Wednesday, 26 March 2025

Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

Six Leadership Principles that we can learn from an Eagle

1. Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes.
They don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds.

MEANING; Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company.

2. Eagles have an Accurate Vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.

MEANING; Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed.

3. Eagles do not Eat Dead things. They Feed only on Fresh Prey.

MEANING; Do not rely on your past success, keep looking for new frontiers to conquer. Leave your past where it belongs, in the past.

4. Eagles Love the Storm.
When clouds gather, the eagle gets excited, the eagle uses the storms wind to lift itself higher. Once it finds the wind of the storm, the eagle uses the raging storm to lift itself above the clouds. This gives the eagle an opportunity to glide and rest its wings. In the meantime, all the other birds hide in the branches and leaves of the tree.

MEANING; Face your challenges head on knowing that these will make you emerge stronger and better than you were. We can use the storms of life to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid to rise to greater heights. Achievers are not afraid of challenges, rather they relish them and use them profitably.

5. Eagles Prepare for Training;
They remove the feathers and soft grass in the nest so that the young ones get uncomfortable in preparation for flying and eventually flies/ when it becomes unbearable to stay in the nest./

MEANING; Leave your Comfort Zone, there is No Growth there.

6. When the Eagle Grows Old,
His feathers becomes weak and cannot take him as fast and as high as it should. This makes him weak and could make him die. So he retires to a place far away in the mountains. While there, he plucks out the weak feathers on his body and breaks its beaks and claws against the rocks until he is completely bare; a very bloody and painful process. Then he stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers, new beaks and claws and then he comes out flying higher than before.

MEANING; We occasionally need to shed off old habit no matter how difficult, things that burden us or add no value to our lives should be let go of.


EYA Oliver Uchenna®️



1. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO LIVE AFTER WEDDING? Compulsory! So the guy won't drag you back to his father's house or squat with a friend. Discuss the type of apartment: a room,  room and parlour,  a mini flat,  2 bedroom flat,  3 bedroom,  duplex,  complex,  whatever,  talk,  thoroughly. Don't forget to discuss how rent will be paid. If he has built his house and you are moving in,  excellent.

2. WILL YOU HAVE BABIES IMMEDIATELY OR YOU WILL WAIT? Discuss thoroughly. If you will wait,  find out the best family planning method that will suit your body. Not all injections and pills are suitable for you. Withdrawal is not advisable for first time sex on honeymoon likewise cond0m. First sex should be done with abandon and also get used to each other's bodies especially as virgins. Singles who are sexually active right now are digging their marital grave. If you are already having sex like mad and taking family planning pills as a single lady,  it is a big shame and a disgrace to womanhood. Marry with dignity. Save sex till your wedding night.

Who will pay the rent,  take care of bills and groceries? Is it the man? The woman or both of you? At how many percentage if it is a joint responsibility? 50/50? 80/20? 60/40? Discuss.

4. WILL ANY FAMILY MEMBER LIVE WITH YOU AFTER WEDDING? Discuss. Who and who will live with you? Why? For how long?  Can you cope having a family live with you immediately after honey moon? Can your type of accommodation allow such? It is not advisable for the opposite sex sibling to live with you after honey moon in a room apartment. It is more dangerous if it is the wife's very mature younger sister. Use your head!

5. WILL YOUR WIFE WORK OR STAY AT HOME AS A FULL TIME HOUSE WIFE? Discuss. It is not good for anyone to stay idle. Eve was idle when the serpent came to deceive her!  Many local gossips and over talkative,  quarrelsome women are idle. If she can't go to work,  she can do business from home and make some money for herself.

6. WHAT IS YOUR VISION? This should be the number one on the list. Very important. If she wants to be a world renowned neuro surgeon and you want her to assist you in your full time ministry. You are looking for serious trouble. Your vision should tally. Don't make the same mistake some great men of God made, talk!

7. WHAT ARE YOUR YEARLY GOALS? You should set goals every year and work towards achieving them. What are your yearly goals for the next five years? Discuss.


9. WHICH CHURCH WILL YOU BE ATTENDING AFTER WEDDING? The guy's church,  yours or another denomination entirely? Thoroughly discuss and come to an agreement.

10. WHO ARE YOU? Empty yourself. Your family background,  past mistakes,  bodily defects,  etc so somebody won't die of shock in marriage when certain revelations begin to swim in in torrents. Many never recover from the shock! Some divorce from honey moon and never reconnect for life!

So,  there you go! 

There are more important things to discuss but these are the major ones time permit me to share.
Keep following DeRemedist

Friday, 21 March 2025

Addicted to masturbation

I struggled with addiction to m@$turbuti*n for eight(8) years and here are 10 things I've learned from such experience: 🥹👇

1.  True freedom is not a wish, but a contention. You don't beg for freedom you fight for it.

2. The biggest enemy of productivity is addiction. You will keep beating around same cycle every year💔😞

3. Daily routines are underrated. Addiction is closely tied to how you spend your day.

4. The biggest enemy of freedom is fear. You can’t fight what you’re still afraid of.

5. M@$turbation is just a symptom. The root cause is a wrong mindset.

6. Guilt is not an advantage. That you’re feeling remorse does not qualify for your deliverance.

7. Addiction has a lot to do with your mood. Watch when you’re happy, sad or angry. These moments often trigger the cycle.

8. The thin line between slavery and freedom is knowledge. What you know and believe matters a lot. 

9. Consistency is overrated. Being more intentional gives you higher chances of victory than just consistency.

10. Healing is Possible but Most times your healing comes in disguise. 😕

To everyone desiring freedom from this slave master called addiction, may the lord heal you!!🙏🥺

You’ll win!💪

OC Godstime

Thursday, 20 March 2025



One of the ways your marriage will not add to the rate of divorce in our world today is for you to marry your mate and if you are married already, make your spouse your mate!
You see that statement of ' Am I your mate?' does not apply in marriage. You must marry your mate. I will like to talk on seven dimensions you and the person you want to marry or you have married must be mate.

1. #MARRY_YOUR_SPEAKING_MATE: Marry someone you can speak together and understand each other. Communication is very crucial in marriage. Don't marry someone that, when you are saying 'A' he or she will be saying ' Z' Once their is dichotomy in your speaking and understanding level, you can't enjoy that marriage. So many men go to bar to hang out with friends and gist till 11pm because they know their wives can't engage in any meaningful intellectual discussion. So many women too prefer to hang out with their friends, because they know their husbands mentality when it comes to vital issues and discussions is very low. Marry your speaking Mate.

By this I mean, marry someone you can learn together and improve together. Don't marry ' Mr Know all' or 'Miss Know all'. Don't marry someone who is rigid and not open to new ideas, new ways of doing things, or new innovations. Marriage is a great institution. From day one till death do you part, you will keep learning. Marry your 'school' mate; someone who is ready to learn with you.

3. #MARRY_YOUR_SPIRITUAL_MATE: Marriage is not just a social union. It is also a spiritual union. Marry someone who knows the same God you know. Don't marry someone who's believe of God is different from yours. Two can't work together except they be agreed ( Amos 3:3, Joshua 23: 11-15, 2 Corinthians 6:14-18). The spiritual controls the physical, even in marriage. Check for spiritual compatibility in that person you want to marry.

4. #MARRY_YOUR_SPENDING_MATE: Don't marry someone who is stingy. There are so many expenses to cater for in marriage. A stingy guy in courtship won't suddenly become a generous husband in marriage. Don't marry a lady that has the financial philosophy of ' My husband's money is our money, but my money is my money'. Marry someone who believes in dignity of labour , who is ready to work, not a lazy fellow who just want to be a consumer and not a contributor. Marry someone who is ready to spend and be spent for the growth and success of the family.

5. #MARRY_YOUR_SEX_MATE: Marry someone you have sexual feelings for. Sexual feeling is not a sin. It is an instinct God put in every person. Sex plays a major role in the success of any marriage. Any man you don't have emotional feelings for, don't marry the person. If you don't have emotional feelings for that lady, leave her alone. A spiritual being is also a sexual being. No matter how spiritual you both may be in your marriage, you won't be praying for 24 hours in a day. You won't be reading the Bible or worshipping God 24/7. You will have sex! You will romance! You will flirt with each other! You will make babies. So, marry someone you can connect with sexually. It will help you to enjoy your marriage so much!

6. #MARRY_YOUR_SOCIAL_MATE: Don't marry someone you won't be proud to go out with. Don't marry someone you will be feeling shy to introduce to people with boldness. Marry someone you are comfortable to hang out with. Marry someone you are socially compatible with. Don't marry an anti- social person.
You might be wondering if your can find all the 'mates' in one person. Yes! The answer is YES! You don't need to marry 6 guys/ladies to have all these mates. One person can be all that for you. If you also work on yourself and build your life, you can be all that for the guy/lady that will marry you.
The promise of God for you is this : 'Seek and read from the book of the LORD: Not one of these shall be missing; none shall be without her mate. For the mouth of the LORD has commanded, and his Spirit has gathered them.' (Isaiah 34:16).
Say it loud and clear 'I shall not lack a mate!'
I hope this blessed someone reading?


Friday, 14 March 2025


It happened exactly 25 years ago, on 17th March 2000, in Uganda.

The story began in 1960, when a man called Paolo Kashaku claimed to have a vision of his late daughter called Evangelista, who revealed to him that he would have a vision of heaven.

In 1988, the man claimed to have seen a vision of heaven where he saw Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and St. Joseph.

Her daughter, Credonia, also claimed to have a similar vision and began a virgin cult.

In 1989 his father told him to spread the message across Uganda on the orders of the Virgin Mary. She agreed.

In the same year, 1989, Credonia met a man called Joseph Kibweteere, who also claimed to have had the vision of the Virgin Mary in 1984.

The two decided to form a religious group called the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God.

The aim of the religious sect was to spread the Virgin Mary's message concerning the apocalypse.

Within a very short time, the group grew rapidly and attracted some defrocked Catholic priests and nuns. 2 of the former priests were Paul Ikazire and Dominic Kataribabo.

Since the majority of the members were Catholics, especially devotees of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the local church tried without success to bring the group under its control.

The group lived as a community in Kanungu District, Uganda, where they had their own farm, grew what they ate, and ran their own schools.

They lived in silence and communicated mostly in sign language.

The sect grew in importance when a respected and famous priest, Dominic Kataribabo, with a PhD from a university in America, joined them.

The group held that the apocalypse will take place before the year 2000.

As 1999 was coming to an end, the activities of the group became frenzied and weird as they were getting set for the end of the world.

When January 1, 2000, came without anything happening, members were disillusioned. Many who sold their properties began to demand back their money.

The leaders of the group calmed them down and came up with another date: 17th March of the same year.

On that day they had a heavy feast where they ate and drank in preparation for the apocalypse.

Without the knowledge of the members, the leaders of the group sealed all doors and windows so that no one could escape and then set the entire building ablaze, and over 300 of them were roasted beyond recognition.

Authorities believe that the leaders escaped but have not been found to date.

Later, authorities discovered several pits within the premises with over 400 members that were kiĺled and dumped inside them.

Next Monday, 17th March 2025 will be exactly 25 years since the massacre took place.

Looking at the picture below, how on earth can anyone believe that these innocent faces are capable of committing such atrocity.

Fr. Angelo Chidi Unegbu [14th March 2025]

Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu 


*🚨5 Signs You’re Emotionally Ready for a Relationship🚨*

Have you ever wondered if you're truly ready for a relationship?

Many people rush into love without checking in on their emotional readiness—only to find themselves overwhelmed, unfulfilled, or heartbroken.

A healthy relationship isn’t just about finding the right person; it’s about being the right person. So, how do you know if you’re ready? Here are five signs that show you’re emotionally prepared for love.

1. You’re Happy on Your Own: If you rely on a relationship to make you happy, you’ll constantly feel empty when you're alone. True emotional readiness means you’re content with your own company and see a partner as a bonus, not a necessity.

2. You’ve Healed from Past Wounds: Unresolved pain from previous relationships can sabotage new ones. If you've taken the time to process past heartbreaks, learned the lessons, and let go of resentment, you're in a much healthier place to love again.

3. You Know What You Want (and What You Don’t): You no longer fall for just chemistry—you value compatibility. You understand your standards, boundaries, and deal-breakers, and you’re not afraid to walk away from situations that don’t align with them.

4. You Can Communicate and Resolve Conflicts Maturely: Relationships thrive on communication. If you’ve learned how to express your feelings, listen without defensiveness, and work through disagreements without shutting down or exploding, you’re on the right path.

5. You’re Ready to Give and Receive Love Fully: Love isn’t just about getting—it’s about giving too. You’re ready for a relationship when you can offer emotional support, compromise, and invest in someone else’s happiness while still maintaining your individuality.

6. You know how your growing up years have shaped you and you can recognise how a prospective partner’s growing up years have shaped them .

Love When You’re Ready, Not When You’re Lonely

A relationship won’t magically fix loneliness or insecurities—it should complement the wholeness you’ve already built within yourself. If you see these five signs in your life, congratulations! You’re in a great place to welcome real, healthy love.

For More Guidance On How To Know If You’re Emotionally Ready for a Relationship, Register for the Get Yourself Ready For Marriage 12 Weeks Group Coaching Program here:

If you have any questions, read the pinned post and go to:

©️ Modupe Ehirim


--- Get a bulb of onion and slice it in a circled form.

--- Get an empty water Can, cut it to the size of onion bulb. Fill the Can with clean water.

--- Cover the Can water with the sliced onion and ensure that the root side is touching the water.( if the root is too much you can quietly trim down the roots). Ensure that  it gets sunlight. 

--- Allow it for at least two days, you will find out that new roots are sprouting.  

---Still allow for another  9 days, within this time, the leaves will start growing, ready for transplanting. 

--- By then, you must have prepared your ground well manured to receive the transplant.

--- As you transplant, the onions will not go deep into the ground otherwise it will die. Just cover gently the roots and sliced part holding the growing leaves.

--- Allow it to grow untill about 40 days, at end of which you gently uproot the growing onions, at this crucial time, you carefully separate them one by one. Where it is hard to separate, use knife to make separation easier.

--- Then plant the separated onion one by one, after which you water.

--- Then allow to grow till about 3 months or more, during which it will be ready for harvest.

--- Remember this process is to help you get many produce from  one bulb of onion and make the onion grow bigger in size.

Nota bene: There are many other ways one can plant the onions though the result may not actually be the same.But which ever way, you will get something. Period of cultivating may also differ, but preferably between April to July.

Fr Damian Ogwatta

Thursday, 13 March 2025

The Role of Kola nut in Igbo Cosmology, Culture and Tradition.

Standing on existing protocol and the liberty to rephrase the title, I will like to caption the topic under the heading above. 

There is a long standing Igbo adage that says, “*while the Yorubas of Southwest Nigeria plant kola nut, the Hausas of Northeast/west of Nigeria eat kola nut, the Igbos of Southeast Nigeria show reverence to kola nut*”. 

This has presented kola nut not just as an edible nut for the Igbos of Southeast Nigeria, but also a natural nut with some socio-cultural connotations and philosophical implications that are entangled in Igbo cosmology. 

It is against this background that I made the post so that we will understand the place of kola nut (oji Igbo) in traditional Igbo culture, with a view to understanding the socio-cultural connotations of Kola nut in Igbo cosmology. 

As “king of fruits”, due to its presentation first in any gathering in Igboland, which specific variety is recommended for use in performing traditional Igbo opening prayers during visitations, festivals, ceremonies, new yam and ofala occasions etc given the resort to the use GWORO (oji Hausa) by our people?

What is the meaning and importance of the ritualistic invocations and blessings uttered while holding the kola nut in Igbo custom and traditional practices? 

Beyond symbolism and feminism associated with this sacred fruit, are there other utilitarian values e.g medicinal that kola nut serves in traditional Igbo society? 

What are the different varieties, colors, uses and ontologies of kola nut (such as “ọji bụ eze”, “ọnye wetere ọji, wetere ṅdụ”, etc) that exists in Igbo land?

Are there social, cultural, health, environmental, and economic abuses which the kola nut is subjected to in our milieu? 

How can we eradicate these abuses on the sacred fruit so as to guarantee it’s sustenance? 

It’s essential to acknowledge and address these forms of abuses to ensure the sustainable and respectful use of kola nuts in Igbo culture. 

From the following brief background and posers, this discourse will benefit from more information, thereby educating norms on the role and importance of kola nut in Igbo society. 

Our fore_fathers made kola nut what is known for today in Eastern region of Nigeria.Our elders so believe that much goes along with breaking of kola ,.spiritual connotations nd meanings, respect to the gods of the land, respect to the living more reason mostly eldest in every gathering are permitted to accept breaking of kola .on the contrary in other parts of the world these things surroundinng the kola nut not universal or acceptable .In igbo land today going by the generation of youths coming up with speed kola nut nd its cultural values might die a natural death where its meaning of meanings might go in extinction as against our elders who knew nd understood the cultural values of this kola .Except the government of the day wil hv to pass it into law as part of our cultural heritage nd should be observed whenever occasion demands ,the only way it can be preserved in Igbo land.

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Not the One Who Loves or Spends on Her,

Listen my son, A Woman Submits to the Man She Fears—Not the One Who Loves or Spends on Her,

You’ve been lied to. They told you that if you love a woman, spend on her, and protect her, she will respect and submit to you. But reality tells a different story.

A man who leads with love and provision alone is setting himself up for disrespect. He asks his wife for water, and she points at the dispenser, telling him she’s not his slave. Yet, when she gets to work, her boss barely coughs, and she’s rushing to make him coffee, smiling like an obedient servant.

Now here’s the irony—her husband gives her 10 TIMES the amount she makes at work. But who does she respect more? The boss.

Why? Because submission is triggered by authority, not by love or financial provision. Women don’t submit to love—they submit to power.

A woman must FEAR losing you. She must recognize that you are above her, not beside her. If she senses that you are too emotionally invested, too giving, too “understanding,” she will begin to disrespect you.

Stop thinking money and kindness will buy loyalty. Set boundaries, demand respect, and make her EARN everything. That’s how a woman stays in her place.

If she doesn’t respect you, walk away and let her chase a weaker man. But never become that weaker man.

Aklahyel Goni 

Tuesday, 25 February 2025



1. Principal's assembly. Monday's assembly to be called Principal's assembly while Friday's assembly to be named Deputy's assembly. I have seen this working well in many schools. The assemblies are conducted by TODs but Principal in conjuction with Director of Studies will give speeches concerning the academic situation of the school. The Friday's assembly is conducted by TODs but the Deputy Principal and HOD G&C will give speeches concerning the overall discipline of the school. Another name for Principal's assembly is academic assembly and another name for Deputy's assembly is discipline assembly. The Principal will be present on Friday and deputy present on Monday.
2. Organize Principal's cup. As the Principal, identify a sport that you want students to compete in. The students will have inter-class competitions e.g in Form 2 Pool 1, Form 2 White versuses Form 2 Green. In Form 2 Pool 2, Form 2 Purple versus Form 2 Blue. The winner of Form 2 Pool 1 meets with the winner of Form 2 Pool 2. The same format of competition happens in form three and form four. The form two champion class will compete with the form three champion class. Whoever wins will compete with form four champion class in the finals. The Principal will then award a trophy. It is called the Principal's cup.
3. Serve them supper. Once/twice in a month the principal can go to the dining hall, wear the apron and help the cooks to serve students supper. This is called servant leadership. The Principal is killing three birds with the same stone. He is winning the hearts of the students, non-teaching staff(cooks) and parents. Cooks will consider him as a friendly person and parents will be told by the students that the principal serves them supper. You can imagine how the parents will feel.
4. Be strict, but likable.
5. Be on the ground.
6. If available, worship with students on Sunday and if possible, pray for them after the Principal's assembly.
7. Have a Father-son/Mother-daughter relationship more than Principal-student relationship.
8. Let them know your life story e.g how you grew up, the challenges you faced and how you made it in life. 
9. Once in a term, dress in full students' uniform. This will bring you closer to the students as they will relate with you.
10. Smile when it's time to smile and get serious when it's time to be serious. Don't put a no-nonsense face from January to January because they will fear you. Remember, fear brings rebellion and rebellion can easily cause a strike.

50 years from today, students will forget everything you said but they will never forget how you made them feel. The closer you are to students, the more they love you. The more they love you, the more they respect and do what you say. The more they do what you say, the better the results of the school.

By Mr Sam VIDAMBU (0743480435).

Vidambu is a professional academic mentor with over 4,500 high schools in Kenya running his academic programs.
His Academic Mentorship Programs are about content mastery skills, content retention techniques, content delivery approaches, proper revision strategies, proven reading cultures, practical study habits, target setting, among other great topics.
He is a Trainer of Principals during KESSHA conferences and teachers.
He is the President of Global Student Mentorship Center, He is an author, and a Tutor.
To Have Vidambu launch the Candidates Academic Mentorship Programs in your school and be a Class Mentor kindly call/text/whatsapp 0743480435 (Sam Vidambu).

Kindly Forward This Article To Whatsapp Groups of the Teachers, Parents and All The Principals you know.
To Be Added To His Whatsapp Group Full of Principals and Teachers To Receive His Mentorship First Before Anyone Else Kindly Whatsapp His Number (0743480435).

You Are Blessed.

Monday, 3 February 2025

7 signs of cancer in the morning when waking up without knowing

 1 week before

Có thể là hình ảnh về 1 người và văn bản

Some early signs of cancer can manifest in the morning, as your body transitions from rest to activity. While these signs don't always point to cancer, being aware of them can help you seek medical attention early. Here are 7 signs to watch out for when waking up in the morning, which could potentially indicate a more serious underlying condition:

1. Unexplained Weight Loss What to watch for: Waking up and noticing a significant decrease in weight without any change in diet or exercise habits could be a sign of cancer, especially in cancers like pancreatic, stomach, or lung cancer. Why it matters: Rapid weight loss occurs because the body is using more energy than normal to fight the cancer, or the cancer is affecting how the body processes food. 2. Fatigue and Weakness What to watch for: Feeling unusually tired or weak when you wake up, even after a full night’s sleep, can be a sign of cancer. This tiredness may persist throughout the day and can be associated with cancers such as leukemia, colon cancer, or ovarian cancer. Why it matters: Cancer cells use up a lot of the body's energy, leaving you feeling fatigued. In some cases, the body may also have difficulty absorbing nutrients properly, leading to weakness. 3. Unexplained Pain What to watch for: Persistent, unexplained pain when you wake up, such as headaches, back pain, or joint pain, may be a symptom of cancer. For example, constant headaches could signal brain tumors, while back pain could indicate cancers of the spine or organs like the pancreas or kidneys. Why it matters: While many conditions cause pain, persistent and unexplained pain that doesn’t go away with rest could be a sign of an underlying serious issue. 4. Changes in the Skin What to watch for: Waking up to find new or changing moles, freckles, or skin discoloration could be an early warning sign of skin cancer. You might notice a mole changing in size, shape, or color, or developing an irregular border. Why it matters: Skin cancer, such as melanoma, can develop from existing moles or new growths. Early detection can improve treatment outcomes significantly. 5. Persistent Cough or Hoarseness What to watch for: A cough or hoarseness that doesn’t go away in the morning could be a sign of lung cancer, especially if it’s accompanied by blood in the mucus or difficulty breathing. Why it matters: A persistent cough that doesn't improve with time could be a sign that cancer is affecting the lungs or throat, and it's important to seek a diagnosis to rule out other possibilities. 6. Digestive Issues (Constipation, Diarrhea, or Blood in Stool) What to watch for: Waking up and feeling discomfort in your stomach or noticing changes in your bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea, blood in stool) could indicate cancers of the digestive system, such as colon cancer or stomach cancer. Why it matters: Digestive changes, especially blood in stool, should never be ignored, as they can point to gastrointestinal cancers, including colorectal cancer. 7. Difficulty Swallowing or a Sore Throat What to watch for: If you wake up feeling like you have a sore throat or difficulty swallowing that doesn’t go away, it could be a sign of esophageal, throat, or stomach cancer. Why it matters: Difficulty swallowing (also known as dysphagia) can indicate a blockage or narrowing of the esophagus, often caused by cancer.

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