Friday, 27 September 2019

What causes blackouts when drunk?

Human beings have two types of memory - short term memory, which allows as to remember a small number of things that just happened, and long term memory that allows as to remember things that we learned or experienced a long time ago. A high blood alcohol level interferes with long-term memory encoding and retrieval in the brain. So, when you are very drunk, you can appear functional because you can still make decisions based on things that just happened (short-term memory), but later on, you won't be able to remember much that happened, since your brain couldn't create long-term memories properly.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Triangular love

I love two boys at the same time but one really more than the other but I don't want to date him cause I don't want to hurt the other guy

Date the boy you like more. If you don't date either of them, you'll eventually lose both of them, and then you will certainly regret missing out on dating the guy you love more.

Does social media cause depression

Yes, current studies do show that social media causes depression - not in all but in some. In particular, people who compare themselves to others on social media, passively consume social media, and are addicted to social media are more likely to experience negative effects. On the other hand, users with lots of followers who post actively on social media (especially pictures of themselves with friends) tend to be less depressed. Always keep in mind that people post the highlights of their lives on social media, so their lives are probably not as exciting as they seem. If you find yourself endlessly browsing social media instead of actively participating in life, look away from that screen, and do something else!

Why I feel like there is sand in my eyes

You could have a foreign body on your cornea or conjunctiva. It might be dust, a small insect etc. If so, it will need to be removed. There are other reasons why you may have that symptom. The outer surface of the eye is protected by a thin film of tears. This film is refreshed each time you blink. If for any reason, the tear film is broken, the surface of the cornea can dry up and feel rough. This can happen if there is reduced production of tears. It can also happen if you do not blink your eyes often enough. The commonest cause of this is staring at a computer or phone screen for too long. You must consult your doctor to find out exactly why you have that problem. You can then be treated appropriately.

Are body building steroids safe?

The body secretes steroid hormones in order to maintain several normal functions. The amount of steroid secreted is controlled very delicately, mainly by assessment of the concentration of steroid hormone present in blood. Body building steroids cause an increase in the concentration of steroids in blood. This will suppress the secretion of the normal hormones by your body. Over time, the organ systems in the body that secrete these hormones can stop functioning normally. Further, when you stop taking the hormones, your body may not be able to recover normal functioning of the steroid hormone system. So, taking external steroids whether for body building or as medication can have severe side effects. Steroids should _never_ be taken without medical prescription and supervision.

Is it possible to have a rush on penis without contacting HIV?

HIV does not cause a rash on the penis. Rash on the penis is most commonly due to other infections, most usually due to Candidiasis. There are several other causes of rash or sores or blisters or ulcers on the genital regions. HIV does not cause any of these symptoms. You must consult a doctor who can prescribe the appropriate medication for you after examining you.