It happened exactly 25 years ago, on 17th March 2000, in Uganda.
The story began in 1960, when a man called Paolo Kashaku claimed to have a vision of his late daughter called Evangelista, who revealed to him that he would have a vision of heaven.
In 1988, the man claimed to have seen a vision of heaven where he saw Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and St. Joseph.
Her daughter, Credonia, also claimed to have a similar vision and began a virgin cult.
In 1989 his father told him to spread the message across Uganda on the orders of the Virgin Mary. She agreed.
In the same year, 1989, Credonia met a man called Joseph Kibweteere, who also claimed to have had the vision of the Virgin Mary in 1984.
The two decided to form a religious group called the Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God.
The aim of the religious sect was to spread the Virgin Mary's message concerning the apocalypse.
Within a very short time, the group grew rapidly and attracted some defrocked Catholic priests and nuns. 2 of the former priests were Paul Ikazire and Dominic Kataribabo.
Since the majority of the members were Catholics, especially devotees of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the local church tried without success to bring the group under its control.
The group lived as a community in Kanungu District, Uganda, where they had their own farm, grew what they ate, and ran their own schools.
They lived in silence and communicated mostly in sign language.
The sect grew in importance when a respected and famous priest, Dominic Kataribabo, with a PhD from a university in America, joined them.
The group held that the apocalypse will take place before the year 2000.
As 1999 was coming to an end, the activities of the group became frenzied and weird as they were getting set for the end of the world.
When January 1, 2000, came without anything happening, members were disillusioned. Many who sold their properties began to demand back their money.
The leaders of the group calmed them down and came up with another date: 17th March of the same year.
On that day they had a heavy feast where they ate and drank in preparation for the apocalypse.
Without the knowledge of the members, the leaders of the group sealed all doors and windows so that no one could escape and then set the entire building ablaze, and over 300 of them were roasted beyond recognition.
Authorities believe that the leaders escaped but have not been found to date.
Later, authorities discovered several pits within the premises with over 400 members that were kiĺled and dumped inside them.
Next Monday, 17th March 2025 will be exactly 25 years since the massacre took place.
Looking at the picture below, how on earth can anyone believe that these innocent faces are capable of committing such atrocity.
Fr. Angelo Chidi Unegbu [14th March 2025]
Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu
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