Saturday, 13 April 2024



1. Wear something easy to remove, comfortable and sexy. Make the work of your partner easy to peel off your clothes to reveal the naked you. Yummy lingerie, loose boxer. Sleep naked for best results.

2. Brush your teeth to encourage kissing.

3. Don't carry work to bed.

4. Minimize the use of phones or laptops. Your partner needs attention, the bedroom is sacred.

5. Move the baby to a separate room (if your finances allow you to and you have a home of more than one bedroom) when the baby is of age. The child might have been conceived in the bedroom but is not meant to live in your bedroom that is an exclusive island for two.

6. Gentleman have that one spot besides her lips you kiss each night; whether it's her forehead, fingers, shoulders, back or butt. Lady, stroke him with your gentle touch, your fingers speaking love

7. Make a habit of praising each other's body, it makes you both comfortable and relax. Talk those bedroom matters.

8. Pray together before you sleep, and when you wake up.

9. Apologize and forgive if any wrong was done during the day. Don't sleep with a grudge or anger.

10. Read your partner's body language. If you or your partner desires to make love, then rise to the occasion or wet up to the occasion; whether night or morning glory.

11. Have pillow talks, open your heart and lips and talk intimate stuff. Say how you feel; are you troubled, grateful, broken?

12. Cuddle up when you feel sleep is fast approaching, drown into sleep as your bodies intertwine.

13. Tell each other how much you mean to each other. Your partner never gets enough of your affirmation.

14. Incase one of you farts, laugh about it (some farts are unstoppable)

15. Cover your partner incase you wake up in the middle of the night and find your partner outside the duvet/ blanket.

16. Kiss your partner when you come back from peeing in the middle of the night

17. Hold your partner close and pray when your partner wakes up terrified by a nightmare.

18. Give a goodnight and goodmorning kiss.

19. Spend some few minutes of love in bed even when the alarm wakes you up.

20. Carry the love you have for each other even when you leave the bed.
Class dismissed πŸ₯‚

Umu nwanyi

Women .....πŸ’

1- When a woman is angry, she doesn't mean more than half of what she says...Always hug her to calm her down if possible.

2- The most difficult time for a woman is to be away from the man she truly loves. It stresses her out.

3- It takes time for a woman to trust a man, and when she does it's hard to change her mind.

4- A woman is a school you never graduate from.

5- Your marriage certificate with her is not a “Driver's License”, it is only a “Learner's Permit”.

6- She becomes a demon or an angel because of what you say. It is all within your reach.

7- A woman never forgets things, she remembers what hurts her more. Avoid negative words.

8- A woman can be very secretive... often when they prove to men that they are strong, they go without you and share their sorrows with their friends. Make your woman your best friend.

9- All women like to ask for things they like. Men often miss this. Help them behave like babies whenever they want.

10- All women have a unique character, their presence may not be noticed but their absence makes everything interesting.

10- If she loves you, she can do everything you ask her as long as it makes you happy, so don't force her to love you.

11- If you don't take care of her, she will find someone who will. They are always there because she chose you.

12- If a woman really loves you, she will be shy to even ask you for money, but don't wait to ask like a gentleman.

If you have a good woman in your life, protect her...stay close. Give her your love generously... πŸ’“πŸŒΉ



My man and I are getting married coming this Saturday, and we are both virgins. As part of our plans for our wedding night on what every couple do... my man is saying we should call off our plans of having sex on our wedding night because he's travelling on the Monday: U*SA for further studies, this study plans occurred during the courtship period and he doesn't want us to have s*x because he says it will affect him when he travels outside. But he prefers to continue as a virgin and since he hasn't tasted it before, it will be more easy for him to survive and live as he did when he was single. 

His fear is that when he has s*x and knows how it is, he might crave more for it when he travels outside, and he doesn't want to cheat on me because he wants s*x but can't have it because he's in U*S and I'm in Gh*ana. 

I don't know what to do, should I agree to my husband and refuse to have s*x on our wedding night since he's travelling in two days time?

From Akua

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The Origin of wealth and Poverty.

The Origin of wealth and Poverty.

Long before the bible and  any other religious book were written, our hominin ancestors lived, survived, relatively thrived without anyone being rich or poor. In fact,  wealth and poverty were inexistent in their consciousness and experience. 

As hunter- gatherers, they were always on the move, descending the trees to fill their bellies and ascending back for safety.

Long story short, the last ice age which ended about 15000 years ago, gave  rise to a more favorable weather and climatic conditions that was conducive for them to stay in a place. This means they could think more. They discovered or invented agriculture, started building houses and the rest is history.

With all these came the idea of owning land or farm. This is the origin of wealth and Poverty. Jean Jacques Rousseau puts it this way: " the first man, who, after enclosing a piece of ground, took it into his head to say, "this is mine"- that's where it all started to go wrong". (Pg 102,  Human Kind by Rutger Bregman)

With private ownership came wealth, Poverty, inequality and other attendant issues.
Our hominin ancestors were neither rich nor poor, they simply lived. The next set of people to live without wealth and poverty woild be our ancestors in the faith. 

Acts 4:32, 34-35:" The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul; no one claimed PRIVATE ownership of any possessions, as everything they owned was held in common. None of their members was ever in want as all those who owned land or house would sell them was then distributed to any who might be in need."

It was not by prayers, fasting,  anointing service and crusades that the apostles solved the economic needs of the first church, it was by mercy, charity, unity, selflessness and hard work.

Like our hominin ancestors, our Christian ancestors lived without the consciousness of wealth and Poverty, or better put, they killed the consciousness of wealth and Poverty. Like our hominin hunter-gatherer ancestors, our Christian ancestors were hunter-gatherers too. They were on the move, hunting for souls and gathering believers from one territory to the other. The thought of building houses as placesnof worship would take place hundreds of years later.

And once it came, it brought with it wealth and poverty, inequality and gap in the body of Christ. Ironically,  a more civilized and advanced human society created wealth and poverty simultaneously. The regrettable thing is that people learnt to define themselves and be defined by them. Worse still, the good things of life became affordable only to some, unlike before when everyone had access to everything. 

Fr Kevin Ugwu says: " The solution to poverty is not wealth, it is contentment". This is exactly what 1Tim 6:6-10 has said. At such,  one cannot but wonder why some Christian ministers would leave CONTENTMENT and be preaching WEALTH,  it's absurd. Both the rich and poor need it. 

Three points: 
1. Wealth and poverty are not spiritual matters, they are the necessary outcomes of human civilization and advancement. There are countries that have eliminated poverty. Countries where the poorest citizens enjoy all the things we consider luxury here, and their government is responsible. In other words, their government officials allowed God to use them.

2. You don't solve the problem of poverty by charity. Charity is absolutely necessary as intervention against hunger, sickness etc. Where people are hungry, a worshipping community must do what the first church did. No catholic or Christian who belong to any church should beg for food, clothes and basic medication. Yet,  they must be told that charity doesn't cure poverty. 

3. Prayer, anointing services, deliverance and the likes do not solve the problem of poverty. We are not more anointed than the apostles, and we've seen how they tackled this issue.  

The only persons getting rich by prayers, anointing services and other spiritual things you do for financial breakthrough are the ministers selling those products to you. 

Don't come here telling me to balance this statement,  I'll not balance it because the bible didn't balance it. If you like interpret it to mean that fada oluoma says "God cannot make anyone wealthy by miracle" that's your business.

 In fact, I'm in my  house like this, if you don't like this message, come and beat me.😎😎

14 Most Needed Quiz in A Relationship

14 Most Needed Quiz in A Relationship 

It's necessary you take this quiz serious.

1.       Marriage Expectations 

a.     Till death do us part

b.    I plan on the long haul, but we have options if it something terrible happens

c.     We should only stay in this relationship as long as we are happy

2.       Communication

a.     I try not to say things that will make my partner mad

b.    Sometimes I’m not sure my partner understands what I'm trying to say

c.     We have a hard time listening to each other on hot-button issues

d.    I feel comfortable expressing my feelings and being vulnerable with my partner

3.       Trust 

a.     I trust wholeheartedly until you do something to break my trust

b.    You have to earn my trust; I don’t give it out to just anyone

4.       Fidelity

a.     Don’t say or do anything away from me that you can’t do in my presence

b.    I don’t mind a little flirting, but no touching

c.     We can have an open relationship as long as we agree on the boundaries

d.    My idea of fidelity is not described here

5.       Work 

a.     Both partners should work – I believe in shared responsibility

b.    I’m okay being the breadwinner if partner wants to pursue non-income interests

c.     I prefer not to work outside the home once I’m married

d.    We should both work until we have children

6.    Budgeting

a.     I‘m a saver – you never know when you might need it

b.    I like to live in the moment and enjoy the fruits of my labor – you can’t take it with you

7.    Finances

a.     I prefer to manage bills, bank accounts, etc.

b.    I prefer my partner to manage the bills, bank accounts, etc.

c.     We should manage our finances as a team

8.       Family of Origin

a.     I like to see my parents and siblings on a weekly basis

b.    A little bit of family time goes a LONG way

c.     I see my family on holidays

9.    Future Family

a.     I want to have biological children with my partner

b.    I’d like to adopt to share our love and resources with a child in need

c.     If we can’t have children naturally, I’d like to explore every option available to us to become parents

d.    I don’t want children

10.   Spiritual Beliefs and Practices

a.     My faith is the foundation of wellbeing – I practice my faith regularly

b.    I believe in a higher power, but I’m not actively involved in practices

c.     I believe in the goodness of humanity; no need for a higher power

d.    Spirituality is not an integral part of my life

11.   Conflict Resolution

a.     I don’t like to fight; I prefer to avoid confrontation to keep the peace

b.    Arguments are uncomfortable, but it’s important to work out our differences 

c.     Fighting it out is the only way to deal with our issues – I won’t stop till we reach a resolution

d.    My partner and I don’t argue

12.   Sexuality / Intimacy / Affection

a.     Sex is the key to a healthy romantic relationship – it’s how I show love

b.    Sex is an important component of the big picture of our relationship; it deserve our time and attention

c.     Sex is not important to me; I show my love in other ways

d.    I need physical touch to feel loved

e.     I do not feel comfortable with sexual intimacy

f.      My views on sex and intimacy are not reflected here

13.   Leisure Time (circle all that apply)

a.     I need to decompress by myself at the end of a long day at work

b.    When we’re not working, I like to spend the majority of my time with my partner

c.     I have several hobbies and lots of good friends; I love my partner, but I definitely need “me” time

d.    I like to take at least one to two big vacations each year

e.     I like to stay close to home and relax in my free time

14.   Roles, Responsibilities, and Decision Making

a.     I’ll take care of the inside of the house; my partner can take care of the outside

b.    I’ll take care of the outside of the house; my partner can take care of the inside

c.     I prefer to work together on both the inside and outside care of our home

d.    I don’t do work – let’s hire people

15.   Goals and Dreams

a.     I have big dreams for myself; I hope my partner won’t stand in the way of them

b.    I believe partners should create shared dreams

c.     Both A and B are important to me

Are you surprised by yours or your partner’s responses? Are you more aligned or less aligned than you expected? This quiz is a snapshot of some key issues that arise in long-term relationships. It is by no means a predictor of the overall health of your relationship. It is simply a guide for opening discussions and gaining a deeper understanding of each other. If you’ve uncovered some areas of sensitivity, it may be wise to find a professional marriage counselor to help you navigate these conversations and build a stronger foundation of insight and trust.

Follow Us for more tips: Relationship Counseling & Reviews & Obilero Godgift Yemison 

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Ignorance is NOT bliss, but knowing oneself and one’s partner on a deeper level can be.

The meaning of true love from a man.

The meaning of true love from a man. 

I hate to say this but most women will go their entire lifetime and never experience the meaning of actual true love. 

It's even slightly depressing to think that most people will never understand how powerful this picture actually is. 

This gentleman is a prime example of how men should be treating their partner with everyday that passes. 

We unfortunately live in a generation with men who have no idea what it takes to be a real man. 

Let me give you a couple examples of a real man ...... 

A real man asks about your day and genuinely cares about the answer. 

A real man respects your boundaries and never forces you to anything you're not ready to do. 

He makes time for you, and takes that time to learn and understand who you are as a person. 

A real man consistently shows you the definition of effort with every day that passes.

He will call you randomly throughout the day just to check on you and your mental health. 

A real man is undeniably committed to you and looks for new ways to fall in love with you with every day that passes. 

He makes protecting your heart a number one priority.

A real man never makes permanent decisions based on temporary emotions.

He never confuses you on where you stand in his life.

A real man apologizes when he is wrong and stays true to his character. 

He doesn't mind hurting other people's feeling to protect yours.

A real man gives you affection without sexual expectation. 

A real man refuses to entertain any women that isn't you. 

He has genuine intentions with you from day one and shows you how it truly feels to be a priority rather an option. 

A real man will help you heal from the trauma that nobody apologized for.

A real man values you and would never put themselves in a position to lose you. 

Take my advice and wait for the man that never let's you fall asleep at night questioning your own self worth. 

~ Cody Bret