Wednesday, 17 April 2024


1. Greet him with a smile when he comes home. Don't greet him with a frown, attacks, a list of things to do or a quarrel because of things he didn't do

2. Buy him something to wear that is in line with his taste: Whether a tie, a belt, a shirt, a wrist watch, cologne and such. Something that each time he wears it, he will think of you more. Men love it when that special woman makes them look good and smell good

3. Pray for him while he is listening. Any man will be humbled by that

4. Praise him in front of the child/children. Say to them "Your dad is really amazing" and such. He will feel more secure and in charge at home

5. Straighten his tie. Offer to not only unbuckle his belt when undressing him to make love; but also to buckle it when he is dressing up. This shows you love him for more than sex

6. Praise his penis; no matter its size. The penis is the one organ men easily get self-conscious about. The more you praise his penis, whether he has a big or small one or he climaxes too quickly or not, the more he will be confident in bed. You are the only one who gets to see and touch his penis, so make him a confident man in bed

7. Randomly send him a message to his phone telling him something special like "I am proud to be yours", "There's no other man I would rather be with". A man in love wants to get that from the one he is in love with

8. Buy him a book that will build him, a book he perceives will make him a great man. A book on politics, or governance, or business, or inspiration, or spiritual growth; whatever his interests or needs are. This shows him you are concerned about his growth

9. Take him out on a date sometimes. Ask him when he is free and treat him. Dates are not only for the men to plan. Pamper him sometimes

10. Find out his favourite meal and prepare it often. Sit down and eat with him. Men get close to the one they eat with.

A healthy relationship


In a healthy relationship, you should feel comfortable talking through your emotions. 

You should feel encouraged to speak about what is going through your mind or what is concerning you.

If you happen to have a problem with something your partner has said or done, you should feel comfortable talking to them about it to them without fear of the conversation escalating into a fight.

You should feel confident that no matter what is wrong, you are going to overcome the problem and find a solution as a team because it's called a partnership.

You shouldn’t feel compelled to hide what is bothering you in order to keep the peace. 

You shouldn’t feel like you have to walk on eggshells, otherwise it will cause complications in the near future between the two of you. 

You shouldn’t feel like you need to hide any part of yourself, because your partner should want to know how you’re feeling at all times. 

 Even if it hurts to hear what they’ve done to upset you, they should still want to hear it because they care about your opinion.

After all, if you never tell them what is wrong, they are never going to realize why you are upset.

 They are never going to have the chance to change their behavior. 

They are never going to be able to work towards bettering themselves and down the line, you are going to end up resenting them for it.

That is why your best option is to act straightforward from the start. 

Tell your partner what is on your mind, even when the words are hard to say.

 Refuse to hold anything back, because in a healthy relationship, you should show them every side of yourself. 

You should be completely and utterly you.

Remember, you being honest about your feelings isn’t the same as you causing drama.

You shouldn’t feel like you’re doing your relationship a disservice by bringing up complaints, because really, your relationship would suffer more if you bottled everything up inside. 

-Cody Bret



Getting married is a big decision, and when you decide to tie the knot with a last-born, there are some important things to consider. Last-borns typically exhibit certain personality traits and behaviors that can impact a marriage.

Here are  things to know before getting married to a last-born:

1. Last-borns are often seen as the baby of the family and may have a tendency to be spoiled or pampered by their older siblings.

2. They may crave attention and affection from their partner, so be prepared to give them the love and attention they need.

3. Last-borns are typically more laid-back and easygoing, which can be a refreshing change for someone who is used to being with someone more Type A (or a CHOLERIC).

4. They may struggle with being independent and making decisions on their own, so be prepared to take on more of a leadership role in the relationship.

5. Last-borns are known for their creativity and spontaneity, which can bring excitement and fun into a marriage.

6. They may have a fear of abandonment or rejection, so be sure to reassure them of your love and commitment regularly.

7. Last-borns often have a strong sense of humor and love to make others laugh, so be prepared for some playful banter and jokes in your relationship.

8. They may have a tendency to procrastinate or avoid responsibilities, so be prepared to gently encourage and support them in taking on tasks and challenges.

9. Last-borns can be sensitive to criticism or perceived slights, so be mindful of how you communicate with them and offer constructive feedback.

10. They may have a tendency to be more passive-aggressive in conflicts, so be prepared to address issues head-on and communicate openly and honestly.

11. Last-borns may struggle with setting boundaries and saying no, so be mindful of their needs and feelings in the relationship.

12. They may seek validation and approval from others.



(For The Married)

1. Kissing is not just meant for sex

2. You can tell how your spouse feels about you through the kiss. Are you being kissed back? 

3. Kisses are a good thermometer of your spouse's emotions. If your spouse is emotionally not OK, it will reflect on the kiss

4. After talking about issues, kiss each other. Kissing helps to heal

5. Kissing is good for intimacy as it says what words can't

6. Kissing invites love making. If you want more love making, kiss more

7. If you want to be kissed, maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth at least two times a day

8. If you want to be kissed, watch what you say and your tone. Lips that say hurtful things are not desirable

9. After lovemaking, before you black out and sleep, kiss your spouse. It shows affection and that you were not just after an orgasm

10. Randomly kiss your spouse. Surprise kisses are sweet

11. Relax when kissing. There is a difference between being passionate and being forceful

12. Flow with your spouse's rythmn. Get to learn if your spouse likes tongue kissing or not. Make it enjoyable

13. Gentlemen, the more a woman is kissed the more she feels wanted and desired. Kissing is part of the watering that makes her feel special

14. Learn to kiss more than the lips. Kiss your spouse's forehead, cheeks, closed eyes, back, arms, hips. It brings you two closer

15. As you explore your spouse's body with kisses, you will unearth secrets about your spouse's body that were unknown.


1. One who when we have a dispute, instead of insulting me because of anger; still speaks to me with love

2. One who when faced with temptations of the flesh to be with another; the Spirit causes him to flee

3. One who even when mad at me prays for me; the flesh sees prayer as a favour, the Spirit cannot help but pray

4. One who will tell me off when I am going against God's ways; to keep my flesh in check

5. One who will see raising our children is not just an assignment of provision, but also a spiritual assignment

6. One who when they get fleshy marital advice from outsiders, will discern well and not apply

7. One who will not seek revenge in marriage like the flesh likes to do; but will seek reconciliation led by the Spirit

8. One who will be God's mouthpiece in our marriage, knowing the right words of love to speak in order to minister, encourage and bless

9. One who will not be preoccupied in pleasing outsiders and relatives; but pleasing God

10. One who when even far from me will still be accountable to God, I don't need to worry; a spouse who knows God is watching

11. One who is not governed by selfishness, anger and lust of the flesh; but one led by love, peace...the fruit of the Holy Spirit 

12. One who sees me more than a spouse to fulfill a role; but as someone created in the image of God and my body as the temple of the Holy Spirit hence won't abuse me

May I also be that kind of spouse 

© Dayan Masinde


When it comes to giving, many married people are generous to everybody except their spouses. There are seven things you should give your spouse daily – not weekly, monthly or annually. They are things you must give your spouse daily. Let’s see them:

1. Give Your Spouse A TOUCH

One of the ways to bond with your spouse is to give him or her a touch. We have encouragement touch, affirmation touch, healing touch, apology touch, and we have sexual touch. Study your partner and know what touch to give at a particular time.

If you want God to touch your marriage, touch your spouse. Don’t let today go without you touching your spouse!

2. Give Your Spouse SPACE

As much as you need to bond with your spouse and be together for daily intimacy, communication, affection, planning, etc., you still need to give your spouse his or her space. There is time for couples’ prayers, time for couples’ bonding. Also there is time for personal prayer, personal meditation, personal rest, personal planning, etc.

Don’t choke your spouse. Don’t be over-possessive and over-demanding to your spouse. Stop unnecessary policing and monitoring. Give your spouse the space they need when they need it.

3. Give Your Spouse A CALL/CHAT

Some people can chat with all the contacts on their phone and all the people on their Face book friends list but they will never chat with or call their spouse all through the day. 

Chatting with or calling your spouse in a day at work is a way of saying, “Dear, despite my busy schedule, I have you in mind. I am thinking about you.”

Make sure you send a chat, or give a call, to your spouse today. Make it a habit; it is beneficial to both of you. Nobody can be tired of receiving a caring chat or a call from someone they love.

4. Give Your Spouse A HUG

Hugging is fast disappearing in many marriages today. Research has proved that hugging is one of the emotional needs of every human being.