Fada Oluoma responded to my recreation to his his letter to Mr Matthias Ezeaku. He wrote as follows.
"Hello Fr Unegbu, thank you for responding to my letter and also making your observations/ corrections. Among all the points you made, the obviously most important one is your point 10 which cascaded down to the end. You took your time to outline the achievements of our ancestors with archaeological proofs. This is professional scholarship and I doff my cap. I totally agree with everything you said about what our ancestors achieved and the need to avoid demeaning them.
However, it should have come as an addendum or a new perspective to my letter. I didn't create any impression or directly stated anywhere in my letter that OUR ANCESTORS achieved nothing. If you go through my letter again you'd see that I never used the term or phrase "our ancestors". It was a discreet and intentional omission. I challenged Mathias to name one thing "those who practiced the kind of religion" he is advocating invented. I could have used the expression "show me one thing your ancestors or our ancestors" achieved. I deliberately omitted the word "ancestor" for 2 reasons: I wasn't referring to our Igbo ancestors there, I'm aware of their achievements as you outlined, I wouldn't have been born Igbo if my ancestors were daft. Secondly, I don't regard the "religion" Mathias is advocating same as our ancestors'. Search the media and see him gathering his co worshippers or followers in a building, that's not how I'm taught our ancestors practiced theirs. I'm not even sure he can replicate it even if they teach him.
So, I was deliberate in the omission of ancestors because of my sacred respect for them and didn't want to make them part of this conversation.
Finally, if you take into cognizance that my letter was in defence of Christianity against a rabid attack, you'd understand why all those things you felt I should have added aren't there. The letter was in defence of Christianity against someone who claims the Christian religion has done no good to our people, so it's proper I took time to list the achievements of Christianity. When I'm going to write in defence of our culture(which will be published soon), it will have the emphasis it deserves.
I hope you can publish this response in your wall so that your followers who have that impression will read my clarification.
Once more, thank you for your scholarly intervention done with respect and civility. Remain blessed."
Me: Thanks, Fr. Oluoma, for this clear clarification. It has dotted the i's and crossed the t's. It has not only enriched your letter but also the sincerity of your intentions. Keep being who you are. With people like you with burning zeal for the truth and decency, we have hope that one day our people will be reunited in brotherhood and progress irrespective of belief, religious, denominational, or ideological differences.
Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu