Monday, 1 November 2021


GOD has many attributes like omni science, omni potents ......He has the power to raise one from the suffering of the fire of purgatory.

Those Purified (1030-1032)
Those who die in God's grace but are not yet perfectly purified are guaranteed eternal salvation. They undergo purification after death to gain the holiness needed to enter heaven.
This "Purgatory" (Councils of Florence and Trent) is totally different from the punishment of the damned. It is a cleansing fire. "The person will be saved, but only through fire" (1 Cor 3:15). "As for certain lesser faults, there is a purifying fire" (Pope St. Gregory the Great).
The Church has always prayed for the dead and offered Mass for them. Judas Maccabees "made atonement for the dead that they might be freed from their sins" (1 Macc 12:46). "Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them" (St. John Chrysostom).
Hell - Final Separation from God (1033)
We are united to God only if we freely choose to love him. We cannot love God if we sin gravely against him, our neighbor or ourselves. "He who does not love, remains in death" (1 Jn 3:14). Jesus warns us that we could be separated from him if we fail to help the poor in their serious needs (Mt 25:31-46). To die in unrepented mortal sin separates us from God forever by our own free choice. This self-exclusion from God's presence is called "hell."

Jesus' Teaching (1034)
Jesus spoke of hell. "It is better to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna" (Mt 5:29). "Be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in Gehenna" (Mt 10:28). Jesus will send his angels who "will gather all evil doers and throw them into the furnace of fire" (Mt 13:41-42). Jesus will say to some, "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire" (Mt 25:41).

The Church Teaching (1035-1036)
The Church teaches that hell exists and that those who die in mortal sin will suffer "eternal fire." This means a definitive separation from God (who alone is man's happiness).
These teachings on hell call man to use his freedom in view of his eternity. "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction." This call is urgent because "those who find it are few" (Mt 7:13-14). "Since we do not know the day nor the hour we should watch constantly" (Second Vatican Council).
No One Predestined to Hell (1037)
God predestines no one to hell (Council of Trent). Damnation comes about only by a persistence in mortal sin until death. God wants "all to come to repentance" (2 Pet 3:9). The Church prays "save us from final damnation and count us among those you have chosen" (Roman Canon).
We are to save our brothers who did not make it to heaven by praying for them and other mortification,all these are because they cannot bail themselves from the kingdom of purgatory,
But let us try and ask ourselves about our dear brothers who are in hell fire either because of their poor education back ground on their faith about God,thinking they are doing the right thing,saying IF THEY HAD KNOWN
GOD being the most potential liberator and the merciful one,WHY ARE PEOPLE/CONGREGATION BE ADVISED NOT TO PRAY FOR SOULS IN THE HELL FIRE

Sunday, 31 October 2021


When you look at how aggressive men are towards sex you may think that what a man needs from a woman is sex. Of course, if he has not married you yet or he does not really intend to marry you what he will need from you is nothing above your body.
But if he really intends to marry you or if you guys are already married sex is never what he needs from you - maybe let me say it better; "WHAT A MAN NEEDS MOST FROM A WOMAN IS NOT SEX."
Many young girls think because they are sexually active and experience they will easily be married and have their husbands loving them.
And when a man approaches for marriage they think the greatest asset they have to show the man is sex.
Others also think once they are giving out their bodies it means they are giving out the best for which reason they will be chosen above all.
There is this young girl who is very beautiful and sexually active. Due to that she thought sex is all that matters to a man. Ironically, she struggled for long before finally getting married.
Her sexual dexterity could not win her the heart of a man until out of the blue and reason beyond imagination a very handsome good man married her.
The wedding was grand and her tears were now gone. Unfortunately only a year after the wedding the marriage fell on rocks. Within five years three different men came her way but none could stay.
The problem was simple. She thought sex was all that matters so she would never submit. But submission is what men need, not sex.
It is time for our young ladies to know that when a man is ready to marry he will not look out for a woman who will satisfy his sex drive but a God fearing woman, a woman who will submit herself to him.
Excuse my language, "every woman has vagina but not every woman has God fearing and humility." So when you are a God fearing and humble woman, you are an expensive jewelry. And a man of integrity and God fearing will fear to lose you.
The holy Bible say, "wife, submit to your husband." husband love your wife as your own body, any man who does not love his wife, honour, nourishes and cherished her, is against the word of God. Remember, your wife is not a slave, If you hate your wife, you are doing evil to yourself. REPENT.
EPHESIANS 5: 21 to 33. 1PETER 3: 5 to 7.
The reason is that a man's true love goes out only for a woman who is submissive. Your beauty cannot make another woman ugly but your humility can let him love you above all other women.
Sadly, many young ladies in our days call submission as "control." And you will hear them saying in tiny romantic voices, "As for me I don't want any man to control me oh."
If you don't want to submit don't think of marriage because no man in his right sense will offer his love to a woman whose heart is higher than his height, no matter how short he may be.
When a woman bows her knee before a man, the man will automatically bow his heart before her love. And love her sincerely.
There are, of course, recalcitrant men who will not value women of humility but I tell you that every true man does not need sex, but God fearing and submission.
It is God fearing and submission that truly makes you a good and romantic wife.
So be the QUEEN you want to be but when it comes to dealing with your husband, play the role of a humble maid.
Don't forget that it is the spirit of humility that has caused many maids to hijack their mistresses' husbands. Be your man's queen .
I wish you all the best as you submit in your relationship and marriage. May God bless you with good marriage, my dear friends...


Do You Want Your Man To Love You, Respect You And Stay Faithful To You Alone? I Have A Love Portion You Can Give Him. The Ingredients Of The Love Portion Include:
1) Always Look Beautiful And Attractive.
2) Be Diligent And Always Make Sure The House Is Tidy.
3) Cook Delicious Meals For Him At All Times And Always Include His Favorite Food.
4) Always Pray For Him.
5) Be Humble And Submissive.
6) Avoid Quarreling With Him And If There Is Any Form Of Quarrel. Always Settle It Before The Next Day.
7) You Must Be Able To ENDURE. A Woman That Cannot Endure Will Never Last In A Man's House.
Love His Family Members Like Your Own Family.
9) Always Contribute To The Development Of The Home. Don't Have The Mentality That It's The Man That Must Buy Everything. He Will Respect You For This.
NOTE THAT: Even If You Use The Most Powerful Charm On A Man And Your Character Is On A Zero, His Eyes Will Surely Be Opened One Day!


Everyone has a history and what you do with it is up to you.
Some repeat it,
Some change it and
Some also learn from it and move on.
The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life and the first place *you lose or win a battle is in your own thinking .
You have to change your thinking if you want to progress in life and see everything that's holding you back as temporary* b'cos what you tell yourself everyday, *will either lift you up or tear you apart*.


Anger isn't good no matter how you look at it. When you let anger get the best part of you, it brings out the worst in you.
Remember that anger doesn't solve anything, it builds nothing, but it can destroy everything. Just tell me what you benefit from anger. Speak when you're angry & trust me you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret.
So be careful with your words, once they're said, they can only be forgiven not forgotten.
You must recognize the negative effects of anger and choose to rather leave a positive legacy to humanity.
No matter what happens in life, be good to people as that'll be a wonderful legacy to leave behind.
Life's short and don't waste it on anger or hate, just ask yourself if one day your life's flashed before you, will it be worth watching.
Let go of anything that cause you to be angry, forgive often, smile always and facous on your dream.


An Article worth reading
Most times when a *marriage is in trouble* , people tend to see their Marriage as a *mistake* rather than seeing the *mistakes they are making* in their marriage. At this point they *regret marrying their wife or husband, begin to think of a new partner, imagine marrying their ex or fantasizing a marriage without issues.*
Some even divorce or remarry and later wish they had *remained* with their first Spouse, as they find greater trouble in the new spouse. This is because *the first marriage was not a mistake,* and the mistake has not been *discovered yet.*
So you can remarry as many times as you like, you will still experience problems in marriage until *you discover the mistakes you are making in your marriage and correct them.*
So divorce or separation is not a solution to consider when you are having problems with your marriage.
When your car has a flat tyre, you do not abandon it, but repair the tyre and move on.
When we have a headache, no matter how excruciating, we do not cut off the head but take care of the headache.
When a bulb blows out in the room we do not change the room or the house, we replace the bulb and light up the room.
When we have challenges at work, we do not refuse to go to work, we go there to solve the problems.
So when marriage has an issue, we don't have to try to change the spouse instead of changing the *attitude* that is creating the problem.
Most times when we see some couples enjoying their marriages and enjoying each other to the fullest, we admire and cherish them, but the opposite is seen in our own marriage. The reason is that some people have worked on their marriage *by paying the necessary price* and that is why they are enjoying the fruits of their labour. It is said, “The way you make your bed is the way you will lie on it”.
Your marriage is as *good* or as *sweet* as you make it. Some couples, because of the *negative things* they are seeing in their marriage, accuse each other of being responsible. They point accusing fingers at each other for being responsible. Some even say many bad things about their spouse, even *calling him or her names;* some think that marrying that man or that woman was a mistake.
*It is not so, your marriage was not a mistake,* *but you are the mistake.*
Your *habit* is the mistake
Your *character* is the mistake
Your *manner, anger, unforgiveness, laziness, lack of love, lack of affection, lack of attention, impatience, bitterness, selfishness, ignorance, stinginess, not being considerate, infidelity and lovelessness are the mistakes.*
Talking about bitterness. Some still dream of a marriage with their ex seeing your spouse as a stumbling block. *Wake up* and smell the coffee. Be *content* with your spouse. That *behavior* is your mistake.
So *get up now* and *build your marriage* because it is not a mistake.
*Divorce or separation* are never options unless it is "LIFE" threatening.
*I Beseech Almighty God to bless all OUR MARRIAGES AND EASE OUR AFFAIRS *
*Amend your ways and decisions.* *Give your spouse a stress free life.*
May God reward us with HIS GRACE.....
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