Tuesday, 25 April 2023


Husband must understand that wife is a soft creature her need is one who will love and pet her despite her age, if you can satisfy her with your love and petting, trouble will be less. Wife must understand that husband is a strong creature, authority as the head is working with his brain, he don't tolerate any challenge or proving you are this or that to him, he needs one who will be submissive to him, if you can satisfy him with your submission, you have already solve many problems. Your marriage is not for advertisement, don't use video act to judge your partner.  There are no trouble- free marriages. Many couples have gone through what you're going through. Some gave up and walked away. Others gave up but decided to stay for the sake of their children or social status. But there are those who decided to persevere even when everything seemed impossible. They kept their vows in the face of impossible challenges. They kept loving even when they felt like leaving. They had immovable faith in God's ability to solve their problems. They didn't lose hope even when they prayed without end and heaven seemed silent. They did not revenge even when they would've been justified. They forgave. They waited. They praised and they worshiped and they did not give up. Finally, God answered their prayers and healed their marriages. Their tests became testimonies and trials turned into triumph. "Nothing is impossible with God." If you don't lose hope, if you can pray for your marriage always, if you don't revenge, if you can forgive, if you can wait, knowing that it takes time to build a home, if you can apply endurance, perseverance, etc. God will give you best from that marriage in Jesus name 🙏🙏 🙏

9 Challenges of Being the Second Wife


The Truth and the Lie meet on the road one day. The Lie says to the Truth: “It’s a marvelous day today”!
The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was truly beautiful. They walk together for a while, until they reach a beautiful well. 

The Lie tells the Truth: “The water in the well is very nice, let’s take a swim together!” The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water and discovers that it indeed, is very nice.

They undress and start the bathe. Suddenly, the Lie jumps out of the well, puts on the clothes of the Truth and runs off towards a nearby village. The furious Truth leaps out of the  well and runs to find the Lie and get her clothes back. 

The Villagers, seeing the Naked Truth, are horrified and look away with contempt and rage.
The poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared, forever hiding her shame.

And since then, the Lie travels around the world, dressed as the Naked Truth, satisfying the needs of society, because, the world in any case, harbours no wish at all to meet the Naked Truth.

Copied from : 𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻-𝗟é𝗼𝗻 𝗚é𝗿ô𝗺𝗲,𝟭𝟴𝟵𝟲

Sunday, 23 April 2023


             Secret 1

Everyone you marry has a weakness. Only God does not have a weakness. So if you focus on your spouse's weakness you can't get the best out of his strength.

            Secret 2

Everyone has a dark history. No one is an angel. When you get married or you want to get married stop digging into someone's past. What matters most is the present life of your partner. Old things have passed away. Forgive and forget. Focus on the present and the future.

            Secret 3

Every marriage has its own challenges. Marriage is not a bed of roses. Every good marriage has gone through its own test of blazing fire. True love proves in times of challenges.  Fight for your marriage. Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in times of need. Remember the vow For better for worse. In sickness and in health be there.

              Secret 4

Every marriage has different levels of success. Don't compare your marriage with any one else. We can never be equal. Some will be far, some behind. To avoid marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time your marriage dreams shall come true.

             Secret 5

To get married is declaring war. When you get married you must declare war against enemies of marriage. Some enemies of marriage are:
Third party influence 
Lack of love 
Be ready to fight to maintain your marriage zone.

             Secret 6

There is no perfect marriage. There is no ready made marriage. Marriage is hard work. Volunteer yourself to work daily on it. Marriage is like a car that needs proper maintenance and proper service. If this is not done it will break down somewhere exposing the owner to danger or some unhealthy circumstances. Let us not be careless about our marriages. 

              Secret 7

God cannot give you a complete person you desire. He gives you the person in the form of raw materials in order for you to mould the person that you desire. This can only be achieved through prayer, love and Patience

             Secret 8

Getting married is taking a huge risk. You can not predict what will happen in the future.  Situations may change so leave room for adjustments. Husband can lose his good job or you may fail to have babies. All these require you to be prayerful otherwise you might divorce.

            Secret 9

Marriage is not a contract. It is  permanent. It needs total commitment. Love is the glue that sticks the couple together. Divorce start in the mind and the devil feeds the mind. Never ever entertain thoughts of getting a divorce. Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose to remain married. God hates divorce.

            Secret 10

Every marriage has a price to pay. Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money that you deposit that you withdraw. If you don't deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, you are not a candidate for a blissful home.

So today let us pray for our marriages. Send to those you care about because you never know who you may be helping. 
May God bless you all.


- Accuses Humphrey Ngonadi (Ngobros) And Chidi Odogo For Intimidation, Maltreatment And Forceful Encroachment On Her Husband's Property 

It is said that silence in the face of injustice is injustice itself. Following the constant cry for help from Mrs Rose Odogo, the wife of Late Mr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Odogo of Okpuno Nnewichi, Nnewi in Nnewi North LGA of Anambra State over unbearable intimidations, maltreatments and attempting to forcefully take over her husband's properties by Mr Humphrey Ngonadi (Ngobros) And Mr. Chidi Jasper Odogo. 

NnewiNorth Online swung into action to hear the true side of the story.

Mrs Rose Odogo narrated her ordeal and threat to her life and the lives of her children following her refusal to sell the said portion of her late husband's land to Mr. Humphrey Ngonadi who had on countless occasions approached her to buy the land at the sum of Twenty Million Naira, to which she vehemently refused the offer.

In a separate interview with Mrs Rose and her children, it was gathered that Mr. Humphrey Ngonadi and Mr. Chidi Jasper Odogo (her late husband's brother) has resulted to series of intimidations and maltreatments, including using armed thugs and weapons for years to frustrate the Widow into giving up on her late husband's land. She equally narrated how Mr. Chidi Odogo locked up her husband's corpse and her children in a room for three days, which made the corpse to swell so bad until the intervention of Obi Nnewichi, Chief George Onyekaba on whose orders the house was broken for the dead body to be buried.

The eldest son of Mrs Rose Odogo, Arinze Odogo who also spoke in an interview with Nnewi North online narrated the series of attacks, blackmails and torture he has been facing from Mr. Humphrey Ngonadi and Mr. Chidi Odogo over their refusal to sell his father's land to them. He said, that he has been accused of being a cultist with a petition written against him but, he was set free following the intervention of his kindreds who came out openly to speak the truth.

Arinze accused Mr. Humphrey Ngonadi (Ngobros) of being a medlesome interloper, trying to reap where he didn't sow and using his Uncle to drag his father's land, despite the will and sharing of the properties of the late Chief Odogo which was very clear before the law and everyone.

He told Nnewi North online that it was because of the series of threats and maltreatment from Humphrey Ngonadi and Chidi Jasper Odogo that made them took the decision to sale off the said land and seek refuge from another place to enable them have their peace. He narrated how he heard about Mr. Emeka Chukwueloka who later bought the said land after much deliberation and paid in full as work has ever since commenced in the said portion until Chidi Jasper Odogo and Humphrey Ngonadi instituted a court action against the new legitimate owner of the land.

What we are saying is that the family of late Mr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Odogo of Okpuno Nnewichi, Nnewi have unanimously sold our own portion to Mr. Emeka Chukwueloka of Abubor Nnewichi, Nnewi, hence ceased to be legitimate owners of the land after receiving full payment for the land, let Mr. Humphrey Ngonadi (Ngobros) And Chidi Jasper Odogo allow us some peace for us to move on with our lives.

We are calling on the Anambra State Government led by Mr. Governor, Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo , the Anambra South Senator, Sen. Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah and other various authorities to please intervene in this matter because, the threats to our lives increases by the day.

® NnewiNorth Online

Saturday, 22 April 2023


My son, I will be very raw and sincere with you. Do not worry about the size of a woman buttock or breast but worry about the size of her heart and brain including sincerity. Worry about the size of her love and endurance including faithfulness. Because after 5 or 10 years, it will not be about the breast or buttock. As you can see, your mum now has a flat chest and almost flat buttock but we still live together happily, I still love her and she still love me. Be careful of a woman that loves money. I mean the woman that talks ‘every time’ about her hair, clothes, shoes, bags panties and make-ups. Marriage is not all about these things. Without make-up, clothes, shoes and panties a good marriage will still stand but without love, no marriage can stand.

When I got married to your mum and when your mum get married to me, I didn't have a car or house of my own. I was not even educated. But I had dreams and she appreciate and support me. Any woman that does not support your dream is not worth thinking -a-minute about. There are women that will see your dreams better than you, you are lucky if you find one, My son, open your ears very well, there is a kind of woman you should avoid, do not make a mistake to marry this kind of woman or you will regret it. I mean a woman that always has bad things to say about everyone . If you see this kind of woman, run away. One of the worst kind of woman you can marry is the one that complains about everything. If you buy this, she says you should have bought that, if you do this, she said you should have done that.

Please stay away!
Most women enjoy talking but the one who talks for two hours and listen for two minutes is a potential ‘bomb'. Be wise Be very careful of a pretending partner. A pretending woman is not hard to know. She will always know everything about everything, she will be careful. Just close your eyes and open your heart and you will see!


Every Lady values any Man that seeks advice from her and also listens to her, it gives her a sense of belonging because the secret of any successful Man is a successful and knowledgeable Lady behind him...

It is not only in Sex that she becomes your partner, you must involve her in your daily activities cos it is called a relationship, so keep relating and keep loving.....

A real Man understands that petting a woman is like giving water to the body, excess water does not harm the body rather it nourishes the system and keeps it away from disease, such is also applicable to women, keep petting her.
If you want to see the best in a woman, form the habit of Appreciation and Admiration. Just little words of kindness...

"Thank you, love"
"You look charming"
"You are the best"
"Wow! What a wonderful outfit honey"
Keep admiring her and tell her how beautiful she is......

Every Lady appreciates gifts but if you want her to call you 'Unique' just try presenting a gift to her before her friends, of course, she wants her friends to notice and see how you value her.
Don't be a Sex-Mate but a Soul-Mate, Every other thing shall be given unto you......

If you want to fall in love with a woman, you must learn to ignore and overlook certain things, Some of their way of life is a mystery, and you must not know all...

Remember you were asleep when God created her, you woke up and called her woman, meaning she came out from you, therefore treat her as your half, Is it too much??

Finally, deep inside their hearts, they love and cherish a God-fearing man, A God-fearing Man is Christ-like Man, she believes you will love her as Christ loves his church!

Let us treat women with the best LOVE!!


Friday, 21 April 2023

Men And S*x

Yes, most men want s*x.... what they don't want is to feel like they are raping their wife. One of the reasons why many men preferred the outside action than the inside. It does not matter how beautiful you are as a woman, no matter how much he values you, if you are going to always make him struggle with you or beg you for s*x, you may as well consider him as half gone. It is true that marriage is not about sex alone.... but so it is with food. Food is not for survival alone, but we all need food to live healthy as well. Men need s*x... it is just something they can't compromise on. And to get a man to be your true friend and a good listener, first treat him like he deserve your body. Now and again, of course there will be genuine reasons to say no.... but when your no becomes like a radio that never runs out of power, it will be almost certain that you are inviting danger into your relationship. Love can't stop him.


1 🤷--- Material things definitely have its Merit. But it alone cannot provide the Riches of a truly meaningful life.. 
2🚶--- Sometimes, you just have to move on and realize what you gave them was more than they are willing to give you. 
3 🤦--- Those who are most afraid of love have experienced the worst pain from it. 
4 💁--- Girls get jealous bcoz they know what other girls are capable of doing. 
5 💖.--- The most memorable people in your life will be those who loved you when you don't expect to be loved. 
6 💘--- The worst way of leaving someone is.... Without explanation. 
7 ❣️--- Most Relationship fail not because of absence of love, but Girls love too much and guys love too many.. 
8 💑--- In every Girls life, there is a guy she'll never forget

Disappear for 90 days and set yourself 10 years ahead

1. Develop a routine. Sleep at 9:00 PM and be awake at 4.00 AM every day.

2. Spend 60-minutes of your day reading ,writing, and internalizing what you understand.

3. Be willing to let go of friendships that don't serve you. If you hangout with losers, you become a loser.

4. Master the art of self-discipline. Get up early, work long hours, and face your problems head on.

5. Learn a high-income skill that'll earn you $10k+ per month.

6. Stop chasing cheap dopamine. Prioritize what's important over pleasure.

7. Hit at least 100 pushups and 80 squats per day to stay strong. You'll also be healthier than 97% of people.

8. Build self-discipline by taking one cold shower in the morning.

9. Make the internet a source of your income. There're endless possibilities for making money.

10. Take 100% responsibility for your life and never blame circumstances or anyone.

11. Include proteins, fresh fruits, and 3L of water in your daily diet to optimize your health.

12. Hang out with people who obsess over making moves and living a good life. Your circle should not gossip, complain, or get jealous of each other.

13. Invest in a good wardrobe, a good niche fragrance, and learn how to talk. You'll boost your success rate by 94%.

14. Befriend nature, walk 5000 steps per day to clear your mind, boost your mood and get creative.

15. Keep distance from people who only prioritize their needs over yours. They're your greatest setback.

16. Be smart enough to quit weed, p*orn, and alcohol. They're the worst distraction that'll raise your dopamine, make you dumb, and depressed.

Thank you.

Thursday, 20 April 2023


1 ❤😘****  Love the right person, or at least love someone who is making themselves right for you . 

2 💞😍***   Life is too Short to Settle For Someone Who doesn't Know What They Want. 

3 💁****  Love is Nothing Without Action. Trust is Nothing Without Proof. And Sorry is Nothing Without Change .

4 🙅**** Don't force someone to make time for you, if they really want to, they will. 

5 😢*****  It's sad when you know all someone wants to know about you is what they can take from you or how they can use you


1 🤷*****   To overcome the pain inside you need to Love again, not hide. 

2 🙅***    If they can't do their part, then they don't deserve your heart. 

3 🤦**** Being single isn't bad. What is bad is giving up hope on finding that someone special. 

4 💔****   A girl is at her weakest point when she is heart broken. 

6 💁**** There always gonna be someone prettier than you, you just gotta find the one guy that doesn't care. 

7 💆*****    You deserve someone who knows how to make things up again after making you feel bad. Not someone who's very good with just the word "sorry". 

8 ❤️****  It's hard to race and hold hands at the same time. A relationship is not about competition; it is about cooperation.

9 💔... Guys. . If you Cheat on a Girl who's Loyal, Faithful & Willing to Do Anything for You, Words can't Explain how Stuupid You are.

2. Ladies. . Don't Kïll yourself over a guy, He'll bring another Girl to your Funeral


1 💔**** Sometimes you have to Learn to let go of the person you love, and just hold on to the memory of what was.

2🤦**** Broken, but not shattered. I can get better.

3 🤷***** The worst feeling in the world is knowing that he finally likes you, but not enough to leave the one he's already with.

4👆***** Don't make me your number one...make me your only one.

5 🙈**** A beautiful moment is when a guy looks at you, you smile and he smiles because you are smiling.

6 🤓***** Don’t force them to love you. Force them to leave you and whoever insists to stay is the one who truly loves you.

7 💁**** That awkward moment when you have to get over someone who you never even dated.

8 ,🤷***** Don’t want to keep being the girl that keeps crying about the same things.

9 💔*** Love is like a rubber band. You and your lover stretch it out then when someone lets go, it hurts the one still holding on.

10 🙍**** Do I really love him or am I addicted to the pain of wanting something I can't

Marriage is not a game you try and fail.

It's something more permanent and to  be handled as such. You can't have the best of all. You either pick one after proper thinking, evaluation and settled down with. Marriage was meant to be enjoyed and celebrated.Remain single if you can't handle marriage according to the purpose it was established.


His wife looked at herself in the mirror and asked her husband: 
Do you still love me.? 
The man replied: Oh yes! But is my body not the same as when we first met?
No, I did not notice, the man replied.
She put her hand on her stomach and
look my belly is much bigger and heavier, 
My legs are not smooth anymore. 
She came to him with tears in her eyes and asked, "Why do you
love me like this?" 
The man replied:
Look, when I touch your body, I feel
your love, 
I see your kind heart, 
I see your beautiful figure, 
I know it's a perfect shape, 
I love you. 
Don't be mad at the way you look, 
enjoy the way I see you, 
And the way I still feel you. 
I fell in love with the sensuality
and kindness of your soul, not with
the bustle of your body, and through
tears I drew a smile on her face,
which shines again.

To Every woman who work hard to sustain the family.

Laboured through thick and thin, whether it's convenient or not. Who wiped their tears and pressed forward, even when there were no words of gratitude from where you expected. 

Who distinguished themselves in their career. 
Who made a choice to discipline their appetite in other to set up a great future. 
Who stay awake all night to ponder where the next meal is going to come from. 

Who raised an altar to position their children in great places. 
Who stood as support for the men whom God has given in their care.
Who defile all odds against them and stood up again in spite of past humiliation and defeat. 

Who decide to see good in her future, even when the society was trying to define her by your failures.
Who fought with all they had to regain their lost and stolen identity.
To the woman who met many obstacles, pushed to the wall, with no visible options but decide to jump over the obstacles.
To the woman her husband shoots blank and yet blamed for not being able to bring forth. 
To the woman raising fatherless daughters and praying history doesn't repeat itself.


     When a story of a well behaved husband is told, many people will applause, praise, bless and admire with comments but when an advice on how to encourage such conducts in husbands are given, the same persons will scorn and claim that no matter the conduct of a wife; that a husband will never do well. Some will say it is impossible to have a good husband while others claim 99% of husbands are not good.
Even teenagers argue that they know the character of most men🤣
    These conflicting comments and conducts place the intentions of many in doubt, thereby scaring away numerous  young people from going into marriage. Consequently too many are left single, even at middle age.
     A good husband doesn't just happen, he is motivated and sustained by a good wife whose conduct touches his soul and strenghtens his conscience. 
     A real wife brings out the best in her husband but a woman who married out of necessity rather than love will not understand nor accept the role of a real wife.
All of the Holy Books of  known Religions confirm this.

My husband is yet to understand the woman he married.

After our wedding, he told me not to work, that he will be paying me a monthly allowance, which he actually was doing.

Along the line, he started insulting me, calling me names and no longer respects me.

Normally, I wouldn't have accepted the insults, but I accepted just to be getting my allowance.

I opened my business without him knowing and put my 2 sisters to run the business for me.

I also created my business page online and was also selling online. 

During this quarantine, hubby continued with his insults, but I kept quiet.

The climax was the day I brought food for him, the next thing he said that I'm supposed to be kneeling down to serve him.

I quickly sat him down, and just showed him my business account, which is already running in millions.

Guy man was shocked, and couldn't say anything.

Guess who served me breakfast the next day??? 

I was very surprised that my husband woke up and made breakfast for me, served me breakfast on bed.

I'm so happy typing this.

A woman shared the above story, I'm so happy to read her story.  I love the fact that she isn't lazy.

Who else is excited about reading this story?

Please I will like to hear your views



      Constantly focus on what your husband do well, give him applause and DO NOT EMPHASIZE on what he failed to do or what he did wrong, then  watch what will happen.
     Unconsciously you will be motivating  him to do better in order for him to earn more applauses because a man's ego is always in search of feedback in order to make progress. If you do this for a few years, it becomes a good habit and the tradition in your home, so your marriage will be on the road to excellence. 
     Many wives applause what other women's faithful husbands were able to do without realizing that such fidelity was only possible through the encouragement of their own wives. Many wives who lack the ability to encourage fidelity in their husbands are most vocal in condemning infidelity but the first to praise the fidelity of others' husbands. 
     When a husband receives applauses from his wife for the things he has done right, he will automatically work on any action he has taken that did not earn him an applause from his wife even as she is completely silent about it. This is not so with a wife who criticises everything her husband does even when criticism is not necessary.
It is unnatural to expect fruits where  nothing was planted. 


 1. Always remember that there is nobody on this earth that does not have problems. You are not the only one that has problems.
 2. Challenges is part of life. It is only a dead man that has no challenges.
 3. There is no problem that has no solution. There are solutions to the pains you are passing through.
 4. The way you picture yourself in your mind can affect your happiness. Picture yourself as a valuable and beautiful person. Avoid low self esteem and inferiority complex.
 5. Do not mind about what people say about you. Some people are sadists. They can just say somethings just to make you feel sad.
 6. Make friends with reasonable people who make you happy. Do not make friends with people who make jest of you or laugh at you over your challenges.
 7. At your leisure time, keep yourself busy with your favorite hobbies like sports, games, watching movies, surfing the internet, playing computer games, etc.
 8. Do not allow anyone to intimidate you with money and material things. A poor man today can become rich tomorrow. Change is constant.
 9. No matter what you are passing through today, do not give up. As long as there is life, there is hope.
 10. Be very prayerful. Pray without ceasing. Prayer is a catalyst that can speed up your blessings to come to you on time.
 11. Be courageous to go for what you want. Life is all about risk. If you don't take a risk, you will not get the desires of your heart.


1💆-----    Value yourself enough to choose to be with someone who wants you as much as you want them. 

2💓-----  You can take no credit for beauty at sixteen. But if you are beautiful at sixty, it will be your soul's own doing. -"Marie Stopes. 

3💝-----   Trust before you love. Know before you judge. Commit before you promise. Forgive before you forget. Appreciate before you regret. 

4👌----    People will judge you no matter what you do... so you might as well do what you want 

5💕------   Sometimes you need to let go, because you will never find the right person if you are still with the wrong one. 

6🏃------   If you keep running back to the person you need to walk away from, you'll never create space for better things to arrive.


1 💝****   You gotta start listening to your brain once in a while if you wanna save your heart. 

2 💓*****    When you know why you like someone, it's a crush. When you have no reason or explanation, it's love. 

3 📲****    You think you have a faithful relationship? Swap phones with each other for one day then you'll see how faithful it really is. 

4 😢****    Before you hurt a girl or boy , think about how your mom would feel if your dad did what you're doing. 

4 🙋*****    Love isn't a decision, it's a feeling. It doesn't come with rules or instructions... it just happens. 

5🌹*****   A rose represents love because it can be beautiful, but it can make you hurt. 

6 😍****   It doesn't matter if the relationship lasted two weeks or two years. It only takes a moment to love someone.



Does things on his own without consulting wife. Hangs out a lot with friends more than wife. Not serious about marriage life.

2: ACIDIC HUSBAND.                    
Is always boiling like acid and always angry violent, moody, dominating and very dangerous.

Wants to be treated like a King but treats Wife like a Slave. Likes wife to perform old tradition respect and hates being called by their first name.

Husband for every woman. loves and cares for girlfriends more than his wife. Likes giving money to girlfriends and has more female friends.

Very moody and stingy, doesn't consider wife's emotions, doesn't make the relationship enjoyable. Has no sense of humor.

Uses wife as problem solver, only loves wife when needing something from her. Is clever and knows wife's weaknesses and capitalizes on that to get relief from wife.

7: PARASITE HUSBAND.           
Lazy and only loves wife for the sake of money. Uses wife's money on girlfriends. No initiative and does not help wife with house responsibilities.

Irresponsible and childish and can't make decisions on his own without asking his Mother or relatives; compares Wife to relatives and runs to them always if something goes wrong.

Not always at home, comes as a visitor. Provides family all material things but has no time for them.

Caring and loving. Provides material and emotional needs and makes time for family. Guides home spiritually 
Very responsible and treats wife as partner and helper.

Dear Men, which type of husband are YOU? And for the ladies, which one is your man?


1 🤰**** Don't make Her a Mother if you never plan to make a Wife.

2 ❌**** Don't Make Someone your Everything, bcoz when your Everything is Gone, You have

3 🚫**** Don't Take People for Granted, No matter how they Love you, People get Tired.

4 🙅*** Don't Argue with an ídíot. He will drag you down to his level and béát you with Experience.

5 🙆**** Don't make a Decision when you are angry, its more likely to be Wrong decision.

6 ⚠**** Don't Give them the Keys to your Heart if you know they will lose it. Love is about taking Risks not being Stúpiíd.

7 ☑*** Don't let yourself be controlled by these 3 things: Your Past, People and Money.

8 🔆*** Don't be afraid to Make a Memory. Even if Someday that memory may make you cry,
it's worth it


1🕺****    A boy makes YOU jealous of another woman.. but a gentleman makes another woman jealous of YOU 

2 💔******    When you have a good heart: You help too much, you trust too much, you give too much, you love too much, and you always get hurt the most. 

3 💞****    A relationship is never a waste of time. If it didn't bring you what want, it at least taught you what you don't want 

4 👥*****   Constantly comparing your old relationship to your new relationship is a quick way to find yourself single again. 

5 💓*****   Sometimes it’s hard for your mind to have a change of heart if your heart’s not willing to change its mind.


1 🤷🏽‍♂️.. Sometimes, you are not afraid of Commitment, you're afraid of committing to someone who won't  commit to you.
2 💔... Sometimes, you can lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you.
3 🤤.. Sometimes, the best feeling is not falling in love, it's falling out of Love with someone who never really love you.
4 🥺.. Sometimes, no matter how much you care, some people just don't care back.
5 💞.. Sometimes, Love happens with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.
6 🤦🏾‍♂️.. Sometimes, the best way to be close to someone you love is by just being friends, even if it hurts.
7 🤷🏽‍♀️.. Sometimes, you have to cut ties with people who aren't good for you, the Love isn't lost, but the communication isn't healthy. We move on🤦


Relationship must be nurtured to keep the fire of love burning. This can be done as follows:
1. COMMUNICATION: You must always communicate regularly with your partner. It makes relationship stronger. The more you communicate, the more you understand each other. Stop pressing phone or reading newspaper when your partner is with you. Talk and discuss together. In distance relationship, chat and call each other always and daily.
2. ATTENTION: Give your partner much attention or else they will pay attention to those who give them attention.
3. TRUST: Trust your partner. If there is no trust, the relationship will be having problems. A relationship without trust is like a pool without water. It's unsafe. You may jump in but you will get hurt. 
4. MONEY: Money is very important in relationship. At least the guy or the babe must have some money. Love will not pay your bills. Love will not buy body cream, clothes and food. It is money that will do those things. But do not love because of money. Let there be true love first. Then money can be used to nurture it. Love alone cannot put food on the Table
5. SINCERITY: Do not tell lies or else when your partner discovers that you are telling lies, he/she will hate you and there will be no trust anymore.


1 🤷🏼‍♂️*****    If someone messes up, let them know , but if they keep messing up, let them go. 

2 🙋🏼‍♂️****   People hardly change, they adjust, but underneath, they are who they are... 

3 🙅🏽‍♂️****   Never place your happiness in someone else's hands, because once they're gone, so is your happiness. 

4 🤦🏼‍♀️**** Sometimes, There's a difference between who we love, who we settle for, and who we're meant for.

5 💔****    It's painful to say goodbye to someone you don't want to let go, but more painful to ask someone to stay when you know they want to leave. 

6 ❣️****   You can't make them love you, but you can show them what they're missing out on. 

7 💭*****   The best way to appreciate those you love is to think ahead and picture life without them.  

8 💝*****   All the love in the world won't pay the bills, have a plan for the future besides 'being together' 

🙈****    Your dumbest mistake can be thinking the one who hurt you the most, won't hurt you again. 

9 💘*****  Love doesn't die because of distance, It dies because of doubt.


1 ❣****   There's a difference between missing somebody, and missing somebody being there. 

2 💔*****    I never walked away because I didn't care. I walked away because the hurt was too much to bare. 

3 💗****   Love can leave a memory that no one can steal, but love can also leave a pain that no one can heal. 

4 💔*****   Breakups aren't always meant for makeups, sometimes, they're meant for wakeups. 

5 💁****   She might not love you exactly as you want her to, but she probably loves you with all she's got. 

6 💆*****    Sometimes it's just not meant to be, no matter how hard you try. 

7 🙇****    I love when people remember the small things you thought they'd forget... that makes them even more special.



     Why do many wives who complain about their husband's bad conduct refuse to learn  how to change his behaviour? 
   Who starts a marriage union? Normally it should be the man. He ought to do this by fulfilling a dowry obligation. Having done that, he expects his bride to respond by moving into his house and the two will start a home under the leadership of the husband. 
     What should the husband expect from his wife and what should a wife expect from her husband?
     Whereas a typical wife expects to be cared for by providing physical comfort such as safety, accommodation, food, health and fashion in addition to companionship; a typical husband simply expects in return, a steady peaceful companionship. That, will surely influence the conduct of a majority of men. 
     A man who fails to fulfil his own part of the obligations has lost the right to expect that his wife performs her own part of the obligation to give him a peaceful companionship.
     It is also not appropriate for a wife who fails to give her husband a peaceful  companionship to complain that he is flirting with other women. If you don't know how to do it, seek that knowledge.


1 💖**** Without respect, love is lost. Without caring, love is boring. Without honesty, love is unhappy. Without trust, love is

2🚶**** There are two things you should never waste your time on: things that don’t matter and people that think you don’t matter.

3🏃****..... Don't Chase People. Pray, Work Hard and be yourself. Under these 3 Principles,
the right People will find Their way into your Life

4 🤷****  Finding love is like finding shoes. People go after the good looking ones, but they end up choosing the one they feel comfortable with.
5 🤦**** People Always Leave don't Worry, you get used to it and most importantly, learn to deal with it.

6. 😭****  Stressing yourself over Someone to the point where your Mental and Emotional Health are at state is ridiculous. Life is too short.
7 😢**** If you don't Feel like you're their only one, you're probably not.


1 📲... Social networks destroy relationships that are without trust and full of insecurities.

2 💝❣... Spending time looking for the perfect person, will cause you to miss the imperfect person who can make you perfectly happy.
3 ❤*****   Fight for love not an idea of love. True love will make it through anything but an idea of love which is lust doesn't last. 

4 💁*****   The less people you have in your business, the less drama you will have in your life. 

5 🙋*****   No relationship can prosper without proper communication. If you can't sit and talk about it then you will never solve it. 

6 👫*****   Enter relationships with people who are on the same level as you in life or at least close. It'll save you some headaches & heartaches. 

7🚶*****  If you don't see a future with them why waste your present on them. Time is valuable, lost time can't be retrieve. 

8💆*****  Problems in relationship occur when you concentrate on what is missing in the other person than what you love about them.


1 **** If you Succeed in Cheating Someone, don't think that the Person is a Fool. Realize that the Person Trusted you much more than you Deserved.
2 💁***** Listen to Your Instincts! When someone is using you or Playing you and things are not adding up. Your instincts will tell you.
3 🤦**** Not all Men who courts you, Loves you. Some are just testing your Stupidity.
4🚶**** The Truth is, I've never Fooled anyone, I've let people sometimes Fóol Themselves.
5 🤷*** A Wise Man speaks bcoz He has some thing to say.... The Fool speaks bcoz He has to say Something....


1. Sometimes you just have to erase the messages, delete the numbers, and move on. You don't have to forget who that person was to you; only accept that they aren't that person any more.
2. People think being alone makes you LONELY but being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.
3. Everyone has their own way of expressing pain. Some hide it in their eyes while others keep it hidden with a smile.
4. Grades don't always measure intelligence and age doesn't always define maturity.
5. The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies... It comes from those you trust the most.
6. Intelligent people are more likely to develop a sarcastic response to stupid questions & or statements.
7. Intelligent people are more likely to avoid conflict which explains why some people notice everything but choose to say nothing.
8. Some people will never fit in to your life no matter how much Space you created for them to be there.


1 💕*****  One Half of our Heart Always knows....that some Wishes would never come true....still the second Half waits for Magic and Miracles to Happen... It's Hope

2 🐱****  Blackberry Batteries last longer than some Relationships.

3 ❣*****  Love is just a Word, until you find someone Special to give it a Meaning.

4 💔**** Giving a Second Chance to the Wrong Person is always a Bad idea.

5 💁****  Don't Punish the one in front of you for the Mistakes made by the one behind you.

6 😥****  Some of us are just too loyal to the Wrong Person


****  Sometimes, You did the Wrong Thing to The Right Person.
****  Sometimes, It takes the Wrong Person takes to teach you the Right Lessons about Life.

***** You Will never find the Right Things, if you don't Let Go of Wrong Ones.

*****    Sometimes..... Right Person, Wrong Time...... Right Time, Wrong Person... New Person, Old lines, Old person, New lies...



He had his climax and she had her orgasm.

Both of them believers, they had done it missionary.

He slid to his side of the bed catching his breath. She had that glow on her face.

With his warm, sweaty arms he held her tight, kissed her lips and began to pray. 

"Thank You Lord for the gift of marriage, thank You Lord for the sweet gift of sex. Thank You for sexual pleasure, love making and intimacy. 

Lord thank You for my beautiful wife. Thank You because You are here each night, witnessing what happens in our bedroom. When we moved into this house, we dedicated this bedroom to You.

Behind these walls, we pray that You witness our conversations and love making should please You.  We pray we can see the God in each other.

We pray that we will keep our marriage bed honourable and undefined. We pray that faithfulness will have Your signature in our marriage.

Lord, sex and infidelity has caused many men to break their marriage. Keep me from following that route. Keep my eyes fixed on You and my wife's beauty. 

Lord, there is no other woman I'd rather be with than the wife You gave me. You have told me to enjoy the wife of my youth, make me creative to enjoy her fully. Teach us to satisfy each other's sexual and emotional needs.

Lord, my body is hers. Keep me from ever giving it to another woman to enjoy. Let this body of mine that is hers quench her appetite whenever she is in need. Lord, You say that the husband who loves his wife loves himself; I love my wife and I thank You for the fire we have together.  Keep our marriage bed warm even in our tough times. Make me the best husband to her in private and in  public. I love her for Your glory.  In Jesus' name, AMEN"

He kissed her lips again.

She looked at him with eyes of wonder as she smiled. Her eyes fixed on him as she kept silent for a few seconds.

"Why do you love praying after we make love? You pray for my body and you cover me; why honey?" she asked.

He relaxed on his back, placed her head on his chest and said, "Because our love making is so special and sacred to me. People pray for what is special to them. While other marriages are messing up due to the abuse of sex,  I want our marriage to thrive because of how we respect love making"

She kissed his chest and said, "I love you so much"

He kissed her hair and said, "I love you too, I love us".


1 🤦****  They don't cheat with you because you're better, they cheated with you because you're okay playing second .

2 💔****  Break-ups aren't always meant for make up's, some relationships end so you can wake up. 

3 *💘***  Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes . 

4🚶****  Most people cheat because they're too focused on what they're missing instead of appreciating what they have . 

5 💥***   Cheating is not a mistake, its a choice, if u had time to cheat, u had time to know u where wrong. 

6 🥰***   If you were happy before you met someone, you can be happy after they're gone. 

7 👩‍❤️‍👨***  It's not hard to find someone who will say they love u, it's hard finding someone who actually means it . 

8 💞***  Being in love doesn't mean you have to be together and being together doesn't mean you're really in love


1 ❤😘****  Love the right person, or at least love someone who is making themselves right for you . 

2 💞😍***   Life is too Short to Settle For Someone Who doesn't Know What They Want. 

3 💁****  Love is Nothing Without Action. Trust is Nothing Without Proof. And Sorry is Nothing Without Change .

4 🙅**** Don't force someone to make time for you, if they really want to, they will. 

5 😢*****  It's sad when you know all someone wants to know about you is what they can take from you or how they can use you

Wives why your Ex

You have no business with your EX and you have no connection in whatsoever. Any man that didn't marry you until you got married and he is coming back supposed not to be your friend. After spending most of your time with him without any serious committement . He comes back not because he loves you but because he feels disgraced, defeated, embarrassed and left out. The problem now is trying to protect his ego.He will do everything to prove himself that you prefer him to your husband.He is trying to drag you out from your marriage. Please 🙏🙏, be wise.


1 💁----  Always end the day with a positive thought; no matter how hard things were. Tomorrow is a fresh opportunity to make it better. 
2 💆-----  There's a story behind every person. There's a reason why they're the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone. 
3 🙅---- Missing someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life. Missing someone is just a part of the process of emotionally moving on.  
4 ♨️----  Don't get burned twice by the same flame. 
5 🤦----  Don’t trust too much, don’t love too much, don’t care too much because that ‘too much’ will hurt you so much!! 
6 🙅----  Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket.  
7 🧖---- Crying is how your body speaks when your mouth can't explain the pain you feel.


Most times when a marriage is in trouble, people tend to see their marriage as a mistake rather than seeing the mistakes they are making in their marriage.
At this point they regret marrying their wife or husband.
They begin to think of a new partner.
They will begin to imagine marrying their ex or fantasizing a marrriage without issues. 
Some will even divorce or remarry & later wish they had remained with their first spouse, as they find greater trouble in the new spouse.
This is because the first marriage was not a mistake & the mistake has not been discovered yet. 
So, even if you remarry as many times as you like, you will still experience problems in marrriage until you discover the mistakes you are making in your marrriage & correct them.
I'm bold to say thi, ...divorce or separation is neither an option nor a solution to consider when you are having problems with your marrriage.
Come, let's reason together...
• When your car has a flat tyre, you do not abandon it, but change the tyre & move on.
Isn't awesome?
• When you have a headache, no matter how excruciating, we do not cut off the head but take care of the headache.
Isn't great?
• When a bulb blows out in the room, we do not change the room or the house, we replace the bulb & light up the room. 
Isn't that wonderful?
• When we have challenges at work, we do not refuse to go to work, we go there to solve the problems.
Isn't that marvelous?
Therefore, when marriage has an issue, we don't have to try to change the spouse instead change the attitude that is creating the problem.
Most times when we see some couples enjoying their marriages & enjoying each other to the fullest, we admire & cherish them, but the opposite is seen in our own marriage.
The reason is that some people have worked on their marriage by paying the necessary price & that is why they are enjoying the fruits of their labour.
It is said, “the way you make your bed is the way you will lay on it”. 
Your marriage is as good or as sweet as you make it.
Some couples, because of the negative things they are seeing in their marriage, accuse each other of being responsible. They point accusing fingers at each other for being responsible.
Some will even say many bad things about their spouse, even calling him or her names; some think that marrying that man or that woman was a mistake.
It is not so, your marriage was not a mistake, but you are the mistake.
√ Your habit is the mistake.
√ Your character is the mistake.
√ Your manner is the mistake.
√ Your lack of understanding is the mistake.
√ Your anger, unforgiveness, laziness, lack of love, lack of affection, lack of attention, impatience, bitterness, selfishness, ignorance, stinginess, not being considerate, infidelity, animosities, lovelessness & to mention but a few are the mistakes.
Talking about bitterness.
Some still dream of a marriage with their ex.
They're seeing their spouse as a stumbling block. 
Come-on Sir/Ma...!
Wake up to the smell of coffee.
Be contented with your spouse.
Your behavior, habit & character is your mistake. 
Get up now & build your marriage.
Your marriage is not a mistake.
Divorce or separation are never options.
My heartfelt prayer for you as we await the coming of the LORD, JEHOVAH will bless your marriage & make it the centre of kingom activities on earth.
Thanks for reading.
Have a wonderful day.
GOD bless...


1 👩‍❤️‍👨***  Without a successful friendship first, there's no chance of a successful relationship. 

2 **🚶**   Sometimes you have to let go of some people from your life to help them understand your value and importance in the future 

3 🤦***   It's possible to love more than one person at the same time, but you can't love them equally... so it shouldn't be to hard of a choice. 

4 😥***  There is always going to be that one person you really wish you could be with, even though that person doesn't want to be with you. 

5 🙅***   Never accept lies for the sake of saving your relationship, if they're lying to you, there's nothing to save . 

6 💞***  True love isn't love at first sight, its feeling the same at every sight... 

7 👩‍❤️‍👨**  You can't build a relationship on promises, you build it with love, determination, and trust: 

8 💓***  Your man/lady should never have to compete for your attention, make them priority, or lose them to someone who will

Tuesday, 18 April 2023


1. If you speak too much, you will lie.

2. If you think too much, you will be depressed.

3. If you cry too much, you will lose your sight.

4. If you love too much, you will be lost.

5. If you care too much, you will be taken for granted.

6. If you play too much, you will not be taken serious often.

7. If you trust too much, you will be betrayed.

8. If you work too much, you will die of stress.

9. If you eat too much, you will be obessed

10. If you sleep too much, you will be idle.

11. If you spend too much, you will have no future.

12. If you wear make up too much, you will lose your beauty.

13. If you look too much, you will lose your focus.

14. If you pursue life too much, you will lose everything.

And lastly...

15. If you expect too much, you will be disappointed. Don't be too much because that too much can hurt you so much.



1. The Leaf people
2. The Branch people
3. The Root people

These are people who come into your life just for a season. You can't depend on them because they are weak. They only come to take what they want, but if the wind comes they will leave.
You need to be careful of these people because they love you when things are okay, but when the wind comes they will leave you 🥺

They are strong, but you need to be careful with them too. They break away when life becomes tough and they can't handle too much weight. They may stay with you in some seasons, but they will go when it becomes harder 😢

ROOT PEOPLE: These people are very important because they don't do things to be seen. They are supportive even if you go through a difficult time they will water you and they are not moved by your position they just love you like that ...

It's not all people you meet or are your friends, that will stay with you.
Only the root type of people will stay no matter the season 👏☺️

Keep following Dr Fami


Most times when a marriage is in trouble, people tend to see their marriage as a mistake rather than seeing the mistakes they are making in their marriage.
At this point they regret marrying their wife or husband.
They begin to think of a new partner.
They will begin to imagine marrying their ex or fantasizing a marrriage without issues. 
Some will even divorce or remarry & later wish they had remained with their first spouse, as they find greater trouble in the new spouse.
This is because the first marriage was not a mistake & the mistake has not been discovered yet. 
So, even if you remarry as many times as you like, you will still experience problems in marrriage until you discover the mistakes you are making in your marrriage & correct them.
I'm bold to say thi, ...divorce or separation is neither an option nor a solution to consider when you are having problems with your marrriage.
Come, let's reason together...
• When your car has a flat tyre, you do not abandon it, but change the tyre & move on.
Isn't awesome?
• When you have a headache, no matter how excruciating, we do not cut off the head but take care of the headache.
Isn't great?
• When a bulb blows out in the room, we do not change the room or the house, we replace the bulb & light up the room. 
Isn't that wonderful?
• When we have challenges at work, we do not refuse to go to work, we go there to solve the problems.
Isn't that marvelous?
Therefore, when marriage has an issue, we don't have to try to change the spouse instead change the attitude that is creating the problem.
Most times when we see some couples enjoying their marriages & enjoying each other to the fullest, we admire & cherish them, but the opposite is seen in our own marriage.
The reason is that some people have worked on their marriage by paying the necessary price & that is why they are enjoying the fruits of their labour.
It is said, “the way you make your bed is the way you will lay on it”. 
Your marriage is as good or as sweet as you make it.
Some couples, because of the negative things they are seeing in their marriage, accuse each other of being responsible. They point accusing fingers at each other for being responsible.
Some will even say many bad things about their spouse, even calling him or her names; some think that marrying that man or that woman was a mistake.
It is not so, your marriage was not a mistake, but you are the mistake.
√ Your habit is the mistake.
√ Your character is the mistake.
√ Your manner is the mistake.
√ Your lack of understanding is the mistake.
√ Your anger, unforgiveness, laziness, lack of love, lack of affection, lack of attention, impatience, bitterness, selfishness, ignorance, stinginess, not being considerate, infidelity, animosities, lovelessness & to mention but a few are the mistakes.
Talking about bitterness.
Some still dream of a marriage with their ex.
They're seeing their spouse as a stumbling block. 
Come-on Sir/Ma...!
Wake up to the smell of coffee.
Be contented with your spouse.
Your behavior, habit & character is your mistake. 
Get up now & build your marriage.
Your marriage is not a mistake.
Divorce or separation are never options.
My heartfelt prayer for you as we await the coming of the LORD, JEHOVAH will bless your marriage & make it the centre of kingom activities on earth.
Thanks for reading.
Have a wonderful day.
GOD bless...

Monday, 17 April 2023


1 💘---- Be a Lover, not a Fighter. But always Fight for what you Love.

2 -👩‍❤️‍👨--- You can't buy Love becoz when it's Real, it's Priceless.

3 🛳️---- RelationSHIP sink when they have too many Passengers.

4 🤦---- Being Single sucks When you know exactly who you Want.

5 🤷---- Don't Promise When you're Happy. Don't Reply When you're Angry. And Don't Decide When you're Sad.

6 🤵---- An intelligent Man will open your Mind. A Handsome Man will open your Eyes. A Gentleman will open your Heart.

-7 ☺️--- The most Beautiful Smile is the 1st Real one after Tears.


1 💘---- Be a Lover, not a Fighter. But always Fight for what you Love.

2 -👩‍❤️‍👨---  You can't buy Love becoz when it's Real, it's Priceless.

3 🛳️----  RelationSHIP sink when they have too many Passengers.

4 🤦----  Being Single sucks When you know exactly who you Want.

5 🤷---- Don't Promise When you're Happy. Don't Reply When you're Angry. And Don't Decide When you're Sad.

6 🤵----  An intelligent Man will open your Mind. A Handsome Man will open your Eyes. A Gentleman will open your Heart.

-7 ☺️---  The most Beautiful Smile is the 1st Real one after Tears.


1. You must never agree to have sex with a married man no matter what he promises or professes. Never!

2. Never agree to have sex with your boss. If the harassment becomes too much, resign and trust God for a better job.

3. If God put people under your care to mentor or Pastor, it is better you die than to have sex with them. Never take advantage of God's people no matter what.

4. Don't have sex with a married woman. If you are getting too much attached via chatting, official or academic rapport, break up the closeness or whatever name you have for it.

5. Never have sex with your lecturers. Sex for grades or marks is for nonentity. You are not. Never must you be.

6. If you are a marketer, never agree to sleep with a prospective client just to meet your official target. Never!

7. Don't have sex with your in-laws. If he or she stays with you and you are finding it difficult to resist the pull, let him or her leave. I mean latest tomorrow.

8. Don't have sex with your neighbour or colleague. A neighbour is a neighbour. A colleague is a colleague. Don't get your life more complicated.

9. Don't have sex with your platonic friend. If the relationship is no longer platonic, break up the thing.

10. God created sex to be between ma!le and fema!le. Stay away from having sêx with your sa!me ge!nder. God is against anything else and so should you. 

11. Don't have sex with your sibling or relatives. Incest is vile.

12. Don't have sex with your girlfriend. Don't have sex with your boyfriend. God did not create sex for love relationships. He created it for Marriage..


Credit; By Global Ventures

Sunday, 16 April 2023

prepare enough

A man was in search of a job. He travelled cities till he found a job relating to his expertise. He was a woodcutter. 

His boss instructed the man to clear a bush about 100m of it. The boss expected him to take 7 days to complete the task. 

The woodcutter was given an axe which wasn't sharp. He spent days sharpening it.

The boss went away in expectation of coming back seeing a bit of progress.

After 4 days the boss came back and found that the woodcutter didn't even start. 

The boss was furious. He wanted to fire him. The woodcutter pleaded with the boss, I promise at the end of 7 days this bush would be cleared. 

The boss asked, what's the reason of you delaying the project? The woodcutter replied, "sharpening the axe".

The boss just gave him a chance. When he came back after 7 days, he found all trees down. 

He was shocked how come you complete the task that's requiring a week in just days and the woodcutter smiled and protested, "l took days to sharpen that it would be easy for me to get job done"


1. Prepare enough for what you want to do. 

2. When you prepare it would be easy to complete the task.

3. Don't rush things without full knowledge of it. 

4. Don't be rushed by someone who doesn't know how you do your job

5. Be wise.

By Idrissa Mustapha Mupandasekwa

Saturday, 8 April 2023


155. In what way do the people of God share in the three functions of Christ as Priest, Prophet and King?

The people of God participate in Christ's priestly office insofar as the baptized are consecrated by the Holy Spirit to offer spiritual sacrifices. They share in Christ's prophetic office when with a supernatural sense of faith they adhere unfailingly to that faith and deepen their understanding and witness to it. The people of God share in his kingly office by means of service, imitating Jesus Christ who as King of the universe made himself the servant of all, especially the poor and the suffering.

Further reading: CCC 783-786

156. In what way is the Church the body of Christ?

The risen Christ unites his faithful people to himself in an intimate way by means of the Holy Spirit. In this way, those who believe in Christ, in as much as they are close to him especially in the Eucharist, are united among themselves in charity. They form one body, the Church, whose unity is experienced in the diversity of its member and its functions.

Further reading: CCC 787-791, 805-806