Thursday, 11 November 2021


Catholic News outlasts are reporting that The Holy Father in his General Audience has asked The Catholic Faithful to keep a copy of this prayer with them to invoke The Holy Spirit, using The Sequence-Prayer from The Liturgy used on The Feast of Pentecost.
“When I don’t know what to do, I say come Holy Spirit!
When I am weak or sad, or about to fall, I say come Holy Spirit!” declared The Holy Father.
“Come, Holy Spirit, come! And from your celestial home, shed a ray of light divine! Come, come, Father of the poor! Come, Source of all our store! Come, within our bosoms shine. You, of comforters the best; You the soul’s most welcome Guest; Sweet refreshment … Come,” the pope said, reciting the first half of the prayer for the pilgrims gathered in Vatican Hall.
Pope Francis added that if Catholics did not have the prayer on hand, they could simply pray “Come, Holy Spirit” — as “the Madonna and the Apostles prayed during the days when Christ ascended into heaven.”
An ardent supporter of The Charismatic Renewal in The Church, His great devotion to The Holy Spirit is well documented.
As Cardinal in Buenos Aires Argentina he met once a week with Pentecostal Protestant Pastors of Buenos Aires to pray for unity and a fresh Pentecost, and is said to be the first Pope in modern times who prays in Tongues.
One young Pastor, the late Rev.Tony Palmer became a spiritual son to him.
Pentecostal Pastor Palmer was one of the first persons The Holy Father called from Rome upon being elected Pope-
He has met several times as Pope with The Pentecostal leaders in Rome, and has welcomed a deligation of American Pentecostal Pastors Including Kenneth Copeland and James Robinson for three days of prayer and dialogue-at The Apostolic Palace, prompting Kenneth Copeland to say, “ This is a Spirit-filled man; The Reformation is over.”
(Kenneth Copeland was responding to the monumental document of agreement signed by Lutheran Leaders and The Vatican in a joint declaration on Justification.
It was Martin Luther’s views on Justification that sparked The Protestant Deformation and 500 years of chaos and 400,000 Protestant Sects and counting)
Pentecostal Healing Evangelist Benny Hinn who has also been a guest of The Holy Father claimed two years ago at a large healing crusade in Nigeria, -quote-“Do you know that more Catholics get healed than Pentecostals?
Do you know why?
It’s because of their Eucharist!”
“While there are many mountains of theological differences to overcome, all Christians are united in Christ by virtue of their Faith and Baptism in The Power of The Holy Spirit,” offered William Timothy Lester of OLOFOB to Evening Light News.
“Countless Evangelicals are finding their way Home to The Church Jesus founded.
This is a Grace of The Holy Spirit.”
The full text of The Sequence Prayer for The Feast of Pentecost is HERE:
Let us pray:
Come, Holy Spirit, come.
And from your celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine.
Come, Father of the poor.
Come, source of all our store.
Come, within our bosoms shine.
You, of comforters the best;
You, the soul’s most welcome guest;
Sweet refreshment here below;
In our labor, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.
O most blessed Light divine,
Shine within these hearts of yours,
And our inmost being fill.
Where you are not, we have naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.
Heal our wounds, our strength renew;
On our dryness pour your dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away:
Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.
On the faithful, who adore
And confess you, evermore
In your sevenfold gift descend;
Give them virtue’s sure reward;
Give them your salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end.
Amen. Alleluia.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

No one is indispensible

No one is indispensable, when you start a mission prepare to an exit.


When you are single, you look forward to marriage so that you can get all the sex that comes with no guilt. You want to give your body to the right one, you keep off the hyenas who only want your sex and leave you hurting.
When you are dating, sex talk is exciting with your partner. You tell your partner, "Wait till we're married; I will sex you real good till you scream"
When you're newly married, sex is an instant activity, you spank each other, sex in every corner, experiment every position, gymnastics in bed.
When you two are starting to get deeper in marriage, and the sex becomes less frequent, you start to wonder if you love each other the same.
When the two are deep in marriage, consumed with responsibilities, sex becomes elusive and not a must. You two actually have to plan to have sex lest you forget that you have that sweet act to explore in marriage.
When the two start to go through challenges, some couples exchange insults, they struggle to find each other sexy, some unfortunately turn to outsiders for sex leading to regret; others hold on to their sex deficient marriage and eventually their marriage grows stronger.
When the two find the deeper meaning of love, sex becomes more special, faithfulness thrives and the couple can have intimacy without necessarily having sex.
When the two advance in life, children grow and life becomes more stable and predictable, sexual activity increases; perhaps because they know they have a limited time to have sex. They say a woman in her 40s is highly sexual, maybe because she is now more confident about her womanhood and needs. She's been through it all and now she is assertive.
When the two get to sexual retirement age, the couple hold each other's wrinkled hands and reminisce on their sexual encounters of yesterday.
When the two are really old, no sex because she can't get wet and he can't rise to the occasion, that's when the definition of a companion is strongest.
At the end of the day, sex is actually not such a big deal; what the human soul needs is companionship. Unfortunately we pursue multiple shallow sexual encounters and never get to enjoy true companionship. Don't let something that is not a big deal lead you to wrong relationships or make you mess up what is not important.
Sex is easy to get, it just needs two horny people with sexual organs; but intimacy and love is rare, a blessing and takes time to cultivate.
Find your soul companion and love your soul companion till death do you part, your sexiness has an expiry date but love is for life. How do you know you've found your soul companion? That person with whom if sex is taken out of the equation, you two have something special; one day sex will not be part of the equation.
Don't rush to take yourself away from where God has prepared for you. Thanks

The Crimes Many Married People Commit Against The Success Of Their Marriage*

1) Turning to many people for marital advice there by becoming confused
2) Treating visitors more warmly than family members, making family members feel unfairly treated
3) Respecting the Pastor, Bishops, celebrities and public figures more than they treat their spouse
4) Praising other children more than their children; speaking harshly to their children while speaking with a loving tone to other children
5) Working so hard for the family yet forgetting to spend quality time with the family they are working hard for.
6) Comparing themselves with other families and thus putting pressure to compete
7) Going through life without a vision for their marriage thus the marriage becomes a victim of circumstances instead of a force that shapes circumstances
Wanting God to bless their marriage yet the two choose not to do love God's way
9) Getting into debt, living a lifestyle they can't afford; thus bringing financial strain and digging the family into a hole
10) Looking at marriage as a competition between a man and a woman instead of a lifetime partnership
11) Being impatient with their marriage yet healing, love, progress, nurturing takes time
12) Failing to invest time, effort, communication, affection and honesty in their marriage yet expecting a strong union
13) Failing to put their marriage above in-laws and friends thus attracting outside interference.
*Thanks for reading*


Why can't you drive home during lunch and have a quickie with your wife? We're equal gender in sexual intimacy and satisfaction - it's not just about a woman satisfying her man. You have to satisfy each other as it's fitting in the Lord.
Have you ever seen a woman who has been sexually satisfied in marriage?
Have you noticed how she glows and becomes energetic?
Age has nothing to do with sex in marriage. The older spouse you're, the more you should enjoy it but do it in God's way as it's acceptable.
May God Bless all Marriages with deep understanding to do our part while God is Faithful to do His part.


Kadiri, popularly called ‘celebrity shrink’, urged women dealing with depression to frequently indulge in Marital sex, while boosting their self-esteem.
She also advised women who are over-weight to also involve in active sex, saying doing so will boost endorphins which are happy hormones.
“The happy hormones will make them lose some calories as well as sleep better.
”Orgasms trigger the release of endorphins which are happy hormones secreted by the brain that act as effective painkillers,’’ she said.
She added that sex was not only beneficial to the men, but especially to women because it was capable of freeing them from stress.
Regular Sex (For married ones only). A lot of people don't associate sex with God - they associate it with Satan and darkness, as if sex is not holy. Sex is holy within marriage, and there is no prescribed style.
Not discussing sex in a Marriage will eventually leads to divorce!! I have counseled women who've complained: my husband treats me as if I were his sister. There was one who told me: I am tired of getting sex fortnightly, like a salary. I told her she was lucky to be getting sex fortnightly, since some wives only get it on big days, like elections day, Christmas and birthdays.
Many husbands exposes their wives to temptations of seeking sexual pleasures in Avenues . Have you ever asked yourself what those women have that you don't?
Some Wives have become very frigid and even sleep with their panties. If you're a married woman, you should sleep naked and let your bum touch your husband.
Today you find men indulge in porno to get their way to get a glimpse of a vagina. They page through magazines and even go to lingerie departments in stores hoping to see what's hidden under panties because their wives hide it from them.
Marriage is about being free with your body in front of your partner. A woman is free to parade nakedness and do some modeling to tempt her husband without saying.
Physical, Spiritual, Emotional and Sexual nakedness is highly necessary, if Marriage must maintain Stability (Gen 2:25). There are many married women who don't know what their husband's penises looks like. She only feels it when he enters her. They've never touched it, let alone seen it, because the husband switches off the lights before undressing. A penis is a wife's toy - she is supposed to play with it.
I blame couples for not making time for sex and complaining about being tired after a day's work. You find many couples who've been sexually starved for years behaving like tensed adult and extremely violent around opposite genders without good reasons. God created sex for procreation and also for emotional pleasure. You can't marry and not have a good time in bed.