Saturday, 12 October 2019

What causes snoring and how to treat it️

Snoring is caused due to vibrations within the airways when air passes through. The commonest reason is weakness in the muscles around the uvula and soft palate. The uvula is the structure that you can see hanging in the back of the mouth and the soft palate is the rear portion of the upper jaw. When these muscles become weak, the uvula can fall onto the back of the throat and vibrate with the moving air. There are several other causes of snoring including obstruction in the nasal air passages, obesity, tongue falling back while sleeping on your back, obstructive sleep apnea etc. The exact cause of a person’s snoring will have to be determined by careful evaluation. Only then can a treatment plan be formulated. In the meantime, sleeping on your side may help.

Friday, 11 October 2019

How to get pregnant faster especially when i have 5 years without a child and i never tool contraceptives

Infertility is a distressing problem. There are many causes of infertility. Infertility may be due to a cause with the male partner or with the female partner. For example, in the female, it may be that eggs are not being produced or released, there may be hormonal imbalances, or there may be an issue in the uterus that is preventing pregnancy. Similarly, in the male the issue may be that sperms are not being produced at all or in adequate numbers, there are abnormal sperms being produced, or there is an issue in the tubes that carry the sperms etc. There may be infections in the reproductive organs which can be treated. The exact cause will have to be determined after careful evaluation by a specialist in infertility treatment. Even if pregnancy is not possible through the normal process, In Vitro Fertilisation ("test-tube babies") can be attempted in many cases. I advise you to consult a specialist in treating infertility for detailed discussions.

I have a boyfriend..he doesn't want to listen to my sad stories...he just quickly changes the topic or just leaves the SMS like that...does he cares for me or...I need to know?

You need to talk to your boyfriend about his behavior, and why he doesn't want to listen to you. Is it because he has too much going on in his life himself, and can't handle sad stories? Does he feel helpless because he can't help you? Are you telling him the same sad stories over and over again? Is he simply not interested? Depending on his answer, you'll know if he's a keeper or not. A good boyfriend should be there for you, for both good times and bad. Unless he has a good excuse, he's not the one for you, whether he cares for you or not.

How serious is fibroid?

A fibroid is a localised proliferation of muscle tissue in the uterus or cervix. It is _not malignant_. The symptoms caused by a fibroid will depend on its location as well as its size and number of fibroids. A fibroid may be too small to cause any problems or it may not be located in a sensitive area for it to show symptoms. In such cases, it may only be picked up incidentally upon ultrasound scans done for some other reason. Fibroids may cause symptoms related to their size or location. In such cases, a careful evaluation will be required to determine if treatment is required and if so what treatment is to be offered. Treatment for fibroid is surgery. This may involve just removing the fibroid or in more severe cases, removal of the uterus. This is a decision that has to be made after evaluation.

Type of husband I should get if I want to be a lawyer?

You can get any kind of husband you want, as long as he's supportive of you becoming a lawyer. Lawyers often work more than 8 hrs a day and sometimes on the weekends too...and depending on the type of law you practice, it can be a very stressful job, although rewarding as well! Hopefully, you and your husband will make enough money to get hired help at home, and your husband needs to be willing to share the burden of childcare and housework when there is no help available.

How serious is fibroid?

A fibroid is a localised proliferation of muscle tissue in the uterus or cervix. It is _not malignant_. The symptoms caused by a fibroid will depend on its location as well as its size and number of fibroids. A fibroid may be too small to cause any problems or it may not be located in a sensitive area for it to show symptoms. In such cases, it may only be picked up incidentally upon ultrasound scans done for some other reason. Fibroids may cause symptoms related to their size or location. In such cases, a careful evaluation will be required to determine if treatment is required and if so what treatment is to be offered. Treatment for fibroid is surgery. This may involve just removing the fibroid or in more severe cases, removal of the uterus. This is a decision that has to be made after evaluation.