Monday, 22 April 2024



Get a new alligator pepper and take it behind your back and open it (that's if you it still new)

Then take out four seeds using your right hand and touch it all over your body rejecting any negativity the day is rising with, both Uke, Uchu, hindrances, blockages, setbacks and backwardness

Take it round your head in an Anti clockwise direction 4 times and say you are removing anything badlucks, stagnation, disappointment, problems of any kind, untimely death and any evil that will rise with the day.

Touch it all over your body and throw it away outside your room. 

Then take 7seeds and put it in your mouth and speak positivity and greatness into your day. 

Tell God how you want your day to be. Pray for life, pray for breakthrough, pray for connections, pray for help and pray for your loved ones too. 

Tell God to bless you with more than you asked for. Let God and the Universe give you enough to even help people around you.

Ose oji adiro eje ije ifele.(alligator seeds doesn't go a shameful journey) 

After praying you can swallow it or spit it out depending on what your spirit wants.

If you are a business owner and you don't make sales, as you get to your shop, chew 7seeds of alligator pepper together with bitter kola and call your business name and command customers from the four corners of the earth to locate your business and patronize you.

Split it out after and rinse your mouth with water or hot gin 

* If any seed of alligator pepper falls on the ground, do not pick it because it passes a message to the universe 

* After cleansing, do not throw it where women pass and two friends or couple should not match on it's seed  as it causes misunderstanding and possibly separation 

* It becomes more 
 and powerful if buried for 3 or 7 days. And while doing cleansing, do not change your hands. Finish with the hands you started with. Do not take it from left to right


1. A man understands that $ex for women is never physical, but emotional. Cheating to them it's a sign they are no longer in love.

2. A man instinctively understands that a cheating partner is a murder weapon. And when instigated, could kill him to elope with her new lover.

3. A woman becomes disrespectful once she starts cheating on her man. The disrespect eventually pushes the man away.

4. A man understands that a cheating wife could compromise his children by giving him kids belonging to another man.

Remember to πŸ‘‰ Kisola Emaky Emmanuel


Are you aware that birthday celebrations have a "pagan" origin? 5000 years ago, birthday celebrations were unknown anywhere on earth.

It all started in Egypt. The earliest mention of a birthday was around 3,000 B.C., and it was mentioned in reference to a pharaoh's birthday. Further study implies that this was not their birth into the world but their “birth” as a god.

This accounts for the reason the early Christians did not celebrate the birthday of Jesus. Birthdays were, at the time, not only unusual but also "pagan."

With the introduction of the celebration of Christmas in the 4th century, Christians began to celebrate their own individual birthdays. Today, birthday celebrations have spread.

The fact remains that there is hardly anything we celebrate or practice today that is not rooted in ancient tradition, or what many call "paganism."

That is why I shake my head in disbelief each time I hear our people talking as if Christians and traditionalists are in a war.

I even hear some of our Christians asking traditionalists to stop using cars, phones, etc. since these products were not produced by our ancient tradition.

If we shall go by this argument, Christians should also stop celebrating birthdays, wearing rings, participating in the Olympic games, using calendars, numbers, etc. because all these have pagan origins. The word "God" has even a pagan origin.

The truth is that arguments like this are only heard in societies where education and society have collapsed. You will never hear such arguments in a functional society. Imagine the branch of the tree quarreling with the roots, or vice versa.

Someone recently asked me to choose my stand, either with the traditionalists or the Christians. I asked him to send me a map with a demarcation of where our Christians and traditionalists live. I have not heard from him till now.

The truth is that we are one. We need each other, irrespective of our belief differences. Life is a continuum. History is a single unit with different epochs. 

That energy we use to fight ourselves over belief differences could be used to find a way to end the child trafficking and prostitution that are ravaging our land. Let's stop dissipating our energy for trivialities. Yes, we can correct each other without fighting.

Any day your society begins to function, you will discover that no one will care again what the other believes. The essence of every religion and tradition in general is to create a world where peace, freedom, security, justice, progress, and brotherhood will reign. 

Remember, without a functional government, none of these can be achieved. Our real enemies, therefore, are those who make the development of a functional political system impossible.

Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu



Every Man irrespective of who they are must read the book by a German writer Esther Villar In her book "The Manipulated Man" 

This book has caused outrage and *hostile criticism* from women, it explains how women since the earliest times have manipulated men and turned them into their slaves, they have *pretended* to be the oppressed sex while in the real sense they are the oppressors. 

She explains how a woman manipulates a man skillfully by steps like *courtship* and finally *marriage* , hence the saying “ *a man chases a woman until SHE catches him”* .

In her book she explains how the man is *tricked* to care for the woman all his life  and her offspring. 

He rolls the stone like *Sisyphus* and in turn gets rewarded by a few minutes of sexual pleasure. 

We can, by observing Esther Villars assertions that a man is a slave of his desires and the woman uses and has used it for thousands of years as a stick and carrot to keep the man chasing vanity and commit his life to serving her.

She goes ahead to explain the *rivalry of women* , how each woman feels the powerful urge and need to own a male for herself. 

Like a *slave owner* she detests any move the man would make to offer his services to another woman. She uses all means to keep the man to herself and  her offspring alone.

Esther Villar's sentiments are captured by Nigerian Poet, critic and writer, Chinweizu Ibekwe in his book, “The Anatomy of Female Power” (AFP) and  Will Farrel's, “The Predatory Female”. 

They all push the theory that all societies are matriarchal and not patriarchal as we are pushed and forced to believe. *Matriarchy has ruled not through brawn but wits and tricks;* women feigning weakness to be protected etc. Thus the male becomes the most exploited sex in human history, (in wars the man is always ready to die for the woman; he has been trained to do that).

Chinweizu calls the idea of *dating* and *courtship* , *training* , like that of a horse. It is during this time that a woman having kept the man on a leash by denying him sex and getting him addicted to her by false charms, trains and breaks him to whatever she wants him to become.

The marriage celebration becomes a celebration for the *woman and her friends,* and they all congratulate her for having succeeded in getting herself a *slave* . 

A man on that *wedding* day waves goodbye to his independence and his coalition of males and commits himself to a *Sisyphean* life, rolling the stone, an act he cannot abandon having *society* and the *government* checking on him and always ready to *jail* , *shame* or *exile* him for absconding his duties of slavery. 

Thus the government and society helps the woman in keeping her *slave*(man) in check.

Chinweizu gives a narration of how women are trained by older matriarchs to *tame* men. He explains how a man is trained to rely on women by his own mother. 

A man is *shamed for cooking* for himself and other domestic chores by his *own mother* who is an agent of the global matriarchal rule.

By getting the man to hate *domestic* works and having it enforced by culture which warns men against going into the kitchen, doing *laundry* etc. 

The mother trains his son for the woman who will captivate him and when the time comes she takes hold of the man's stomach and by getting the man addicted to her body she holds him by the two, in *bed* and in the *kitchen* . 

With those two weapons she manipulates the man and turns him into her plaything.

In the “Myth of the Male Power”, Esther Villar's “A Man's Right to the Other Woman”; “The Polygamous Sex”, the authors of those books challenge the narrative that men oppress women, and by detailed research across African, Western and Eastern both in ancient and modern  societies, the authors unravel the hidden power of the ruthless matriarchal power that rules the world. 

Also Helen E. Fisher did anthropological research of ancient human societies and wrote the book "The Sex Contract, The evolution of human behaviour" 1982. She too came to the conclusion that Marriage is a selfish creation of a Woman, where she uses sex to manipulate a man to take care of her and her offspring. Other male animals do not carry the same burden and responsibility.

 *Presidents* , *Emperors* and *Kings* are all puppets of the matriarchy forces that rule the World  by pulling the strings from behind the curtains

A noble piece which is a must read for every Man under the globe...

πŸ₯’ Having a small 3rd leg or the man 3rd leg is shrinking or getting smaller?

πŸ₯’ Having a small 3rd leg or the man 3rd leg is shrinking or getting smaller? 

 Was your third leg bigger , longer before and after a time, it starts getting smaller and weak making it hard to perform as a man?

πŸ’―Solution; Just as plants needs fertile soil and fertilizer to grow, man needs real natural food combination to Re-grow third leg.

🌿We will show you how to regain the strength of the 3rd leg with natural foods and fruits you get from your environment.

It is going to take place in a WhatsApp group so we can discuss well. 
Click on the button below so I can add you to the WhatsApp group.

What you will learn in the class?

✅Causes of third leg of man shrinkage
✅Fruits and food combination that stops shrinkage
✅ Re-grow the third legs to become longer and bigger again
✅Natural recipe to remove infection
✅Exercise for stronger and standing long third man leg
✅Home made cream recipe to stop shrinkage and also grow third leg.
✅Home made drink to boost third man leg growth to work better in the bush

The class is for few people, so, join now by clicking the button below.


⏰Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter (22 April 2024)

πŸ“•Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3, 43:3, 4,(R. Mark 42:3ab); John 10:1-10


As we enter yet another new work week and continue our pilgrimage of faith here on earth, the message of Jesus as the good shepherd is continued today in order to remind us that with him by our side, we shall lack nothing. The picture that is painted in John 10:1-10 is one that presents the Good Shepherd as one who provides and protects.

The sheepfold is a place of safety for the sheep. The Israelites normally make use of a common sheepfold for shepherds in the same area with only one door in and out of the house. They take turns to guard the sheepfold. The shepherds bring in their sheep at night and come in the morning for them. The sheep belonging to each shepherd listen to the shepherd's voice and follow him to pasture.

Jesus says that he is that door that leads in and out of the place of safety and provision for the sheep (John 10:7). Are you a sheep of his flock? If you are, you will hear his voice telling you, Come to me…you who work hard and who carry heavy burdens, and I will refresh you (Matt 11:28).

Note that this good shepherd shuns division or discrimination of any kind (see Acts 11:1-15) and will never abandon you even if people abandon you. The question is whether you are ready to follow his leadership. Do not separate yourself from him nor allow yourself to be used to separate others from him. He wants all that are part of his flock to be under his mantle (John 10:16).

May he give us the grace to stay away from sin so that we may always hear his voice and follow him to good pasture and a place of rest in the end. Amen.

Have a beautiful and prosperous work week. Peace be with you.