Sunday, 31 October 2021


When you look at how aggressive men are towards sex you may think that what a man needs from a woman is sex. Of course, if he has not married you yet or he does not really intend to marry you what he will need from you is nothing above your body.
But if he really intends to marry you or if you guys are already married sex is never what he needs from you - maybe let me say it better; "WHAT A MAN NEEDS MOST FROM A WOMAN IS NOT SEX."
Many young girls think because they are sexually active and experience they will easily be married and have their husbands loving them.
And when a man approaches for marriage they think the greatest asset they have to show the man is sex.
Others also think once they are giving out their bodies it means they are giving out the best for which reason they will be chosen above all.
There is this young girl who is very beautiful and sexually active. Due to that she thought sex is all that matters to a man. Ironically, she struggled for long before finally getting married.
Her sexual dexterity could not win her the heart of a man until out of the blue and reason beyond imagination a very handsome good man married her.
The wedding was grand and her tears were now gone. Unfortunately only a year after the wedding the marriage fell on rocks. Within five years three different men came her way but none could stay.
The problem was simple. She thought sex was all that matters so she would never submit. But submission is what men need, not sex.
It is time for our young ladies to know that when a man is ready to marry he will not look out for a woman who will satisfy his sex drive but a God fearing woman, a woman who will submit herself to him.
Excuse my language, "every woman has vagina but not every woman has God fearing and humility." So when you are a God fearing and humble woman, you are an expensive jewelry. And a man of integrity and God fearing will fear to lose you.
The holy Bible say, "wife, submit to your husband." husband love your wife as your own body, any man who does not love his wife, honour, nourishes and cherished her, is against the word of God. Remember, your wife is not a slave, If you hate your wife, you are doing evil to yourself. REPENT.
EPHESIANS 5: 21 to 33. 1PETER 3: 5 to 7.
The reason is that a man's true love goes out only for a woman who is submissive. Your beauty cannot make another woman ugly but your humility can let him love you above all other women.
Sadly, many young ladies in our days call submission as "control." And you will hear them saying in tiny romantic voices, "As for me I don't want any man to control me oh."
If you don't want to submit don't think of marriage because no man in his right sense will offer his love to a woman whose heart is higher than his height, no matter how short he may be.
When a woman bows her knee before a man, the man will automatically bow his heart before her love. And love her sincerely.
There are, of course, recalcitrant men who will not value women of humility but I tell you that every true man does not need sex, but God fearing and submission.
It is God fearing and submission that truly makes you a good and romantic wife.
So be the QUEEN you want to be but when it comes to dealing with your husband, play the role of a humble maid.
Don't forget that it is the spirit of humility that has caused many maids to hijack their mistresses' husbands. Be your man's queen .
I wish you all the best as you submit in your relationship and marriage. May God bless you with good marriage, my dear friends...


Do You Want Your Man To Love You, Respect You And Stay Faithful To You Alone? I Have A Love Portion You Can Give Him. The Ingredients Of The Love Portion Include:
1) Always Look Beautiful And Attractive.
2) Be Diligent And Always Make Sure The House Is Tidy.
3) Cook Delicious Meals For Him At All Times And Always Include His Favorite Food.
4) Always Pray For Him.
5) Be Humble And Submissive.
6) Avoid Quarreling With Him And If There Is Any Form Of Quarrel. Always Settle It Before The Next Day.
7) You Must Be Able To ENDURE. A Woman That Cannot Endure Will Never Last In A Man's House.
Love His Family Members Like Your Own Family.
9) Always Contribute To The Development Of The Home. Don't Have The Mentality That It's The Man That Must Buy Everything. He Will Respect You For This.
NOTE THAT: Even If You Use The Most Powerful Charm On A Man And Your Character Is On A Zero, His Eyes Will Surely Be Opened One Day!


Everyone has a history and what you do with it is up to you.
Some repeat it,
Some change it and
Some also learn from it and move on.
The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life and the first place *you lose or win a battle is in your own thinking .
You have to change your thinking if you want to progress in life and see everything that's holding you back as temporary* b'cos what you tell yourself everyday, *will either lift you up or tear you apart*.


Anger isn't good no matter how you look at it. When you let anger get the best part of you, it brings out the worst in you.
Remember that anger doesn't solve anything, it builds nothing, but it can destroy everything. Just tell me what you benefit from anger. Speak when you're angry & trust me you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret.
So be careful with your words, once they're said, they can only be forgiven not forgotten.
You must recognize the negative effects of anger and choose to rather leave a positive legacy to humanity.
No matter what happens in life, be good to people as that'll be a wonderful legacy to leave behind.
Life's short and don't waste it on anger or hate, just ask yourself if one day your life's flashed before you, will it be worth watching.
Let go of anything that cause you to be angry, forgive often, smile always and facous on your dream.


An Article worth reading
Most times when a *marriage is in trouble* , people tend to see their Marriage as a *mistake* rather than seeing the *mistakes they are making* in their marriage. At this point they *regret marrying their wife or husband, begin to think of a new partner, imagine marrying their ex or fantasizing a marriage without issues.*
Some even divorce or remarry and later wish they had *remained* with their first Spouse, as they find greater trouble in the new spouse. This is because *the first marriage was not a mistake,* and the mistake has not been *discovered yet.*
So you can remarry as many times as you like, you will still experience problems in marriage until *you discover the mistakes you are making in your marriage and correct them.*
So divorce or separation is not a solution to consider when you are having problems with your marriage.
When your car has a flat tyre, you do not abandon it, but repair the tyre and move on.
When we have a headache, no matter how excruciating, we do not cut off the head but take care of the headache.
When a bulb blows out in the room we do not change the room or the house, we replace the bulb and light up the room.
When we have challenges at work, we do not refuse to go to work, we go there to solve the problems.
So when marriage has an issue, we don't have to try to change the spouse instead of changing the *attitude* that is creating the problem.
Most times when we see some couples enjoying their marriages and enjoying each other to the fullest, we admire and cherish them, but the opposite is seen in our own marriage. The reason is that some people have worked on their marriage *by paying the necessary price* and that is why they are enjoying the fruits of their labour. It is said, “The way you make your bed is the way you will lie on it”.
Your marriage is as *good* or as *sweet* as you make it. Some couples, because of the *negative things* they are seeing in their marriage, accuse each other of being responsible. They point accusing fingers at each other for being responsible. Some even say many bad things about their spouse, even *calling him or her names;* some think that marrying that man or that woman was a mistake.
*It is not so, your marriage was not a mistake,* *but you are the mistake.*
Your *habit* is the mistake
Your *character* is the mistake
Your *manner, anger, unforgiveness, laziness, lack of love, lack of affection, lack of attention, impatience, bitterness, selfishness, ignorance, stinginess, not being considerate, infidelity and lovelessness are the mistakes.*
Talking about bitterness. Some still dream of a marriage with their ex seeing your spouse as a stumbling block. *Wake up* and smell the coffee. Be *content* with your spouse. That *behavior* is your mistake.
So *get up now* and *build your marriage* because it is not a mistake.
*Divorce or separation* are never options unless it is "LIFE" threatening.
*I Beseech Almighty God to bless all OUR MARRIAGES AND EASE OUR AFFAIRS *
*Amend your ways and decisions.* *Give your spouse a stress free life.*
May God reward us with HIS GRACE.....
SHARE THIS POST TO 5groups now....
It will deliver a family from impending divorce and seperation
For counseling and prayers
What's app Rev Dr okechi Iwunze


*Miracle / Poison—ONION In 1919, flu killed 40 million people. A doctor visited the many farmers who had the attack to see if he could help them combat the flu.
Many of the farmers & their family had contracted the flu and many died.
However, the doctor came upon one farmer whose family was healthy and nobody in the house contracted the flu.
The doctor asked the farmer what he was doing that was different from the others.
The farmer's wife replied that she put an unpeeled onion in a dish and placed them in all the rooms in their house.
The doctor thought that could have been the cure so he asked for one of those onions.
As he placed it under the microscope, he found the flu virus in the onion. The onions obviously absorbed all the bacteria and thereby kept the family healthy.
Now, I sent this story to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:
She said ' Thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmer's story but, I do know that I myself got pneumonia and became very ill. From my previous knowledge about onions, I cut both ends off an onion put it into an empty jar, and place the jar next to myself over night.
By the morning, I began to feel better while the onion became black.'
*Lots of times when we have stomach problems we don't know what to blame. Maybe the onions that we ate earlier are to blame.*
*Onions ABSORB BACTERIA* and that is the reason why they are also good at preventing us from getting *colds & flu* in left peeled in our room !!!
*And for that very reason we should NOT eat an onion that has been sitting for a time after it has *been cut open.*
*Left over onions are poisonous*
When food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is whether the 'victim' ate *ONIONS* and where those onions came from. Most probably the *ONIONS,* are the cause.
*Onions are huge magnets* for bacteria, especially uncooked ones.
*Never ever keep a portion of sliced onion over a period of time and thereafter use it to prepare food. It's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and placed it in your refrigerator. It is still poisonous*
Also, do not give onions to dogs. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions.
*Please remember it is dangerous to cut an onion and try to save it to cook with the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night - as it creates toxic bacteria which causes adverse stomach infections and food poisoning.*
I am forwarding this from another person—
Share this to as many people as possible to let them know the poisonous effect of peeled onion left over —which can cause us to be sick .


Most parents of today are raising an *OVER DEPENDENT GENERATION* !!!
1. You cook their food for them so that they can read and enjoy.
2. You help them to wash their clothes and tidy their rooms.
3. You drop them off in school every day by yourself!
4. You lie on their behalf to get them out of trouble.
5. You arrange "expo" to help them pass their exams.
6. You protect them from every danger and difficulties.
7. You prevent them from any form of pain and suffering.
8. You don't want them to suffer like you did as a child.
9. You hustle around while they watch films and play games.
10. They can't go out alone because you're always scared.
11. You take every decision for them, because you're wiser.
12. You go to their schools to fight for them and prove rights.
13. You defend them even when they're wrong and at fault.
14. You can not stand seeing them starve or go hungry for once.
15. You fight against those who try to correct them.
You think you are showing them LOVE ?
By the time you're no longer there and they face real life challenges, they will become helpless !!!
At that stage, they will realise the havoc you have done to them and CURSE YOU !!!
Allow these children to face realities of life !!!

Yardstick for measuring Pride

*1. If you cannot* submit yourself to higher authority.
*2. If you find it* difficult to accept corrections.
*3. If you are too big* to say “sorry”.
*4. If you think that* your success or achievements are based on your efforts.
*5. If you don’t have* respect for people.
*6. If you are always* feeling superior to others.
*7. If you always want to control* or dominate others.
*8. If you think that you* are better than other people.
*9. If you cannot work under* those with lesser qualifications.
*10. If you always want people* to respect and honour you.
*11. If you want people to* notice you anywhere you go.
*12. If you are a graduate and you* feel too big to do any small job till you get a big one.
*13. If you cannot marry* those with lesser qualifications(especially as a female).
*14. If you are always angry* at those who correct you.
*15. If you avoid those* who criticize you.
*16. If you feel* too big to learn.
*17. If you feel ashamed* to ask questions about what you don’t know.
*18. If you are always bragging* about your achievements/connections.
*19. If you don’t consider it necessary to say* “thank you” to those who help you.
*20. If you desire to always be* addressed by your title.
*21. If you think that nobody* knows more than you.
*22. If you think that you cannot* make mistakes.
*23. If you are fond of blaming others* for your actions/inactions
*24. If you think that you know* everything in life.
*Pride limits a man's destiny*
Pride destroys glory
Pride devalues grace and anointing
*The earlier we make a change* and accept adequate corrections.
*When you look at those who helped* you to get to the top as nothing.
*When you refused to appreciate those* who have been a blessing to your life even when you have over enough to do so.
*When message of God has no value or meaning to you* through the same man of God or person God has tremendously used for your upliftment.
*When you are too* officious about position.
Don't be conscious of tittle be humble Remember God resist the proud but gives Grace to the humble.
Stay humble


```If numbers in *Mathematics* were given an opportunity to speak, i think some were going to accuse zero (0) and one (1).
But why accusing zero (0) and one (1)? Relax.... Any number that is multiplied by zero gives zero e.g. *25×0=0*. Zero will bring down numbers to nothing. There are some people in life who are like number zero. If you associate with them no matter how great your value is they will bring you down to zero.
How about one (1)?
Any number multiplied by one remains unchanged no matter how big it is e.g. *2500×1= 2500.* There are some people in life that are like one (1). No matter how they touch your life you remain the same. You don't grow, you don't improve, you remain at the same level.
So here is the twist. What kind of person are you and who do you associate with?.
May God separate us from everyone carrying the spirit of Zero (0) and One (1). May HE also help us grow and be greater than 1 so that when we touch the lives of others, we will add value.
*StaySafe* and *Stay blessed* and be a blessing to others. 


Pregnancy is an exciting but emotional time for women.
Sometimes, it has many effect on a female's psyche.
It is a critical period for mothers.
You may find out you become upset and anxious more easily.
This is probably due to both hormonal and emotional changes that they are experiencing.
There are hormones responsible for those unpleasant display.
Husbands, be patient with your wives.
They can nag and go over-board.
Sometimes, accept her as she's , if you do not like something about her, let her know subtly, instead of criticizing her upfront, rather focus on the positive things that you likes in her.
Your presence will give her immense strenght.
Provide emotional support.
Husbands, when you're a leader, you automatically know how to take charge of the house.
There is a natural flow of things and ideas.
And a good leader knows the way, and shows the way but remember not to be bossy.


Before marriage, we all thought that once the knots are tied, this life go sweet die. Only you with your man/woman, enjoying, partying, shopping, doing somersaults anyhow, this, that, yen yen yen ... Ogidi
Most of us didn't consider the pressures that would come from home keeping, financial pressure on the family, stress from inlaws, friends, coping with the demands of our jobs while securing the home front, etc.
We didn't even think that a time would come when little discussions could result to very big quarrels, and you could actually keep malice with your partner, and say to hell with him/her.
We thought having sex everyday would just be fun since we've gotten the licence to be weird, we never imagined that we would one day be forming tayad in the oza room .
We thought everything would just go as planned and we will live happily ever after, never did we imagine the frustrations, the heartbreaks, the regrets, the hurtful words and actions that would one day come from our heartthrob intentionally or otherwise.
Most of us thought love texting is fun and would never cease, but here we are, sending list of things to buy, issues to be resolved, school fees, utility bills, etc
most times even forgetting to add love you at the end of the messages.
What about pillow talks, . We enjoyed lots of it during courtship, discussing the future, totoring each other, giglling throughout the night, and all... We thought marriage would bring out the PhD of that aspect... . Little did we know that sometimes we would sleep off on the couch even without having our night bath. Pillow talks haff advanced to kitchen/on-the-way-out talk
As you're coming out from one challenge, you're faced with another. It's like a loop, we keep going round and never getting to the end.
These things are overwhelming to a lot of people, you see wonderful sweet women becoming something else, the men most times start looking for outdoor activities, some, see themselves as stuck with each other and just continue to manage and hope for a better tomorrow, while the impatient ones seek ways and excuses to return to spinsterhood/bachelorhood.
It takes a lot to make this thing called marriage work. If you've not been there you won't understand any of those .
So the next time you see couples celebrating their marriage anniversary, rejoice with them, cos what they celebrate is beyond the beautiful appearances they put up and the fine pictures you see on social media.
Every marriage anniversary is worth celebrating, don't wait until you're 25years in marriage.
Kudos to all men and women who despite the many challenges are still keeping up with the love they saw and believed in, may God continue to strengthen your home and give you double success for every effort you make, Amen
If u can't forgive, please don't marry. Marriage is a Ministry of 'Offence'. So u must be a Permanent Secretary in Forgiveness Department with a PhD in Understanding
M.Sc in Loving and a B.Sc in Tolerance. Happy new week

Friday, 29 October 2021


My excellent friends, please, let us forgive one another because forgiving others is not about them but about us. Please, see the following benefits of forgiving others.
1. Forgiveness helps us to forget the past and live in the present and face the greater future.
2. Forgiveness helps us to experience joy and a better walk with God for a better tomorrow.
3. Forgiveness brings us back to good health and help us to grow higher and healthier spiritually.
4. Forgiveness opens us up to divine forgiveness.
5. Forgiveness makes us feel and think right and better.
6. Forgiveness warms the soul and makes us feel right.
7. Forgiveness frees us from destruction and harmful emotions.
8. Forgiveness opens our heart to unconditional love.
9. Forgiveness us to heal deep injuries done to us or to others.
Beloved, let us forgive one another. It is mandatory. It is not optional. Col 3: 13


:**Do you masturbate?* Be sure to read this special message, believe me, you will be helped and your life will change for the better. THE BIGGEST DEMON ON EARTH. IF YOU MASTURBATE, YOU WILL BE POOR FOREVER UNLESS YOU ARE DELIVERED. So take your time to read this. Refuse to end this MONTH the same way. Believe me, you will never regret having read this, that will answer almost 78% of your questions? Please, whether you are a man or a woman, stop what you are doing and read this now. Each time you masturbate, you are giving sperm to the demonic realm. Masturbation is like having sex in dreams, every time you ejaculate under these conditions, you are pregnant with a demon. And as a woman, every time you masturbate, you have sex with a demon and sometimes get pregnant by a demon. Have you ever wondered how you see yourself with children or how you breastfeed a baby in your dreams when you don't have one in reality? Those who are married must have affection for their partner.It is the demon (s) you gave birth to. One Sunday during the One on One section, a very intelligent man came to me to complain that he had an accident in 2014 and lost his car; he almost lost his life but God saved him. Since 2014, he has been claiming money from the government as "accident compensation" but the money has not been returned to him. Whenever he goes to claim his money, he is told to come back the next day and that money represents over a million rand. While I was praying for him, God revealed to me that he had given all his fortune to the demons, he masturbates 4 to 5 times a day. When I asked him, he agreed and asked me to deliver him, I prayed for him and I told him that tonight you will have a dream, a woman will come to make love to you. If you manage to catch it and take the ring off it, this will be the end of your problems. 3 days later, he had a dream, his former classmate came to make love to him. He caught her, removed the ring from his finger. He immediately woke up and started thanking God. Around 1:40 p.m., the money that had been held for a long time was released. He is the God I know, the God of war, the God of miracles. Many of you would have been so wealthy by now but because of masturbation, your wealth, luck and happiness have been given to the demons. You may have been married before but your feelings are gone due to masturbation. Listen to me, the enemy invented sex toys, sex objects, to help masturbation, to steal, kill and destroy humanity completely. Do you know that sex toys are a devil's industry? Starting today, I want to help you understand that masturbation is a spirit - a demon. This spirit of the world of darkness does not come alone; it is accompanied by a spirit of lust. The spirit of lust includes the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, etc. He's one of the spirits that takes people to pornography and all kinds of sexual immorality. (Pornography is a fuel for masturbation).It's never too late Distance is not a barrier, I pray that all those who will say "Amen" and share this post, the demon who eats your fortune, will divorce you forever, in the mighty name of Jesus. Your fortune will be returned to you in the name of Jesus. Leave no room for the devil to manipulate your life. To 2000 people proclaim now: "Out of my body", 3 times and share this post 2 times. By the power in the blood of Jesus, your demon of MASTURBATION comes out, in the name of Jesus! In 2 days you will have a dream that the demon that makes you masturbate will come out of your body. And all of your previously closed doors will open to help you. Please share this with 5 active group to save a soul from impending doom

Thursday, 28 October 2021


It is not a bad thing to be angry against each other. There are things that can make you or your wife angry. To be mad against your spouse is not bad, but your action can mar your relationship.
These should be your attitude when you are mad towards him or her:
1. Be mad at him or her, but don't insult each other. Anger is not a ticket to speak carelessly
2. Be mad at him or her, but tell each other why you are mad. Don't assume he or she know.
3. Be mad at him or her, but don't broadcast it to others. Cover him or her. Cover your nakedness.
4. Be mad at him or her, but don't forget the many good things about him or her. Be objective and fair.
5. Be mad at him or her, but also remember the many other times he or she have forgiven you
6. Be mad at him or her, but don't give each other silent treatment. Keep the communication lines open.
7. Be mad at him or her, but don't use it as an excuse to cheat on him or her
8. Be mad at him or her, but don't hurt each other to even the score. Love doesn't revenge
9. Be mad at him or her, but don't stay mad for long. Sort thing out quickly.
10. Be mad at him or her, but don't stop praying for each other. He or she still need your prayers.
11. Be mad at him or her, but don't threaten to quit what you have together. Ending it is not the solution
12. Be mad at him or her, but don't punish each other using sex. Keep intimacy special, don't weaponize it.
13. Be mad at him or her, but don't keep reminding each other of things you said you forgiven.
14. Be mad at him or her, but don't develop a bad attitude or view of yourself. Take responsibility for offending him or her, endeavour to make it work.
Please feel free to add yours. We are here to learn.
May richly bless, lead, guard, light your paths, conquer your laxitie and grant you patience needed in marriage


It is not a bad thing to be angry against each other. There are things that can make you or your wife angry. To be mad against your spouse is not bad, but your action can mar your relationship.
These should be your attitude when you are mad towards him or her:
1. Be mad at him or her, but don't insult each other. Anger is not a ticket to speak carelessly
2. Be mad at him or her, but tell each other why you are mad. Don't assume he or she know.
3. Be mad at him or her, but don't broadcast it to others. Cover him or her. Cover your nakedness.
4. Be mad at him or her, but don't forget the many good things about him or her. Be objective and fair.
5. Be mad at him or her, but also remember the many other times he or she have forgiven you
6. Be mad at him or her, but don't give each other silent treatment. Keep the communication lines open.
7. Be mad at him or her, but don't use it as an excuse to cheat on him or her
8. Be mad at him or her, but don't hurt each other to even the score. Love doesn't revenge
9. Be mad at him or her, but don't stay mad for long. Sort thing out quickly.
10. Be mad at him or her, but don't stop praying for each other. He or she still need your prayers.
11. Be mad at him or her, but don't threaten to quit what you have together. Ending it is not the solution
12. Be mad at him or her, but don't punish each other using sex. Keep intimacy special, don't weaponize it.
13. Be mad at him or her, but don't keep reminding each other of things you said you forgiven.
14. Be mad at him or her, but don't develop a bad attitude or view of yourself. Take responsibility for offending him or her, endeavour to make it work.
Please feel free to add yours. We are here to learn.
May richly bless, lead, guard, light your paths, conquer your laxitie and grant you patience needed in marriage


A daughter wore a skimpy skirt one morning and her father told her to go and take it off that it was too short.
She walked to the room and reported her father to her mother .
“Mummy daddy said that I should take off this skirt”.
Her mother replied “is this like a report or what? KEMISOLA! that was an instruction and it needed an immediate action, so go and take it off immediately"
She quietly walked away and complied.
1. Dad / Mum, please turn them back when they are reporting either of you to the other.
2. Let them know instructions from any parent are not reportable.
3. As a parent, do not summon your partner to find out whether the report was true or not.
4. Do not tell your partner he/she was wrong before your child/children.
5. If you see no reason why such instructions were given, conclude it with your partner in secret and let same person correct it.
6. If you did not give him/ her a punishment, let the one who gave it do the release and if the person is not around and you can’t reach on phone (try and do the call before the child if possible) then release the child when appropriate and tell him/her that it is with the permission of your husband or wife. Both of you are same.
7. Let us do this together so we train and raise Godly children properly.
Remain blessed.


*When you are sick, Don't fast.
*When you are fasting and you become unwell, break the fast immediately and treat yourself because it's only the living that can Fast.
*If you are a preacher and you are not strong enough to preach,don't force yourself to impress your members. Don't pretend to be a supper-man. Allow someone else to preach. If you die in the pulpit, your members will be the first to say "I told him to be resting, he refused"
Only the living can preach.
*If you are sick and you are demonstrating faith, after three days, you are not healed, take medications. Its not a sin.
*If you are doing dry fasting and you discovered that you have started seeing 'The burning bush', drink water fast and break your dry fasting, then try it another day.
Don't go and die before your time because of unnecessary competitions with a fellow pastor.
*If you are ageing and All Nite Prayers is having effect on your health, stop it.
*If your wife or someone is sick at home, don't leave the person unattended to and rush to church.Treat them first, before church: God is FIRST. Family is SECOND. Church etc are THIRD.
*Always check your sugar level and your blood pressure.
*If you are told that Robbers are operating on the road, park your car some - where, pray, then hide.
When they finished their madness, start your journey or return home. Don't faith it..
I wish you long life with good health. None of us will die careless deaths in Jesus name.
Excellent morning God's people.


if you leave your husband because of one thing.get ready to marry 6 husband in your life time. go and check if you have the first divorce it takes the grace of God to stay married. because by the time you get involved in the second marriage you now discover that the man you left is an angle. the one you left have never bitten you before but the other one is a Jackie Chan. then by the time you now leave jackie chan you now meet another one .you now see that he is a gambler. he is a drunkard.he doesn't come home on time.he smokes in your presence and the one you left doesn't do such and all of that. hear this .when you see a man or a woman said I've been married for 50 years. is 50 year of forgiveness. 50 years of tolerance.50 years of love. 50 years of joy.50 years of letting go. 50 years of pains. if you are not ready for pain in marriage you are not ready for marriage. some times your husband can mess-up but you cover him.your wife can mess up you cover her it is only a fullshe woman that announces the husband . sometimes your WIFE can offend you that of you dont have the spirit of GOd in you. you will want to explode... tolerate her or him so that your marriage will be void of divorce ....together we stand


Dear husband, you can make your wife the most loving, romantic, admirable and beautiful woman on earth.
Ask her what you can do to make her happy. This is the most important question you will ever ask your wife.
Spoil her with your love. Pamper her.
Treat your wife with dignity.
Don't be her headache. Don't be her pain
Make her happy. Never let her regret getting married to you.
Never compare her to anyone living or dead
Never cheat on her.
There is nothing you desire from side chic that your wife does not have. Don't put your life in danger because of momentary sexual pleasure from side chic
Never beat her no matter what she does. Your wife is not a goat. Real men don't beat women.
Understand her love language and give it to her. Either it can be words, gifts, touch, actions, etc. If it is words, then frequently tell your wife you love and appreciate her. If it is action: regularly do things that she appreciates
Never allow any member of your family to insult her or make life difficult for her.
Be gentle and tender with her.
Make her your priority. Be 100% committed to her.
Pray for her always.
Play with her. Never create a hostile environment for her.
Listen to her. Drop your phone and be attentive to whatever she has to say.
Forgive her no matter her offense. Love forgives
Support her vision. Never bury her dreams because she is married to you.
Encourage her. You should be her number one encourager
Protect her from every physical and spiritual attack.
Satisfy her sexual needs. Never deny her of your body.
Always tell her she's beautiful.
Celebrate her always both online and offline
Spend money to beautify her.
Treat her like your beauty queen.
Give her gifts constantly.
Buy her new sets of undies: buy her bags, shoes, clothes, creams, perfume, chocolate, fruits, cakes, ice cream, shortbread biscuits or snacks for her.
Women’s love for shoes, bags & clothes are incurable no matter how spiritual they are! Don’t wait for your wife to demand for them
No gift is too small or too big for your darling wife.
Your Marriage Is What You Make It To Be!
May The Lord Bless Your Marriage.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021


One of the major problem of so many people in relationships and marriages, is waiting for the partner to complain or demand for love and attention before given it to him or her
Everyone in a relationship or marriage needs love, care and attention and it is your personal responsibility to see, you give it to him or her as at when due, so you wouldn't starve him or her the love and attention that is his it her right.
If you starve him or her the rightful love, care and attention, it would be easy for outsiders to come in and deceive him or her with theirs, remember every person who is hungry may not be able to wait till food comes their way from their partners, some may not wait till they get home, some would eat at any offer made to there anywhere, anytime and anyday, to avoid such give your partner love before he or she ask for it, and you guys would enjoy each other till the end of life
Contact us on for advice or programs
WhatsApp or call
Nigeria +2347065115221


It all started one lazy Sunday afternoon in a small town near Toronto in Canada.
Two school-going friends had a crazy idea.
They rounded up three goats from the neighborhood and painted the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on their sides.
That night they let the goats loose inside their school building.
The next morning, when the authorities entered the school, they could smell something was wrong.
They soon saw goat droppings on the stairs and near the entrance and realized that some goats had entered the building.
A search was immediately launched and very soon, the three goats were found.
But the authorities were worried, where was goat No. 3?
They spent the rest of the day looking for goat No.3.
The school declared classes off for the students for the rest of the day.
The teachers, helpers, guards, canteen staffs, boys were all busy looking for the goat No. 3, which, of course, was never found.
Simply because it did not exist.
Those among us who inspite of having a good life are always feeling a "lack of fulfilment" are actually looking for the elusive, missing, non-existent Goat No.3.
Whatever the area of complaint or dissatisfaction, relationship, job-satisfaction, finance, achievements, ......
An absence of something
is always larger than the
presence of many other things.
Let's Stop worrying about goat No.3 and enjoy life....
And don't let the non existent imaginary goat number 3 waste your time and happiness.
_What is your Goat number 3_
Think about it…..
Good morning and wishing you a success ahead

Upgrade your IQ and EQ

Marriageable Ladies, upgrade your IQ & EQ to comprehend & analyze Issues rightly.
Love feeling for a Guy must Not be ONLY reason to marry him.
Marry the Guy bcos he earns your deep Respect & tested to be responsible with understanding Godly heart to comprehend sensitive Issues then open your heart to love him.
Marital Submission is a Must if stability is desired.
Did HUBBY worth wife's submission will Not always be considered or questioned once you Marry him, especially for Christian wives.
More complicated, hardened & irresponsible Guys are seeking for Strong Ladies to carry their deficiency burdens for lifetime through Marriage.
Lady's romantic Love feelings can''t be enough to manage such weak husbands.
Unless Lady is groomed through tough life experiences for such marital burden, she may be wounded or marked with lifetime marital scars.
Divorce don't always have final answer to cure such marital mistakes in the end.
Discern your relationship choice rightly through Godly insight.*


1. If you want your husband to make love to you often, have a good attitude. No matter how sexy you look or dress, your husband will not find you attractive if you have a bad attitude.
2. If you want your husband to be eating with you, be pleasant to be around. No matter how tasty your food, it loses taste when being around you is stressful.
3. If you want your husband to be opening up to you sensitive and difficult information, learn to keep secrets and not to overreact. A man refrains from sharing too much when he is scared information will be leaked or be misinterpreted.
4. If you want your husband to be praying with you, stop acting as if your prayers are more powerful or you are closer to God than him. Allow your husband to pray his kind of way.
5. If you want your husband to be taking you out often, stop bringing drama and ruining dates with issues that should be dealt with at home. No man wants to go spend time and money at a venue where he will be emotionally drained.
6. If you want your husband to solve the issues in your marriage, stop seeing yourself as the angel and him the devil, stop attacking him or labelling him as "The agent the devil is using to ruin your marriage". See also your fault, show him you are on the same team and seek solutions, not finger pointing.
7. If you want your husband to come home early, be peaceful. The wife tends to own the home and so can easily make the husband keep off if she becomes harsh, uninviting and combative.
8. If you want your husband to be chatting with you and calling you up, be fun to talk to, make him miss you. If each time he calls you or chats you up it ends up with you starting a fight, reminding him of his wrongs or ordering him around he will avoid communication with you.
9. If you want your husband to receive your suggestions and corrections then speak to him with a tone of love. If you come at him shouting, dictating at him or manipulating him he will harden up.
Lastly, as a woman, u must discover and empower urself. Don't be too dependant on ur husband and all the 9points above will fall in place.

Friday, 15 October 2021


Many marriages are just for sleeping and waking up, raising kids and ageing together till death comes.
* Many couples hardly kiss and they only hug each other when they receive good news.
* The husband only puts food in his wife's mouth only when she is terminally ill and cant feed herself.
* If you see a man opening car door for his wife means the door is faulty.
* The only thing that makes an african man touch his wife's neck is when she complains of fever. He wont touch it again till the next fever.
* The only time he can carry his wife on his arms is when she is in labour.
* if you see them seated outside at night, dont think they are romantic. They are only waiting for the smell of insecticide to vanish.
* Many wives buy gifts for their husbands only when they are hospitalized.
* The only time they race together is when there is danger and everyone is running.
* The only time they go for evening stroll is when they want to go and lay a complain to the parents of the person that beat their child or got their daughter pregnant.
* The only time they bath together is when both are late for work.
* the only time a wife looks closely to her husband's eyes is when he complains of dirt in his eyes.
Unfortunately, some feel that any romantic man is being controlled by his wife. They will begin to spread bad rumours.
*Couples, change begins with you ooo*......


*1. Nothing Makes Life Sweeter Than Making People Happy*
*2. The People You Help Today Become Your Soldiers In The Battle Of Life Tomorrow*
*3. To Invest In Properties Is Good But To Invest In People Is Far Far Better.*
*4. Try To Make Money, But Try Also To Make People Great.*
*5. Your Greatest Trophies Are The Tears You Wipe Away From People's Faces Not The Things You Acquire.*
*6. Your Greatest Achievement Should Be Raising Achievers.*
*7. People Will Defend, Stand By You & Honour You When They Realise You Value Them*
*8. Don't Let An Ingrate Stop You From Making Others Great.*


If you choose a WORKING_WOMAN , you must accept that she CANNOT manage the house full time, her time is shared... So, help her at home.
If you choose a HOUSE WIFE who can take care of and manage the household completely, you need to accept that she DOES NOT MAKE MONEY, so, always provide enough money for her, *she is odozi aku.
If you choose a SUBMISSIVE WOMAN, you should accept that she DEPENDS on you... Submissiveness is not easy ooo.
If you choose to be with a STRONG_BRAVE_WO
MAN , you need to accept that she is STUBBORN and has her own thoughts and ways, she can be romantic & weak too, if you treat her well.
If you choose a BEAUTIFUL_WOMAN , you need to accept all the EXPENSES, beauty needs maintenance, *she is Ori aku*.
If you choose to be with a GREAT/CAREER WOMAN, you must also accept that she is HARD and FIRM, do not shout on her or force her to get in kitchen always, she is *Oso Di eme*.
If you choose a DADDY'S GIRL, get ready to pamper her and treat her like a baby, she can be very romantic, *she is apunanwu*.
A woman has her own "GOOD THING" that defines who she is and makes her unique.
Go for who you can tolerate.
Growing Breast ____ Painful.
Menstruation ____ Painful.
Losing virginity ____ Painful.
Pregnancy stage ____ Painful.
Childbirth stage _____ Painful.
Breastfeeding _____ Painful.
Stop Breastfeeding ____ Painful.
Miscarriage ____ Painful.
You wanna hear the truth ...? *..... Every woman deserve a caring Man*.
Women are indeed priceless treasures to value and respect.
God bless all mothers cum Mummies and ladies here!.
You are irreplaceable.
*Have a wonderful and Blessed day!*.
MOMMY greets you all.
Thank you Lord for blessing me with a wonderful HUSBAND.
What's app me for counseling on


She came to the school to make enquires with her son who is 7. They walked into my office hand in hand. I greeted her with a smile and offered her a sit. I love to engage every child who walks into my office in a conversation.
I pay more attention to kids than to adult.
So I turned to him and greeted. "Good day young man " .
He ignored me totally and behaved as though he didn't hear me. I repeated myself again. This time a bit louder .
He looked at me and looked away. He began to move around the office. Touching everything and anything that was in sight.
I observed him.
I handed the prospectus to his Mom. He turned immediately and snatched it from her. She smiled and said..."Ray, Ray, give it back to me please". He said No bluntly and held on to it.
She asked him to give it back to her politely again and he yelled at her and began to tear it. I watched with keen interest.
She asked if I could give her another copy and I obliged. I gave her a second copy. He rushed almost immediately, grabbed it from her and tore it to pieces.
She looked at me and said. Ray can be naughty sometimes. He turned to her, kicked her hard and said, I am never naughty.
I ran out of patience and ordered him to sit immediately. He looked at me surprised, looked at his mom as though he was telling her to do something to me. I waited for her reaction .
I asked him to pick all the papers he had torn and put it in the trash. He said No. His Mom got to work. She picked it all and trashed it herself. She turned to me and said....he is just a kid. He will outgrow it.
And to him she said, I won't take you to ShopRite if you don't sit.....
He gave her the tongue out and in response she smiled.
Cool stuff. I understood it all. She is a loving mom who never shouts, spank or punish her child for acting abnormally.
Admirable live pattern.....
Do you know that a badly raised child grows to be an adult who worries his family much more than he worries the rest of the world?
Do you know you are the person to suffer the consequences of the actions of your badly raised child at some point in their adult years?
Do you know that your mannerless child will make sure you pay for the lack of positive upbringing they had in the nearest future?
Do you know that you and your ward will be avoided by family and friends because of the negative energy you exhume whenever you come around people?
Do you know your child will make you regret and pay for the years you spent pampering and never training them to be sound ?
It may not matter how people see you now. You may be doing your child well by letting them have their way at all times but the future is near and the past will surely come calling.
This is because you have succeeded in putting everyone out of your space with the attitude of you and your child now.
The time is now!
Begin to consciously re_direct your child. Place them on the right path. Cautioning or disciplining your wards does not mean you love them less.
I am glad I told the woman the dangers of the path she is gradually putting her son in. No one is too young or old to learn. He is not too young to be corrected!
Lets raise total children, not rotten ones.
Feel free to chat me on what's app on how to raise a godly children
On +2347065115221 now


1. Never mock your HUSBAND:
2. Your husband is the head of your family. This is God's order.
3. Mocking him is defying the laws of God.
Micah mocked David her husband. She called him a " vain fellow shamelessly uncovering himself".
When you begin to call your husband names, you are in for serious trouble.
Her womb was closed. She never had a child for David.
When you mock your husband, it will adversely affect the innocent children. (Read 2 Samuel 6)
2. Never mock your FATHER:
3. The Bible is very clear and explicit. Reuben went to sleep with his father's concubine and he ended up with a curse. This is mockery.
Absalom chased his father away from the throne. He died unceremoniously.
Whatever you do to bring shame to your father is mockery.
Mothers, never instigate your children against their father. It will be too dangerous for them.
Whatever disagreements you have with their father stops with you. Do not extend it.
Remember, the Bible only talks about the Father's Blessing. Let the heart of their father bless the children.
Malachi 4:6 says... whosoever separates children from their father, upon them shall be a curse. (NLT)
If you are guilty of this, please humble yourself and go and make things right with your father. If you don't, life will be a struggle for you. Be wise.
3. Never mock a true SERVANT OF GOD: Some youths came out of nowhere and began to chant a mockery song against Elisha.
They were torn into pieces by bears.
I met an elderly man in Benin who shared his experience.
He said, on the morning Archbishop Benson Idahosa's death was announced, he was so excited because he hated the man with passion.
He said he sent for two of his friends and they began to toast to Archbishop's death.
While still making noise and bantering in his sitting room, some people ran into his house and told him a gravel tipper had just knocked down his son on his way to lectures at Uniben. The young undergraduate died on the spot.
The elderly man in his seventies said..... 'I have learnt never to mock a true servant of God'.
I have a praying group. One of the women there approached me to come lead the husband to Christ on his death bed.
In humility, the man surrendered his life to Jesus and there was an aura of peace on his embattled face.
Before he breathed his last, he said...... "All my life, I have mocked servants of God.
We are 5 friends and all of them died this way. I am the last of them but now I have made peace with God"
Never join anyone to mock true servants of God.
Job said, what I do not know, I searched out. This is the wisdom of great people. Wise people do not despise SPIRITUAL DIGNITARY.


The word survive is used because everyone's desire is to live within reach of their partner. But sometimes life gives you a good partner yet circumstance separates you physically. How do you cope?
Trust is the reason that will keep the fire burning. Trust is not just blindly given, show you are trustworthy by being open, having a record of dependability and honesty, keep your partner on the know, share details. Do things that make you your partner secure. Let your partner know of your schedules over there. Be predictable
Unlike other more fortunate partners who get to meet each other so often to go on dates; make up for the lack or minimal frequency of physical connection by chatting and opening up with each other on the phone. This way, your fantasies and desire will remain directed towards your partner even though far apart. Let your cheeky and talkative ways come alive on the phone and online.
Share your feelings, say it when you feel low, pour your frustrations on each other brought about by the distance and walk together towards making it bearable.
Define the future, where you two are heading to, talk alot about the future, the goal of why you are together, why you need each other; give each other a hope to hold on to.
You are distant from each other now but come up with a plan that will bring about a permanent solution where you two will finally be together for good. When there is no end in sight the heart gets tired of waiting for love to be within reach; but when a time frame is put, when the heart knows that the distance is only for 3 months, 6 months, a year, two years, that gives motivation to develop the love.
Use every available communication technology to warmly keep in touch as often as possible. Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Watsapp, Email, Text, Phonecall; don't let it be out of sight, out of mind, out in the cold.
Loving someone far away from you is tough. Pray together, commit your love to God, it will make the pain easy to bear. You are not physically where your partner is but God is.
The few times you get to be together, make those moments so amazing that when you part, you will have good memories to keep you going as you look forward to meeting physically again to make new memories.
In as much as you love that person, a vacuum is left by that person not being physically present. Guard yourself so that you don't turn to another to meet your emotional and physical needs. No one wants a partner far away, we all want our needs met here and now but long-distance relationships call for discipline, loyalty and commitment. Hang in there, your partner wishes to be near you, but for now just be patient, soon your needs in love will be adequately met.
Even as you wait for each other, life should not stall or stagnate. Don't feel bad and lonely to the point you forget you need to grow as an individual, before you grow as a couple. Take this time you are apart to build you just as your partner is far away advancing himself/ herself at work or study so that you two can have the best future.
Remember, love is not about how near or far you are to each other but having each other. Someone can be sleeping next to their spouse every night yet be unfaithful, another can be miles away and be faithful to their spouse. Each couple has their own journey, walk it together.


After sacrificing my womb for him to be rich, he dumped me and married my friend – Heartbroken lady shares
A 23-year-old Nigerian lady has narrated how she made a huge sacrifice for her fiancé only for him to dump her.
Sharing her story online, the young woman revealed how she unknowingly sacrificed her womb for him to be wealthy but he ended up jilting her and married her friend.
Read her story:
”Life has never been fair to me and love has brought me pain and sorrow. I’m presently a 23-year-old lady from Delta state, born into a polygamous home, where my father didn’t care about my mum, I and my other three siblings.
My mother was the one training us and since her finance was low. I could only finish my secondary school and had to learn a skill.
Immediately I finished secondary school, I met a guy and we started dating. He was the one who took my virginity i love him and he loved me too we dated for two years till he traveled abroad and that was when our communication started reducing till he no longer called me again.
I became single till I met this guy that put me in this worse condition I’m in presently. He was my senior in secondary school and we were kinda friends, I thought he was lovely and with a great personality, didn’t know he was pretending.
So after my boyfriend stopped calling me, he jumped in and was calling me, showing care and sending me money on weekends.
Little by little, we started dating, that’s was when I knew he was into fraud and convinced me to believe that internet fraud is the only way Africans can take back everything the white people stole from them.
As we got along, he was always complaining that he wasn’t making the money he really wanted and i was the one pacifying him to calm down that his time would come.
I was even praying for him because I had fallen deeply in love with him, and he was pretending to love me the same way.
One day, he told me he escorted one of his successful ‘business’ friends to a shrine and after the herbalist finished with him, he pointed to him that his girlfriend which happened to be ‘me’, has the key to unlock his success in his fraud business.
At first, I was astonished and surprised and asked how could i sit on my boyfriend’s success when if he became rich i too would enjoy it.
I told him I had no hand in him not making progress and tried to convince him that I couldn’t do such.
But he was just not convinced and said if i was really sure i wanted his progress which in turn was ours, i should follow him to the shrine.
I was worried and confused, I have never been to a shrine before because my mum trained us in a godly way and i had been lying to her that my boyfriend was a blogger but she usually had a suspicious feeling towards him and warned me to be careful of him but since I was bringing financial support from him, it helped in cooling her down.
I pondered on what my boyfriend said for four days and he was constantly telling me how it would change our future since money would never be our problem.
He also said with enough money my younger siblings could go to school to any level they wanted and i could also go or if I wish to open a big business. Any one I choose.
On the fifth day, I told him in the evening that I was ready, he screamed in excitement and was pouring encomiums on me, telling me if it went successful, we would be getting married in less than 6months.
The following day, we left in a chartered taxi to a village in Delta, we stopped by the waterside and entered a boat to another village.
We got to the village and we passed some bush paths till i saw a place decorated with different traditions objects and he pointed that that was the place.
We entered facing backward and met a shrinking middle aged man with rotten teeth, chewing a bitter cola.
I greeted him and was shocked when he mentioned my name and went on to summarize my family background.
He then had a secret conversation with my boyfriend and then asked me if i was ready for the sacrifice.
I was scared and asked what the sacrifice was, my boyfriend said it was nothing to be scared of, that it wouldn’t hurt me at all, by then the herbalist had already brought a big basin. He put a small calabash filled with herbs and stuffs, in the middle of the basin and pour water then added a yellow powder to the water.
He asked me to strip, I was baffled but my boyfriend begged me to just obey that it wouldn’t take long.
I did and he then told me the stand in the basin full of water and under the calabash while I was blindfolded.
That moment I noticed that sometime left me, like a weight and i slumped but was quickly resuscitated.
We left and went home, we got home and i felt sick for two days, but gradually became well again and he was by my side showing all the fake love for me.
The following week, I was at home when i got an alert of 500k from him I was confused i didn’t know where to start because our house rent was already due and our landlord has told my mum to pay or pack out.
I called him and he told me to use the money to buy recharge card that we are rich now
I quickly sent the required money to my mum to pay the rent and when my mum asked me where i got the rent money from I told her I told my boyfriend about the rent.
I immediately zoomed to see my boyfriend, he hugged me and started appreciating me for what i did for him.
He said one of his maga just paid him 10m and asked that we go enjoy ourselves.
He lodged in a hotel and from there we went for a new accommodation, he got one and started buying household furnitures. I told him why didn’t we invest some of the money before it finished but he shrugged off and said more was coming.
Two weeks later, it was my birthday and he organised a birthday for me and gifted me an iPhone, expensive clothes and shoes and the sum of another 500k. I was baffled, I couldn’t believe if it was a dream.
The next month, he informed me that his ‘maga’ paid him the sum of 75million and told me to come over.
I went there and he asked me what kind of business do i want to do, i told him let’s marry first but he said he wanted to establish me first before marriage, i told him and he opened a supermarket for me that consumed the sum of almost 8million.
On my part, I relocated my family and was training my young one in school and even my deadbeat father was trying to reach out to me but I ignored him.
I started my business and took it seriously and was always there but my boyfriend was busy at home and visited my shop occasionally.
Two months later, I started disturbing him again about getting married but he told me he was planning for it, the disturbance was much, so one day he came to my shop knelt down and engaged me while customers were there and gave me a surprise car keys to a Toyota Camry as gift.
I was elated and was now fully convinced that he was going to marry me.
A month later, a friend of mine inform me that it was like my fiancé is having an affair with another lady i knew, i didn’t believe her because my fiancé was a responsible man at least he was a homely guy and never hid his phone from me.
Soon after, he started behaving strange, he would leave home immediately i left for my shop and returned home when I’m about to come home and he wasn’t visiting me anymore like he used to and he was now giving a lot of excuses.
Till i caught him with said lady in a hotel and was very angry i couldn’t hold myself i fought with the lady for coming to reap where she did not sow.
The next day, my fiancé refused to come home. He switched off his line and when he came back online he told me he wasn’t interested in me anymore, i was mad and asked him after all what I did for you. He replied me that i had also benefitted from the money made.
I tried to find out where he was till a friend of his secretly told me he has traveled to Ghana and with that same lady, i fought with and even told me that he had done marriage introduction for the lady.
I was heartbroken, I tried to reach him on his social handles but he blocked me.
I opened another Facebook account and threatened him if he didn’t rescind on his decision, i would go to the herbalist and reversed his fortune, he said I was free to do what I like.
Out of anger, I went to the herbalist’s shrine after we last visited there 2years ago. After some explanation the herbalist remembered me and I told him everything my fiancé had done and demanded that he reversed the fortune of my fiancé and make him very poor.
He shook his head and said the sacrifice can’t be reversed, as he revealed to me that it was my womb I sacrificed for him to be wealthy and therefore I would remain barren for the rest of my life and he would be using it to get more wealth.
I collapsed and had to be brought back before I was able to go back home.
I was admitted in the hospital for weeks after I recovered a little, I sent him a message of what the herbalist told me, and he said but I benefitted from it and had to apologise that he couldn’t marry me because he knew i wouldn’t be able to bear children.
Now I’m hopeless, I have closed my business for over two months now and life has become tasteless for me.
Two weeks ago, they got married and posted the photos on the internet and it brought me to tears, I couldn’t believe a day like this would come when a lady that knew nothing would be benefiting for the sacrifice of my womb.
I’m at the verge of hopelessness and life is no longer interesting for me.”