Sunday, 11 September 2022

Never let failure stop you?

Why you should never let failure stop you?

To achieve one's goals in life, one has to go through many disappointments. People who persevere and refuse to give when they face these disappointments are the ones who become successful.

We all wish that there was an easy way to achieve success but the truth is that the path to success is rough. Sometimes it takes years of effort and hard work to see the results you want while other times you may not see the results the same way as you desire. One must remember that success is not just about achieving goals but building qualities and attributes that can lead to success in any field.  

Give your best try but if it doesn’t work, don’t feel you have failed. True failure doesn’t exist because every time you choose to pursue, you choose to learn more.

Dr. Bhawna Gautam

Knowing this by heart

Understand this:

Most single women in their late 20s and early 30s are thinking of and worried about getting married. What they would define as love is a man who loves them and is ready to settle down with them.

Most men in their late 20s and early 30s are thinking about financial independence. What they would define as love is a woman who understands their predicament and sticks by them.

Knowing this by heart will help you understand why your relationship hasn't been working out and or the partner you should be dating.

Good morning beloved fans❤️

Believe to achieve dream

How can believing help us to achieve our dreams?

When we believe, we put our trust in the unseen force. This force brings inner strength and builds courage within us.

When we feel courageous, we are likely to take every opportunity of life and not miss any chance that can lead us to our dreams. When we do something with doubts, we are reluctant to take chances because we are afraid of losing and that's when we lose even those opportunities that could have helped to achieve our dreams. 

Don't just look at your dream and wonder how it will happen. Believe and work towards it to make it possible.

Dr. Bhawna Gautam 

#believe #dreams #wings #sky #star #achieve #success

Is your life an inspiration?

If you are leading a truthful life, you are leaving a legacy for others to be inspired and benefit from.

Legacy is often referred to as the material objects or wealth that one leaves behind. Wealth and material objects can be lost, but what can truly help someone is the knowledge and experience shared with them. Knowledge gives people the ability to understand life and experience to overcome situations that they may face in their lives. 

Lead your life with optimism, truthfulness, and positivity, when you leave, you will remain alive as an inspiration.

Dr. Bhawna Gautam

#life #inspiration #truthful #positivity #optimism

First, apologize to yourself

Should apologizing to self be the first step to improve upon our mistakes?

Apologizing to self means that we analyze the situation and accept that we did a mistake. It doesn't mean that we become so regretful that we start blaming ourselves. Rather, we learn from our mistakes to make changes in our behaviour and actions.

Every day we come across different people and situations so every day we have an opportunity to improve ourselves. The reason why we keep repeating our mistakes is that we never take time to look back on our lives to learn from them. 

Spend a little time each day to analyse your situations and actions. Applaud yourself for things you did right and accept the wrong so you can improve.

Dr Bhawna Gautam 

#accept #admit #mistake #improve #selfimprovement #learn #apology


⏰Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) - 11 Sept 2022

๐Ÿ“–Exod 32:7-11,13-14; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 17 and 19 (R. Luke 15:18); 1Tim 1:12-17; Luke 15:1-32


The three readings that we have in our Liturgy of today point out, in a very clear manner, the imperfection of man and God's unconditional love towards man. In the First Reading, the people of Israel deserted God and chose to worship a molten calf. Worst still, they ascribed to the molten calf, the glory which ought to be given to God, saying: _These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt._ This action angered God a great deal but even before they repented, God forgave them based on the promise he made to Israel's ancestors (cf. Exod 32:13-14).

That attitude of God is equally symbolised in the Gospel, in the characters of the shepherd who went after the strayed sheep, the woman who searched for the lost coin and the Prodigal Father that welcomed the Prodigal Son. In the eyes of the world, the action taken by these different characters might seem foolish but that is exactly how far God can go in bringing a sinner back under the canopy of his love. 

Last Sunday, we were warned against using human wisdom to judge the things of heaven. Today, the Pharisees and the elder brother of the prodigal son used human wisdom to interpret the action of God's love. But as the saying goes, God's foolishness is wiser than any human wisdom. Notice that the story did not end by telling us what became of the Pharisees or the brother of the prodigal son – whether they were able to accept God's love for what it is or not. That could be a challenge for us. We can choose to embrace God's love or keep ourselves outside of it.

The most striking thing about this love of God is that it is an unmerited love. God does not love us because we are good or because we merit it. It would infact seem that he loves us more in our fallenness. That could be what St. Paul makes reference to in the Second Reading, "I am the foremost of sinners; but I received mercy for this reason, that in me, as the foremost, Jesus Christ might display his perfect patience for an example to those who were to believe in him for eternal life" (1Tim 1:15-16). He would say in another place, "See how God manifested his love for us: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom 5:8).

However, we should be careful not to take God's love for granted. Even with this knowledge of God's abundant love in our weakness, St. Paul asks, "Shall we keep on sinning so that grace may come more abundantly?" (Rom 6:1). The answer is no. Note what was said of the prodigal son, when he came to himself or in other words, when he came to his senses. Even though God's love is unconditional, it is important that we make a decision to seek to be one with him. He is a merciful but equally a God of justice who would repay each man according to his deeds. 

There are many positions we could take from the readings. We can try and emulate God who loves unconditionally. We are called to embrace the position of the repentant prodigal son but must be discouraged from taking the position of the Pharisees and the brother of the prodigal son who could not come into terms with the nature of Gods love. God is love. He who abides in love, abide in God and God in him (1John 4:16).

May the love of God never depart from you in all things. Amen

Have a lovely Sunday. Peace be with you.