Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Men attend to Sex and Love and marry Stability

Men attend 2 Women for two reasons, SEX, and LOVE, but in most cases, men do not Marry for Sex or for Love, they marry for STABILITY.
A man can Love you and not Marry you.
A man can have sex with you for years without marrying you.
But immediately he finds someone who brings stability in his life, he marries her.
Men are visionaries when they think about marriage, they do not think about wedding dresses, bridesmaids, anything the woman thinks is fanciful.
They think that this woman can build me a home.
Women are tender, they have the capacity to receive and reproduce.
You give her groceries, she prepares a meal, you give her money, she gives you peace, you give her sperm and she gives you children.
You give it discomfort, it becomes your worst nightmare and most men know it. This is why a man can stay with a woman for years and meet another in a month, then get married.
It's the stability they want.
Sex is a pleasure, love is an affection, RESPECT is Stability.
Take Note.


"If you don't want to give me sex, don't ask me for Money"
"ladies want guys money in a Relationship, but they don't want to give him sex in return"
These are justifications we often hear, excuses that we are given to justify premarital sex.
Because Men think when you give a lady your money, you should get something back in return, otherwise you are a loser.
I Weep
First question
Is A Woman's Body something you Pay for?
Like she gives you sex, so you give her money.
If yes, what makes your girlfriend different from a prostitute?
Any guy whose girlfriend is giving him sex so he gives her money has a prostitute as a girlfriend.
A prostitute is someone who gives her body in exchange for monetary favors.
Even if she's sleeping with just one man, she's a Mono-Prostitute.
Dear Bachelor, when you ask your girlfriend for sex because she asked you for money then you are
Insinuating that she is a prostitute, her body is something she gives to reward a Man who gives her money.
Trying to make her a Prostitute or introduce her to it if she isn't one already.
A whore monger (someone who patronizes and deals in prostitutes)
A Lady's body and Money are not things you compare.
NEVER say If she wants my money, she should give me her body, otherwise she should forget it.
You don't understand.
..................... MONEY is something you give someone because you LOVE Them
SEX is something you give someone because you are MARRIED to them...........
What gives you the right over a Lady's body is MARRIAGE, not MONEY.
The truth is,
When a LADY loves a Man completely, she is actually naturally willing to give him her body even before Marriage, but God's Word forbids it, so she can't and won't, otherwise she breaks God's law.
When a MAN Loves a Lady, he actually is willing to spend his money on her, and No Law or Morality forbids such..
Only a stingy and godless Man says because his girlfriend has refused to give him sex because of her belief therefore he won't give her his money, when he is supposed to have same belief as well.
And as for a Man's money, Yes, a lady has no right to it, where a lady says no to sex (which is what it should be), even if she doesn't ask for money or doesn't need it, a Man with his head and heart in the right place will give to her, AND a lady with her heart in the right place will also give money to her Man. Giving in a relationship is a 2 way traffic. So ladies, work hard, earn and give too.
Don't get it twisted.
A Relationship is not an excuse or license to a Woman's Body.
By Musa Gift

Monday, 22 November 2021


This is the part of you that even yourself don't know about, only God knows this part of you.
Have you heard people after marriage wonder what went wrong with their spouse?
Have you heard people say, I don't understand this part of you!
Have you ever heard couples accuse each other of PRETENDING before Marriage, just to show their real color in Marriage? This is the reality of the UNREVEALED YOU that becomes revealed in Marriage!
This is why Courtship is very important. It is why you must build Friendship before Courtship. Such discovery is subject to TIME


The pains of Marrying the wrong person is worse than your present fear of "Why am I not married"
Marriage is not a competition, take your time, fall in love, Nurse your Ambition into Maturity, Groom your Relationship, because forever is too long to be unhappy.
You don't want to go into Marriage with the Intention of divorcing in 5 years time, do you.??
Always remember, it is better you wait long than you marry the wrong person.

_How to lessen marital conflicts_

- As a family make it your habit to pray together, a family that prays together stays together
- Meet your spouse’s needs as you want your spouse to meet your needs
- Learn to spend quality time together
- Be courteous, gentle, caring, affectionate and appreciative to one another
- As much as possible avoid referring to past wrongs of each other
- Avoid destructive criticism and comparison
- Respect each others views and interests
- Do not allow outsiders to crash your heads together - protect each other
- Do not disgrace your spouse to friends, family or neighbours
- Resolve to forgive your partner anytime a conflict erupts
- Never use the silent treatment, but communicate
- Never hit (hands are intended to protect, cares reassure etc)
- Never call names - foolish woman or worthless man or lazy or liar ( names that hurt or attack who we are). These words are hard to forget, you can't take them back. They can kill relationship.
Realize that the quality of your relationship with your spouse affects the quality of your relationship with God. It is therefore expedient that you do whatever you can, as obedient to God to let go whatever resentment that can block the flow of peace between you and your spouse. If you do this, your confidence level will be raised to counsel younger couples


"Raise your hands & touch your toes. If anything shows, go change your clothes."
I saw the above quote somewhere and I like it so I copied it in order to share it with you.
Dressing decently is a good thing and the best thing to do. It shows you are modest, have good morals and responsible.
I will be sharing with you 6 reasons why you should dress decently.
I believe this is going to help so read consciously.
First reason, the Bible admonished us to do all things decently and in order (you can see that in 1 Corithians 14:40). And when it says all things, it means all things including your dressing. Let your dressing be decent and in order.
Don't dress just anyhow with the mindset that it is your body. Of course no one is disputing the fact that it is your body. But dressing indecently is not the best and for the fact that we've seen scripturally that we should do all things including our dressing decently and in order should move us to dress well.
Second reason, it commands respect from people: have you seen that people tend to respect you for your dressing? When you dress well, people see you as matured and respect you. And truly, matured people can't dress irresponsibly.
Do you also know that, your dressing is you as a person? That's why Mattew 12:34 tells us "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh" and in Proverbs 23:7, it says, "for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he."
Your dressing is you so dress well.
Thirdly, you feel comfortable: Yes! dressing decently makes you feel so comfortable. Let me quickly share something with you in line with this third reason.
Few days back while walking along the road, I saw a young lady and she was putting on a top (to me it was a top) but to her, it was a gown and I guess that was why she didn't get to wear probably a skirt or trousers underneath it.
While she was walking, she had to start using her hands to hold the "top-gown" to herself so that the breeze doesn't blow the "top-gown" away.
I was amazed at the funny scenario and I began to ask some questions in my mind, questions like:
What's she even trying to prevent?
Why does she have to undergo the stress of having to fight with the friendly breeze all because of her indecent dressing?
(I guess she will start passing unnecessary blame to the gentle breeze that's only doing its job)
Was it that she doesn't know the dress is suppose to be a top and not a gown?
You see all those questions I asked could have been asked and answered by the lady before she left the house and that would have saved her the unnecessary stress and inconveniences.
Do you now see why decent dressing makes you comfortable?
Fourth reason, you look good on decent dressing: if probably you've not been taking notice of this, just start from now and you'll see that those who dress decently usually look good and more responsible.
Those folks don't just look good only, they also attract good people to themselves.
They attract people of like minds, responsible minds and great minds.
Specifically for me, this is one of the major reason that attract me to people.
Fifth reason, your dressing is a message: your dressing is a message that people who looks at you reads which means in order to pass a positive message to people, dress properly.
Sixth reason, it boost your confidence: as a public speaker, I can tell you this is so true. Your dressing is going to affect the way you think and also affect the way you act. Do you want to boost your confidence then dress properly.
I believe you've learnt one or more things from this, do let me know in the comment section.