Sunday, 31 October 2021


*Miracle / Poison—ONION In 1919, flu killed 40 million people. A doctor visited the many farmers who had the attack to see if he could help them combat the flu.
Many of the farmers & their family had contracted the flu and many died.
However, the doctor came upon one farmer whose family was healthy and nobody in the house contracted the flu.
The doctor asked the farmer what he was doing that was different from the others.
The farmer's wife replied that she put an unpeeled onion in a dish and placed them in all the rooms in their house.
The doctor thought that could have been the cure so he asked for one of those onions.
As he placed it under the microscope, he found the flu virus in the onion. The onions obviously absorbed all the bacteria and thereby kept the family healthy.
Now, I sent this story to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:
She said ' Thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmer's story but, I do know that I myself got pneumonia and became very ill. From my previous knowledge about onions, I cut both ends off an onion put it into an empty jar, and place the jar next to myself over night.
By the morning, I began to feel better while the onion became black.'
*Lots of times when we have stomach problems we don't know what to blame. Maybe the onions that we ate earlier are to blame.*
*Onions ABSORB BACTERIA* and that is the reason why they are also good at preventing us from getting *colds & flu* in left peeled in our room !!!
*And for that very reason we should NOT eat an onion that has been sitting for a time after it has *been cut open.*
*Left over onions are poisonous*
When food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is whether the 'victim' ate *ONIONS* and where those onions came from. Most probably the *ONIONS,* are the cause.
*Onions are huge magnets* for bacteria, especially uncooked ones.
*Never ever keep a portion of sliced onion over a period of time and thereafter use it to prepare food. It's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and placed it in your refrigerator. It is still poisonous*
Also, do not give onions to dogs. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions.
*Please remember it is dangerous to cut an onion and try to save it to cook with the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night - as it creates toxic bacteria which causes adverse stomach infections and food poisoning.*
I am forwarding this from another person—
Share this to as many people as possible to let them know the poisonous effect of peeled onion left over —which can cause us to be sick .


Most parents of today are raising an *OVER DEPENDENT GENERATION* !!!
1. You cook their food for them so that they can read and enjoy.
2. You help them to wash their clothes and tidy their rooms.
3. You drop them off in school every day by yourself!
4. You lie on their behalf to get them out of trouble.
5. You arrange "expo" to help them pass their exams.
6. You protect them from every danger and difficulties.
7. You prevent them from any form of pain and suffering.
8. You don't want them to suffer like you did as a child.
9. You hustle around while they watch films and play games.
10. They can't go out alone because you're always scared.
11. You take every decision for them, because you're wiser.
12. You go to their schools to fight for them and prove rights.
13. You defend them even when they're wrong and at fault.
14. You can not stand seeing them starve or go hungry for once.
15. You fight against those who try to correct them.
You think you are showing them LOVE ?
By the time you're no longer there and they face real life challenges, they will become helpless !!!
At that stage, they will realise the havoc you have done to them and CURSE YOU !!!
Allow these children to face realities of life !!!

Yardstick for measuring Pride

*1. If you cannot* submit yourself to higher authority.
*2. If you find it* difficult to accept corrections.
*3. If you are too big* to say “sorry”.
*4. If you think that* your success or achievements are based on your efforts.
*5. If you don’t have* respect for people.
*6. If you are always* feeling superior to others.
*7. If you always want to control* or dominate others.
*8. If you think that you* are better than other people.
*9. If you cannot work under* those with lesser qualifications.
*10. If you always want people* to respect and honour you.
*11. If you want people to* notice you anywhere you go.
*12. If you are a graduate and you* feel too big to do any small job till you get a big one.
*13. If you cannot marry* those with lesser qualifications(especially as a female).
*14. If you are always angry* at those who correct you.
*15. If you avoid those* who criticize you.
*16. If you feel* too big to learn.
*17. If you feel ashamed* to ask questions about what you don’t know.
*18. If you are always bragging* about your achievements/connections.
*19. If you don’t consider it necessary to say* “thank you” to those who help you.
*20. If you desire to always be* addressed by your title.
*21. If you think that nobody* knows more than you.
*22. If you think that you cannot* make mistakes.
*23. If you are fond of blaming others* for your actions/inactions
*24. If you think that you know* everything in life.
*Pride limits a man's destiny*
Pride destroys glory
Pride devalues grace and anointing
*The earlier we make a change* and accept adequate corrections.
*When you look at those who helped* you to get to the top as nothing.
*When you refused to appreciate those* who have been a blessing to your life even when you have over enough to do so.
*When message of God has no value or meaning to you* through the same man of God or person God has tremendously used for your upliftment.
*When you are too* officious about position.
Don't be conscious of tittle be humble Remember God resist the proud but gives Grace to the humble.
Stay humble


```If numbers in *Mathematics* were given an opportunity to speak, i think some were going to accuse zero (0) and one (1).
But why accusing zero (0) and one (1)? Relax.... Any number that is multiplied by zero gives zero e.g. *25×0=0*. Zero will bring down numbers to nothing. There are some people in life who are like number zero. If you associate with them no matter how great your value is they will bring you down to zero.
How about one (1)?
Any number multiplied by one remains unchanged no matter how big it is e.g. *2500×1= 2500.* There are some people in life that are like one (1). No matter how they touch your life you remain the same. You don't grow, you don't improve, you remain at the same level.
So here is the twist. What kind of person are you and who do you associate with?.
May God separate us from everyone carrying the spirit of Zero (0) and One (1). May HE also help us grow and be greater than 1 so that when we touch the lives of others, we will add value.
*StaySafe* and *Stay blessed* and be a blessing to others. 


Pregnancy is an exciting but emotional time for women.
Sometimes, it has many effect on a female's psyche.
It is a critical period for mothers.
You may find out you become upset and anxious more easily.
This is probably due to both hormonal and emotional changes that they are experiencing.
There are hormones responsible for those unpleasant display.
Husbands, be patient with your wives.
They can nag and go over-board.
Sometimes, accept her as she's , if you do not like something about her, let her know subtly, instead of criticizing her upfront, rather focus on the positive things that you likes in her.
Your presence will give her immense strenght.
Provide emotional support.
Husbands, when you're a leader, you automatically know how to take charge of the house.
There is a natural flow of things and ideas.
And a good leader knows the way, and shows the way but remember not to be bossy.


Before marriage, we all thought that once the knots are tied, this life go sweet die. Only you with your man/woman, enjoying, partying, shopping, doing somersaults anyhow, this, that, yen yen yen ... Ogidi
Most of us didn't consider the pressures that would come from home keeping, financial pressure on the family, stress from inlaws, friends, coping with the demands of our jobs while securing the home front, etc.
We didn't even think that a time would come when little discussions could result to very big quarrels, and you could actually keep malice with your partner, and say to hell with him/her.
We thought having sex everyday would just be fun since we've gotten the licence to be weird, we never imagined that we would one day be forming tayad in the oza room .
We thought everything would just go as planned and we will live happily ever after, never did we imagine the frustrations, the heartbreaks, the regrets, the hurtful words and actions that would one day come from our heartthrob intentionally or otherwise.
Most of us thought love texting is fun and would never cease, but here we are, sending list of things to buy, issues to be resolved, school fees, utility bills, etc
most times even forgetting to add love you at the end of the messages.
What about pillow talks, . We enjoyed lots of it during courtship, discussing the future, totoring each other, giglling throughout the night, and all... We thought marriage would bring out the PhD of that aspect... . Little did we know that sometimes we would sleep off on the couch even without having our night bath. Pillow talks haff advanced to kitchen/on-the-way-out talk
As you're coming out from one challenge, you're faced with another. It's like a loop, we keep going round and never getting to the end.
These things are overwhelming to a lot of people, you see wonderful sweet women becoming something else, the men most times start looking for outdoor activities, some, see themselves as stuck with each other and just continue to manage and hope for a better tomorrow, while the impatient ones seek ways and excuses to return to spinsterhood/bachelorhood.
It takes a lot to make this thing called marriage work. If you've not been there you won't understand any of those .
So the next time you see couples celebrating their marriage anniversary, rejoice with them, cos what they celebrate is beyond the beautiful appearances they put up and the fine pictures you see on social media.
Every marriage anniversary is worth celebrating, don't wait until you're 25years in marriage.
Kudos to all men and women who despite the many challenges are still keeping up with the love they saw and believed in, may God continue to strengthen your home and give you double success for every effort you make, Amen
If u can't forgive, please don't marry. Marriage is a Ministry of 'Offence'. So u must be a Permanent Secretary in Forgiveness Department with a PhD in Understanding
M.Sc in Loving and a B.Sc in Tolerance. Happy new week