Friday, 6 September 2019

Higher Education

A person did 4 years BSc Engg followed by 2 years MS but couldn't get a profession he/she is passionate about. So, is it normal to go for another 4 years BSc Engg degree after which achieving his/her passion is sure?

No, it's not normal, but if you are absolutely sure that another four years spent in pursuing a different degree will make you happier in the long run, and if you're lucky enough to have the financial means to do so, then go ahead. Keep in mind however, that "passion" for a career is often overrated - every job, even jobs that seem appealing on the surface, in reality, is not always exciting, and jobs that don't initially feel like a good fit might turn out to be very rewarding once you gain more expertise and knowledge. Also consider carefully whether you can find a job that is a better fit for you without having to go back to school - plenty of people end up in careers that have nothing to do with their college degree.

Long Menstruation

Is there anything I can do to stop long menstruation besides visiting the doctor?

For shorter periods, try regular exercise (aerobic) and drinking plenty of fluids. Having orgasms during menstruation also help shortening it by forcing contractions

Hot room

What is the effect of too much of heat in a room.
Being in a hot environment, whether it is in a room or outside can cause heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. The first symptoms of this will be increased sweating and a feeling of discomfort. Over time you are likely to feel dizzy and thirsty. Individuals who are highly susceptible could faint even with slight increase in temperature. If you continue to remain in that environment, you could have decreased sweating and an increase in your body temperature. This stage would be when you have heat stroke. The treatment for heat exhaustion would be to move out of the hot environment and move into a cooler place. Drink a lot of water and cover yourself with a moist cloth while sitting under a fan or in an air conditioned room. Heat stroke is a medical emergency and should be immediately treated by medical professionals.

I was drunk and I told people that I am a genius now I am afraid I will fail what should I do?

Geniuses should not be afraid of failure. Failure is a stepping stone to greatness! Also, it's doubtful that anyone took you seriously when you were drunk - you should also stop taking yourself so seriously.

HIV+ & I need a baby

I'm HIV positive and I'm taking treatment my partner is negative what can I do if I need a baby
As I have said several times on this channel, individuals who are on regular ART, have a low viral load, and have no sexually transmitted disorders have a negligible chance of transmitting HIV sexually. In your case, I would advise you to continue taking your medication regularly and check your viral load. You must consult your doctor or HIV counsellor to have a detailed discussion on having a baby. This is because there is no way to be _absolutely certain_ that you will not transmit the virus. A small risk always exists of transmission of HIV even when your viral load is low. You must be fully aware of the risks involved and continue only once you have discussed all aspects of the same with your doctor along with your partner.

Why do you many people do good deeds; is it fear of being punished in hell or because they feel like being good?

While some people may do good deeds for fear of hellfire, Didi thinks that most people like to do good deeds simply to make others smile, or to make the world a slightly better place for all of us.