Thursday 20 April 2023


1 πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ‘¨***  Without a successful friendship first, there's no chance of a successful relationship. 

2 **🚢**   Sometimes you have to let go of some people from your life to help them understand your value and importance in the future 

3 🀦***   It's possible to love more than one person at the same time, but you can't love them equally... so it shouldn't be to hard of a choice. 

4 πŸ˜₯***  There is always going to be that one person you really wish you could be with, even though that person doesn't want to be with you. 

5 πŸ™…***   Never accept lies for the sake of saving your relationship, if they're lying to you, there's nothing to save . 

6 πŸ’ž***  True love isn't love at first sight, its feeling the same at every sight... 

7 πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ‘¨**  You can't build a relationship on promises, you build it with love, determination, and trust: 

8 πŸ’“***  Your man/lady should never have to compete for your attention, make them priority, or lose them to someone who will

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