Friday, 24 September 2021


A godly husband respects his wife. Respect is one of the most important factors in any relationship, especially in the eyes of God. What so many marriages are missing today is God as the foundation. Too often, couples overlook the importance of God in their relationship decision-making.
Basically, here are the qualities of a godly married man you will definitely find.
A real man fears God because a man who doesn’t fear God will not have regard for human feelings and will not know how to truly love.
A real man is faithful. He will not cheat on you. He has no alternative so he focuses on you alone! Love doesn’t double date!
He will not flirt with your girlfriends! He is reliable and trustworthy.
He is faithful to you no matter the pressure from other ladies
He is not proud to say *“I’m Sorry"* if that is what will save the relationship because he loves you! Love is not proud!
A real man wait for sex until your wedding night and never deprive you of his body after the wedding!
A real man is a man of prayer. He prays for and with you.
He Will feel terrible when he forgets your birthday or anniversary and will always make it up to you.
A real man is a giver. He Surprises you with gifts, even when the occasion is not special. He’s not stingy.
He Tells you regularly that he loves and cherishes you.
He understands you even if nobody does and always makes you feel you are the best
A real man is a good leader. He never Threatens to leave you or divorce you no matter what happens. A Real Man Is A Forgiver!
He Feels your pain when you go through hard times and stands by you until you overcome.
He Loves to see you happy and rejoices with you.
Despite his busy schedule, he always creates quality time to spend with you.
He Will never physically or emotionally abuse you because Love is Kind
He Will marry you without waiting too long.
He forgives and forgets when you apologize for hurting his feelings.
He will not use your weaknesses or secrets against you.
He will not air your dirty laundry.
He Is patient and willing to work on your relationship problems.
He Knows that it is important for you to spend some time with your friends and family members.
A man who loves you celebrate you in the public and he is not ashamed to tell the world how much he loves you!
He will not go out of his way to make you jealous.
He Will always respect you in the presence of his friends and family members.
He helps you with chores around the house.
He enjoys the company of your family and friends.
He Supports your dreams and ambitions.
He Never puts you down when talking to you.
He Cares a great deal about your thoughts, feelings and opinions.
He Is always available to help when you need him.
He Knows that his way is not the only way.
He cares. He always calls you to find out how your day is going
A real man is never lazy. He knows how to make money, save money and invest money wisely
A real man loves his children and he is ready to bring out the best in them
A real man is committed to the WORD OF GOD and challenges you to get closer to God!
And A Real Woman Never Takes His Love For Granted Because Such Man Is Rare To Find!
Man, May God Make u Such Man
Single Lady, May Such Man Find you
Married Woman, May God Make Your Husband A Real Man In Jesus name. Amen
For Prayers and counseling
What's app +2347065115221
Evang Okechi Iwunze .


My wife and I had an issue one very morning before we left for work. It was a small misunderstanding between me and her. We were both angry with each other. From my facial expression, my wife knew I was very prepared to keep malice with her that morning. She was also angry and didn't mind playing along.
I stepped out of the house and she locked the doors and followed me behind. Since we didn't have a car, we always boarded the same bus to work every morning and ensured we sat together- side by side on the bus. I was to drop at Terminus and she was to drop at the Old Airport in Jos.
But that day, I didn't want to sit close to her. So I sat at the back seat and she sat in front, just beside a soldier man.
The man glanced at my wife. I saw the way he looked at her hair and face with so much admiration. Then he told her she looked beautiful. My wife smiled and told him thank you.
He asked my wife where she was going and she told him she was heading to work.
All this while, I was sitting behind the soldier man and listening to their conversation.
"My name is Femi. I am a soldier man. I was just posted to Jos a month ago. Right now I am heading to my place of assignment."
My wife nodded her head. When the conductor requested for my wife to pay her transport fare, the soldier offered to pay. He pulled out money and paid on her behalf.
My wife thanked him and smiled.
Then the soldier man continued.
"So I will be dropping soon. I rented a house somewhere in town. I don't know if you can drop by someday to say hello to me. Can I have your number?"
I didn't waste any more time. I tapped my wife on her shoulders immediately.
She turned.
And then I asked her.
"Hope you remembered to put spoon inside Chukwudubem lunch box? You know you always forget."
My wife was puzzled. She was probably wondering who Chukwudubem is, and why I had chosen to talk to her. Before she could ask any further questions I added.
"Try to pick him up from school early today. I will be coming back home late. You can cook Eba for me for dinner so that when I return I will eat something before bed."
My wife was confused.
Then she glanced at the soldier man and returned her gaze to me. She understood what I was trying to do.
"Yes, honey." She nodded.
The soldier man turned and saw me. He greeted me. Then he asked my wife.
"Is that your husband?"
My wife nodded. The soldier man glanced at me again and again. Then he glanced for the last time and smiled at me.
I didn't smile back.
When I got to the next junction, I dropped from the bus and dragged my wife along with me.
My wife couldn't stop laughing. While we were about to board another bus, she asked me.
"Praises, who is Chukwudubem?"
"Chukwudubem is our future son. Enter bus let us go before I knack you katako."
My wife laughed.
We boarded another bus to work that day and this time, we sat together. Side by side in the bus.
When you give your partner distance, both emotionally and physically, you let the devil occupy that space. He takes your position without your permission and builds a home for himself in your place. Don't let the devil have a place in your home. Cover all grounds.
Make your presence known.

Thursday, 23 September 2021


There is something glorious about your future God will show you, you will not need your pastor to keep preaching holiness message to you daily...
When you see a girl singing in the choir, yet, from the choir, she keeps sexual appointments, check that girl, she has not seen anything yet about her future...
When you see a young boy who dresses to church, to seduce those small girls to bed and his mates will be clapping for him, check that boy, he has a spiritual eye problem...
He hasn't seen anything about his future yet...
If you do it again and again and again, God will forgive you again and again and again...
But, while He is busy forgiving you, angels are busy searching for some one else heaven will use to replace you ...
What separates men before God is not how long they can pray or how much scriptures they know...
The value God places on people is not determined by the position they occupy in the church...
But how much they can bear for His Name sake...
Some times, He allows your salary to be delayed, to know if you will start stealing in your office...
Sometimes, He allows some lose ladies to start suggesting sex with you, to know if you have grown...
But unfortunately, you still fall again ....
Yes, He will forgive....
But, you will still remain in the same class in the school of glory...
Decision separates men...
There is an OIL that comes with separation...
The weight of a man is buried in the decisions he makes when no one is watching him ...
Many times, God allows you to be lonely so that you can be holy...
Forget this public revival messages all of us are preaching...
Many are still behind in the school of glory...
Not because they chose to, but because they still don't want to pay the price of separation...
If it takes a man to be married to be responsible, we will not have many married irresponsible men scattered all over the place who are renting houses for their girlfriends, while their wives are still at home....
When a man is due for marriage, he should get married...
But don't tell me to get married because you want me to escape fornication...
Marriage is not an escape route into a responsible life...
What you cannot control when you are single has the power to control you even when you are married ...
No matter how beautiful your wife will be, you will still see other beautiful ladies....
Teach me how to die to flesh sir...
Teach me that I can live alone in a house alone and yet, I will not think rubbish thoughts...
Joseph was not married before he ran away naked from Portiphar's wife bedroom ...
It was not a marital ring on his finger that made him refuse that gesture....
But because he knew the future God has planned for Him will be messed up by a single decision....
God wants to raise a generation of young boys and girls that will love God where no one is seeing them ...
God wants to raise a breed that doesn't appear holy only when they see their parents or their pastors...
This holiness by dressing is sending people from choir seats to hell fire...
They are dying in secret sins, yet, they have none to cry to, because, once they confess, they will be stigmatized...
Consequently, we are raising a generation that is speaking in tongues on their way to hell...
Sister, singing in choir doesn't confer value on men before God, but decision...
Stop attaching your spiritual growth on night vigils where you go and flog enemies ...
God is waiting for you when no one is there...
If you can succeed there, you will be a commander of the supernatural...
The greatest tool against the end time church is the adulteration of the message of grace...
They teach you that God will forgive...
But they will not teach you that God will not promote you to another class...
No matter how you love your child, you will not give him your car key to use when you know he has not perfected his driving...
As long as that child is finding it hard to drive perfectly, he will keep trekking to school...
There is someone reading this posts now, heaven is saying that you are due for manifestation, but you have not made a decision yet...
You are still afraid of hunger....
You don't want to starve....
You are ashamed of what people will say when you stop sleeping with men for money to pay bills...
They have even told you that there is no young person like you that doesn't have sexual partners...
That human beings were wired by God to fall and rise again...
Several times, you have made moves to delete all those phone numbers that connect you to your vomits...
But you have been afraid of the days of loneliness...
You don't want to miss those cuddles...
You don't know if you can ever look into his eyes and tell him: "No more sex"...
Even if he accepts, you are afraid that you might never cope...
Sister, don't let weekend orgasms rob you of eternal value...
Your enemy is no more that witch in the village....
But any man that is making you comfortable in a place of rebellion with God ...
Don't be in church singing in the choir and God will go to the nearest hotel and catch a prostitute, wash her, clean her and fill her with His power...
I know you have been trying to make amends ...
You have answered altar calls several times, yet, you still fall back, even more deeper ...
Some of us were there not too long ago...
Singing in choir, leading in powerful prayer sections, yet, battling with addictions...
Worse of all we were afraid to tell anyone...
Because, people around would never have understood how much we were trying to be better ...
We bought different anointing oil, from different men of God, yet, we were not free...
We even afflicted ourselves with fastings...
Yet, nothing changed ...
Until we encountered the Word of God.....
When Jesus said that " We are made clean by the Words that I speak unto you..."
We began to read and study the Bible...
Like Job, we began to esteem God's Word above our necessary food...
Gradually, addictions began to lose its grip...
God began to change our appetites...
Until today, the darkness is past, the true Light now shineth ...
Brother, I want to recommend you to the Word of God....
The Word of God will settle that lust issue...
Don't go and rush into marriage if you are not ready, because you want to avoid temptation...
The spirit of lust does not respect wedding ring...
Especially now that our sisters who are still in Babylon even prefer having it with married men ...
There are still single guys who are serving God in spirit and in truth...
5 chapters of the bible every day and 1 hour prayers or more...
You will see that your mind will stop going to those thoughts ...
Jesus did not say it is easy...
But He said that with God all things are possible ...
Your heart is beating faster now as you are reading this...
You are wondering if you will ever get free from the things you are struggling with...
Friend, that God that did it for us, He will show up on your case...
Receive grace to feast on the Word from now....
In Jesus Name...please teach the young ones in your church and God bless you.
There is no obligation to share. No whips or curses if you don't share. But we both know that when you share this, it goes a long way to help someone.
So I'm asking you to help someone .
Thank you for reading
God bless you


1. If you value your health and you want to live long and have a happy home, let your wife always win an argument. Trust me, it's the shortcut I know to peace of mind! Where there is no wood (fuel), the fire goes out!
2. Stop trying to figure out your wife or understand why she does what she does. It's a waste of precious time. Remember that you (Adam) were put to sleep while she (Eve) was being produced? How can you try to understand an equipment that wasn't assembled in your presence?
3. Marriage is about ACCEPTANCE, not tolerance. Make your marriage relationship-driven, not performance-dri
ven. She was NOT created in your image. Stop projecting YOU into her. Show her the need for change through leadership, not coercion.
4. While a man is rational, the woman is emotional. One (the man) processes via his head, the other processes things through her heart (emotions). One thinks things through, the other feels her way through things. Facts drive you. Intuition drives her. What she can't FEEL, she doesn't SEE!
5. When sex becomes a weapon, a duty or an entitlement, it loses its very essence, LOVE-MAKING. It simply becomes another chore like dish-washing which nobody looks forward to doing! Play with her. Flirt with her. Serenade her. Hug. Cuddle. Hold hands. Surprise her. Blow gently into her ears while she is cooking or while you are watching a movie together. Be spontaneous. Being a king-kong overlord in "ze oza room" and puffing and panting like a worn-out locomotive while she wonders what just happened can only lead to frustration. Remember, it is never about the size of the weapon but the fury of the attack! (Decode that!)
6. Go out often. Make regular, unscheduled date nights. Take a bath together. Make room for movie nights together either at home or at the cinema.
7. Remember that ONLY THE TWO OF YOU started the journey together and when the children have jumped the nest, only the two of you will remain. So, keep the bond ALL THE WAY and never drop the ball
8. Impregnate her with VISION. Allow her to dream too. Every woman loves a man working towards a future in which she can feature. Remember, woman simply means "womb man". She always wants something to incubate and nourish. You give her a seed, she incubates it and turns it to a baby for you
9. She is your wife, a companion and confidant, not a washing machine, cook or slave. You can't wear her out with chores all day and expect to 'ride' a functional "bicycle" all night! Impossicant! Partners help partners by giving a helping hand where needed, even without being told.
10. Love is not 50/50. It is 100%. God didn't say to love your wife when she is submissive. It simply says love her as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her.
11. Be PRESENT. Don't be at home married to your computer or football game. Listen when she wants to talk. Even when you don't know what to contribute to the discourse, you will soon discover that all she wanted was for you to listen. Your opinion may not even count!
12. If both of you are born again children of God, you are actually SIBLINGS!!! You have the same Father and the same father-in-law, GOD!!! Ever thought of that? Treat your wife with the dignity you would accord your blood sister. If you are fond of disgracing your wife in public and calling her all sorts of unprintable names, remember, it wasn't God who named EVE. He created a woman, Adam gave her a name. Whatever you call your wife, that is what she will reflect to you. If you call your wife a Jezebel, we need to check if your middle name isn't Ahab! Call her your Queen and she will make you her crown! It takes one to find one! When you see the glory of your Father in her, you will be a great son-in-law too! A wife you don't honour cannot bring honour to you too.
Trust me, u will enjoy your marriage till death do you part.
May your home reflect the mind of God!!!

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Breaking Off An Engagement Is Permitted.

*It is not divorce,*
Many feel guilty after this act and they feel as though they've committed a grievous offence by calling off an engagement before the actual wedding as many see it as divorce.
This is why we have two rings-
Engagement ring and wedding ring.
Engagement ring is not a wedding ring.
They are two different things.
So, it is advisable to call off a relationship heading for trouble before marriage.
This is wisdom!
Many tolerate themselves during their engagement period and eventually get married and thereafter enter crisis.


Any single mother abi grandma that is over fifty years old and decides to remarry or settle down should not attempt to hook up with a man that doesn’t know how to make use of his phone.
At this age in your life sis mi, all you need is companionship, not a man that can leave you three, four days without calling you nor sending SMS to check on you, and, at the end he will come up with epileptic excuses. No, don’t allow any man to add more to your stress. Orisha boo le gbe mi, se mi bo se ba mi.
Some of them will not even pick their phone when you call claiming unnecessary right, given you unreasonable excuses. Ma binu, am not used to phone, ko mora ni, I left my phone in the car etc, that nonsense must stop henceforth. Don’t allow any baba corridor kan to give you hypertension.
Good morning aya mi, bawo ni night e, that alone goes a long way.
Arike, nibo lo wa, awon omo nko, it adds more to our strength.
AbeniAdeyyyyy, check account e, mo ti send owo ounje e aya mi, that gives Abeni joy through out the whole day. And the headache will disappear lesekese.
Ajike mi, bawo ni day e, so ti jeun, it calms our nerves and reminds us that we belong to someone.
Again aunty wa, don’t allow any man to hide you from his family, he will not pick his phone whenever he’s with them, asiri…
If he’s not ready to make you happy at this age, let him continue either with his single life or go back to his former apartment…..AYE WA DA ??? NO TIME TO CHECK TIME LORI IRO. You need to be with someone that knows your worth not daddy ojo(day) ti ile ba da, means when there’s no one at home. E gbo abeegba sister wa. Your life, your choice. Choose it wisely. Ma je ki awon baba yen so e di tanwole o, blood pressure medication is on the high side, aanidaamu……
Is better to stay alone ko gbaf’Olorun, gbe agbelebu e than to think you’re in a relationship with a man that will only appreciate you whenever he’s free to do so. … his own time, ko ye ko ri be.