Saturday, 13 November 2021


1. When you don't bother to find out how his day has been but you want him to find out yours?
2. When you largely complain and rarely appreciate him?
3. When you are his biggest critic?
4. When you give him stress and no peace?
5. When you gossip about him with your friends and join those who attack him?
6. When you talk bad about him on social media and expose him?
7. When you praise other men and belittle him?
8. When you emotionally abuse him with insults?
9. When you write him off and call him good for nothing?
10. When you fight him using the innocent children thus bruising him?
11. When you discourage him when he is already down instead of lifting him up?
12. When you let him do everything as you sit pretty and expect a good life?
13. When you ignore his sexual needs?
14. When you talk rudely and disrespectfully to him just because you earn more than him?
15. When you make him feel he doesn't belong at home?
Are you the source of his pain or his support?


1. Kissing is not just meant for sex
2. You can tell how your spouse feels about you through the kiss. Are you being kissed back?
3. Kisses are a good thermometer to gauge your spouse's emotions. If your spouse is emotionally not OK, it will reflect on the kiss
4. After talking about issues, kiss each other. Kissing helps to heal
5. Kissing is good for intimacy as it says what words can't
6. Kissing invites love making. If you want more love making, kiss more
7. If you want to be kissed, maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least two times a day
8. If you want to be kissed, watch what you say and your tone. Lips that say hurtful things are not desirable
9. After lovemaking, before you black out and sleep, kiss your spouse. It shows affection and that you were not just after an orgasm
10. Randomly kiss your spouse. Surprise kisses are sweet
11. Relax when kissing. There is a difference between being passionate and being forceful
12. Flow with your spouse's rythmn. Get to learn if your spouse likes tongue kissing or not. Make it enjoyable
13. Gentlemen, the more a woman is kissed the more she feels wanted and desired. Kissing is part of the watering that makes her feel special
14. Learn to kiss more than the lips. Kiss your spouse's forehead, cheeks, closed eyes, back, arms, hips. It brings you two closer
15. As you explore your spouse's body with kisses, you will unearth secrets about your spouse's body that were unknown. The skin is your ticket


I am often told that Religion has no place in science. Oddly enough, science has not only formed my faith; science has sealed my Faith.
Most Christians have heard of the Shroud of Turin, the ancient relic that bears the image of a crucified male. Blood typing has been done on the Shroud, and it was determined that the crucified male, who many believe to be Jesus of Nazareth, has AB blood.
A lesser know relic is the Sudarium of Oviedo, the cloth, that tradition teaches, covered the face of Jesus before He was wrapped in a burial shroud and laid in the tomb. The blood on this cloth is also from a male and also Type AB.
There has also been several miracles where a consecrated Host miraculously became true flesh and began to bleed true blood.
One such miracle occurred in the 8th century.
A priest in Lanciano, Italy was doubting the real presence in the Eucharist while offering Mass, when suddenly the Eucharist miraculously turned into human flesh and blood.
Similarly, 500 years after the miracle of Lanciano, another priest, in Orvieto, Italy, who was also doubting the real presence of Jesus, similarly experienced a Eucharistic miracle where the host started bleeding all over his corporal (a cloth used in the liturgy).
You can still see the cloth on display in the Cathedral of Orvieto and the non-decomposing flesh and blood in the Church of San Francesco today.
More recently, in 1996, another Eucharistic miracle occurred in Buenos Aires, Argentina when a consecrated Host was found on the ground and placed in a glass of water to dissolve, as is custom.
Days later, the Eucharist hadn’t dissolved at all — it had, however, turned into bloody Flesh.
The Cardinal and then-Bishop Jorge Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) had a photograph taken of the bloody Host, then stored the Host in a tabernacle to decompose.
Three years later, that same bloody Flesh remained!
That’s when Dr. Ricardo Castañón, a Bolivian neurophysiologist, was called in to have samples from the Host examined in a laboratory environment.
Doctor Castañón took it to the San Francisco Forensic Institute without telling anyone there what it was or where it came from. After testing, he was told the samples constituted heart muscle, specifically from the myocardium of the left ventricle.
Further, the tests showed the blood was human, with human DNA, and of the AB type — the same as found on the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo. Upon further investigation, he also discovered the Host from the miracle of Lanciano was Blood Type AB, as well!
Coincidence? Maybe?
But consider this: Blood Types were not discovered until 1900. The discovery of Blood Type AB came along seven years later, in 1907. Maybe because it’s so rare? Only four-percent of the World population has Blood Type AB.
Well, here’s where it gets interesting…
The Eucharist is the sacrament of communion with one another in the one body of Christ, writes Rev. Dr. Stany Antony OMI. This, he continued, was the full meaning of eucharistic koinonia in the early Church.
Scriptures appears to be in agreement.
St. Paul tells us in 1 Cor 10:16-17 that we just don’t participate in the Eucharist, we are in communion in the blood of Christ. “…nonne communicatio sanguinis?” as it is written in the Latin Vulgate; κοινωνία or koinonia in Greek.
Early Church Father and Orator, St. John Chrysostom (c. 349 – 407) commenting on Paul’s words, — almost 1500 years before the discovery of blood types — said this:
The bread which we break, is it not a communion of the Body of Christ? Wherefore said he not, the participation? Because he intended to express something more and to point out how close was the union: in that we communicate not only by participating and partaking, but also by being united. For as that body is united to Christ, so also are we united to Him by this bread. (Homily 24 on First Corinthians: 4)
In 1485, more than 400 years before the classification of blood based on the presence and absence of antibodies, St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, “…the Eucharist is the sacrament of the unity of the Church, which results from the fact that many are one in Christ”.
In 1566, almost 300 years before science established the ABO Blood Group System, the Church had this to say about the Eucharist:
“For what bread and wine are to the body, the Eucharist is to the health and delight of the soul, but in a higher and better way. This Sacrament is not, like bread and wine, changed into our substance; but we are, in some wise, changed into its nature, so that we may well apply here the words of St. Augustine: I am the food of the frown. Grow and thou shalt eat Me; nor shalt thou change Me into thee, as thy bodily food, but thou shalt be changed into Me.”
In other words, “by this sacrament we unite ourselves to Christ, who makes us sharers in his Body and Blood to form a single body.” (Cathecism 1331).
Or simply put, “He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me and I in you” (John 6:56)
So, what’s this have to do with Blood Typing?
You see, I, like many, once believed that Jesus’ Body and Blood just enters our body during Holy Communion. However, if that was the true theology of the Eucharist, Jesus’ divine Blood Type could be not AB.
Why ?
Because theologically if Jesus’ Blood just enters us, He would be simply donating His sacred blood to all.
Science has shown that only Universal Donors can give blood to all without any harm to the recipient; only people with Blood Type O. However, with Blood Type O, one could not receive blood from any other type, but their own.
The Church has always taught that during Holy Communion we unite with The Body of Christ.
Simply put, Jesus receives us all, body and soul, and unites us all, body and soul, in Him — and by all bodies, I mean all blood types.
Christ is therefore the Universal Acceptor, theologically and biologically. Anyone who took High School Biology knows blood type of the universal acceptor.
That blood type is … AB Blood.
If the Shroud of Turin is a fake, how would the forgers get Jesus’ Blood Type theologically correct — centuries before science knew blood type existed?
Further, if these Eucharistic miracles were also all staged, how would all these Blood Types not just match, but also coincide theologically and biologically?
Coincidence ?
Maybe, but the odds would favor coincidence to favor the most popular Blood Type.
Approximately, 47% of Italians have Blood Type O, while less than 4% share AB. In Argentina, where the most recent miracle took place, half the population is Blood Type O. [note]
When you include Rh factors, the statistic of chance is almost eliminated.
Rh factor was discovered after the discovery of Blood Types — 40 years after! Only five percent of the world population is AB-positive … the same Blood Type in the Eucharistic miracles in Buenos Aires and Lanciano — miracles which occurred 1,300 years apart.
The science is clear — and because it’s clear, my Faith is sealed.

Friday, 12 November 2021


if she is giving you too much attention. Just consider yourself lucky because maybe she loves you so much that she doesn’t want anyone else to take her place in your life.
If she cries for you don’t think she is weak but consider yourself lucky that she thinks you are worth her precious tears.
If she is jealous of the other women around you, don’t think she is insecure but she doesn’t want to see anyone else to be in your arms.
If a woman says sorry to you even though it was not her fault, don’t think she fears of losing you but she considers her relationship worth another chance and she doesn’t want anyone else to have your heart.


Men, love it when the woman tells him when he wrongs. The problem is many women don't know how to correct. Correct him with love, "Honey, don't you think it would have been better if..."; don't scold him like he is a little boy. Approach and tone is key. Don't attack
Do greater things on your own, inspire him, expose him to greatness, make progress in your life that he feels he needs to pull up his socks. Don't just sit lazy. A man wants a woman who is hungry for her own personal growth. Challenging him doesn't mean looking down on him or asking why can't he be like other men?
Men love feeling needed. Lovingly ask him for help, ask him for advice, "My love, what do you think I should do?". Involve him in your life and when he does help, thank him
No matter the level of a man's spirituality, prayer is respected and considered sacred. Pray for him, let him hear you pray for him
The kind of compliments men love are, "You are such a good man", "You make a great dad", "Your mind is incredible", "You have a sexy body", "I love how you touch me", "My honey, I am proud of you". Praise him in private and in public. Don't be that woman who is quick to point out his flaws but rarely highlighs what he does right
Many women think sex is to be left to the man, so they wait for the man to make advances. They become passive and shy during sex. Lady, your husband will love it sometimes if you are sexually aggressive, ask for his body, reach for his penis. Show him that you know he belongs to you. Make sex an adventure
Ask him how his day is, his dreams, if he is OK. Most women want the man to show interest but they don't show interest back
Don't be overly posssessive, demanding him to spend every second with you. Snooping his phone and doubting him when you find nothing, being suspicious of him, chocking his social life, . Be mature, if you push him away, he will keep things friom you then things will get ugly. Most men keep things from their women, not because they are doing something wrong but because their women read too much into everything and pick up fights. This is dangerous. You are his Queen, wear your crown with confidence
So many women don't even know they complain, they think they are simply expressing their right to speak and get things done properly. But men dislike a complaining woman, if he doesn't do things as you like, if he is not at your level; don't attack and nag. Just simply request him to do things a better way, but as you do so, appreciate the much he has done so far
This is what we all want when with a person. Peace. Peace at home. No fights, no frustrations, no stress. If your man is spending less time with you, perhaps you're not giving him peace. Men avoid complicated and draining environments. Lady, you complaining every day to him that he doesn't spend much time with you makes things worse. You think you are putting your point across but he feels pushed away. Attract him to you by giving him peace. Some men stay out there, not looking for a woman, but looking for peace
Dress up, look sexy. Don't look good only when you are outside the home, look good also when it's just you two
Cater to him, cook for him, buy him gifts, treat him like a king, straighten his tie. These simple things mean alot to him, even if not every day, often
Men get attracted to good converations. They want laughter, depth, intelligent conversations. They want to be listened to, to be wowed by a woman's mind. A woman who talks lovey dovey stuff but also about business, investments, social issues, a great vision; that woman is a keeper
Men love a good meal. Make it a habit to eat with him. Food brings people together
Succeed in your personal life, do great things outside your marriage. Shine as a woman. Make him proud to say "That is my wife". Even the Proverbs 31 husband calls his wife "Blessed"
Don't fight his friends. Find out who his friends are, get to have laughs and talks with them. Support his social life, be good to his family and siblings. If you have an issue with one of them, bring it to his attention without starting a war. Allow to also know your friends. When you both do this, it makes both of you secure
Find out what he likes and spend time with him once in a while doing that thing. If he loves rugby, watch matches with him sometimes; if he wins an award, go cheer him as he receives it; be his fan

Easy to find faults

It is easy for you to see FAULTS in your Wife, and see that Lady at the office as PERFECT
You live with your wife, you wake up beside her everyday, you see her without makeup, you see her when she's tired, when she's in need of a bath, you see her without her wig and mascara.
You don't live with that lady you are now lusting after and wishing was your wife, you don't wake up beside her.
You see her when she's already applied make up, you see her only when she's had a bath, with her wig, brazilian weavon and mascara.
Your wife lives with you, it's easy to see why you feel like you need a breath of fresh air, you know her every flaws, her weaknesses, you see her CONTENT daily, while all you see about that lady is her CONTAINER
Your wife cannot PRETEND for you, she has no reason to, that lady has no reason to be REAL to you, she will only be COURTEOUS and KIND to you, but don't let that fool you.
That lady you are comparing with your wife has her own imperfections and flaws, she has attitude issues too, she gets angry too, but you won't see all this about her.
Don't begin to wish you were married to that younger lady, she's what? 22? 25?
Your wife is 35? 40+?
She's been to the labor room, her vagina can't be the same as before, maybe she's had a CS or two, let's not forget all the worship sessions and night vigils you conducted down there, shouting "give it to me, I paid for it"?,
Those stretch marks you detest are her scars from the pregnancies that made you a father.
You are complaining, your wife's breasts have sagged, but who pressed them? Was it us? Was it not you?
You are now eyeing a young lady that her chest Is firm, you forget that if she were subjected to the same conditions your wife has been through in your hands every night in the bedroom for 10 years, she'd look like your wife?
Respect that Woman who has stood by your side.
She has struggled with you,
She has taken in and given you kids,
She has loved you, emotionally and sexually,
She has hustled with you.
She's the wife of your YOUTH.
Love her with all her flaws
Love her through the changes you see.
Love those stretch marks.
Kiss that not so flat tommy
She's the wife of your YOUTH.
Malachi 2:15 "Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth."