my husband was away on business trips, I invite him over to keep me company.

“At first, I kept it strictly on old times friendship level only but at time went on, I couldn’t hold my feelings any longer. I opened up to Dave about it and how I waited for him to ask me on a date then before his friend won me over.

“Dave’ response surprised me. He told me that he also had feelings for me but couldn’t tell me about it because his friend had interest in me back then in school.

“It was in this moment of truth that for the first time I cheated on my husband with his best friend.

“I felt bad about it but the absence and attitude of my husband wasn’t helping matter.
Rather, it made me go back to his best friend for more.

“I know this is wrong. I am a married woman sleeping around with another man who happens to be my husband’s best friend.

“I want to stop but the feelings are just too strong. Right now, I’m caught up in the middle and I don’t know what to do.

“Despite the fact that I am not enjoying my marriage with John, I still feel guilty for cheating on him severally.

“What should I do now? I am so confused because I love Dave but I also have an obligation to my husband.


My marriage is just one year plus and am pregnant for our first issue. My husband cheat on me, I found out months after we got married he even slept with the girl,I threatened to leave he pleaded  after everything I forgive and continued.
It was a distance relationship I had with him and finally joined him months back.My husband is badly addicted to phone chatting with girls he can do that from morning till night without minding if I'm around or not.we hardly make love unless I initiate I have decided to just forget about sex with him because of his attitudes and addiction. It is too bad ,he is in all social network always sex chatting with girls there is nothing I haven't done .I now decided not to even go to his phone again so i can have my peace and deliver safely.Most times he prefers I get angry at him so he can  sit to himself and chat all day.His addiction is killing me we don't play anymore like our dating days .I have talked to him severally yet nothing. sometimes I wonder why I ended up with him cos I had people that were better but I decided to follow my heart.But now it seems he doesn't love me enough. If I go naked or even try to seduce my husband he tells me to let him be that he is tired. Sometimes I just feel I will cheat on him someday  with anitger guy just that am pregnant for now at least to help me ignore him more.There is no kind of love I don't show this man buy I gave up because even while I worshipped him and pampered him when we newly got married I later found out he is cheating even with everything and all the love I'm showing him. He hardly apologize for any wrong which was different during courtship.
During Courtship he used to disturb me for sex if I visit I used to even be the one to tell him no way that I don't Want to get involved now till marriage, now after exposing me to sex this man sometimes stays months without minding my feelings.Am tired of always asking for sex from a man I call my husband. I noticed he got another cellphone he uses outside the home ,confronted him but he denied it ,I kept mute. Until one week end I came across the phone  and I hid it,since then he didn't asked me about it.He just behaved funny for some days but I ignored and have decided he won't see that phone again, I either dispose it or give it out to someone. I don't know what to do to make it work again. Am tired of the man I married .it even worst now that we are all at home,he  chat morning till night not minding me.I brought out game for us to play he told me he was busy out of annoyance I told him it even better be leaves the house that his presence is making me unhappy. Because of this man I just started charting the ways I'm not suppose to.I have prayed no way.Just decided to open different social network now to start my own because I'm tired I don't want to think again .Just new marriage.Please how do I handle this man,he hardly tells me he love me but he says that to his girls when he chats them. although he provides everything needed. I am tired .sorry for the long post I just need a way yo harden my heart more so I can forget about him.