Friday, 26 August 2022

Learn to appreciate yourself; not everyone around you will do it for you.

The biggest joy in life comes from inner happiness. Few simple words of appreciation can become the greatest source of joy than any worldly possession.

Many times, we do extraordinary things to support people around us. If they are grateful to us, we feel even more motivated. But people don’t necessarily show their appreciation. Sometimes they don’t want to recognise your efforts, and other times they don’t want to make themselves feel inferior. But if you are making a difference in someone’s life, you must appreciate your own self.

When you start appreciating yourself, you will feel inspired from within and become more confident in life. You will realise that in the end, all it matters is how you feel from within, whether others value it on not.

How do our intentions matter when we try to help someone?


Our intentions greatly influence the outcome in life. When we intend to help someone, even the situations become favourable, and things start to fall into place.
Sometimes, we really want to help someone, but we don't feel capable enough to do so. We may not have enough resources or measures to bring them out of their difficult situation. But, when we genuinely feel for someone's situation, we find that we could make a big difference in their lives even by utilising the scarce means we have.
If you want to make a difference, you need to have a deep desire to bring change. When the intent is to help, you will look for solutions and develop the strength to overcome obstacles; even the universe will work in your favour.

Are you feeling your effort went in vain?


Efforts never go in vain. You may not see the results in the form of what you want to achieve but it will certainly help you to achieve something else.
We often relate our efforts to our success. If we don't succeed in doing something, we repent that everything we did was useless. We must remember that anything we do in life provides new skills to us. These skills are not necessarily professional skills but life skills such as patience, persistence and perseverance.
Your efforts always add worth to your life. If you see your progress, you will see it as your success.
Dr Bhawna Gautam

Do you rely on others for your happiness?


The source of joy is within us. External factors can influence our state of mind for some time, but we need to rely on ourselves for long-lasting happiness.
Many people remain unsatisfied because they feel that the only way to feel happy is when things go their way, others fulfil their expectations or the presence of certain people in life.
To feel happy, limit your expectations, stop relying on others and start appreciating your life. No one can make you happy unless you choose to be.
Dr Bhawna Gautam

Is it really an end or just your negative mind assuming defeat?


Many times we assume things before they happen. When things don't seem to work out the way we want, we feel it is an end to everything. It is easy to lose hope at that time because we feel there is no way out.
We must always stay hopeful and never let even that little hope fade away. It is only when we start to think negative, everything in front of us turns negative and we become hopeless.
Don't assume things and if you do, don't think negative about it. Staying hopeful and staying positive, you will be able to see that turn that may change your life.
Dr Bhawna Gautam

Does declaring success before time cause a delay?


Seeing yourself winning can be a very exciting moment. In this moment of excitement, we often get carried away and feel like sharing our feelings with everyone else. Often, we tell about our plans and ventures to others, ignoring that although we might be close to achieving success, success is yet to come.
When we declare success beforehand, we feel pressure to prove our victory. So, instead of focusing on our goals, we focus on how we can save ourselves from embarrassment. Our valuable time and energy go futile trying to cover up so we can maintain our position in society.
Take the guidance and discuss with those who want you to succeed, but when announcing your success, make sure you have achieved it before you tell anyone about it.
Dr Bhawna Gautam