Thursday 11 July 2024


1. Before you see the wrong in your spouse, see also your wrong. It makes you fair and balanced 
2. Before you correct your spouse, appreciate your spouse. It makes your correction better received 
3. Before you accuse your spouse of something, have concrete proof. Too many people are accusing their spouse falsely based on feelings, suspicion and insecurities. If you have questions, ask without forming conclusions 
4. Before you claim your spouse is distant, check if you have pushed him/her away
5. Before you claim your spouse is secretive, ask yourself if you are easy to talk to - calm, non-judgmental and empathetic
6. Don't protect a friend at the cost of hurting your spouse. It shows your spouse he/she has value. It is very easy to take your spouse for granted
7. Don't let how you treat your spouse be determined by how your spouse treats you. This only makes you hold back the best of your love and leads to tit for tat. Marriage is built by husband and wife both choosing to be the bigger person 
8. Don't let a day go by without asking your spouse "How are you?" Or checking up on your spouse. It oils the marriage
9. Don't take a back seat and relax in marriage, your marriage will whither without effort. It takes being intentional to keep a marriage healthy and strong
10. Don't treat your spouse based on how your in-laws treat you. Your in-laws might not like you, but your spouse loves you
11. Do to your spouse what you want your spouse to do to you
12. Do love your spouse the way your spouse wants to be loved, not the way you think your spouse ought to be loved
13. Do the things you promised you would do. It makes your word more trusted and moves the marriage further
14. Do use your money, your phone, your success, your strengths to love on your spouse; not to hurt your spouse
15. Do make time for your marriage. Your old age as a couple will be shaped by how you invested time in your marriage over the years
©️ Akello


1. In a relationship, the man needs attention, love, and respect. Even if he have an outside relationship, these things can draw his mind fully to the one who gives them to him.
2. Men does not need a woman who is only a consumer, that can't multiply. Women are helpers to men, so it hurts men a lot to know that they are the only source of income.
3. When a man is angry, he need to be talked to in a moderate manner. Remember, it is water that can quench fire, so you won't talk to him in any harsh manner for him to listen, even if he's wrong.
4. Men hate to be cheated by their women. It hurts a lot for a man to catch his partner with another guy. Even if he don't have today, give him that respect, you don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. MEN ARE JEALOUS!
5. The man always feel pleased to be comforted by his wife.
6. If a man loves you, trust me, he can do anything just for you to put on the smile.
7. Let the man food be prepared very well and in time. Don't make him eat out, not even at his office. Prepare him a lunch if necessary.
8. Make it your habit to always surprise him. It makes him feel good.
9. Always welcome him home with smiles, hugs, and soft words. You don't know the tension he went under at his job site.
10. Whenever he's out there, keep calling him to check if he's safe. Show him concern.
11. Study and know him as your ABC so that you'll know if he's in bad mood to comfort him. He might not explain to you when he's not in a good mood.
12. Whenever there is an issue, don't address the man outside, mostly in public gathering.
If you do all these, trust me, you got a perfect husband for life.

Tuesday 9 July 2024


Emperor Justinian placed Pope Vigilius in imperial custody primarily due to a theological controversy known as the Three Chapters controversy.

This controversy involved theological disputes over the writings of three theologians who were considered Nestorian or Nestorian-leaning which simply meansthat they upheld the Knowledgethat Reincarnationis real. 

Justinian sought to condemn these writings to reconcile with the Monophysite Christians in the Eastern Roman Empire.

Pope Vigilius initially opposed Justinian's efforts but eventually agreed to support the condemnation of the Three Chapters. However, this decision was not universally accepted in the Western Church, and Vigilius faced significant opposition. In 547 AD, Justinian summoned Vigilius to Constantinople to settle the matter. Vigilius resisted, but under pressure and possibly coercion, he eventually agreed to support Justinian's position.

Vigilius was effectively placed under imperial custody from 547 AD onwards, remaining in Constantinople until his death in 555 AD. During this period, he was unable to exercise his full papal authority and faced challenges from various factions within the Church. Thus, it was a combination of theological disagreement and imperial pressure that led to Emperor Justinian putting Pope Vigilius in imperial custody.

Reincarnation is your greatest reality, your Heaven and Hell is an illusion.


The Holy Mass by Fada Gabriel

1. The Holy Mass is the name Catholics call the threefold liturgical activities mentioned in Acts 2:42 — prayer, preaching, and breaking of bread (Eucharist). The three, together, form parts of the Holy Mass.

2. ⁠There is nothing wrong with wanting to listen more to God’s word or joining further group prayers after one has gone for Mass. It is even encouraged by the Church, that is why we hold some pious society prayer meetings or do faith-teachings on Sunday evenings (nkuzi nke okwukwe), because faith comes by hearing (Rm 10:17).

3. God is not restricted to using only priests for His many works; He can use both priests and lay people. The priest Amaziah could not understand how the village boy called Amos suddenly came to the city of the king and was prophesying, so he ordered him away. Yet Amos was a true prophet made so by God (Amos 7:10-17). 

4. The Holy Spirit is found not only in meditative prayers (which is my kind) but also in speaking in tongues kinds of prayers which some call noisy. And He does not restrict Himself only to our Catholic Church, He blows wherever He wills (Jn. 3:8).

5. If we say that Zion people obeying divine inspirations to gather and pray in Jesus name is “disobedience” to church, then we are saying that the whole of Christianity was built on disobedience. The chief priests had told the apostles to stop everything they were doing in the name of Jesus, but the apostles did not obey that (Acts 4:18-20). They were expelled from the synagogues, and Christianity began. However, if the matter at hand is about priests and religious under promise or vow of obedience, then it is a different thing all together. 

6. The Mother Church has always searched for ways to gather together all her children scattered in different denominations (Jn 17). When Pope Paul VI in the 1970s, for instance, saw the great flow of the Holy Spirit on Kathryn Kuhlman, an American Pentecostal evangelist, the Pope had to invite her to Rome for encouragement. And here we are on facebook tearing down our own fellow Catholics till another painful separation or secession emerges. 
7. What we should be doing is to encourage the local church where the Zion ministry is found to try and incorporate it in full as Catholic ministry, put priests there as chaplains to be saying Masses, guard against aberrations, etc. The abundance of the harvest in Africa tends to make us to be too quick in suppressing charisms. It is in the nature of the sheep to sometimes act stupidly or even go prodigal, it is the nature of the Church to search for her.

8. Finally, if we are unable to make our opposing points without insulting our opponents, then we’re not showing ourselves as Christians, a name which means “one like Christ”. The beauty of constructive criticisms is that no matter how opposing the points may be, they are expressed finely and respectfully.  And here’s one of my guiding principles: “Say evil of no one” (Titus 3:2).

God bless us always.

Fr. Gabriel

Saturday 6 July 2024



1. Intimacy in your marriage will suffer if you keep coming home late 

2. Your wife doesn't find you sexy because you buy her expensive gifts, she finds you sexy because of how you attend to her emotions 

3. Your wife will struggle to give you her body if she suspects you are entertaining another woman/women. Faithfulness makes you sexy

4. Don't avoid your wife the whole day then expect her to be turned on for you at night 

5. Women make love with their emotions, for them, the feeling of being loved is important. If you hurt her, she won't desire to make love 

6. If she doesn't feel ready to make love tonight, find out if there is an issue and address it. 

But if she is genuinely tired or not in the mood, it is not the end of the end of the world. How you treat her today, will determine how love making will be tomorrow 

7. If you realize you are demanding conjugal rights, know that you are no longer having intimacy but sexual perversion and coercion. Intimacy is not demanded, intimacy is invited and mutually celebrated

8. Sometimes all she needs from you is not your penis, but your arms to hold and cuddle her 


Wednesday 3 July 2024

Okpoho History

The Okpoho is an ancient money invented by the Igbos and used extensively in the 16th century AD across West Africa as a medium of monetary exchange in trade between the Europeans and indigenous west Africans.

Made of bronze or copper, the Okpoho was usually formed into a ring-shaped object that looked like a bracelet with each end of the ring flattened out. Because it looked like a bracelet (and in fact, was sometimes worn around the wrists, neck or ankles as bracelets by women of wealthy husbands), the Spanish called it 'manilla', meaning bracelets.

The Okpoho originated in Enugu igbo land, Okpoho is the name of Igbo blacksmith town in modern day Ezeagu LGA Enugu State where Manilla was traditionally minted and circulated all over Igboland and beyond. However was wrongly accredited to ancient Calabar City, Efik country, and its use was documented in the 16th AD as a medium of monetary exchange where one Okpoho bought one elephant tooth, and one slave could be bought for 8 to 10 Okpohos during the slave trade era.

The Okpoho is also featured at the back of the Nigerian ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฌ N100 currency note, and also in the Akwa Ibom State seal, and in many other places.

Table of summary:
Name: Okpoho
Function: money
Origin: Calabar, Efik country.
Region used: West Africa
Material: Bronze, copper, or brass.
Invented: around 16th century AD
Declined: April 1, 1949.
Replaced by: British Pound

Yet if you go to Wikipedia page, you see that they listed Calabar as the origin of Manilla.

This is because the colonials first saw Manilla at Calabar slave ports being used by Aros and Efiks for exchange of slaves .
And in error, they accredited Calabar with the money.
Even When Efiks are not known as blacksmiths, they have no iron ore minning sites in Efik land, so how could they have invented Manilla.

Moreover even in Efik, Manilla is called Okpoho.
Guess what? Okpoho is the name of Igbo blacksmith town in modern day Ezeagu LGA Enugu State where Manilla was traditionally minted and circulated all over Igboland and beyond.
Okpoho people were like the CBN of Ancient Igboland, minting Okpoho aka "Ego-Igwe".
Manilla is so Ancient to Igboland that it was even found among the materials buried in Igbo ukwu.

Okpogho Manilla were found in Igbo Ukwu excavation that is dated 9th and 10th AD.
The Nri identified all the objects found there including Okpogho.

Connect the dots.

We have alot of m!sinformation about Ndiigbo to correct.
