Monday, 31 January 2022


1. You should avoid a relationship that is based on sex alone. It has no future. It's a waste of time and destiny.
2. Avoid any relationship that has no direction, purpose or aim.
3. Avoid any relationship that doesn't add any positive impact on your life.
4. Run away from any relationship that gives you more sorrows than joy.
5. Run away from any relationship that makes you cry or gives you more tears and cry than laughter.
6. Do not stay in a relationship where you love someone but the person makes you unhappy many times.
7. When you see signs that a relationship can't work, there is no need remaining into it. Flee from it. Don't keep managing.
8. Avoid any relationship where you find yourself struggling to love your partner.
9. Avoid any relationship where you are caged or restricted from your rights.
10. Avoid any relationship that will keep you far away from God.
For counseling and prayers


A dog has taught me an important lesson in this encounter.
I was in a car commuting from home to my place of work. The car was speeding at about 80kms per hour.
Suddenly, I saw a dog with a bone running so fast trying to overtake the car so that it could cross the road.
I was frightened that the car would overrun the dog. I was praying that the dog would increase it's speed and cross the road safely. The car was fast approaching the dog.
Then, I realised the dog suddenly increased it's speed and was able to cross the road successfully.
Pheew, I sighed, thanking God it wasn’t hit by the car.
But, there is something I noticed that fell off before the dog suddenly increased it's speed.
I asked the driver, could you please reverse? I need to see what fell off.
When I saw what fell off, one of the greatest lessons sunk into my thick skull.
The dog let go of the BONE.
It was that SIMPLE, it reached a point where the dog had to let go of the bone in order to gain speed and save it's life.
Men, the dog is SMART… I thought.
What’s the LESSON?
Let go of the bone.
There are bones we have held on to in 2021.
If we succeed to let go of the 2021 ‘BONES’, then we will do wonders in 2022 and years beyond.
There are so many types of bones which for sure have held us back.
Let’s make the painful decision of letting go of the bone of disappointment of 2021.
- Failure to seek new thoughts or new ways of doing things is a BONE
- Doing things in the same unsuccessful manner, year in year out is a BONE
- Thinking that money alone is the source of your happiness; that’s the HARDEST BONE
- Going to work late and acting irresponsibly is a BONE
- Not worshiping God, that’s a tricky bone, even the hyena cannot handle.
- Watching our friends fail; yet we could have helped them succeed is a BONE
- BONE of anger and resentment, that is the heaviest of all and have greater consequences if we don’t let go.
These are only few examples, but the list is endless.
Let’s drop the BONE, so that we have a prosperous 2022 and years ahead.
Please tell all your friends and your loved ones to drop the BONE.
Bones drag us behind from reaching our God destined potential.
Drop your unbelief, it is a BONE.
Murmuring and complaining is a BONE
I will start it tomorrow or next week but will never take a step for one day is a BONE.
Procrastination is a bigger BONE.
Maybe you are disappointed by friends or a family member please drop the pain off you, it is a BONE.


Many feel guilt after this act and they feel as though they've commited a grievous offense by calling off an engagement before the actual wedding as many see it as divorce
This is why we have two rings - Engagement ring and wedding ring.
Engagement ring is not wedding ring, they are two different things.
So, it is advisable to call off a relationship heading for trouble before marriage.
This is wisdom.
Many tolerate themselves during their engagement period and eventually get married and thereafter get confused.
*I wish to see the best*


I still vividly remember that fateful night as if it was yesterday. The day i thought i was doing the right thing for the guy i loved and adored….
That fateful day was February 14th of my first year in the university, and i was a simple naive virgin who knew not that a guy could go any length just to take a woman’s most cherished treasure…….
Emmanuel and i had dated for 1 Year and 3 Months prior to that particular day, and even though i felt strongly for him, i never allowed him to go beyond kissing me, and he never bothered to go further, because according to him, he valued me more than satisfying his urge, which i really fell for, coupled with his humble nature and behaviour, without knowing that i was digging my own pit……..
On that fateful valentines day, he took me shopping, where he bought few clothes which he could afford for me, before treating me to a delicious meal in ‘Sweet Sensation’, which was one of the best fast food available in our vicinity that year…. We really spent much time there, eating, joking and taking pictures. I must confess he really spent a lot on me that fateful day, which really swept me off my feet and i equally decided to surprise him with a gift of my virginity cos i thought he deserved it… (how foolish i was)
When we got back to his hostel later in the evening, i kissed him gratefully while he held me tenderly.
“Hope you are happy?” he asked.
“Yea baby, I’m so so happy” i replied him.
Emmanuel really is a very tall and heavily built guy who was in his final year…….
He carried me up, kissed me again for a while, before gently laying me on his bed, and we stared at each other, while my eyes melted as his heavy gaze went all through my body which sent shivers down my spine……
“I’m all yours tonight, but please be gentle” i said to him, while he gave me a weird look.
“Hope you are sure about this?” he asked with an innocent look on his face.
“Yea as long as you promise to keep your word that you will never abandon me” i replied, while he smiled deeply,
“I swear with my life baby, i will never leave you as long as i’m alive” he swore.
“Then i’m all yours sweet heart” i said with a wink, while he smiled, and that was how he had his way with me.
“Please stop it’s okay” i finally pleaded as i strongly held him, while he gazed into my eyes and jerked as if something had pushed him from behind, before lying on top of me. I closed my eyes as i breathed deeply and gently pushed him away.
“I’m so sorry for hurting you” he apologised as he felt my face with his palms, while i unsuccessfully tried to fight back tears which finally dripped out of my eyes. Why was i crying? I knew not, because i gave him my body willingly and not under duress, but i guess the guilt and feeling of losing my most cherished treasure which i had swore to keep for my future husband made my cry…….
Emmanuel was very caring and comforting as he tried to appease me that night. He boiled hot water for me, made tea for me and even held me all through the night. Truthfully he really was very romantic, which equally increased the love i had for him.
Oh! he simply was an angel that night and i was deceived into believing it was all real, hmmmm who knew how he must have laughed in his mind that night!
As the whole event played back in my head, i clutched my teddy bear and cried. Even though i had gotten over our break up, i still haven’t gotten over the feeling of losing my virginity to him. How could i have known that it was just a game to him, cos he really captured my heart, stole my body and swept me off my feet with his charms…..
“Dear lord i’m now in love again please guide me” i prayed even though in my mind i knew my prayer lacked merit.
Lesson 1: How foolish i was to have given him my precious asset with the feeling that he will forever be mine if i can give him that.
Most ladies are still making this mistakes and will keep making it, don’t be on of them!


1. She can leave an exam hall to prepare lunch for you.
2. She can slice a basket of onions without shedding tears.
3. She'll apologize to you after you cheat on her.
4. She can prepare correct Joll of rice with only #500.00
5. She will fry 13 rounds of plantain without even tasting it.
6. She will not complain if you befriend her best friend.
7. When she gets her paychecks, she divides it into 2 for you both.
8. She'll buy you suya and eat the onions.
9. She can stay up to fight mosquitoes while you sleep.
.10. She can buy food stuffs with any amount and keep the balance for you.
Good morning all!


Kissing is a sensual act that expresses love, emotions and care between a man and a woman in love and this is mostly appropriate between married couples. It goes beyond and helps to express our feelings which we can not even say verbally. In short a kiss can be an expression of love, intimacy, friendship, apology depending on whom it is coming from and his or her reasoning for the kiss.
Whilst most partners express love to their partners with gifts of all kinds, some also expressed it with hugs and passionate kisses. Because no matter which kind of kissing you give or receive it makes you feel good and loved and this sparks an uncontrollable feelings.
In my article, I would like to talk about some benefits of kissing in a relationship but more in a marriage relationship.
Kissing gives stimulation of production of saliva and it is therefore good for oral health. Therefore a deeply passionate kiss from your man or woman can help keep your teeth and gums more healthy. Not to forget that we need to keep our teeth clean and fresh for our partners to feel good when the act is done.
Kissing also goes a long way to relieves us from stress. That is when you and your spouse time up well for a kiss, it acts as a powerful stress booster and also as anti aging to keep you youthful.
One thing that lowers blood pressure is kissing because lips are made up of blood vessels so when you kiss by locking lips, you turn to dilate those blood vessels. And when dilation takes place, it allows blood to flow more freely by the taking of pressure of our organs.
To cut a long story short, kissing is good for the overall health of the human heart.
So whilst you are enjoying your feelings of kissing your spouse for your best feelings you are at the same time bringing good health to both your heart and your entire body.
Kissing promotes intimacy and arouses couples sexually and it is the most powerful and most romantic type of foreplay which makes sex a more enjoyable and pleasurable experience never to be forgotten.
Therefore if you are a married individual who doesn't know how to kiss, let your spouse confidently teach you how to do it. If not, you are losing big time.
I loves you all
For counseling and prayers
Chat Rev Dr okechi on what's app


1. Cherish the man who loves his mum. He has been brought up well
2. Cherish the man who loves to read, and not just for exams. He is wise and deep
3. Cherish the man who is funny. You will never be bored
4. Cherish the man who treats strangers and the less privileged with dignity. He has a kind heart
5. Cherish the man who listens. You will be understood
6. Cherish the man whose idea of fun is constructive, not endless drinking and clubbing. He is mature
7. Cherish the man who is a family man ready for responsibility and clear about what he wants with you. Your time will not be wasted
8. Cherish the man who respects his father no matter how his dad is. He has learned true manhood
9. Cherish the man who doesn't insult his ex or your ex even if the break up was messy. He is someone who enters into love for the right reasons
10. Cherish the man who needs you. He will hold on to you
11. Cherish the man who lets you love him, who lets you see the nakedness of his weaknesses and strengths. He trusts you
12. Cherish the man who accepts correction and changes his ways if he offends you. He will make himself better to love you
13. Cherish the man who prays for you. He knows you are a gift from God
14. Cherish the man who treats other women with respect. He will show you even more respect
15. Cherish the man who loves the children you and also is a father figure to those not his. That man will have an honourable legacy
16. Cherish the man with a vision. He will challenge and build you, he knows where he is going
17. Cherish the man who has a good set of friends.You can tell the character of a man by the friends he keeps
18. Cherish the man who values intimacy above sex. He will be faithful to you
19. Cherish the man who is interested in your dreams. He cares about your future
20. Cherish the man who respects your decisions and doesn't rush you. He sees you as a life partner, not someone to dominate
21. Cherish the man who corrects you when you wrong and inspires and pushes you to do better. He sees your potential and will not rest until your potential is lived out. That man is a keeper
22. Cherish the man who has been consistent on his focus. You can depend on him
23. Cherish the man who works hard, is self motivated and is diligent even when he has little. That man is going places and one day he will make you proud
24. Cherish the man who is not intimidated by other men when they notice your beauty. He is a secure man
© Copied


1. Kiss and make out with your spouse often
2. Go to bed at the same time as much as possible, not one finding the other asleep
3. Stay faithful to your spouse
4. Have pillow talks. Intimate conversations before sleeping
5. Don't argue. Always ask yourself "Are you speaking to your spouse with a smile?"
6. Put away the phone in bed. No Facebook, WhatsApp, news or business when it's intimate time
7. Praise each other's body, character and achievements in bed
8. Sleep naked if you can. If it's too cold, wear something attractive
9. Play love songs or worship music in the bedroom to set the mood for warmth
10. Make love as often as you can. Sweat
11. Take time to pray. Take turns. Today it's his turn, tomorrow hers
12. Cuddle up. Stroke each other's skin
13. Get playful and naughty. Spank, tease, gently pinch, flirt, dance, rub your butt on him, poke her butt with your penis
14. Share the same blanket/duvet
15. Sleep holding each other. Cuddling. His hand between her breasts
16. Brush your teeth. Fresh breath makes closeness easier
17. Dim the lights. This makes your hearing and touching senses focus
18. Talk with breaks of kisses. Whisper
19. Wish each other a good night
20. Greet each other with a good morning kiss

You know Tomorrow?

A man hunted jobs for so many years but couldn't find one so he decided to become a taxi driver to at least feed himself and his poor wife.
One day, he carried a woman from the airport to a hotel and the woman forgot her purse in the man's taxi.
The taxi man found a number, called it and it was the woman that answered the phone. The woman told him where to meet her and the taxi driver met her there and gave her purse back to her with everything intact.
The woman was so happy because her international passport and return air ticket were in that purse so she was full of happiness.
Surprisingly, she was a manager in an Oil Company so she employed the taxi driver immediately. Today, that taxi driver has fleets of cars and his own personal driver.
NOW READ THIS: This story has come with a strong message but only for few people that believe and are ready to receive it, that is why "Many are called but few are chosen". I declare upon someone here that;

Pre wedding medical test for couples

1. Genotype Test
2. Blood group
3.Rh incompatibility test
4. HIV
5. Hepatitis B and C
6. STD
7. Fertility Test
8. Possible chronic genetic disorder
9. Thalassemia Test
10. Mental health assessment
Don’t just waste time on pre wedding pictures

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

8 reasons why parents are responsible for their children's waywardness :

 1.) Parent who give their children everything they ask for: _Their children will grow up thinking they have a right to whatever they want._ 

 2.) Parents who laugh when their children speak foul language against others, especially older persons: _Children grow up thinking disrespect is normal and fun_ .

 3.) Parents who do not reprimand children for bad behavior: _Their children grow up thinking that there are no rules in_ _society_ .

 4.) Parents who cover up their children's misdeeds: _Their children grow up thinking they can do and undo with impunity; that they won't have to give account of their misdeeds._ 

 5.) Parents who stop watching television because their children cry when they change channels: _Children will grow up without a sense of respect for older persons_ .

 6.) Parents who let their children listen to music that objectivizes women, encourages sex and violence? _You can't sow thorns and reap cotton, can_ _you_ ?

 7.) Parents who give their children money whenever they want: _Such kids will grow up thinking money is easy and would steal when they can't get it_ _correctly_ .

 8.) Parents who always decide everything in favour of their children, whether they are right or not: _Their children will grow up thinking that every correction is_ _persecution_ .

📢 Please post this in groups. There are many parents in various groups who do not know these things🔈🔈

Tuesday, 11 January 2022


.1 ---- Sometimes, you need to Let Go, bcoz you will Never Find the Right Person if you are still with the Wrong one
2 ----- Sometimes, Some People think You will be around Forever regardless of what they do, and that's where they mess up
3 ---- Sometimes, We need to be Hurt in order to Grow. We must lose in order to Gain. Sometimes, Life's Lessons are learned through Pain
4 ----- Sometimes, We can't ask Why. Sometimes, We will never Know Why. Sometimes, We just need to Move Forward and Stop Regretting the Past
5 ---- Sometimes, Life Gives You The Test Before You've had Time To Learn the Lesson
6 ---- Sometimes, We just don't Appreciate Those People Who Really Care for us until They Leave Us or Until We Lose Them.


Please, this message is only for the wise women and men who don't want to suffer at the end.
Considering the level of imbalances in some homes nowadays,
Operating polygamy is preferable to monogamous relationship.
I know that some women and men, who always see it as problem because of the initial challenges/problems would disagree with me; and possibly react but I'm speaking from experience.
How many of us are not hearing words like:
"I can't kill myself because of a man,
"Do you want me to cut my head to satisfy you,
"Is it food, what is your problem?,
"Afteron, you will end it up in marrying another person (with all my efforts.),etc.
✓It means, women see it as PUNISHMENT from men when we propose or achieve marrying another wife.
Please men,if we are capable financially,healthwisely and spiritually;
1.Let us do the right thing by marrying more than one LEGALLY
2.Stop breaking the hearts of the women by making promises you cannot fulfil (or making move when they failed to give you the expected satisfaction;lawfully or unlawfully)
3.Stop cheating on them by taking Short-cut to satisfy yourself outside (as youcmay cause another problem for your family)
4.Stop putting your life at risk being a womanizer outside.
5.Stop causing death for yourselves at young ages.
Please,stop breaking women's heart,
✓"PLEASE,TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS AS ALLOWED BY ALMIGHTY GOD- TO MARRY MORE THAN ONE,IF YOU CAN(instead of pretending and causing untimely death or bringing problems physically or spiritually)"
Goodwill msg from ALLAHU-RAHMON.


Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy].
But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.
All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has made to light upon Him the guilt and iniquity of us all.
(Isaiah 53:4-6).
What can wash away my stain ?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus !
What can make me whole again ?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus !
Oh, precious is the flow,
That makes me white as snow !
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus !
For my cleansing this I see —
Nothing but the blood of Jesus !
For my pardon this my plea —
Nothing but the blood of Jesus !
Nothing can for sin atone —
Nothing but the blood of Jesus !
Naught of good that I have done —
Nothing but the blood of Jesus !
This is all my hope and peace —
Nothing but the blood of Jesus !
This is all my righteousness —
Nothing but the blood of Jesus !
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your steadfast love; according to the multitude of Your tender mercy and loving-kindness blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly [and repeatedly] from my iniquity and guilt and cleanse me and make me wholly pure from my sin! For I am conscious of my transgressions and I acknowledge them; my sin is ever before me.
Against You, You only, have I sinned and done that which is evil in Your sight, so that You are justified in Your sentence and faultless in Your judgment. Behold, I was brought forth in [a state of] iniquity; my mother was sinful who conceived me [and I too am sinful]. Behold, You desire truth in the inner being; make me therefore to know wisdom in my inmost heart.
Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean [ceremonially]; wash me, and I shall [in reality] be whiter than snow. Make me to hear joy and gladness and be satisfied; let the bones which You have broken rejoice. Hide Your face from my sins and blot out all my guilt and iniquities.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me. Cast me not away from Your presence and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit. AMEN IN JESUS NAME.
Psalm 51:1-12


I am writing to you in order to make someone understand that it's good to appreciate our partners despite their flaws.
I am 32 years of age.
My ex husband and I dated for 6 years.
We where best of friends.
I waited until he completed college and started work.
My family and his family then met.
We got married and had a son. (7 years old now).
My husband was short tempered at times but our problems started when I wanted to make him feel he couldn't control me.
Every time we argued, I would pack my bags, go to my family and explain.
My sisters would phone my husband and shout at him.
If he was controlling me I would always dare him that if he wished, he could divorce me.
I never wanted divorce.
I just had pride and I never wanted to look like a loose woman in his eyes.
One day I pushed him so hard that for the first time he beat me and locked me outside.
I went to my family, my family took him to the police, every time I looked like I was being abused!
But to be honest, I used to abuse my husband emotionally.
He was arrested and detained.
I was asked by his family to withdraw the case.
I felt that what I was doing was wrong.
My husband was never a violent man, he did what he did because I pushed him to the wall of which he openly knelt down and apologized.
I withdrew the charge, and we reconciled.
After three months, I packed my bags after a small issue and he remained alone.
After two days, I
received a call that he was in the hospital.
My family told me that I shouldn't go there because it would look like I was begging him and my sisters believed he was feigning the illness.
All this time, people felt sorry for me like I was the one being abused.
He spent a week in the hospital, after he came out, I just received a divorce summon.
I wanted to say no to divorce, but because I felt this pride, I wanted him to change his mind and beg me.
I called him and said he would get the divorce because I lived like I was in hell.
When we went to court, I wanted to make him pay, so I told the court that I needed his properties to be shared.
To my surprise he openly told the court that whatever he and I acquired together should be given to me, all he wanted was divorce.
We were divorced in 2009 July.
Now, my husband is married, whilst l am here wasted!
My family members are gossiping about me.
I depend on what my ex husband gives to my son for survival.
I know I wasted my
I am here telling all wives that they should be careful how they get advise.
Don't be cheated, don't entertain family interference in your marriage my dear reader.
Even my young sisters are much more respected than me.
Those who encouraged me to get divorced are always teasing and bad mouthing me.
Please ladies, be vigilant in your marriage.
Thought it wise to share my story to save your marriage.
There is no benefit in pride for nothing.


A marriage cannot survive on love alone. You need money, accommodation and maturity. It is only animals that have children and then look for how to feed them. As a human being, you are supposed to prepare and marry, not marry and prepare. Love is good. But love does not pay the bills. And where the bills are not paid, love begins to fade, gradually, until it turns to something you do not recognise. You see, there is a thin line between love and hate. That is when you will greet your wife good morning, and she will ask you ‘what is good about the morning

Before Getting Married.

1. No matter how posh your spouse is, just remember that one day they'll use the toilet and may not remember to flush it well. 😠Yes you'll see his/her faeces. Does that sound nice?

2. As much as you both will smell nice to occasions with glamourous apparels, sometimes you'd wake up to their bad breaths and body odour! They won't always smell nice!

3. Your wife during dating wore her best panties. That's for those who engaged in sex before marriage. In marriage, you might see more of torn panties, and shame won't even catch her sef. Be ready, that your hubby who changed boxer everyday during dating days might be wearing one for a week in marriage. 😂😂

4. For men with blown egos, one day your wife will challenge you, beat her hand to her chest, and you won't do anything. Lol. Ntor!

5. Some days you'd fight with your spouse all through the day, but you'll be forced to apologise even when you're not at fault because you'll be horny at night and can't just hold it. Konji will humble your ego.

6. Your seraphic and sanctimonious spouse who you hardly saw any fault in, after honeymoon might be the most annoying thing ever. Lol. E dey clear for eyes sometimes.

7. As a man who's all passionate about sex now, you can't wait to marry. A time will come in marriage, she'd walk around naked and your d!ck won't even erect. “Young woman abeg let me rest I'm tired..” 😭😭😭

8. Your wife will provoke you and you'd reject food, thinking she'd beg, and she'd just walk away and go to bed. Las las, you'll hide and go and eat. That's what we call trimming your ego. *Holds laugh*

9. Your spouse might love you, but you'll have to deal with the reality that there might be one of your siblings they won't really like sha.

10. There might be times you'll wake up and feel like, “how did I even marry this person”. You'll feel like you just want to be left alone, not because they necessarily did anything wrong o. But guess what? No exit door. 😂😂

11. Just Be ready, because what used to trip you about your spouse might wane with time. Marriage comes with a lot of rediscovery and plethora of phases.

12. When you have kids, sometimes you'll just be tired. You'll feel like taking a break from parenting. As in, you'll just want to throw them into the dustbin. But no escape for you. They are products of una two orgasm. Your cross. 😂😂

Sorry o, I forgot, you'll be feeling your spouse is the most amazing person in the world till you meet someone else who is 200% better than them. Marriage isn't about having the best, but building your best.

Are you still sure you want to marry? 😂😂
I just said make I tell una sha.

Marry your friend

8 reasons why parents are responsible for their children's waywardness :

 1.) Parent who give their children everything they ask for: _Their children will grow up thinking they have a right to whatever they want._ 

 2.) Parents who laugh when their children speak foul language against others, especially older persons: _Children grow up thinking disrespect is normal and fun_ .

 3.) Parents who do not reprimand children for bad behavior: _Their children grow up thinking that there are no rules in_ _society_ .

 4.) Parents who cover up their children's misdeeds: _Their children grow up thinking they can do and undo with impunity; that they won't have to give account of their misdeeds._ 

 5.) Parents who stop watching television because their children cry when they change channels: _Children will grow up without a sense of respect for older persons_ .

 6.) Parents who let their children listen to music that objectivizes women, encourages sex and violence? _You can't sow thorns and reap cotton, can_ _you_ ?

 7.) Parents who give their children money whenever they want: _Such kids will grow up thinking money is easy and would steal when they can't get it_ _correctly_ .

 8.) Parents who always decide everything in favour of their children, whether they are right or not: _Their children will grow up thinking that every correction is_ _persecution_ .

📢 Please post this in groups. There are many parents in various groups who do not know these things🔈🔈

Monday, 10 January 2022

*"AMAZING STORY. ABOUT DEATH.*===================

*A man had a dream, in that dream he saw a lion which was chasing him. The man ran to a tree, climbed it and sat on one of the branches. He looked down and saw that the lion was still there waiting for him.*
*The man then looked to his side where the branch he sat on was attached to the main tree and saw that two rats were circling around and eating the branch.*
*One rat was black and the other one was white. He observed that very soon the branch will fall on the ground; the man then looked below again with fear and discovered that a big black snake had come and settled directly under him. The snake opened its mouth right under the man so that he will fall into it.*
*The man then looked up to see if there was anything he could hold on to for him not to fall down. He then saw another branch with a honeycomb. Drops of honey were falling from it.*
*The man wanted to taste one of the drops. So, he pulls out his tongue to taste one of the falling drops of honey, he observed that the honey was amazing in taste,. so he wanted to have more tastes and as a result, he got lost into the sweetness of the honey. He had forgotten about the two rats eating his branch away, the lion on the ground and the snake that was lying right under him.*
*Suddenly when the branch broke he remembered all the dangers and woke up from his sleep. Since this was a unique dream, the man went to a man of God to know the meaning of his Dream.*
*The man of God, after prayer and meditation said, "The lion you saw is your Death. It always chases you and goes where ever you go.*
*The two rats, one black and one white, are the night and the day. Black one is the night and the white one is the day.*
*They circle around, coming one after another, to eat your time as they take you closer to Death.*
*The big black snake with a dark mouth is your Grave. It's there, just waiting for you to fall into it.*
*The honeycomb is this world and the sweet drops of honey are the luxuries of this World.*
*We like to taste a little of the luxuries of this world and it's very sweet. Then we want to taste little more and then more. Meanwhile, we get lost into it and forget about our time, we forget about our Death and we forget about our Grave. Beloved, this is a clarion call to preach the gospel before it's too late, time waits for no man. You only have this second, but not this minute, not to talk of this day. How are you sure that tomorrow is yours? What excuse would you give not to preach the Gospel? Time is not on your side, that is no longer tenable. Tell the world that the end time is near. If you can't go to the streets to preach, then use this medium, use your data for the gospel and not on irrelevant issues. Jesus said "if you are ashamed of me before men, I will be ashamed of you before my father in heaven and vise versa"*.
Please send this to as many as you can, as a measure of awakening somebody from slumber, for the next minute may be too late.


Things changed in your marriage when you prayed...
"Lord, keep me from turning my spouse into an idol. In as much as I love my spouse, You are my God, You come first.
Lord, teach me to see my spouse the way You do. Keep me from holding on to prejudice, fixed notions and stereotypes against my spouse.
Lord, before I see the speck in my spouse's eye, let me see the log in mine. As I notice the flaws in my spouse, let me see the flaws in me.
Lord, thank You for the thorn in my flesh, my weaknesses, the areas where I struggle that remind me that just like my spouse, I too need grace. Keep me humble.
Lord, help me to grow in the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self control. Only then will I love my spouse right.
Lord, keep me from grumbling and complaining. Teach me to be thankful for the work You are doing in my spouse. You who started a good work will be faithful to complete it. I will not fight the testimony You are shaping in my spouse.
Lord, remind me that ministry begins at home. Before I go out there to be a blessing to others, let me be a blessing first to my spouse and children.
Lord, You gave us our children to be stewards of them. Let us not expose them to trauma. It will be a shame if they grow witnessing us two in bad terms.
Lord, Your word says 'Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God'. I am Your child. Let my spouse find me peaceful and easy to resolve conflicts with.
Lord, marriages are perishing due to lack of knowledge. Fill my spouse and I with wisdom that we may know how to navigate such a blessed union.
Lord, we reject the notion that marriage is a scam. Our marriage will flourish and have Your image oh Lord. You are a real God, not a scam.
Lord, give unity to my spouse and I. Where there is unity, You command Your blessings. Command Your blessings in our marriage.
Lord, if there is any scheme in the spiritual realm against my spouse or I, I break it in the name of Jesus. We wrestle not against flesh and blood. My spouse and I will not be tormented or frustrated.
Lord, do not change my spouse to how I want my spouse to change; mould my spouse to how You please. I will not dictate how and when You move in my spouse.
Lord, let my spouse see You in me. Increase in me as I decrease.
Lord, we break any generational patterns and strongholds from our lineage. We will not export into our marriage distortions from our parents, grand parents, ancestors and relatives. Any dysfunction in our family tree it ends with us.
Lord, reveal to me the challenges that my spouse goes through and use me as a vessel to guide to solutions. Keep me from reacting to the symptoms, help me to see the root cause.
Lord, give me discernment. I will not steer my marriage with my insecurities, fear, gossip, outside opinions or what is in fashion. Let us be sensitive to Your spirit.
Lord, teach me to satisfy my spouse sexually. Great intimacy is our portion. We will not struggle to be faithful, we will enjoy giving and receiving pleasure.
Lord, activate our power to create wealth. Bless the work of our hands, financial wealth will flow in our home and we will be a blessing to Your Kingdom and Your purpose.
Lord, keep us from grieving the Holy Spirit. May we accept Help from You oh Helper; knowing that in the end, we will give an account to You"
REV DR OKECHI ON WHAT'S APP +2347065115221


The sincerity of a *husband* is known during the sickness of his wife. That of a *wife* is known during the financial difficulty of the husband. True love of *children* is known during the old age of the parents.
The true nature of *siblings* is known during distribution of inheritance.
The *sincerity* of friends is known during hard times.
The *true relatives* are known when one is far from his country, lonely or sick.
*True love* is known when there is no means of benefit & a *true believer* is known during times of hardship.
In all, life is the teacher itself*. May we grow in wisdom, understanding and patience.
1. *Be* careful so you don't *hate* a *lovely* *person* , because of a *dirty rumour* you heard about them which was created out of *jealousy* and *envy* .
2. *Try* to *appreciate* those who *gossip* about *you* . It's not easy for *someone* to *leave* their *problems* and *carry* yours on their *head* .
3. *Forgive* _betrayals_ but be *careful* with *them* ,because next time they may not *spare* your *life* .
4. *Even* if you kill *yourself* for some *people*, they will still *complain* that you didn't *die* in a *proper* way. Do your *best* and *leave* the *rest* , you can't *satisfy* _human being_ .
5. *If* you are always *worried* about what *others* are saying about *you* , you will *never* be *happy*.
6. *When* your _blessings_ are getting *closer* , your *attacks* become *greater*. Don't look at the *storm*, *God* is the controller of all things he created, and is by your *side*, you're a victor.
7. Everybody can not *love* you, don't *lose* your *peace* over those who *hate* you.
Those who *convinced* people to hate you can not *convince God* to *hate* you.
8. Stay connected to God always.
Have confidence in God for with God all things are possible.

No two persons are created the same, even identical twins.

No two persons are created the same, even identical twins. Our relationship with God goes a long way in guiding our decision to marriage.
You cannot judge with your physical eyes in determining who's your spouse to be. You need spiritual intervention and guidance from the Almighty God, who will instruct your mind and expose inherent dangers you cannot identify with human knowledge.
All that glitters is not gold. Ladies, don't think that because a guy is riding on flashy car and dresses fine, he's the best for you.
There's nothing wrong with having guys with such endowment and attributes, but the question is, is he meant for you. Pray to marry your own man and not that meant for someone else.
Likewise men, the physical beauty of a woman or her financial position should not be the reason to marry her. She can possess all these but yet will not bring you happiness.
Marriage is not a sprint race but a marathon that you must be prepared for a very long distant race.
I encourage those of us already in it to make the best out of it.


See, if you have no money to do the three types of wedding, just say so, pray about it and let God bless you instead of hiding behind "Traditional marriage is the best...", "Our fore fathers didn't do church wedding and have no problem..." bla...bla...bla...! What about those whose fore fathers and ancestors did church wedding and have no problem? Go and sit down!
Traditional marriage is basically to pay the bride price, both families to get to know each other and do what custom and tradition expect you to do. (Christians should avoid anything idolatry).
Church wedding is to get God's blessings on a holy ground with brethren as witnesses.
Court wedding! Now, let's talk!
Unless you want to remain in your country for life and have no dream of travelling out at least to enjoy some life with your partner (not everyone travels to USA to wash plate at McDonald's), you must do that court wedding!
As a lady who wants to change her maiden name to married name, the bank needs your court wedding certificate to do that. You hear? The newspaper needs your court wedding certificate. There are some businesses you can't properly transact if your bank details do not bear your current name.
You can't get some jobs too!
The name on your NIN must tally with all your official names especially the one at the bank. This apply more to ladies so ladies, you better drag that guy down to court and do the needful before you start singing a new song few years after marriage!
God will bless you ooo!
Your husband will acquire properties. You will build business conglomerates, you will be known around the world!
Stay safe and get your official name boldly printed and approved by the government of the land on a certified sheet of paper, you hear?
Ladies, you hear?
Thank you!

*SEX is sweet but* **poisonous when practiced wrongly*

A man who can control his sexual urge is a man who can live many years on earth. Men don't be your destiny destroyer; be careful.
1. A real Man has only one Woman in his life.
2. Do not obey your Erection at all times. Most Erections mislead you to wrong direction. Control your erection if you don't want to have few days on earth with much poverty on you.
3. Don't date a lady because she has sexy curves, boobs and shapes. Those things are just deceptive avoid such, don't fall for what is called the irony of social media.
4. It is not everything you see under skirt that you should hustle to eat, some skirts contain snakes that will bite you and leave you uncomfortable. Control your sexual urge. Self control and abstinence in most cases pays a lot.
5. Marrying a woman doesn't mean she's your property. Treat her with respect. Make her your queen, love, honor and give her reasons to treat you the same.
6. Having many girlfriends doesn't make you a man. It only makes you a womanizer, a cheat, sinner and a boy.
7. For the fact that you are good in bed doesn't make you a man. A real Man is the man who does not run from his responsibility but faces it squarely.
8. Respect any lady that loves you. Yes, it is not easy for a lady to throw her love on you and support your future.
9. The world celebrates successful men. Nobody will celebrate you for having many girlfriends. Therefore what is the benefit? Waste of energy, money and waste of Sperm.
Remember, being honest, loyal and faithful that's the TRADEMARK of a REAL MAN.


A father’s influence goes to the fourth generation after him. Whitney Houston’s parents Emily (Cissy) and John Houston divorced when she was at kindergarten. Together with lover, Bobby Brown, Whitney smoked crack in the presence of their 5 year old daughter, Bobbi Kristina. At 22, Bobbi died of drug abuse…her mother Whitney died at 48 on similar grounds. Great careers and more importantly, great lives are lost due to weak fatherhood.
While there is little you can do about your ancestors, there is something that you can do about your descendants. One thing that prevents a man from being a good father is that he hasn’t completed being a boy. To be in your children’s’ memory tomorrow, you have to be in their lives’ today. Having children doesn’t make you a father. Raising them does.
There are many of us who were raised up in unstable families but we don’t have to pass it on to our children. We don’t have to fight in the presence of our children. We can choose to shield their emotions from our disputes as adults. To a large extent, you are a product of your early relationships
Unstable parents create insecure children. Stable parents raise stable children. Children need affection (hugs,), attention (listening) and affirmation (positive words), every day. When a man loves his wife, it creates security and stability. The best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother. Children learn how to handle feelings, loses, failure and conflicts at home.
Regrettably, parenting can neither be delegated nor suspended for a while as we work for the ring of fame and fortune. The growth of children is irreversible. Like a young tree, it takes the bends directed by the gardener, so is the life of a child. You can’t shape it in adulthood; you can’t pick it from where you left after you reach the top in your career pursuits. It’s always easier to model young boys than to rehabilitate grown up men.
If you invest in your child, you don’t have to invest for your child. Children require presence not presents. No amount of gifts and meeting financial obligations can replace your personal presence. Any written will can be torn in a few years after the demise of the writer of the will. The only sure inheritance that you can leave behind is the investment you make in your child not for your child.


1. Remember that romance is not the husband's responsibility alone.
2. Compliment your husband when he is well-dressed and smells good.
3. Touch your husband's thigh when he is driving or seated next to you when you want to tell him something.
4. Flirt with him over the phone.
5. Play with his fingers when you two are having pillow talks.
6. Cuddle with him and place his head on your bosom when you two are in bed.
7. Place your hand on his arm as a Queen who knows her position.
8. Dress up for his visual stimulation, especially in the bedroom.
9. Dance for him and tease him.
10. Tell him all the passionate things you want to do to him.
11. Praise his sexual performance and the things he does that give you pleasure. Tell him how he drives you crazy.
(Hmmm very notable)
12. Take him out on dates, don't always wait for him to plan things.
13. Kiss him, not just on the lips but also his cheeks, his forehead, his fingers.
14. Offer to serve him with a smile and take care of him.
15. Call him special names "My King", "Darling", "Honey", "Treasure of my heart", "My Happiness".
16. Be confident in being yourself, do great things as an individual. It excites him when he is proud of you.
17. Talk highly about him in public, encourage him in private when he is down.
18. Find out his favourite sex position and do it to him often.
(Very important)
19. Help him to put on and remove his clothes, his tie, his coat.
20. Rally the children in appreciating him, make him feel valued at home regardless of his financial status.
21. Buy him gifts that he will like.
22. Prepare his favourite meal or ask him what he would like to eat.
23. Tell him you love him. Men love to be affirmed too. Tell him also what you love about him.
24. Ask him how his day has been, be caring wife.
25. Make sexual moves on him, don't just lay there waiting for him to do all the work. (mmmmm)
26. Pray God should bless him, not because you think he is the devil or the problem in your marriage. Prayerful women are romantic.
27. Attend to his needs without him asking such as making him a cup of tea/coffee when he is working.
Just because you have spent years together doesn't mean you stop making him feel special. You were attractive and made him feel valued and that is why he pursued you to get you, stay attractive and valuing him to keep him; as you do so, he will long for your presence and give you his best. The woman who loves her husband, builds her home.
May God help you that is reading this to be a responsible wife.

My Two Stories

I want to share two old stories with you, and see how you would choose !

" *Story* *One*"
A certain company has a tradition of holding a party and a lottery every Christmas Eve.
The rules of the lottery draw are as follows: each employee pays ten dollars as a fund. There are three hundred people in the company. In other words, a total of three thousand dollars can be raised. The winner takes all the money home.
On the day of the lottery draw, the office was filled with a lively atmosphere. Everyone wrote their names on a slip of paper and put them in the lottery box.
However, a young man by name Karl, hesitated when he wrote. Because he thought that the company's cleaner has a frail and sickly son who was going to have an operation recently, but she did not have the money to pay for the operation. This made her very troubled.
So, even though he knew that the chance of winning was slim, with only a three percent chance, Karl wrote the name of the cleaner on the note.
The tense moment came. The boss stirred the slips in the lottery box, and finally drew out a note. Karl also kept praying in his heart: I hope the Cleaner can win the prize...Then the boss carefully announced the winner’s name. A miracle has happened!
The winner turned out to be the Cleaner! Cheers broke out in the office, and the Cleaner hurriedly came to the stage to accept the award. She burst into tears and said movedly: I am so lucky! With this money, my son has hope to live !
As the party was in progress, while thinking about this "Christmas miracle", Karl paced to the lottery box. He took out another piece of paper and opened it casually. The name on it was also the name of the Cleaner ! Karl was sincerely surprised. He took out several pieces of the slip of papers one after another. Although the handwriting on them were different, the names were all the same. All of them were the names of the Cleaner ! Then Karl's eyes were red with tears of joy. He clearly understood that there is a Christmas miracle in the world, but the miracle will not fall from the sky. People are required to create it by themselves!

" *Story* *Two* "
One afternoon, I went for a walk with a friend in the suburbs. Suddenly, an old man in tattered clothes approached with a bag of green vegetables in his hand. The sales of those vegetables are very poor, the leaves were dehydrated and yellow, and there were holes in them that are bitten by insects. But my friend bought three bags without saying a word. The old man embarrassedly explained: "I grew this vegetable myself. It rained a while ago, and the vegetable were soaked. They look ugly. I'm sorry.
After the old man left, I asked my friend: Will you really eat these vegetables when you go home?
He said no. These vegetables can no longer be eaten.
Then why are you buying?
Because it is impossible for anyone to buy those vegetables. If I don't buy it, the old man will probably have no income.
I admire my friend's good deeds, so I caught up with the old man and bought some vegetables from him too. The old man said very happily, "I been trying to sell them all day, and only you are willing to buy it. Thank you so much. You have put food on the table for me and my family.
Several handfuls of green vegetables that I can't eat at all taught me a valuable lesson. When l heard the old man, I was almost move to tears.
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
When we are in a low ebb, we all hope that miracles will happen to us; but when we are capable, are we willing to be the one who creates miracles for others ?
When reading this article, everyone has two choices: 
1) You can spread it, spread some positive messages, and make the world know more love.
2) You can also ignore it at all, as if you never saw it.
However, your little sharing action may illuminate the destiny of countless people and inspire them to show a little more kindness.
*Wishing you happiness always*