You don't need proteins or pills to gain muscle from weight-lifting. Unless you're vegan, a normal diet that has some amount of daily meat or dairy will easily provide the amount of protein needed to grow muscle. In fact, too much protein may lead to other health problems - you're better off without them.
Relationship, health(physical and spiritual), religion, education and relevant items
Thursday, 17 October 2019
Protein or pills source of muscle gain through weight lifting
My boyfriend uses protection when having sex with me, does this mean that he doesn't trust me?
Using protection every time is the responsible thing to do if you're not ready to have children, and it doesn't mean that he doesn't trust you. Of course, it's still possible that he doesn't trust you... but it's also possible that he doesn't trust himself - if he has engaged in risky behavior in the past or present, he may be protecting you from him.
How to enlarge my penis️
This is another question that seems to interest a large number of subscribers to this channel. Penis size is mostly determined by heredity. If it is in your genes to have a large penis, you will. There is _no medically proven_ method to increase penis size. Several methods are advertised that claim to do that for you, but _none of those is proven to be effective_. I would not advise anybody to try unproven methods. You have what is in your genes. There is also no proof that you will be better off with a larger penis.
I have little blood and am always sick people says I have an ill ness️
I am not sure about what you mean when you say that you have little blood. I wonder if you have been tested for Haemoglobin (Hb) in your blood? Low haemoglobin, which is what most people mean when they say “little blood” or “thin blood”, means that there is not enough of a certain protein called Hb in your blood cells. This condition is called anaemia. Hb is what carries oxygen to the tissues from the lungs. Anaemia can cause you to become tired easily, and have a high heart rate and maybe even palpitations. In more severe cases low Hb can cause swelling in the legs, make you prone to infections, and cause deranged body functions. In children anaemia can cause stunted growth, decreased mental activities, delayed puberty and several other disorders.
You should consult your doctor for a complete evaluation. Anaemia has many causes and identification of the cause will help you get treated correctly. Most causes of anaemia are due to inadequate iron in the diet, or worms in the intestine and these can be treated quite easily. There are however other causes of anaemia as well as severe cases which will need intensive treatment.
How to know that am pregnant️
The first indication of pregnancy is usually that you miss your period. There are other subtle signs such as implantation bleeding, soreness or heaviness of the breast etc. However most women do not recognise these signs. You can confirm pregnancy by doing a urine test. These tests can be done at home and become positive about 6 weeks after your last menstrual period, or two weeks after you miss a period.
Is it important to circumcise ?
Circumcision is a cultural practice in some regions and some religions. It refers to the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis. In these cultures, circumcision is done soon after birth and not in adult life. Many other cultures do not practice this.
Circumcision performed soon after birth may provide some protection against HPV infection. However, circumcision that is done in adult life does not protect against HPV. Medically, circumcision is only performed in some specific conditions. It is a matter of choice. If you wish to be circumcised, please consult a qualified professional for the same.