Friday, 4 November 2022

The simpler you are, the deeper your connection with the soul”.

The simpler you are, the deeper your connection with the soul”.

Being simple is about being transparent in your thoughts and actions. You neither judge anyone nor hold anything against them. You do everything with good intention and purity of heart.

Sometimes we meet people and feel so comfortable and at ease with them. Being with them, life seems so positive and vibrant. This is because when the intentions are clear, we connect with their soul and connecting with soul is always uplifting.

Be simple. It is effortless. All you have to do is be your true self.

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Are you getting impressed or inspired?


With the rise in the number of people who are able to influence our lives, we mustn't make their lives a reason to feel unaccomplished.

Before the advent of social media, we were inspired by those around us or great accomplished people who worked hard to achieve their goals. With social media, everyone has got the ability to influence our minds. If someone is showing off their life, trying to impress you, they usually have other goals than to inspire you.

Don't feel inadequate by looking at the lives they portray. Make the right judgement. If someone truly wants to make a difference, they will try ways to help you find your strength, not the ways to impress you

Are you letting your flaws lower your self-confidence?


Are you letting your flaws lower your self-confidence?

Self-confidence comes from accepting yourself and not letting yourself feel lesser than anyone else. 

The reason why most people lack self-confidence is that they become excessively self-conscious of their imperfections. It makes them feel inferior to others and makes them believe that they are not capable or worthy. It truly doesn't matter who you are, how you look and where you have come from; end of the day, we are all humans with different abilities, strengths and weaknesses. No one is superior to another.

Aim to improve yourself, but don't let imperfections lower your self-confidence. The moment you accept everything about yourself, nothing about you will seem imperfect

Do you share your spark with others?

Do you share your spark with others?

Sharing your spark means sharing your inner light and energy to give hope and brighten someone’s life.

Sometimes, people lose hope in life and are engulfed by the darkness. They don’t see any worth in their life, and life becomes a burden for them. All they need at this time is a little encouragement, hope and motivation that there is much more to life than they can see.

If you see someone experiencing the dark, help them out. You will find that every time you help someone, you become even closer to your inner light

Do you accept your mistake?

Do you accept your mistake?

Everyone makes mistakes, but most people are hesitant to admit them. By dismissing our fault, we dismiss our chance to learn and improve.

Sometimes, even with our best intentions, things go wrong. When we know we are at fault, most of us become defensive. We fear admitting our mistakes will put us down in front of others, so we keep denying it. Doing this not only does it hampers our relationship but even our personal growth.

To grow in life, look at ways to need to improve yourself. Improvement can only happen when you realise your shortcomings and are willing to work on them.

Are you trapped in your past?

We all have experienced unpleasant situations in our lives. Sometimes these unpleasant situations or people occupy our minds so much that thinking about them also makes our present unpleasant.

There is no doubt emotional pain lasts longer, but it won’t heal unless you stop thinking about it and stop imagining how things might have been if it didn’t happen the way it did. To let go, you must accept that you had no control over that situation or person. Things happen, and there is always a reason.

Never live in your past; only learn from it. You can't erase unwanted memories, but you can create more beautiful ones to allow the old ones to fade away