Relationship, health(physical and spiritual), religion, education and relevant items
Tuesday, 27 December 2022
No perfect marriage
Thursday, 1 December 2022
3 ways to close the HIV equity gap by Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
The theme for World AIDS Day 2022 is Equalize, highlighting the critical need to address inequalities that are holding back progress.
CHAI was founded 20 years ago in response to the global AIDS crisis. At the time, many believed AIDS was an insurmountable problem. But over the last two decades, together with governments, partners, and communities of people living with HIV, we have scaled lifesaving treatment globally to over 28 million people – a feat once thought impossible.
At the beginning of this century, treating HIV cost over US$10,000 per person per year. CHAI’s pioneering work negotiating price reductions and generic licenses, together with critical efforts from partners like PEPFAR, the Global Fund, and Unitaid, has dramatically reduced the price of treatment to under US$50 per person per year today.
a result, the outlook for adults and children living with HIV is far
better. Yet work remains to ensure that everyone has equal access to the
care they need. Here are three ways that we are closing the HIV equity
gap in 2022 and beyond.
1. Reducing preventable deaths from AIDS
Cryptococcal meningitis is the second leading cause of death in people living with HIV. Prior to the Unitaid-CHAI Optimal grant
fluconazole was the only drug available to treat cryptococcal
meningitis in many low- and middle-income countries, despite
considerable evidence it is associated with suboptimal patient outcomes.
Fluconazole monotherapy leads to an unacceptably high mortality rate of
over 50 percent at just 10 weeks, compared to the optimal combination
therapy of flucytosine (5FC) and liposomal amphotericin (L-AmB) – which
cuts the mortality rate in half. Through Unitaid and CHAI’s catalytic
procurement and support to governments, 5FC and L-AmB are now available
in Uganda and across project focal countries.
2. Bold actions to end childhood AIDS
Among the 1.7 million children living with HIV today, almost half are not on life-saving treatment, viral suppression among children is very low compared to adults, and persistent geographic disparities remain. Without rapid action, these alarming inequities put children at greater risk of AIDS-related mortality.
But there is hope. HIV treatment for children has dramatically improved over the past year and a half thanks to a Unitaid and CHAI-led partnership to
develop better medication. As a result of this partnership, the best
available medicine for children (pDTG) has made its way into the hands
of over 100,000 children in over 60 countries after being developed in record-breaking time.
CHAI is supporting government partners in Benin, Nigeria, and Uganda to
conduct research on the use of pDTG to treat children in real world
3. Preventing HIV to control the epidemic
Reductions in HIV infections have stubbornly stagnated in recent years. Key and priority populations remain at disproportionate and high risk of infection. Encouragingly, the portfolio of HIV prevention options is expanding, positioning us for transformation. The injectable cabotegravir (CAB-LA) received US FDA approval in December 2021, and throughout 2022, CHAI worked closely with a range of stakeholders, including donors, communities, ViiV, and generic manufacturers to accelerate access to CAB-LA for those who need it most.
impact for those in greatest need of HIV prevention options is still
not guaranteed. Urgent, coordinated action is needed to support
well-designed and timely evidence generation as well as market shaping,
programmatic, and demand generation interventions to convert potential
to impact.
Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Why should we never ignore any opportunity in life?
Why should we never ignore any opportunity in life?
Every opportunity in life can lead to something big. When we let go of opportunities because we don't want to start small, we let go of our chance of success.
Everyone wants to make big in life, but not everyone is willing to start low. Most people want to make quick wealth and progress. They think a low start won't lead to progress or feel others will look down upon them.
To succeed in life, embrace every opportunity. Instead of seeing any opportunity as big or small, see them as a possibility that can lead to progress. You won't miss even the slightest chance in life.The Secret Of A Happy Home.
Weak moments come in everyone's life
Weak moments come in everyone's life. If someone is there to listen, encourage and help us heal, we can emerge stronger even from such a situation.
When someone's heart is heavy, they need to be listened to and understood. When someone doesn't see hope in life, they need to be spoken to; if someone is heartbroken, they need someone to hold, embrace them and make them feel that however deep the wound may be, they can heal.
Listen patiently and empathetically, speak softly but inspiringly and hold them gently. We all can be each other's support.Everyone has some problem in life that makes their heart heavy
Being happy represents the state of our mind and our zest for life. People who show eagerness and interest in life always attract others because it makes even them feel light-hearted.
Everyone has some problem in life that makes their heart heavy, so when someone creates an atmosphere of humour with their action, words or just a smiling face, it is very well received. It makes people temporary forget their disappointment in life, brings hope and uplifts them.
Always try to keep your smile on. You will not only be able to spread happiness but also create some great connections.Do you trust the process of life?
We go through many seasons in our life. The season of fall brings the feeling of emptiness and loss even with everything else we already have.
The process of life is very simple and streamlined. The times of life when we grow and flourish, we have no complains with our life but when we start to lose is when we feel our life has no meaning. There is meaning for every occurrence in life. With every event of life, you grow and mature. Your perspective towards life changes and you become more accommodating and accepting.
Always keep your trust in the process of life. Once you understand the reason behind that fall, you will be able to withstand any loss.How do you deal with diminishing motivation?
Motivation is needed to achieve anything in life, but when our effort doesn’t seem to yield the results we want, we feel we are incapable, our motivation starts to fade away, and we decide to give up.
Many times we begin something with great enthusiasm, but after a while, we either become slack, feel unmotivated or do not see it as our priority. When the mind becomes negative, it loses its enthusiasm. This is why only a few make it to the end.
To keep yourself motivated, you need to stay positive, have a clear vision, rest your mind, analyse yourself, involve in activities that you enjoy, and surround yourself with positive people. The more positive you are, the more motivated you feel.Monday, 28 November 2022
Are you creating beautiful memories with your loved ones?
Relationships may go through ups and downs, but in the end, how we make each other feel is how we remember the time spent with each other.
Most relationships suffer because people are either not fully present in their relationships or do not understand the simple needs of their loved ones. The simplest need of anyone in a relationship is care, understanding and support without which people feel alone.
Be there for your loved one so that not only is that moment beautiful, but every moment they think about it becomes beautiful.Experience unpleasant situations
We all have experienced unpleasant situations in our lives. Sometimes these unpleasant situations or people occupy our minds so much that thinking about them also makes our present unpleasant.
There is no doubt emotional pain lasts longer, but it won’t heal unless you stop thinking about it and stop imagining how things might have been if it didn’t happen the way it did. To let go, you must accept that you had no control over that situation or person. Things happen, and there is always a reason.
Never live in your past; only learn from it. You can't erase unwanted memories, but you can create more beautiful ones to allow the old ones to fade away.Simple and transparent
Being simple is about being transparent in your thoughts and actions. You neither judge anyone nor hold anything against them. You do everything with good intention and purity of heart.
Sometimes we meet people and feel so comfortable and at ease with them. Being with them, life seems so positive and vibrant. This is because when the intentions are clear, we connect with their soul and connecting with soul is always uplifting.
Be simple. It is effortless. All you have to do is be your true self.Sunday, 27 November 2022
For most of us, our relationships are the source of joy and even pain.
For most of us, our relationships are the source of joy and even pain.
If you are in a state of mind where you easily get affected by others, you need to make changes in yourself so that you are able to deal with your emotions without breaking apart. Try to find a way how you can avoid things that bother you, may be an argument or a conflicting situation, develop patience, work on your own anger and above all learn to let go.
As long as any relationship is not causing physical or mental harm, if you want to keep that relationship, it is best to address the problems before it tears you apart.Is your life controlled by other people's opinion?
People will always have opinion. You can always consider someone’s opinion but if you let them control your life, you lose your freedom.
Most of people make decisions of their life depending upon what others will think of them. When we do anything just to please or prove others, we do not it with joy. Even after giving up our happiness, some disapprove of us. So neither we live fully nor we make everyone happy.
Live your life guided by your thoughtful self. Listen and learn from others but don't make decisions because you will be judged by others. Think what's right for you and what makes you happy. It is your life, don't let others stop you from living the life you want.Why should you never feel disappointed with yourself?
Having strong self-esteem is essential to overcome any challenge in life. When the mind becomes doubtful about its abilities, it easily loses hope and gives up on itself.
Sometimes, when we are unable to achieve what we want, we feel incapable. If people around us are unsupportive and bring up our weaknesses, it can further create self-doubt in us; we may feel unworthy and just end up giving up on ourselves.
Believe you can do it, accept your weakness but look into ways to improve yourself. As long as you have your own support and you work on making yourself better, you can make anything possible.How do you deal with mental fatigue?
An effort is needed to achieve anything in life, but when our effort doesn’t seem to yield the results we want, we feel more tired than we actually are.
When the mind is tired, it loses its capacity to think, plan and perform. To replenish our minds, we need to allow a period of rest. Rest doesn't cause delay; rather improves our ability, so we can do things efficiently.
Allow yourself to rest. For some time, take your mind away from what you want, involve yourself in activities you enjoy, and surround yourself with positive people. After you rest, begin with a fresh mind and think that you have just started; your enthusiasm and motivation will also return.Do you share your spark with others?
Sharing your spark means sharing your inner light and energy to give hope and brighten someone’s life.
Sometimes, people lose hope in life and are engulfed by the darkness. They don’t see any worth in their life, and life becomes a burden for them. All they need at this time is a little encouragement, hope and motivation that there is much more to life than they can see.
If you see someone experiencing the dark, help them out. You will find that every time you help someone, you become even closer to your inner light.Worthy to be celebrated
If it is your birthday, a
special event or a festival, you need to mark the day with celebrations.
We often miss out on celebrations because we feel life is not going as we want. We wait for things to improve and situations to change, losing time and the moment that will never return.
Celebrate the special day and start afresh. Sometimes this is what is needed to put an end to your sorrows.
Wishing all the celebrants the very best.Why should we never be disappointed with a lack of growth in life?
Growth is always happening, most of the time in slow and subtle ways, so it is not always visible to us.
Most of us see the final outcome as growth. Accomplishing our goals, bringing them to the top and reaping the fruits of our effort is considered growth. Although achieving the growth one has imagined can be very satisfying, one must remember that a seed doesn’t suddenly turn into a tree.
Appreciate the skills, knowledge and wisdom you have gained and the connections you have made. You will realise you never stop growing.Friday, 25 November 2022
Are you getting impressed or inspired?
With the rise in the number of people who are able to influence our lives, we mustn't make their lives a reason to feel unaccomplished.
Before the advent of social media, we were inspired by those around us or great accomplished people who worked hard to achieve their goals. With social media, everyone has got the ability to influence our minds. If someone is showing off their life, trying to impress you, they usually have other goals than to inspire you.
Don't feel inadequate by looking at the lives they portray. Make the right judgement. If someone truly wants to make a difference, they will try ways to help you find your strength, not the ways to impress you.To win in life, we need to analyse and improve ourselves
To win in life, we need to analyse and improve ourselves. If we focus on defeating others, we often get deterred from our goals and end up nowhere near where we want to be.
Everyone has their own goals in life. Achieving our goals gives us a sense of victory. When we do anything to defeat others, we miss out on our own goals. Defeating others might provide a brief moment of joy, but the lasting joy only comes when we achieve what we want for ourselves.
Focus on yourself, improve and give your best in everything to do. Giving the best makes you a winner regardless of the outcome.How can a positive mind change one's day?
How can a positive mind change one's day?
A positive mind is one that can see the reason to be positive in any situation. When we begin our day on a positive note, we may experience challenges throughout our day, but still we don't feel disappointed.
The beginning of a day is the most beautiful part of the day because you create a new connection with the physical world. The first thought, first food and first action greatly influence our day. Thoughts of gratefulness, natural food, and acts of kindness can positively influence our day and keep us energised throughout the day.
Begin your day with a positive mindset. Cleanse your body, mind and soul through positive thinking, meditating, praying and nourishing through positive food, you will look forward to every day of life.Our dreams are our thoughts about progressing in life
Our dreams are our thoughts about progressing in life. We want to accomplish our dreams because we feel they can bring a positive change in our life.
Sometimes we have an idea or concept in mind that may help us achieve our dreams, but we feel our dream is too big. So instead of actualising it, we keep it to ourselves. The longer we take to put effort, the more difficult it appears and eventually, it never happens.
If you dream of something, give it a try. It may not always result in what you want, but you will still get closer than if you didn't try.Thursday, 24 November 2022

My dear Chinechendo,
Every day I wake up, I always have you to thank. I have your guidance, your warmth, your love, and your heart: someone who loves me unconditionally. Right or wrong, you are always my Mama. No one alive in this earth can ever take your place in my heart. I love you forever and ever. No matter where I go or whom I meet, you will always be Number One to me. Out of all the mothers out there, you have definitely gotten through the most, since raising me was probably a nightmare. Yet, you still endured it and loved me endlessly, and for that, I admire you. My dear Chinechendo, no matter how wrinkled your face has become, the smile that comes along with it is more radiant than any person, no matter how young or old. Your kind heart is what has united everyone around you, making them love you.
Never stop being this amazing person that you are today. (glo:313018416946899),
Meanwhile, I find myself with no
words to express how much you mean to me on this special day. But you know me
better than I know myself, so I’m sure you already know. Have the best Birthday
ever! Happy Birthday to an amazing mother who just keeps getting better. (airtel: 1870739421159974)The
older I get, the more I realize that Chinechendo is always right. (mtn:74118001501655185)It really is
true that people get better with age. Don’t let another birthday get you down
when you just improve with every year. (mtn:73419477457959979) Throughout my life, you have always been
the strength that holds me up in the stormiest of times. I love you.
Hugs and kisses to you, sweet Mommy. I love
you SO much. Happy birthday dear Chinechendo.
Nwebe anuri, Chukwu agozigo gi
Can restoring our minds prevent us from giving up?
When we are on the verge of giving up, we have probably tried enough and feel too tired to continue.
Sometimes to achieve something, we may have to put in continuous effort. When the results take too long, we become disheartened and feel it will never happen. It is not that we can't do it; it is because we feel fatigued in that particular moment of life.
Rest and involve your mind in something you enjoy to avoid mental fatigue. Involve in creative activities, socialise, connect with nature and meditate; it will restore your strength and make you feel like continuing again.How can we make any partnership work?
A partnership may be easy to begin with, but maintaining it requires understanding, cooperation, adjustment and acceptance of each other's ideas.
Whether a personal or a business partnership, a new venture always seems exciting. We want to make things happen, so we agree on each other's views, whether we internally approve of them or not. Once things get started, the same views turn into differences, and the same venture doesn't seem exciting anymore.
To create a stable partnership, ideas and opinions must be presented clearly and an agreement drawn on how to address potential issues that may arise. Even with the greatest caution, unseen differences may crop up and must be dealt with with maturity and understanding.How does the path of truth help us in our journey of spiritual restoration?
We are all spiritual beings. As we engage in the worldly matters and become involved in dishonest and untruthful means, we detach ourselves from our soul and our spiritual needs get neglected.
When we distance ourselves from our soul, we may fulfil our worldly needs, but the needs of our soul remain unmet. We feel we have everything but still empty and to fulfil this emptiness, we begin looking for the path of fulfilment. This is when we find the path of truth, sincerity and honesty.
If you are looking for a spiritual connection, follow the path of truth. The divine light is the ultimate truth, when we connect with truth, we connect with the divine light.
Being together can become a great
Being together can become a great strength when we support each other. With the right person, every dream seems possible.
Relationships work the best when we address each other’s needs and support in fulfilling each other’s desires. When our dreams are neglected or given no value, it makes us feel unworthy and with that feeling, we cannot add worth in any relationship.
Embrace your loved one’s dreams. Encourage and support them, let your love give them strength, not make them feel weak.Have you explored yourself enough?
We all are very capable of achieving even hard-to-reach dreams, but most of us are unaware of our true capabilities.
Our true potential is hidden because we usually don’t live to our full capacity. When we confront a situation that challenges us to the core, we only realise that unknown strength within us. We feel we are a new person with exceptional tolerance and courage.
Do not underestimate yourself. You are very capable; you just need to trust yourself, try things, and be fearless.Wednesday, 23 November 2022
Does our life reflect our deeds?
Our deeds direct our lives. What we give to the world comes back to us in many ways.
One reason we see more suffering and misery everywhere is the lack of human values. Everyone is just so occupied with fulfilling their endless desires that they neglect their fellow humans in need.
Do good and carry good intentions. Your goodness and deeds always come back to you. It might not happen in the way and form you want, but it could be your well-being, prosperity, a calm and peaceful mind and a happy heart.Connecting to higher power
Connecting with the higher power means that you have become aware of the divinity within you, and by creating a union with the divine, you receive the divine power.
Most people live in fear because they are so involved in the material world that they lack a spiritual connection. The material world brings anxiety, stress and worry because we are always afraid of losing. On the spiritual path, we always feel fearless because we find divinity in every happening of life and a reason to feel grateful even if we lose.
Make time for inner connection. The more intensely you are connected to your inner self, the more powerful you feel, even in the most challenging situations of life.Are you making productive use of your time?
Time is precious because it can create and build the life of our dream. When we misuse our time, we lessen our chances of succeeding.
The way we spend our time greatly influences our lives. When we spend our time in unproductive activities such as daydreaming, aimlessly surfing the internet, gossiping, oversleeping and overthinking, we lose time and dull our minds. End of the day, when nothing gets done, we feel disappointed and stressed, which further demotivates us.
Value your time. Start your day with a positive mind, a day plan, and little goals. Strive to achieve as much as possible in your day. End of the day, appreciate yourself for your effort and analyse so you can make even more efficient use of your time.Sometimes, rejection is the way that takes us to a better place, to someone who can appreciate our worth.
Rejection in any aspect of life, personal or professional, can be very disappointing. We feel hurt and may even see it as an end to everything. As we cannot see how things may turn out in the future, we feel we have lost the opportunity to succeed or the person we wanted to be with.
If someone rejects you, however disappointing it may be, don’t make it a reason to hold yourself back, find fault in yourself or feel incapable. Allow time to accept it, analyse if you could have done things any better, and bring changes that may help you improve. As life goes on and you meet someone who finds worth in you and opportunities that bring out the best in you, you will look back and realise that rejection was nothing but a new pathway for you.Do you accept your mistake?
Everyone makes mistakes, but most people are hesitant to admit them. By dismissing our fault, we dismiss our chance to learn and improve.
Sometimes, even with our best intentions, things go wrong. When we know we are at fault, most of us become defensive. We fear admitting our mistakes will put us down in front of others, so we keep denying it. Doing this not only does it hampers our relationship but even our personal growth.
To grow in life, look at ways to need to improve yourself. Improvement can only happen when you realise your shortcomings and are willing to work on them.Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Why do we find some people so comforting?
People who truly understand us without being judgemental always bring our hearts at ease.
At the times when our heart is broken, we look for support from those around us. What we need at that time is someone who can listen to us, see our life from our perspective and understand what we are going through. When someone offers us such comfort, we don't feel alone in our pain and it helps to overcome that painful period with a little ease.
Be a comforting heart for others. It only takes a little understanding to lessen someone's pain.Are you letting let people's success create self-doubt ?
Although our circumstances might be different, we all have the ability to become successful in life. Some may need more effort than others to overcome the challenges they face.
When someone achieves success, we often look at our lives to see where we are. Often it makes us feel that we are far behind and make us doubt our abilities. Once we underestimate our abilities, we don't see how far we have already come and how far we can go.
Learn from other people's success. Make their reason feel confident that if they can do it, you can too.Are you careful with your words?

Our words carry a lot of power. They can either build or break a person. It is important that we choose the right words and the right way to communicate with others.
Most people never think before they speak. When we don't realise what we are talking about, we don't realise how those words can affect others. Often, our words become the reason for someone's pain, broken heart and damaged relationships.
Think before you speak, speak calmly and choose your words carefully. Ensure your words turn into joy for someone, not pain.Friday, 11 November 2022
How does our purpose in life always keep us motivated?
We don’t need the motivation to do things we are passionate about because when we see a bigger purpose, we do it from the depth of our hearts without thinking about what it will yield.
Most of us lose our motivation to do or continue to do something because it is something that doesn’t fulfil our inner needs. Unless our inner needs are met, we feel inadequate even after our best try. Unless one finds their purpose, motivation drops after some time.
Discover and follow the purpose of life. The purpose always leads us on the path of humanity. When the soul feels satisfied, you feel motivated to do even everything else in life.How do you manage when you have multiple tasks to be completed?
Thinking about all the tasks that require our attention can make us anxious. Having a priority plan can alleviate anxiety and help in the timely completion of our tasks.
When we have a lot to do or a deadline to complete tasks, we try to manage everything at once, or while doing one thing, we become worried about other tasks that need completion. In the end, nothing gets done properly.
To manage, we need to prioritise our tasks, allocate time and attempt one task at a time. Involving yourself fully in one task will help you to complete it not only efficiently but also satisfactorily.How do we manage when something ends in life?
Nothing is there forever. When something ends in life, it may seem like an end to everything, but it also leads to a new beginning.
Whether it is a relationship or a joyful phase of life, it can be very disheartening when it ends. We may feel like life is over. When life becomes silent, we feel detached from everyone. We need to remember it is only a transient phase and wait with trust till we allow the transition to complete.
Stay hopeful even if something has ended in your life. Involve your mind in something else. Speak to your loved ones and wait patiently for life to unfold.How can we overcome the resistance to begin something in life?
The greatest challenge we face o the path to success is when we feel our goals are hard to achieve. Once we create resistance within us, we are afraid to take the first step.
The first step is usually the hardest because we are unsure where we will be led. We are afraid of falling, losing or not making it to the end. Once the self-doubt takes over, however hard we try, we are pulled back from making a start.
Don't hesitate to begin even if things look difficult. Make a move, give it a go and try it out. Once you take a few steps, it will build self-trust; once you gain your trust, nothing will seem impossible.Is there togetherness in your relationship?
Being together is about companionship. When a relationship lacks togetherness, it doesn’t matter how long you have been with each other, you still feel lonely in the journey of life.
When we are in a relationship, we trust that our partner will always be there for us, but when we have to face the situations of life alone, we see no difference in being with or without our life partner.
To bring life into your relationship, you have to be present with your loved ones. Walk with them every moment, so every moment is full of life.To feel comfortable with yourself, you have to be your real self.
Being your real self means that you accept who you are and don’t change yourself to fit in or be like someone else.
Some people always lead a life of pretence because they want to show others that they are no less.
When we live our lives looking at others, we even to do things that are beyond our means or make us feel uncomfortable. This only makes life difficult for us and adds more to our discomfort.
To make yourself comfortable, you don’t have to do much, just be yourself and you will feel at ease.Are you true to your relationship?
Being true to someone means you are with them with a clear heart. You respect and value the other person, and their integrity is as important to you as yours.
We often come across people who let their loved ones down in front of others. Either they bring up their flaws or compare them with others. If someone truly means something to you, you won't ever be a participant in anything that belittles them. Instead, you will talk about their strengths, efforts and enthusiasm.
Always keep the integrity of others. Being true to each other is what strengthens our relationship.