Sunday, 28 April 2024



๐Ÿ“•Acts 9:26-31; Ps 22:26b-27, 28 and 30, 31-32 (R.v.26b); 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8


Last Sunday, we reflected on Jesus the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. Today, we reflect on Jesus, the vine that gives life and provides strength to his disciples, the branches. Without the vine, the branches are nothing. After all these lessons that show us how much God loves and cares for us, next Sunday, which will be the last Sunday before the Ascension of Jesus into heaven, we shall see Jesus send forth his disciples to go and show others equal amount of love that he has shown us (cf. John 15:12-14), and through that, bear much fruit for the Kingdom of God.

In essence, Jesus actually needs us to bear that fruit. It is in that that his mission would be considered successful. Try to imagine a vine without the branches. It will not have leaves. We know that during photosynthesis, it is the leaves that absorb light and carbon dioxide to produce carbohydrate (food) for plants to grow. That means that a vine without the branches (or enough branches) can not be fed properly.

Are we truly branches of this vine, Jesus? If we are not, we are depriving that vine of good nutrition and frustrating its growth. That is a betrayal, and woe to us if we become part of that betrayal (see Matt 26:24).

Again, without the branches, the vine will not be able to produce good fruits. Without the good fruits of the vine, men will be deprived of good wine from the vine. Can we not see that without being true branches of the vine, we shall be truncating God's plan to give his children the choicest wine (cf. Isa 55:1) and more importantly that which shall be served on the Mountain of the Lord (cf. Isa 25:6)?

Yet, even with all the importance of the branch, it can not stand on its own. It needs the vine to bear leaf and fruit. That is what we call a symbiotic relationship. The branch needs the vine and the vice versa.

It is important to equally note that the vine needs to be given exceptional care in order to bear good fruits. So the Father, who serves as the gardener, waters and cares for the vine, pruning it as the farmers would do for effectiveness. Can you see the connection between the sufferings of a Christian and the pruning of the vine plant? St James tells us that God allows trials to come our way so that our faith would be strengthened, and when we successfully go through the trial, we shall receive the crown of life that he promised (cf. James 1:2-12). Moreover, the scripture says in many places that God chastises those whom he loves so that he may correct them (cf. Prov 3:12; Ps 94:12; Job 5:17-18; 1 Cor 11:32; Heb 12:5-11; Rev 3:19).

We can then see why St. Paul had to bear the trials and persecution that came his way in good faith. As such, he was able to make an enormous claim, "I am crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" (Gal 2:20). We, too, can make such a claim. We may no longer be able to suffer physically like the early Christians and some missionaries in difficult places today. But we can do so by allowing God's love to be our rule of life.

Christianity is a vocation of love, and every Christian is expected to bear a fruit of love. It is only in such a way that we can remain a part of Christ, a branch of the vine that would gain not only our lives, but also the lives of those who put their trust in God.

Have a blessed and fruitful Sunday. Peace be with you.

Saturday, 27 April 2024


⏰Saturday of the Fourth Week of Easter (27 April 2024)

๐Ÿ“–Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 (R.v.3cd); John 14:7-14


The Gospel of John can not get tired of calling us into faith in Jesus as that is its primary project. Believing in Jesus is more important than our comfort since that is what guarantees eternal life for us (cf. John 20:31).

You can then see that, in John's Gospel, most of the works that Jesus did among the people are called SIGNS and not MIRACLES. They are signs that should point out the divinity of Jesus to us (see John 14:11). More so, these signs are not just means of satisfaction, but they enhance growth in us that would transform us into WITNESSES. 

Ironically, many of us are more interested in these works than in the person of Jesus. Many others, too, are more comfortable with their immediate gain than the sight of eternal life. 

Considering the verb that Jesus used here (John 14:7), 'TO KNOW' goes beyond having a mere idea of something or someone. It means 'to ENCOUNTER'. To encounter someone demands a personal touch. You can not touch someone you are not close to.

Remember that sin can keep us away from being close to Jesus. Yet, you can not have an encounter with Jesus if you are not close to him. And we NEED Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) to KNOW the Father.

The sin of jealousy made the Jews distance themselves from that encounter with Jesus when Paul and Barnabas came to them with the word of eternal life. Their opposition, however, caused the message to spread to the gentiles. We are the losers when we fail to have that encounter with Jesus.

What is the content of your faith? Is it built upon a personal touch with Jesus?

May our profession of faith this day be really Christocentric so that he may take us safely with him back to the Father. Amen.

Have a faithful and grace-filled weekend. Peace be with you.

Friday, 26 April 2024

Men are protective by nature. When a man loves, he protects. Men protect what is valuable.

Men are protective by nature. When a man loves, he protects. Men protect what is valuable. 

Protect your wife from other women, don't make other women feel comfortable to bad mouth your wife or disrespect her just because you allow it. Females will treat your wife based on how you treat her.

Protect your wife from your parents and siblings. When you hear them talking badly about the woman you chose and who bore you children tell them "Mom, dad I honour you but kindly show respect to the woman I am building a home with"

Protect your wife from your friends who mock her and speak so casually about her.  Those friends might leave you in a few months but your wife is with you for life. If anything happens to you, she will be there for you. When they make fun of her, they are making fun of you, you two are one.

Protect your wife from physical abuse, yes you are masculine and have the ability to inflict physical pain, but don't abuse that physical power. If you are angry, walk away; if you two have a disagreement, find a mature way to talk about it; if you get caught doing wrong, own up to your mistake, don't silence your wife through violence to get away with it. 

Protect your wife emotionally. Don't call her names and hurl insults at her to kill her self esteem and get her to do what you want her to do. Inspire to be better, don't intimidate her to be lesser; that is what it means to be a leader.

Protect her in the spiritual realm. Pray for her and the children. Go to war for your family. Mark your territory where angels operate and declare no weapon formed against your family shall prevail. Put your deep voice to purposeful use.

Protect your children from bullies. When your children come home crying because someone called them ugly, pathetic, good for nothing;  push back and speak life and power to your children, tell them they are good looking, blessed, great and special. Don't be silent when your loved ones are under attack.



Why is your woman not happy with you? Why is she easily angry, irritable,  depressed,  frustrated and very bitter towards you? Why did she lose respect for you in marriage? Why is she so emotionally,  hates sex and lost her charm?

1. YOU DON'T APPRECIATE HER: Some men are perfect complainers and critics. They believe praising a woman will make her head swell and misbehave,  even when she s slaving to death,  they will rather attack,  abuse,  complain,  criticize than appreciate her. If you are that type of man, you can never have a happy woman under your roof. A simple "Thank you"," You are doing a great job", "It's great having you in my life" will do a great magic and turn your marriage around. Learn to appreciate your wife when she goes out of her way to please you. She will be happy and that gloom in your marriage will automatically disappear.

2. YOU DON'T LISTEN TO HER: We are communication beings. I mean women love to talk,  be listened to and well understood. When you are too busy to communicate with her, look into her eyeball and let her know she is the most important person to you after God,  you will have a frustrated,  depressed wife. We understand you can be so busy and needs time to unwind and think,  yes! We know but don't make a habit of ignoring your wife. She needs to talk to her daily.

3. YOU CHEAT ON HER: Double dating is not allowed in courtship,  if you cheat on her,  she will end it. Chasing side chicks,  having emotional/sexual chats with other women may make your wife lose her mind. No wife will ever be happy with an adulterer. Stop it now and work on your marriage or you may end up divorced.

4. YOU DON'T ADMIRE  HER: Some men will look at their very beautiful wife,  acknowledge her beauty and attractiveness but to open their mouths and say it is big problem. Some men need to be taught how to admire their women. Learn to open your mouth and tell your wife she's beautiful daily.



1. By not hurting your spouse the same way their ex did

2. By covering him/her from shame by not behaving badly in public

3. By praying a prayer of physical, emotional and spiritual protection 

4. By being in control of your anger so that you don't do or say hurtful stuff on account of your temper

5. By protecting your spouse from misunderstandings, attacks or bullying from your parents and relatives. Don't leave your spouse exposed

6. By assuring your spouse so that he/she doesn't have to be suspicious of you and your friends of the opposite gender 

7. By speaking a blessing of your spouse's great future, not focusing on your spouse's past mistakes

8. By honouring your spouse by telling off people who try to lure you or seduce you

9. By covering your spouse's weaknesses instead of broadcasting them to others

10. By giving your body in physical contact to cover your spouse from cold and loneliness

© Dayan Masinde



1. It reduces the amount of fights. Most fights in marriage are about money

2. It releases you to enjoy sexual intimacy. Stress and worry about money is a libido killer, it is why some men struggle to erect or sustain an erection and why some women are too anxious to think about love making

3. It gives you the opportunity to live in the best neighborhood conducive for raising your vision of a family

4. It gives you the capacity to pursue your personal dreams and aspirations; be it going to school, advancing your career or starting a business. Personal fulfillment then leads to marital fulfillment

5. It equips you to give your children the best life has to offer. Best in education, technology, events and tools

6. It makes you worry less so that you focus on wholesome parenting. There are some parents who are so stressed about money that they are causing neglect, harshness, discouragement and trauma on their children

7. It makes you feed your family healthy meals consistently because you can afford it

8. It allows you to do memorable things outside the home such as trips and dates, spicing up your marriage and family. There are couples who all they do is spend time at home due to lack of money leading to dryness and familiarity 

9. It exposes you to higher experiences and interests. When your basic needs are easily met, it releases you to dream and indulge on other interests leading to more growth

10. As you financially grow as a couple, you naturally find yourself in the company of other people and couples growing leading to more growth

11. It exposes your children to wealth leading to confidence and minds that think big. Wealth is not strange to them. There are adults who don't pursue wealth and goals because it is foreign to them 

12. It empowers you to touch lives as a couple. With financial wealth, you can choose to support or sponsor any project, group or individuals in need.