Friday, 31 January 2025




1. RECONCILIATION SEX:- Sex is a most potent weapon for diluting and diffusing misunderstanding in Marriage. If you don't use SEX to settle some stubborn crisis, then you are missing out and not maximising it. In addition when you both settle a misunderstanding, the person at fault could initiate sex as a way to make up to the other who was on the receiving side of the conflict.

2. HEALING SEX:- There are some sicknesses and diseases that are cured by good Sex I mean very good Sex. Healing sex is gentle, it is full of grace and elegance. You don't rush it. No. You do it softly and it hits the bull's eye. Please Husbands, don't throw your weight on her if it's for healing, let the bed carry your weight 100%.

3. PUNISHMENT SEX:- When I counsel couples, atimes, I hear spouses say "Since he did that, I decided to punish him by depriving him of sex", or "since she refused me, I decided not to touch her again". That is as senseless as saying "since my child failed a Test, I punished him by withdrawing him from school". It's foolishness. The wise thing to do is to give your spouse more sex as punishment rather than depriving him or her. When your husband or wife misbehaves, correct them using sex. That is the best punishment. Not slapping or fighting or public disgrace. Punishment sex is very hot. 

4. MEMORABLE SEX:- This is a very special kind of sex that you organise and plan for. Every couple must be doing this once in a while. Honeymoons should be organised at least once is a quarter (once in 3 months). If you have means, do it once a month. You book a hotel for say 3-7 days and retreat to help build your marriage. A kind of Intimacy Retreat. You mustn't go to hotel if you can't afford it. Just send the kids somewhere and make it memorable. Light Candles around and put on the blue or green bulb. Use good perfume and the Angels will bear you witness.

5. QUICK SURPRISED SEX:- This is a sex that married couples should do often to build their love life. One "Quickie" is stronger than 100 Love Charms from India or Kitui. A Quickie is that very fast sex that a couple does in ODD places or in ODD position. Usually one spouse surprises the other with it. You don't take formal permission quickies. You just start it just like that. MARRIAGES WITHOUT QUICKIES HAVE QUICK PROBLEMS AND BREAK QUICK. Spouses who don't believe in surprise sex are analogue and expired. Quickies can be done in the car. Drive her to a corner and pretend as if the car didn't start. It can take place on kitchen sink or at the balcony or inside swimming pool or in garden.

6. EXERCISE SEX:- This type should happen frequently especially in the mornings. God did it that the male organ wakes up in the morning erect to greet it's Owner - the Wife. So as much as humanly possible, let every wife answer the morning greeting. God's mercies are New Every Morning. Great is His Faithfulness. Mercy and Faithfulness are co-joined twins.

7. ENCOURAGEMENT SEX:- You use this type of Sex to encourage your Spouse to do something or Not to do something. There are times he wants to do something that you think is not the best of decision, just come in the most seductive way and delay him. When he is exhausted after you have drilled him, speak softly and he will say "I didn't know that was what you were saying before, now I understand you".

8. REWARD SEX:- This is the type that you reward your spouse for achieving something unique or for exceeding expectations. Reward Sex is not just one round but extended over a period of time. Reward Sex is an open check to do whatever he or she loves. It's extra ordinary.

9. PROCREATION SEX:- This is sex you do purely for pregnancy. When you need a child, the best style is the one that gives the husband maximum penetration. Support your wife with pillow if you aren't a longman. But you must make sure it is as wet as wetness can be. Sperm needs wetness to swim inside the womb. When he releases he must remain inside there for a few minutes. Don't pull fast.

Moral lesson: we said in marriage oh, before singular people come and start commenting. 😎

Thursday, 30 January 2025



You may not understand the meaning of kissing ""tongue to tongue""  but its similar to taking oats πŸ˜ͺπŸ™†‍♀️

Sharing spit and exchanging breathe together is a strong bond πŸ’ͺ that should be well handled ✔️✔️✅️✅️

Kissing is an act that has been around for thousands of years, and it is not a behavior specific to humans alone, as mammals and  animals  have all been witnessed displaying similar behaviors..✅️

 Kissing definitely carries with it many benefits, and is probably why mother nature bestowed its gift upon us humans... 

Let’s take a look at some of the many reasons why people kiss:

Kissing is a way for 2 people to show their love for one another, and can also be between relatives or close friends.....

 When we kiss, the body produces endorphins, or happiness hormones leaving both parties in a loving relationship feeling warm, fuzzy, happy and carefree....✔️ Additionally, kissing can reduce the body’s cortisol levels, making it a miraculous remedy for stress....✅️✅️✅️

One other hormone which cannot go unmentioned is dopamine as this type of hormone is associated with the brain’s reward system.... Dopamine is produced when we encounter something we like, such as a great meal, so when we kiss someone we like, dopamine is responsible for us feeling happy, content and excited.... Moreover, research has found that dopamine levels rise incrementally until we reach a sexual climax, 🫣🫣😁  before gradually ebbing away again to be replaced by prolactin, in order to extinguish our sensual fire.😘  

(Prolactin is more prevalent in females due to its role in milk production, and it has been found that when breastfeeding,  women’s sexual desire is severely limited. In males, the hormone works alongside other sex hormones to aid sperm production.)

It has been found that when couples  kiss, gently entwining their tongues with one another, there is an increase in the production of oxytocin, which is a hormone associated with building bonds with someone special to us.... This hormone is also commonly of use to the body in other ways, such as easing the breastfeeding process and helping mothers give birth more easily...✅️✅️πŸ’―

Kissing mainly involves the use of the orbicularis oris muscle group surrounding the mouth, along with up to 33 other muscle groups utilized when kissing.. πŸ™†‍♀️

 Kissing also triggers at least 5 pairs of nerves, including the olfactory nerve, used when smelling; the trigeminal nerve, triggered by touches to the mouth, tongue, cheeks, chin and jaw; the facial nerve, used to control facial muscles, such as the lips; the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, responsible for voice control; and the hypoglossal nerve, which controls the tongue....With so much involved, it has been found that kissing for one minute can burn up to 26 calories.....πŸ™†‍♀️πŸ™†‍♀️🫣🫣🫣✔️ (To ensure that both parties are ready to kiss for any length of time, be sure to take care of your oral health.)πŸ™„πŸ™„

While it is certainly true that kissing stimulates the nerve endings and helps to produce the assorted happiness hormones previously mentioned, one of the most talked about results of kissing is the transmission of testosterone from men to women, or from men to other men.... This is because testosterone is a type of hormone found in males in large amounts as it is the main hormone involved with growth, cell repair and increased libido, meaning it is the most common hormone found in male blood or saliva. French kissing is therefore a great way to arouse both parties, and for best results in this regard, the kissing should be carried out alongside hugging and other forms of bodily contact...✅️✅️✅️πŸ₯°

Although kissing has numerous benefits, if one party is not in good health, kissing could place them at risk of contracting various health disorders, such as the common cold, hepatitis B, herpes and warts....πŸ™†‍♀️πŸ™†‍♀️πŸ™†‍♀️πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺπŸ˜ͺ

Therefore, avoid kissing if you are suffering from any of these conditions in order to maintain the health and safety of the ones you love....πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

May the Lord help us to kiss wisely in Jesus name πŸ™ πŸ™Œ ✨️ ❤️ πŸ’– πŸ’• πŸ™ πŸ™Œ ✨️

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Relationships can be complex and dynamic, but here are the common stages of a romantic relationship:

Stage 1: Infatuation (0-3 months)

1. Intense attraction and excitement
2. Getting to know each other
3. Idealization and romanticization
4. Frequent communication and dates

Stage 2: Romance (3-6 months)

1. Deepening emotional connection
2. Increased intimacy and affection
3. Shared experiences and memories
4. Feeling of being "in love"

Stage 3: Reality Check (6-12 months)

1. Seeing each other's flaws and imperfections
2. Conflict and disagreements arise
3. Communication and problem-solving skills tested
4. Relationship becomes more realistic

Stage 4: Intimacy and Trust (1-2 years)

1. Deeper emotional intimacy and connection
2. Building trust and vulnerability
3. Shared goals and values
4. Feeling of security and stability

Stage 5: Commitment (1-5 years)

1. Long-term commitment and loyalty
2. Shared responsibilities and decisions
3. Building a life together
4. Feeling of permanence

Stage 6: Growth and Evolution (5+ years)

1. Continuous growth and self-improvement
2. Adaptation to changes and challenges
3. Deepening emotional connection
4. Feeling of companionship and partnership


Tuesday, 28 January 2025


1. Not every time is time to have sex. Find out the state of your spouse first.

2. If you are a man who climaxes too quickly, study your timing to stop pumping and come out of her when you feel you are about to climax. This will delay your ejaculation.

3. Don't spend too much time doing one sexual thing whilst making love. Your spouse might get bored. Good timing is when you transition to the next sexual act after adequate exploration. For example, don't kiss for too long, don't lick for too long, don't play with the nipples for too long, don't do one sex position for too long.

4. Don’t transition to the next sexual act too quickly before your spouse even enjoys what you were doing. Don't rush the kissing, the foreplay.

5. Don't approach your spouse for love making when you know very well his/her mind is somewhere else; perhaps rushing to finish a deadline, rushing to leave for work, preoccupied with the children. Don't take offense if your spouse turns you down. It is not that your spouse doesn't want you, it's just not the right time.

6. Gentleman, as you pump inside your wife and you realize she is about to climax; that is not the time to stop or slow down. That is the time to pump harder or faster as she wants it. She is about to climax. If you mess up when almost there, it might take her a while to get there again.

7. During love making is the wrong time to talk about domestics, chores, work, responsibilities and duties. Everything else can wait, focus on pleasure.

8. Lady, when your husband is horny for you and you are in a position to give it to him, don't make him wait for too long. Strike while the iron is hot.

9. After the husband has ejaculated. Give the penis time before the next episode so that it can rejuvenate. If you rush it, it might erect but lose hardness mid-way because it hasn't adequately breathed.

10. Withdrawal method is all about timing. The man must master the precise time to come out of her when he feels the ejaculation is almost. This works best with all sexual positions besides the one where she is on top of him. When the wife is on top, the husband has less control of his penis.

11. When life gets busy, you two might have to resort to intentionally creating time for love making or else you will end up having a sexless marriage.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Quotes from Some "Wise Thinkers"

1. True evil comes from someone who was once kind.
Cesare Pavese

2. I don’t mind losing those who don’t want me, for I’ve lost those I wanted, and I’m still alive.
Karl May

3. One conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of studying books.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

4. The corruption of justice leads to the downfall of nations.
Ibn Khaldun

5. If you want to conquer anxiety and start living, count your blessings instead of your troubles.
Dale Carnegie

6. If you want to fail, try to please everyone.
Erwin Rommel

7. No one harmed me except those I knew; may God bless everyone I don’t know!
Abu Al-Alaa Al-Ma’arri

8. This world crushes justice with disgrace every single day.
Ghassan Kanafani

9. If you see the lion's fangs bared, don’t assume the lion is smiling!

10. To be honest is to be an enemy to all.
Gibran Khalil Gibran

11. The first obstacle to an individual’s development is the family.
Leo Tolstoy

12. Increased awareness intensifies pain, and most sufferers of psychological depression are intellectuals.
Adel Sadeq

13. When you respect me well and treat me with courtesy, it’s not a feather in my cap; instead, you’ll be the crown on my head!
Ibrahim El-Fiky

14. You need to have wished for death to truly value life.
Winston Churchill

15. Kindness in words creates confidence, kindness in thinking solves every difficulty, and kindness in giving creates love.
Lao Tzu

16. I know no greater sin than oppressing an innocent person in the name of religion.
Mahatma Gandhi

17. Sadness is a psychological state that allows awareness to reflect on oneself and society.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

18. Often, the words you fear to say are the ones that most need to be spoken.
George Bernard Shaw

19. Try staying away from the internet for a while, and you’ll realize you missed nothing online, but a lot outside it—like your mothers aging unnoticed!
Abdullah Al-Mughlooth

20. Life is hope; without hope, life is lost.

21. A day without laughter is a day wasted!
Charlie Chaplin

22. No one can ambush you except those who know your moves well. Don’t share your thoughts with anyone to reach your destination safely!

23. I will never respect the world as long as there’s a child with broken eyes.
Che Guevara

Especial thanks to the Writer Sir....

Keep Following....

Friday, 24 January 2025


I get lots of questions on masturbation most especially from ladies -yes, ladies masturbate a lot, especially virgins. Guys also masturbate. 

There is no debate on that. I'm not here to argue about who masturbates most, I need to deal with a serious issue. Sexual urge for virgins is strong. What makes it stronger is the novelty, newness, the mystery and the hear says about sex. 

Masturbation is fondling your genitals consistently to achieve orgasm. Ladies may stroke their clitoris while guys rub, massage or caress their penis. I decided to give explicit explanation because some ask me what masturbation is. 

Some ladies especially non-virgins use candles, banana, small bottles, sticks, dildos or whatever represents a penis and do solo sex (having sex by yourself).

From teenage upward, you will have a strong desire for sex. It's a sure sign you are normal and capable of having and enjoying sex in Marriage. In your 20s it will be stronger and intense! 

You may wake up feeling horny for no single reason in the world or go hot on spotting a curvy lady! You may start noticing shapes and curves and you have to shake your head several times to keep the image off.

 You may get worked up on watching a romantic movie and discharge something. You check up and discover you are wet. All these are normal, you haven't committed any sin.

So what then do you do when you get hot and horny? Have sex? I know you know my answer and some singles will never be caught dead sleeping around, so what do they do? 

They masturbate! They give themselves release and pleasure through solo sex while claiming virginity at metatheses time. Masturbation is completely wrong and not the way out. Let me explain:

1. Masturbation is not done in isolation. It is done with the image of someone in mind. It can be a lover, an EX, a celebrity, a married person, a crush, someone you like but incapable of having. You imagine having sex with them while masturbating. That is MENTAL FORNICATION

2. For ladies, while inserting all manner of objects, you may mistakenly deflower yourself and also introduce infection into your genitals and womb. It will be very difficult to convince your future partner that you never had sex with man except objects during your solo sex.

3. You kill your ability to enjoy sex in future. Millions of women don't enjoy sex in Marriage which leads to sexual frustration, adultery, lesbianism and feminism. 

If you are used to getting orgasm by yourself, you won't be able to get it from your husband. If you are used to objects in your private part, you won't have feelings for your husband's penis. 

You will always think of something harder, bigger, longer, larger and completely unrealistic! Women who complain their husbands' penis are too small didn't Marry as virgins. They must have been promiscuous as singles.

4. You will not have a good sex life as a man. You will experience pre-mature ejaculation and your wife won't enjoy you leading to acute sexual frustration in Marriage. 

You need self control to fully enjoy sex and give your wife maximum sexual pleasure. A woman enjoys sex when the man can go on for at least 7 minutes before ejaculating. 

Because you are used to instant release from masturbation, you may not be able to go more than a minute before exploding leaving your wife completely unsatisfied and frustrated. 

She may close up, become frigid and stop having sex altogether which may lead to you having an affair, she having an affair or both of you having an affair. 

Self control before Marriage helps you enjoy sex to the maximum. You are able to delay ejaculation, go on for a long time and have excellent orgasm while giving your wife pleasure too. That is why total virginity pays!

5. If you do not suffer premature ejaculation, you may have serious problem with delayed/ retarded ejaculation. A situation where you get erection for several hours without ejaculation or orgasm. 

What is the benefit of sex without orgasm? Rough masturbation with your hands kills your ability to feel/enjoy sex with your wife. It is hell for a woman to be under a man who thrusts in for hours unable to ejaculate. 

How will the woman get pregnant? It's the reason some women are seemingly "barren" and can't talk to anybody out of embarrassment. Thrusting hard for so long leaves the woman sore, frustrated and hating sex altogether. 

You have so much to lose sexually when you masturbate. Abstaining from this degrading act helps you feel relaxed, confident, have normal sexual intercourse and enjoy the pleasures that comes with sex IN MARRIAGE!

6. You start having sex in the dream with a known or unknown person (demonic entities other wise known as spiritual spouse).

7. You feel drained, dirty, empty, useless and powerless after each act.

8. You start getting unsatisfied and wants the real thing. You fantasize more about sex and start longing for the real act.

9. You get a warped view of the opposite sex. You see them as sexual objects and start having sex with anything in skirt or trousers -you become promiscuous.

10. You get damaged, hurt and broken.
These and more are the consequences of masturbation. 

They damage you and shatter you to pieces!  What then should you do with your sexual urge? How do you handle the constant hunger for sex?

1. Avoid all dirty pictures, pornography videos, pictures and hot, romantic movies -they are powerful sexual triggers!

2. Avoid friends who say dirty, lewd and obscene things. Stop all sexy banters with friends and say only things that are pure, holy, needful and helpful.

3. Get busy with your life, education and career, there is more to life than sex.

4. Transmute your sexual energy: Channel your sexual energy into something great. 

5.Avoid pornography and romantic movies.
Masturbation is wrong, bad, demonic, destructive and sinful. Avoid it and end it with speed if you are deeply involved in it. God bless you.

6. Balance your life with the word of God and prayer.

©️ Mrs. Seun Oladele 

πŸ“Έ)): Deborah Joseph 

#sirgods πŸ‘‘

Monday, 20 January 2025


A Book written by Robert Greene that offers a Series of Strategies for Obtaining and Maintaining Power in various situations. Here I leave you a summary of the 48 Laws:

1. Don't Outshine the Boss: Make your Superiors feel Superior. Don't expose your Talent too much or you might Trigger their Insecurity.

2.Don't Trust friends too much, use your Enemies: Friends Betray you more easily, but if you Manage to WIN an Enemy, they will be more Loyal.

3. Hide your Intentions: Keep People Off Balance so they can't anticipate your Actions.

4. Always say Less than Necessary: Silence Breeds Power, and Talking too much Reveals your Plans.

5. Protect your Reputation at all Costs: Reputation is the Cornerstone of Power.

6. Call Attention at all Costs: Be Visible to be Relevant.

7. Make others Work for you and Attribute it: Take Advantage of the Work and Effort of others to your Advantage.

8. Make others come to you: Don't Run after Others, make them Look for you.

9. Win with Actions, Never Arguments: Prove your Point through Actions, Not Words.

10. Avoid Losers and Unhappy: The Misfortune of others is Contagious; stay away from those who Bring you Down.

11. Make People Depend on you: If others Depend on you, you're in Control.

12. Disarm with Sincerity and Selective Generosity: Emotional Disarmament will give you an Edge.

13. When you ask for Help, Appeal to the Interests of Others: Appeal to what Benefits Others, not Gratitude or Compassion.

14. Introduce yourself as a Friend, act as a Spy: Learn to Extract Valuable Information from others without them Noticing.

15. Crush your Enemy Completely: Do not let your Enemy Recover, or he will seek Revenge.

16. Use Absence to Increase Respect: The Value of something Increases with Scarcity..

17. Keep Others in Suspense: Be Unpredictable, you will Confuse Others and Gain Power.

18. Do Not Isolate yourself: Loneliness Weakens you; Engage yourself in the Web of Influence.

19. Know Who You’re Dealing With: Choose Your Opponents And Partners Wisely.

20. Don't compromise with anyone: Maintain your Independence so you don't get Caught up in other People's Affairs.

21. Pretend to be a Fool to Catch the Sly: Let others think they have an Advantage over you.

22. Use the Surrender Tactic: Sometimes giving in at the Right Time gives you the Advantage.

23. Focus your Forces: Keep your Energy Focused on what really Matters.

24. Be a Master at Simulation and Disguise: Don't reveal all your cards.

25. Recreate your own identity: Be the architect of your own destiny.

26. Keep your hands clean: Make sure the responsibility for the problems falls on others.

27. Play with people's needs to create devotion: Satisfy their deep desires to earn you their loyalty.

28. Be bold in acting: Timidity is dangerous, boldness is powerful.

29. Plan everything to the end: Having a detailed plan allows you to avoid unpleasant surprises.

30. Make your accomplishments look easy: Minimize the effort you put in to make others think you have innate talent.

31. Control Other People's Options: Guide the decisions of others by giving them limited options.

32. Play with people's fantasy: Appeal to people's emotions and dreams to gain clout.

33. Discover the weaknesses of others: Identify what drives people to manipulate their actions.

34. Be rule in your behavior: Power lies in the appearance of greatness and dignity.

35. Master the art of timing: Don't rush; everything has its right time.

36. Despise what you can’t have: Don’t obsess over things that are out of your reach.

37. Create engaging spectacles: Theatrics and spectacles capture attention.

38. Think as you wish, but behave like everyone else: Do not openly defy social norms.

39. Stir the waters to catch fish: Destabilize others to make mistakes.

40. Despise free: What is free usually comes with a hidden cost.

41. Avoid imitating great men: Forge your own path instead of following in the footsteps of others.

42. Beat the shepherd and the sheep will scatter: He demolishes leaders to weaken his followers.

43. Work on the hearts and minds of others: Conquer the spirit of people to control them.

44. Disarm and anger with mirror effect: Reflect the actions of others to destabilize them.

45. Preach the need for change, but never reform too much: Radical change can generate resistance.

46. Never look too perfect: Perfection breeds envy and haters.

47. Don't exceed your goal: When you achieve what you want, retire on time.

48. Be amorphous: Be adaptable, don't limit yourself to a rigid form.

These laws are designed to handle situations of power, but it's important to consider context and personal ethics when applying them.


Monday, 13 January 2025


A Book written by Robert Greene that offers a Series of Strategies for Obtaining and Maintaining Power in various situations. Here I leave you a summary of the 48 Laws:

1. Don't Outshine the Boss: Make your Superiors feel Superior. Don't expose your Talent too much or you might Trigger their Insecurity.

2.Don't Trust friends too much, use your Enemies: Friends Betray you more easily, but if you Manage to WIN an Enemy, they will be more Loyal.

3. Hide your Intentions: Keep People Off Balance so they can't anticipate your Actions.

4. Always say Less than Necessary: Silence Breeds Power, and Talking too much Reveals your Plans.

5. Protect your Reputation at all Costs: Reputation is the Cornerstone of Power.

6. Call Attention at all Costs: Be Visible to be Relevant.

7. Make others Work for you and Attribute it: Take Advantage of the Work and Effort of others to your Advantage.

8. Make others come to you: Don't Run after Others, make them Look for you.

9. Win with Actions, Never Arguments: Prove your Point through Actions, Not Words.

10. Avoid Losers and Unhappy: The Misfortune of others is Contagious; stay away from those who Bring you Down.

11. Make People Depend on you: If others Depend on you, you're in Control.

12. Disarm with Sincerity and Selective Generosity: Emotional Disarmament will give you an Edge.

13. When you ask for Help, Appeal to the Interests of Others: Appeal to what Benefits Others, not Gratitude or Compassion.

14. Introduce yourself as a Friend, act as a Spy: Learn to Extract Valuable Information from others without them Noticing.

15. Crush your Enemy Completely: Do not let your Enemy Recover, or he will seek Revenge.

16. Use Absence to Increase Respect: The Value of something Increases with Scarcity..

17. Keep Others in Suspense: Be Unpredictable, you will Confuse Others and Gain Power.

18. Do Not Isolate yourself: Loneliness Weakens you; Engage yourself in the Web of Influence.

19. Know Who You’re Dealing With: Choose Your Opponents And Partners Wisely.

20. Don't compromise with anyone: Maintain your Independence so you don't get Caught up in other People's Affairs.

21. Pretend to be a Fool to Catch the Sly: Let others think they have an Advantage over you.

22. Use the Surrender Tactic: Sometimes giving in at the Right Time gives you the Advantage.

23. Focus your Forces: Keep your Energy Focused on what really Matters.

24. Be a Master at Simulation and Disguise: Don't reveal all your cards.

25. Recreate your own identity: Be the architect of your own destiny.

26. Keep your hands clean: Make sure the responsibility for the problems falls on others.

27. Play with people's needs to create devotion: Satisfy their deep desires to earn you their loyalty.

28. Be bold in acting: Timidity is dangerous, boldness is powerful.

29. Plan everything to the end: Having a detailed plan allows you to avoid unpleasant surprises.

30. Make your accomplishments look easy: Minimize the effort you put in to make others think you have innate talent.

31. Control Other People's Options: Guide the decisions of others by giving them limited options.

32. Play with people's fantasy: Appeal to people's emotions and dreams to gain clout.

33. Discover the weaknesses of others: Identify what drives people to manipulate their actions.

34. Be rule in your behavior: Power lies in the appearance of greatness and dignity.

35. Master the art of timing: Don't rush; everything has its right time.

36. Despise what you can’t have: Don’t obsess over things that are out of your reach.

37. Create engaging spectacles: Theatrics and spectacles capture attention.

38. Think as you wish, but behave like everyone else: Do not openly defy social norms.

39. Stir the waters to catch fish: Destabilize others to make mistakes.

40. Despise free: What is free usually comes with a hidden cost.

41. Avoid imitating great men: Forge your own path instead of following in the footsteps of others.

42. Beat the shepherd and the sheep will scatter: He demolishes leaders to weaken his followers.

43. Work on the hearts and minds of others: Conquer the spirit of people to control them.

44. Disarm and anger with mirror effect: Reflect the actions of others to destabilize them.

45. Preach the need for change, but never reform too much: Radical change can generate resistance.

46. Never look too perfect: Perfection breeds envy and haters.

47. Don't exceed your goal: When you achieve what you want, retire on time.

48. Be amorphous: Be adaptable, don't limit yourself to a rigid form.

These laws are designed to handle situations of power, but it's important to consider context and personal ethics when applying them.

#psthealth #KingdomNewsNetwork


Below is a comprehensive checklist to assist you in the construction of a poultry house:

1. Providing Comfort: 
✓It is imperative to create a poultry house that offers a comfortable environment, shielding the birds from weather extremities such as rain, wind, and direct sunlight.

2. Spaciousness: 
✓Allocate sufficient space according to the stocking density:
  i). Layers: 1m² for every 6 birds
  ii). Broilers: 1m² for every 11 birds

3. Ventilation: 
✓Opt for an open-sided structure with an east-west orientation to facilitate natural airflow. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

4. Structural Design: 
✓Construct a rectangular-shaped house with a wall height not exceeding three feet on the longer side. Choose durable materials such as stones, iron sheets, or bricks.

5. Mesh Selection: 
✓Utilize a small gauge chicken wire mesh to prevent the entry of wild birds, dogs, and rodents. 
✓Consider a plastic-coated mesh for increased longevity.

✓Select a reflective roofing material and ensure proper pitch for ventilation. 
✓Maintain an adequate gap between the birds and the roof to prevent heat stress.

7. Flooring: 
✓The flooring should be designed for easy cleaning and disinfection.

8.;Hygiene Practices: 
✓Implement a foot-bath at the entrance and clear vegetation around the pen to deter rodents. 
✓Keep the feed store separate to minimize rodent attraction.

9. Isolation: 
✓Construct the poultry house in isolated areas to reduce the risk of contamination.

10. Ventilation Management: 
✓Optimal ventilation is essential for regulating heat and moisture, supplying oxygen, and improving air quality. 
✓Open curtains for airflow during warm weather and close them during cold spells.

11. Safety Measures: 
✓Fence the area and secure doors to prevent the entry of stray animals and unwanted visitors.

Friday, 10 January 2025


1. Time Freedom πŸ•°

2. Financial Freedom πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

3. A business that gives residual income πŸ’°

5. No bills to pay, no utility bills

6. Can be operated from any location, home, car etc πŸš˜πŸ’Ί

7. Sustainable Secure System πŸ’»

8. One time registration payment πŸ’Ά

9. No logistics needed, just your mouth πŸ—£

10. Has produced the highest number of millionaires worldwide πŸ’°πŸ’°

11. No educational πŸŽ“ qualification needed

12. Leveraging on your team effort and making impactπŸ‘«πŸ‘­πŸ‘¬

13. Helping others

14. Creation of Adaptive economy, independent of nations economy πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬πŸ‡³πŸ‡΄πŸ‡²πŸ‡Ύ

15. No gender or age bias πŸ•΅πŸ»πŸ•΅πŸ»‍♀

16. Early Retirement πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍⚖πŸ‘©πŸ»‍⚖

17. Fancy Vacations and Amazing lifestyle ✈️πŸš…

18. Synergy creation πŸ’«πŸ’« among new people

19. Leaving a legacy for your kids and your next generation 🧚🏻‍♂🧚‍♀

20.Low cash startup πŸ’΅

January is the best time to start. Kindly send me a message, let's get you started with the right company.

# BestDecision
# TheBetterWay
# NetworkMarketing
# Intentional2025
# GetStartedToday

Saturday, 4 January 2025


1. Get the right woman - Forget the slay queens and women with looks but zero brains. Get a woman who will not only support your vision but will also push you to achieve more. A woman who will inspire you to work hard and not a woman who just makes you hard. He who finds a real woman finds a good thing and obtains favor and power to create wealth.

2. Stop Taking Cheap Drinks - I have no problem with having drinks during social interaction and networking. However, when you drink cheap drinks or drink in cheap places, you hang out with cheap people who have cheap ideas and a cheap future. Big business opportunities are found in places where the drinks are expensive. In fact, in places where they sell cheap drinks, the only people you will find there are people who will be asking you for money. They even clap when you come knowing 'big buyer' has come.

3. Stop being Lazy - "Man ooh Man, why art thou Lazy?" You are too lazy for your own good. You sleep the whole day and blame the government for your poverty. "A Little Sleep, a Little Slumber, poverty shall overtake you like a political cadre in overalls." A lot of men are just lazy when it comes to making money. They have enough energy to give a woman five orgasms, but have no energy to start one organization, that's why it is so easy for men to manufacture children than it is to make even pegs for putting children's clothes on the line..

4. Know Productive Things - If you keep too much junk in your head, you get a junk life. I know a lot of men who are so sharp when you are talking about girls, about soccer and about street politics, Who is Rich who is not,Who has a good house but you can't bring a topic about investment, innovation and business, they start looking at their phone, yawning or saying bye.. Useless things, videos, and memes go viral fast than constructive things.. A man must know how to do at least one productive thing (have one skill) even without having gone to college.

5. Get Connected to Big Men Who are better than you - A lot of men are failing because they are not mentored. They don't have anyone to whom they can sit down and listen, with obedience. In the old days, old men would sit young men down and show them how to hunt and kill animals... and no man was considered a man enough until he has personally killed an animal... now these men nowadays are not mentored and can't even kill a bird. There are men out there who have made it in life, find a way to get mentored by big men who are making waves and impacting people in our community.

6. Work - Stop Spending your whole day just praying and fasting yet you know that both Quran and Bible tells you that God will bless the work of your hands. Yes yes The blessing finds you on your way doing something,Stop using Prayer as an excuse not to work. Work hard.
It’s an error for your pockets to be empty and your brain to be empty, too.

GodBless ❤️ πŸ™πŸ» 

Thursday, 2 January 2025


1. When respect is no longer there, find your way out. Although it is hard to start over, do not wait until you lose yourself in the process.

2. Do not chase love. Chase your dreams instead.

3. No one has the right to make you feel worthless. You are more than enough.

4. If someone really loves you, they will pursue you and will make real efforts.

5. Please know that you are beautiful together with your scars and imperfections.

6. You do not need to compare yourself to anyone. You have a different journey to take.

7. Your only competition is yourself. Hone your skills and be a better version of you.
8. If it fails, it is not love in the first place. True love bends but it never breaks.

9. Working hard is good but you have to prioritize your health. Find time to be with your family. They are the ones who will be there for you in your darkest days.

10. Prioritize yourself. Love yourself. It has long been overdue.


The simplest way to know this by asking questions like a king in the middle of your conversation with her........

Make sure the topic you are discussing with her is relationships.


1. If I am to be your man or we are in a serious relationship, what do you expect from me?

This question is powerful and they are two things it will do.

(a). You are making her seeing you as her boyfriend already seductively. Which is a good thing because if she likes you she would happily reply you with so much comfort and excitement. 

(b). She can read a lot of meaning to that statement like philosopher and try to correct your question and try to reject you.

When a woman likes you she acts as if she deosnt know what she's doing and intentionally become foolish and that is the case (a) but if she deosnt act such way then she will try to act wise p.

If she reply you rudely, and tries to correct by saying she can't date you instantly break her ego by returning same energy to her.

Tell her she's not up to the women you date and that you are only trying to know what she expect from men.



If you want to invite a lady over to your place ask her questions that the answer is not yes or no.

Questions like, Can we see, let's us meet.

Be dominant while asking her something like.

"I will be chanced on Wednesday and I don't know your schedules on that day but in case you are chanced also, I will like us to have some good time together??

"When will you be free, I need to see you, so we can talk more and get to know each other better.?"

"Pick a day from Thursday to Saturday and tell me when you will be chanced let hand out"?

Asking a woman to meet you like this is so giving her no choice but to see you as a man who is so confidence on himself and also place her in a position where she sees you as someone who is not afraid of her.

Trust me it works. 

Thirdly, if you want to ask a girl out don't just tell her I love you, please accept me, can I be your man.. balabakkbdudeggs.

It's childish and immature.

Use this instead.

I THINK I am beginning  to love you beyond just being friends with you, honestly,  you tick my boxes of the kind of woman a king as me needs, I must confess that I am impressed by that and I would want us to go into a relationship to see how things work out between us, So what do you say???

Trust me, most women will observe your guts but then that's the more reason they would want to accept you because they see you as an interesting man beyond attraction. 

Now the bed rocks of this is to make a woman not sense you as guy who is a nerd, desperate or thirsty.

Once a woman sees you as a man  who is confident in himself and knows what he wants, the chances of her accepting you is high.

If this is helpful to you, just dm me and pay your offering. E no easy.


NOTE: You can get my book the player's mastermind to know more about this tricks, check comment section to get the l1nk to purchase my book on selar..

Stay putinized. 

Follow The Alpha-Male Journal.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

“20 rules for 2025

1. No porn. Avoid any thing that will trigger you to watch it.

2. Exercise three to four times every week.

3. Read 10 pages of either a self improvement book or a history book everyday.

4. Anger is not your friend. Control it before it controls you.

5. Always endeavor to stay neat 80% of the time.

6. Never become a clown to impress anybody. Most especially w0m£n.

7. Work before Fun. Do what you Need to do before going for what you Want to do.

8. Smoking harms more than it pleases. Desist from it.

9. Forgive but never forget the lesson learned.

10. Have a Vision. Have a purpose. Fight towards it.

11. Do not allow yourself to be Disrespected.

12. Do not joke with your financial life.

13. Money used to buy love, will continue to be used to maintain that love. Do not engage in such act.

14. Do not identify as a "real man", there is no such thing as a " real man". Only SIMPs are called that. You are either high value or you're not.

15. Learn how to defend yourself.

16. No matter how many times you fall, take a deep breath and rise again.

17. The minute sh£ rejects you, mission aborted. Do not decide to be h£r friend. Move on as quickly as possible. There are 3.97 billion wom£n on earth.

18. Your friends will either build you or break you. Choose wisely.

19. Respect and love your parents. They brought you to this world. 

20. Start 2025 with God. End it with God. Stay Savage”.