Thursday, 19 September 2019

why are some persons lactose intolerance

Lactose is a type of sugar that is present in milk. Lactose is digested in the intestine by an enzyme. The levels of this enzyme are high in infancy especially when the baby is being breastfed.
After weaning, the levels of this enzyme decrease. In some people, the levels of this enzyme are so low that even small amounts of lactose cannot be digested. This undigested lactose is broken down by the intestinal bacteria giving rise to gas. This gas is what causes the bloating sensation in lactose intolerance. Some people are more susceptible to this while others do not suffer from this at all. The only way to treat this is to completely exclude or reduce lactose from the diet.

Cure for Acid Reflux

Doctor how can I cure acid reflux
Acid reflux is caused when the acid of the stomach moves into the oesophagus. Normally, there is a valve at the junction of the oesophagus and the stomach which prevents this reverse flow of stomach contents. When this valve becomes weak, stomach contents can move “backwards”. Almost all individuals would have suffered from occasional episodes of acid reflux. These invariably occur when they eat a big meal and lie down. Acid reflux cannot be cured. However, if you suffer from this frequently, the symptoms can be reduced to a great extent. You should take smaller and more frequent meals. Do not take spicy foods. Do not lie down immediately after a meal. Try to remain sitting or walk around for about 2 hours after a meal. In addition you may take antacids or other such drugs that your doctor may prescribe to reduce the acid secretion in your stomach.

Preventing HIV without condom

Is there any other means of preventing HIV transmission besides using a condom
Condoms are a highly effective way to prevent HIV transmission. No method is 100% effective in preventing transmission of HIV. The best is to adopt a combination of methods. The HIV positive person should take medication (ART) to control the virus in their body. If taken regularly, ART can reduce the viral load in the blood to negligible amounts. Condoms, when used in addition to ART, provide the best defence against sexual transmission of HIV. HIV can also be transmitted through other means. One should also take care not to share sharp instruments such as needles, razors etc.

Causes of Palpitations

What causes palpitations and how is that corrected

  Palpitation is the term given to an uncomfortable awareness of your heartbeat. This is usually accompanied by breathlessness, sweating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and a general feeling of being unwell. In the normal course, you should not feel your heart beat. Strenuous exercise can cause you to become aware of your heartbeat. However, this is not uncomfortable and therefore not palpitation. Palpitations can be induced in a non disease state by anxiety. Heart disease including heart attack, heart failure, hypertension and angina can give rise to palpitation. There are other conditions also that can cause palpitations. If you have palpitations, you should consult your doctor for a thorough evaluation to find out the cause. Only then can you be treated.

Book Napping

I feel sleepy every time I try to read📚!

Get a good night's rest, and don't read close to bedtime or in a dim room. Read sitting up, not lying down. Keep a drink (something that will wake you up like cold water or tea/coffee) or healthy snacks by your side, and take a sip or munch on something every time you start feeling sleepy. If you are reading to study rather than for pleasure, don't just read, but underline, highlight, take notes, or summarize each paragraph in a notebook while you are reading. Actively using your mind and engaging your hands while reading will help you not fall asleep.

Divorcee Marriage

Is it good to get married to someone who divorced two wives?
If you feel that he is the perfect fit for you, and know that the two divorces were for a good reason, give him a chance.
However, keep in mind that divorce rate increases with each divorce - someone who has divorced once is more likely to get divorced a second time, and someone who has divorced twice is even more likely to get divorced a third. It's because just like everything else that is difficult, people can get used to getting a divorce. The first divorce is the hardest.