Wednesday, 17 April 2024



1. Shouting at him/her in public. If you want to correct your spouse, pull him/her aside

2. Failing to introduce your spouse in public. Always affirm your spouse's position in public, say "This is my wife/husband"

3. Coming home full when your spouse invested time and effort to cook for you. If you know you are eating out, let your spouse know in advance

4. Treating other people better than you treat your spouse. Your spouse is the special one deserving of your best

5. Gossiping about your spouse to others. Preserve the dignity of your spouse

6. Slapping or physically abusing your spouse. No matter how angry you are, do not harm

7. Insulting your spouse. No matter how angry you are control your tongue

8. Belittling a gift your spouse gave you. Never make your spouse feel you don't appreciate his/her efforts

9. Flirting with others. This shows disrespect to your marriage

10. Badmouthing your spouse to the child/children. Never project a negative image of dad/mom to the child/children

11. Treating your spouse like a slave. Love does not humiliate

12. Talking badly about your spouse's body. You are responsible for making your spouse feel good about his/her body

13. Not appreciating your spouse's contribution just because you do more because you have greater capacity. Love does not keep a score sheet 

14. Praising another above your spouse. Don't become too familiar with your spouse

15. Comparing your spouse with your ex. There is a reason why that person is your ex and you're with your spouse

16. Failing to see the progress your spouse is making and his/her success. If you will not celebrate your spouse, who will?

17. Sneering, banging doors or walking away when your spouse is talking to you. Never make your spouse feel looked down upon or not listened to

18. Rudely hanging up on your spouse's phone call or deliberately ignoring your spouse when your spouse is calling.

HUMANITY of a friend indeed

FROM ACTRESS DAYO AMUSA: Before you go on about how a friend in need is a friend indeed, Please pause to consider the possibility of your friend also being in need.

That you are not aware of their situation and needs is not justification for you to feel entitled to their support. We all have our individual challenges in life even if it doesn’t make it to SM. Some of us are so good in wearing masks ๐ŸŽญ covering our struggles. We can do better as humans.

I understand HUMANITY is of high importance but if it’s not happening when expected doesn’t make your friend a mean person. He that wears the shoes knows where it’s hurting 

It’s time we thought outside of ourselves and allow love lead our thoughts and actions. It’s time we reconsidered the cancel culture and let go of any sense of entitlement๐Ÿ™„

We are the architects of our own individual lives  No one owes you anything


Wednesday of the Third Week of Easter (17 April 2024)

๐Ÿ“•Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a (R.v.1); John 6:35-40


Beloved in Christ, sometimes, God allows us to face some challenges because through them, a greater good will come up for us. It was through the persecution of Christians that the Good News was able to leave Jerusalem to the ends of the earth (see Acts 8:1-8), so that others may also believe in Jesus, the Bread of life and be saved (cf. John 6:35-40).

Don't get this point wrongly! Some people may now begin to argue that if God allows evil for the sake of the good that would come from it, then we can do evil if we expect it to yield a good end. No, in Christian morality, both the process and the end must be intended good. Notice that the point here is that God ALLOWS evil; he does not DO evil.

Having tried to clarify that, I wish to encourage you to be steadfast in following Christ. Don't worry about that cross you are carrying right now. Remember that the pains of the journey to Calvary brought us the joys of Easter.

Just trust God and follow him faithfully. He is ready to grant eternal life to those who do so (cf John 6:40).

Speak with faith upon that your challenge, "This my condition will not lead to disaster in my life; rather, it is for God's glory. Amen."

May God never allow your cross to weigh you down nor make you lose your faith. May he grant you the grace of perseverance and make you victorious with eternal life in the end. Amen.

Have a Spirit-filled and victorious day ahead. Peace be with you.

Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Relationships and Social Media.

Relationships and Social Media.

  Temptation is all over our phones these days and we have been programmed to “swipe left” because we believe there is always someone better. 

  The constant need to look elsewhere will leave people in a never ending circle of unhappiness with their significant other. 

  I honestly think the opposite gender is way to accessible in the 21st century to each other within our mobile devices and men and women talk way too freely where boundaries are crossed blurring the lines of inappropriateness. 
  So unfortunately the inappropriate conversations lead to affairs and they cheat on the one they supposedly love.

  People need to take a step back, put their phones down and focus on what’s in front of them, because some people don’t realise how lucky they truly are, to have what they currently have in a relationship. 

  We should stop giving people the attention who don't deserve it and start focusing on the ones that do. 

 Do me a favor, and appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had.

~ Cody Bret


1. Hugging is a non-sexual physical expression of love. You need this because marriage is more than sex

2. Hugging makes your spouse feel welcomed to your space 

3. Hugging can lead to an emotional release where your spouse breaks down receiving comfort, a therapeutic experience

4. Hugging is a good way to receive each other back home after a day of being a part. Leaving the house and coming back home safe is a miracle you should never take for granted 

5. Hugging your spouse in public shows you are proud of your spouse 

6. Hugging your spouse affirms to your spouse you two are emotionally close. When there is an emotional rift between you two, you will find it difficult to hug

7. Hugging is a good way to resolve conflict after you two have talked things out

8. Hugging makes you both feel loved. There are some people in this world longing for a hug, don't let your spouse be one of them

9. Hugging breaks down the rigid walls created by trauma or by an upbringing that lacked affection 

10. Hugging in front of the children normalizes being vulnerable in the family. Children exposed to love grow up confident to express love

© Dayan Masinde 

May you find someone who will make you feel safe enough to be emotionally naked.

He stormed into the house looking for his wife.

He found her in the kitchen and then he jumped to her and hugged her so tightly. He has never hugged her like that before.

He broke down and cried. Confused she was.

The sound of a crying man is shocking because men are told not to cry.

He gave a good cry with his deep voice.

She held him tightly.

"Darling, what is wrong?" she asked him.

"Talk to me honey, please. What is wrong?" she asked.

He cried even more with every word she spoke.

"Baby, you are scaring me.  I have never seen you like this before. What is going on?" she got worried.

"I love you" he said.

It has been a while since he has told her that and this time it came out with a certain authenticity than ever before.

"I need you" he said as he squeezed her to himself.

"I am here for you" she assured him.

"I feel so alone in my life and the worst part is that it is not that I don't have someone to love me but that I push that someone away. Time and time again, you have tried to get to me but my ego shouts you out" he said as she rubbed her hands on his back.

"Today I almost had a car accident but God saved me. After the car swerved and regained balance, I parked somewhere and looked at myself on the side view mirror and asked myself some questions. Who am I?  Am I loved? Am I allowing myself to be loved? Why am I a lone ranger? Why do I suffer alone in life? All my life, I have never had someone to let in my heart, I pride myself in being a self made man who doesn't need anyone. When I married you, I married for a title, to have children.. but I feel alone. I come home late and avoid heart conversations with you. I shut you out emotionally. What if I die today, will I die a stranger to you?"

"No honey, don't say that. Don't talk like that" she begged him.

"I want to know what love is. I don't know how long I have to live but I know for the first time in my life, I need love. I need to open up, I need genuine laughter, I need to be fully naked with you, I need to tell you my thoughts, I need your touch, I need to talk about matters of the heart not just bills and responsibilities. I need love. Teach me love. I surrender my ego, I want to live my life in full. I don't want to be a stranger" he said.

She pulled herself from him and kissed both his eyes and wiped his tears. I want to know you my husband, show me who you are so that I may love you. Stop fighting your battles alone, stop feeling alone yet I am here. My love for you is gentle and true. 

In your lifetime, may you find someone who will make you feel safe enough to be emotionally naked. It is easy to be physically naked with someone, but emotional nakedness will need you to put down your pride and be vulnerable. May you be loved, may you allow yourself to be loved.

 ©️ Dayan Masinde 

In the book MOTO MOTO COUPLE, Akello and I address in depth the 21 issues that affect every relationship/marriage including work, sex, finances, children, in-laws, communication and how rekindle love back in your marriage. She giving the female perspective, I give the man's perspective on each of those 21 issues. 
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