Thursday 14 September 2023


πŸ™…*** There are certain People Who are not meant to fit in your Life no matter how Much Space you Created for them to be There.

πŸ€“**** 3 Words, 8 Letters, 3 Syllables, 5 Vowels, 3 Consonants, 2 Pronouns, One Emotion, Many Meanings, a Big Lie, a Rare Truth..."I LOVE YOU"

πŸ™Ž**** Sometimes, being alone is better than being with the Wrong Person who only wants to Love you for fun, what to get from
you and to gain Experience from you.

πŸ˜₯*** When you get attracted to Someone, you will realize what is Love. When that Someone starts avoiding you, you will realize
what is Life.

πŸ’”*** Don't let Past Relationship ruins your Future Happiness. Scars remind us of Where We've Been, not Where We are Going.


. 🀜
1 πŸ’ž------Keep your circle small. Quality, not quantity. Not everyone who treats you like a friend is your friend. 
2 πŸ™‹----- When a female no longer gets frustrated and upset with you, you can guarantee that she doesn't care anymore. Silence is deadly. 
3✌Females like it when you're overprotective, not possessive. There's a thin line between the two. 
4 πŸ’------  Falling in love with someone's personality Is dope. It makes them even more attractive. It's like the icing on the cake. 
5 πŸ™------ When some things go wrong, take a moment to be thankful for the many more things that are still going right. 
6 πŸ™------- God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it's worth the wait.

Wednesday 13 September 2023

SINGLE TO MINGLE? (Series I) πŸ’πŸ’❤️!

1πŸ™‹**** Ladies: Place your Heart in the Hands of God and He will place it in the hands of a Man who He Believes deserve it.
2🚢****  Guys: The only 3 things a guy should wanna change about his Lady is her Last name, her Address and her Viewpoint on Men.
3πŸ›€**** Sleeping Alone is better than sharing your Bed with Someone who shares a Bed with Someone else when you're not around.
4πŸ™†*** Being "Sexy" will not get you a Husband,....You will only get a Boyfriend.
5πŸƒ****  Don't Allow Your Erection to determine your Direction.
6🀦****  Don't Change so People will like you, Just be yourself and the Right Person will Love the Real You.
7🀺***** Be a Lover, not a Fighter. But Always Fight for What you Love.


1. A man has the power to love a woman in a special way that she has never been loved, & yet hurt her with the same intensity.
2. A man has the power to treat a woman like a queen & then turn around & make her wish she was never born.
3. A man has the power to make a woman cry with happiness & joy, then turn around & make her cry with hurt & anger.
4. A man has the power to let a woman feel free & wanted, but also feel disgusted & unworthy.
5. A man has the power to look a woman in her face & tell her "I love you", but turn around &
sleep with her best friend.
6. A man has the power to make a lady fall in-love with him within days, & hate him within minutes.
7. During sex a man has the power to make a woman feel like she’s in heaven, & afterwards
makes her feel like a prostitute..
8. A man has the power to change a woman from having her goals, to living out his goals instead of
her own***

Why is it that MEN have such powers???
MEN have so much power, because ladies give it to them...
The power of a man will not mean anything without a WOMAN...
So ladies, when times are hard between you & your MAN & you realize that he treats you bad,
remember that he can only do what you allow him to do to you!!!


πŸ‘πŸΌ1) Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
πŸ‘°πŸΌ2) Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
😷3) Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you
πŸ₯°4) When you say, "I love you", mean it.
😒5) When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.
❌6) Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
πŸ’ž7] Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
πŸ’˜8) In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
🚫9) Don't judge people by their relatives.
πŸ˜›10) Talk slowly but think quickly.
❓11) When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"
πŸ’—12) Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
🀞🏻13) Don't Love too much to the extent that of losing yourself when you lose them
πŸ€—14) When you lose, don't lose the lessons


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