Wednesday, 9 October 2019

My boyfriend is on ART and have been having unprotected sex for over 6 months now. I tested HIV negative, could it be that I am still in the window period?

Now that you know, insist on using a condom at every sexual intercourse. It is possible that you are still in the window period. You will need testing at regular intervals for up to a year from the time of your last exposure. Your doctor or HIV counsellor should be able to explain this in detail as per the protocols prevalent in your region. It is also possible that your boyfriend’s viral load is low to undetectable because of the ART that he is taking. In such a case, the chances of transmission of HIV from him to you would be very low. It is possible that you have not been infected. However, you will need further testing in order to be absolutely sure. In the meantime, I would advise you to practice safe sex, use condoms and not to share toothbrushes and razors with him.

Does herbal or nonclinical abortion lead to miscarriages in later pregnancies

The use of herbal methods and non clinical methods of abortion can have several ill effects. The kind of herb used and dosage will determine the efficacy of the abortion as well as any other effects. It is impossible to predict the outcomes of these methods. Non clinical abortions are invasive procedures that are performed by untrained individuals. These methods essentially involve scraping off the endometrial layer of the uterus and along with it the fertilised egg. Incompetently performed invasive abortions can have very serious complications including perforation of the uterus, uncontrolled bleeding, infection, and septicaemia. Uterine adhesions can also occur which can lead to infertility. Abortions should only be performed by trained professionals.

Cure for Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus _cannot_ be cured. The blood glucose levels can be controlled and complications of diabetes mellitus can be prevented or delayed. Control of blood glucose levels requires diet control, physical activity and medication. Medication is to be taken life long and will need to be prescribed by your doctor after examination and tests. Regular testing will be required to adjust the dosage if required. It is incorrect to believe that all carbohydrate rich foods need to omitted from the diet of a diabetic. Some amount of carbohydrate is essential for the body to function. Diet control is what is required for a diabetic and diet will have to be controlled life long. Your doctor should be able to advise you as to the appropriate diet considering the usual diet in your region.

How dangerous or how deadly is gonorrhea?

Gonorrhoea is a bacterial infection. It spreads by vaginal, anal and oral sex. It can also be passed from mother to child during childbirth. Gonorrhoea can be asymptomatic for several weeks during which the individual is infective. Symptoms of gonorrhoea are fever with burning urination and penile discharge in males. Females present with vaginal irritation, pain, vaginal discharge, pain during sexual intercourse and lower abdominal pain. Untreated gonorrhoea can cause systemic symptoms including affliction of the joints and heart valves. Gonorrhoea needs treatment with appropriate antibiotics, which need to be determined by testing. The bacterium can be resistant to several antibiotics and longer periods of treatment with higher dosages of antibiotics may be needed. Individuals remain infective during the period of treatment and their current as well as past sexual partners will also require treatment.

Wife loves chatting with her ex Hubby's sisters and she loves them very much, does it mean that she still thinks about her ex?

Well, most people think about their exes now and then, especially if they were married once upon a time. Don't worry though - just because she loves her ex's sisters doesn't mean that she's still in love with her ex.

What age is recommended to introduce solids to babies

Upto the age of 5-6 months, breastfeeding alone is sufficient to provide all nutrients required by the baby. It is also sufficient to take care of the water requirements of the baby, except in unusual situations. After about 5-6 months of age, the baby’s nutritional requirements increase beyond what breastfeeding can provide. At this age, the baby should be slowly introduced to soft food in addition to breast milk. Different cultures have varying foods with which to wean the baby. Over a period of time, the baby can be introduced to solid food and should eventually consume the same diet as adults. Breast milk can be continued in addition to solid food for as long as convenient for both mother and baby.