Wednesday, 23 November 2022

Sometimes, rejection is the way that takes us to a better place, to someone who can appreciate our worth.


Rejection in any aspect of life, personal or professional, can be very disappointing. We feel hurt and may even see it as an end to everything. As we cannot see how things may turn out in the future, we feel we have lost the opportunity to succeed or the person we wanted to be with.

If someone rejects you, however disappointing it may be, don’t make it a reason to hold yourself back, find fault in yourself or feel incapable. Allow time to accept it, analyse if you could have done things any better, and bring changes that may help you improve. As life goes on and you meet someone who finds worth in you and opportunities that bring out the best in you, you will look back and realise that rejection was nothing but a new pathway for you.

Do you accept your mistake?


Everyone makes mistakes, but most people are hesitant to admit them. By dismissing our fault, we dismiss our chance to learn and improve.

Sometimes, even with our best intentions, things go wrong. When we know we are at fault, most of us become defensive. We fear admitting our mistakes will put us down in front of others, so we keep denying it. Doing this not only does it hampers our relationship but even our personal growth.

To grow in life, look at ways to need to improve yourself. Improvement can only happen when you realise your shortcomings and are willing to work on them.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022

Why do we find some people so comforting?


People who truly understand us without being judgemental always bring our hearts at ease.

At the times when our heart is broken, we look for support from those around us. What we need at that time is someone who can listen to us, see our life from our perspective and understand what we are going through. When someone offers us such comfort, we don't feel alone in our pain and it helps to overcome that painful period with a little ease.

Be a comforting heart for others. It only takes a little understanding to lessen someone's pain.

Are you letting let people's success create self-doubt ?


Although our circumstances might be different, we all have the ability to become successful in life. Some may need more effort than others to overcome the challenges they face.

When someone achieves success, we often look at our lives to see where we are. Often it makes us feel that we are far behind and make us doubt our abilities. Once we underestimate our abilities, we don't see how far we have already come and how far we can go.

Learn from other people's success. Make their reason feel confident that if they can do it, you can too.

Are you careful with your words?


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Our words carry a lot of power. They can either build or break a person. It is important that we choose the right words and the right way to communicate with others.

Most people never think before they speak. When we don't realise what we are talking about, we don't realise how those words can affect others. Often, our words become the reason for someone's pain, broken heart and damaged relationships.

Think before you speak, speak calmly and choose your words carefully. Ensure your words turn into joy for someone, not pain.

Friday, 11 November 2022

How does our purpose in life always keep us motivated?


We don’t need the motivation to do things we are passionate about because when we see a bigger purpose, we do it from the depth of our hearts without thinking about what it will yield.

Most of us lose our motivation to do or continue to do something because it is something that doesn’t fulfil our inner needs. Unless our inner needs are met, we feel inadequate even after our best try. Unless one finds their purpose, motivation drops after some time.

Discover and follow the purpose of life. The purpose always leads us on the path of humanity. When the soul feels satisfied, you feel motivated to do even everything else in life.